The Strongest Guild Kidnapped Me
Chapter 30.1 Table of contents


Jung Yu-na sighed, and Choi Jinhyuk just kept staring at the ground.

They both looked as if they had committed a crime, just sitting there.

Did something unpleasant happen?

Yeoreum approached the two listlessly hanging figures.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh, Yeoreum…”

Jung Yu-na, usually brimming with confidence, seemed to have lost her vitality.

It was likely related to something about Gyeoul.

“Is it because of Gyeoul?”

“Yeah. We messed up…”

“Messed up?”

“Yes. You see…”

Jung Yu-na explained everything that had happened a few minutes ago in a weak voice.

From going around with Gyeoul giving out chocolates, to Gyeoul getting scared and running away.

After hearing the whole story, Yeoreum clicked her tongue.

“Jinhyuk probably scared her with his tone.”

“Seems like it.”


Jung Yu-na sighed again.

Choi Jinhyuk hung his head as if responding to her.

Their attitudes were like they had faced the end of the world.

Yeoreum clapped her hands to wake them up.

“Stop blaming yourselves. First, you need to apologize to Gyeoul.”

Clap, clap!

The loud noise seemed to snap them out of it, as life returned to their eyes.

“We should apologize, but…”

Will the child even accept it?

Wouldn’t she accept it just to avoid further interaction?

While Choi Jinhyuk was mumbling to himself, Yeoreum spotted Gyeoul running towards them with a basket of chocolates held high.

Tap tap tap tap-

The sound was similar to a cat running on a wooden floor.

Since Gyeoul is a feline beast-kin, her steps were quite light.

Why was Gyeoul, who had run away in fear, coming back here?

As Yeoreum pondered, Gyeoul approached Choi Jinhyuk with a stiff face and lifted the basket of chocolates.

“Ch-chocolate, please take one…”

“Ah, okay.”

Choi Jinhyuk reached into the basket Gyeoul offered.

He kept glancing at Gyeoul, not understanding why she had returned.

Without saying a word, he took a chocolate, and Gyeoul, swallowing hard, ran off again.

Choi Jinhyuk, Jung Yu-na, and Yeoreum just watched Gyeoul’s retreating figure.

Perhaps Gyeoul was trying her best in her own way.



I had handed a chocolate to Choi Jinhyuk and returned to the container house.

On the way back, I also gave one to the convenience store clerk, who always looked sad.

Whether it was from the running or the fear of people, my heart was pounding.

‘I did it.’

I had managed to give a chocolate to the intimidating Choi Jinhyuk.

It was clumsy, but it was the best gesture of goodwill I could offer.

‘Better than doing nothing at all.’

Let’s not rush and just take one step at a time.

Maybe someday I’ll be able to speak confidently in front of people without feeling intimidated.


Even though I was scared before doing it, I felt somewhat relieved after.

While tapping my satisfactorily pounding heart, Sophia approached me.

“How did it go, did you give out the chocolates?”

“Yes. But I just gave the chocolates and couldn’t manage to say anything.”

“That’s fine. That’s enough for now.”

Sophia nodded at me.

Her simple gesture brought me a sense of relief.

“Sophia, this is the first time in my life I’ve talked to so many people in one day.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. I’ve almost always lived alone, so I never had much chance to talk to people.”


Did I say something strange?

Sophia looked serious, her lips downturned.

“For someone who has lived alone, you are quite smart.”


“Yes. I heard you never even had proper education. But to be this intelligent is surprising.”

“That’s, well…”

I scratched the back of my head at Sophia’s indirect compliment.

I never attended school in this world, but I did receive a proper education back on Earth.

I felt guilty, like I was deceiving her, but I couldn’t reveal my past life.

They would just think I was insane.

“In my opinion, Gyeoul, you are doing just fine. So don’t feel down just because you were alone.”


Sophia was trying to comfort me.

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