You All Chase After the Heroine? I’ll Marry the D…
Chapter 78 Table of contents

Chapter 78: It’s Almost Over


The battle intensifies as Gu Yu unleashes his most powerful techniques.


“Buddha’s Dual Aspects! One Thought Transforms to Demon!”


“Use Buddha to Guide Demons! Use Demon to Destroy Demons!”


Transform to Demon!


The Buddhist light around the great Buddha extinguished, blood seeped from its seven orifices, and the Bodhi tree in its arms rapidly withered, continuously emitting an ancient, decaying aura.


The black lotus platform floating in the air began to rotate, revealing the demonic appearance behind the Buddha’s head, with a green face, fangs, and a mouth cracked to the roots of the ears.


The demonic visage had a head full of sharp horned flesh knots. Blue-black demonic flames ignited in its four black eye sockets. Red blood patterns crisscrossed its iron-colored demonic body. Six muscular arms that were folded across its chest spread out to the sides, revealing a decaying giant sword that released an overwhelming demonic aura.


“Clang! Clang!”


Two long swords spun at high speed, transforming into cyan light wheels slashing towards the great demon’s head. Two black tentacles suddenly extended from the black lotus platform, knocking away the light wheels.


The ancient Bodhi tree has withered, and the halo of its powerful defense has disappeared.


Is this a switch between offense and defense?


Let the fight begin!


Wolf Head flashed to catch his dual swords, leaping up to slash down with a cross-shaped blade qi.


Fu Sheng moved to the side of the great Buddha, his left hand guiding strands of black mystic thunder to form a thunder net enveloping the great demon.


Destroy Demons!


The great demon suddenly stood up from the lotus platform, its large hands drawing the decaying giant sword and spinning it.


A circle of overwhelming sword qi transformed into black ripples, instantly tearing apart the blade qi and thunder net, surging outwards in all directions. The ground split where the sword qi passed, trees were horizontally severed and sent flying. The residual force alone was enough to kill countless ordinary people.


As rocks and vegetation fell to the ground, with the great demon at the center, an area of several hundred meters was cleared into a vacuum by this single sword strike.


The great demon, as tall as a four-story building, jumped from the lotus platform and swung the giant sword towards Wolf Head.


Wolf Head leaped backwards to evade.


“Bang!” The giant sword missed, and the red blood patterns all over the great demon’s body lit up brightly. 


Four muscular arms suddenly extended, countless fist shadows the size of boulders furiously pummeled towards Wolf Head. Each punch landed like a cannonball, shaking the earth and mountains.


Wolf Head was forced to retreat while swinging his swords to block.


Fu Sheng wanted to help but was blocked by several slippery black tentacles.


The petals on the black lotus platform had completely transformed into tentacles wrapped in decaying aura. The platform spun, continuously lashing out at Fu Sheng.




Fu Sheng, enduring the nausea, hooked his five fingers to grab a tentacle. He infused it with overwhelming unyielding force, directly threatening the lotus platform’s main body.


The lotus platform, sensing the danger, was very clever in severing that tentacle on its own.


The tentacle, unable to withstand the rampaging force within, exploded into a shower of putrid juice in mid-air. Vegetation withered instantly upon contact with the juice, and even the earth sizzled with decay.


Fu Sheng was alarmed, clearly feeling some of his life force being drained during contact with the tentacle.


Several tentacles suddenly burst from the ground, stabbing downward.




A flash of cyan blade light severed all the tentacles surrounding Fu Sheng.


“Switch,” Wolf Head’s voice came.


Fu Sheng understood. The yin-yang fish manifestation behind him solidified, his entire aura surging again. Both of them charged towards each other simultaneously.


The pursuing great demon fixed its gaze on Fu Sheng, who suddenly appeared right in front, its eyes blazing with demonic flames once more.




Fu Sheng pointed two fingers like a sword. Thunder and unyielding force intertwined, yin and yang powers converging at his fingertips as he thrust towards the great demon’s chest.


The great demon’s movements suddenly stiffened, its vision turning into an ink painting.


It could do nothing as a black and a white yin-yang fish leaped through the dragon gate, transforming into black and white dragons passing through its demonic body.


Viewed from high above, the dense clouds were torn open by an unknown force, creating a heavenly chasm extending to the horizon.


As the ink world rapidly faded from view, a perfect round hole in the great demon’s chest revealed the star-studded night sky behind it to Fu Sheng.


