You All Chase After the Heroine? I’ll Marry the D…
Chapter 87 Table of contents

Chapter 87: Zhao Hai Loses His Treasure Again Due to Carelessness

The next day, as the sun climbed high, Shen Yian stretched and massaged his aching head in the courtyard and stretched his muscles.

A beauty’s arms are a hero’s tomb – the ancients truly didn’t deceive him.

This feeling of indulgence was simply too good!

Shen Yian increasingly understood the former Shen Tengfeng.

Near noon, Ye Liyan finally emerged from the room. During lunch, she didn’t dare to make eye contact with Shen Yian.

She feared her husband would laugh at how unbearable she was last night.

Shen Yian assured her this was all very normal.

Newlyweds, young people – those who know, know.

For young people, enjoying physical activity is normal. When you’re old and want to be more active, the body won’t allow it. He greatly enjoyed the pleasure brought by such activity.

After lunch, Shen Yian had planned to teach Ye Liyan to play chess, but Mendu rushed in to report that the imperial guards had delivered a message: the old man wanted him to come to the palace immediately.

After giving Ye Liyan a reassuring smile, Shen Yian set off for the imperial palace.

From afar, he could see a large collapsed section of the palace wall. Many laborers had been hired to clear away the rubble.

“What happened? Why did the wall collapse?” Shen Yian curiously asked the young imperial guard leading the way.

“In reply to Your Highness, I’m not too sure. Last night we just heard a loud boom, and when we ran over, we saw the wall had collapsed. But I heard our commander say it was assassins.”


Shen Yian’s eyes lit up, suddenly finding this quite interesting. Which bold warrior would dare to so blatantly try to assassinate his old man?

Could it be the barbarians?

If only he had known, he would have rested later last night. To think he missed the chance to watch such a spectacle. How frustrating.

“Your Highness, let me tell you something big, but you absolutely can’t tell anyone I said it!”


Shen Yian handed over a ten-tael silver note. The young guard took it readily and stuffed it into his crotch.

With armor on, it’s not easy to store items, and they’re easily lost. Only the crotch is most secure.

“Thank you, Your Highness! I heard our commander say that Chief Eunuch Zhao took another cut while stopping the assassins last night. He bled a lot!” The young guard lowered his voice mysteriously.


Shen Yian instinctively swallowed.

His heart was in turmoil. No way?!

This assassin wasn’t just fierce, he was an absolute monster!

“It’s true, it’s true,” the imperial guard vouched. “Our commander said he saw it with his own eyes. He said Chief Eunuch Zhao was covering his crotch when he went to report to His Majesty last night. Many brothers said they saw it too.”

“Ah, Eunuch Zhao has sacrificed so much for our Great Qing,” Shen Yian sighed deeply. Such a loyal servant to meet such a fate – the heavens were truly blind!

Arriving at the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhao Hai was guarding the great hall as usual.

Last night, only his hand was slightly injured. It just took some effort to force out his sword intent. After applying some medicine this morning, the wound had already healed and would fully recover in two days, not affecting his work.

Seeing Shen Yian climbing the steps one by one, Zhao Hai’s expression became incredibly complex.

I’m sorry, Your Highness, but this servant truly cannot cover up for you regarding last night’s events.

Shen Yian’s gaze towards Zhao Hai was equally complex. He wanted to offer some comfort but didn’t know how to begin.

This kind of situation would be awkward for anyone, let alone a eunuch.

They looked at each other, both internally sighing.

“Eunuch Zhao, this prince has heard a little about last night’s events. Please buy some nutritious foods to treat yourself well.”

Shen Yian’s gaze was sincere as he stuffed a 1000-tael silver note into Zhao Hai’s arms.

“Your Highness…” Zhao Hai was stunned. But then he thought, given the prince’s young age yet incredible abilities, last night’s events must have been his doing. He probably knew everything already.

After accepting the money, Zhao Hai felt inexplicably guilty.

Noticing the sudden wave of melancholy from Zhao Hai, Shen Yian couldn’t help but comfort him: “Eunuch Zhao, setting aside the physical body, you are a true man – a real giant in spirit.”

Zhao Hai: “???”

“Sixth Son.”

When Emperor Wu’s voice was heard, Shen Yian hurried into the hall.

“Your son pays respects to the Emperor Father!”

“Mm, you may rise.”

Emperor Wu nodded slightly, his cold eyes radiating an intimidating gaze.

“Do you know why I summoned you here?”

“Your son does not know.”

Shen Yian pondered internally. He guessed the old man calling him here was likely for two things.

First, about