The flickering demonic flames in the great demon’s eyes suddenly solidified again.




Fu Sheng crossed his arms to protect his chest as an enraged giant palm sent him flying hundreds of meters. After landing, he skidded over ten more meters before barely stopping.


“Puh…” With internal qi and blood churning violently, Fu Sheng covered his mouth as blood dripped through his fingers.


The great demon staggered and fell. As the flames in its eyes extinguished one by one, its demonic body rapidly petrified and collapsed. Gu Yu, missing an arm, crawled out of the rubble, looking at Fu Sheng with a mocking gaze.


“Even if you hadn’t used that extremely draining move, I wouldn’t have been able to hold on for much longer. It was a close call, hahahahaha!”


“Can you even stand up now? Kekekeke!”


Fu Sheng gritted his teeth, trying to stand but finding his body in a critical state after taking that solid hit.


Helpless, he reached into his robe, preparing to take out a Great Rejuvenation Pill for a final battle.


Gu Yu approached Fu Sheng, continuing to grin maliciously: “Your flesh must taste quite good, full of life force. This monk likes it very much!”


“You talk too much.”


Wolf Head’s cold voice sounded from behind Gu Yu.




As Gu Yu turned in shock, a long blade smoothly sliced through his neck.


The head, still wearing its bamboo hat, flew up towards the moon. The headless body spurted a half-meter-high blood fountain before finally collapsing limply to the ground.


Fu Sheng looked towards the distance in surprise, seeing that the extremely disgusting black lotus platform had been chopped into pieces and was continuously melting, emitting waves of foul stench.


Wolf Head sheathed his blade and approached, tossing a healing pill: “Can you still walk?”


“Thank you, Mr. Wolf Head. It shouldn’t be a big problem,” Fu Sheng nodded vigorously.


After helping Fu Sheng absorb the healing pill, Wolf Head stood up and gazed at the distant wreckage.


He hoped his robes were safe.


Straight ahead, about ten miles away from the two.


Mo Nan was already cursing inwardly.


Aside from Gu Yu and the other two, the remaining nine couldn’t even buy him half a cup of tea’s worth of time against those three.


“Little girl, I’ve heard your eyes are special. Can you help uncle buy some time?” Mo Nan looked down at Luo Yue with a smile.


“I’m already twenty-eight, not a little girl,” Luo Yue replied in a soft voice.


Mo Nan’s eye twitched. Luo Yue looked no more than eleven or twelve, yet she was already twenty-eight?


Then Yin Ze must be sixty or seventy, even older than him.


The thought of Yin Ze applying rouge daily made him shudder.


This master and disciple pair sure knew how to preserve their youth.


Mo Nan’s gaze sharpened as he suddenly threw Luo Yue far away, twisting his body in mid-air. Two gilded dark blades barely grazed his body.


After landing, he performed several backflips, skillfully avoiding six gilded dark blades thrusting down from above.


Shen Jun stood directly in front, holding a blade, with eight gilded dark blades floating around him.


Behind, E Lai, holding a tree trunk as thick as two people’s embrace, swung at Mo Nan without mercy.


Mo Nan dodged, catching a glimpse of Blue Fish walking out of the bushes, holding the unconscious Luo Yue in one hand.


In this situation, that Yin Ze fellow was likely in grave danger too.


With so many deaths, they had discovered something extraordinary.


That King of Chu had raised so many experts under him, but for what purpose?


Wouldn’t a bit of gossip be enough to make the one on the dragon throne take action?


After the one on the dragon throne acts, he’d like to see who could still protect the Ye family.


Unfortunately, the premise for all this was that he could survive today!


Holy Symbol – Swift!


Mo Nan flicked his wrist, activating a white talisman from his sleeve. His speed suddenly increased as he 

fled towards the distance.


“Don’t let him run away!” 


E Lai roared, throwing the tree trunk in his hand like a spear. He activated his ultimate lightness skill and kicked up a fierce wind as he gave chase.


“You take her first,” 


Shen Jun’s golden eyes glanced towards the direction Mo Nan fled, leaving these words before vanishing to give chase.


“Alright,” Blue Fish nodded.


At the Heavenly Gate Pavilion.


Lu Wenxuan saw that Shen Yian wasn’t moving his chess piece for a long time. He lowered his eyelids: 


“It’s about to end.”


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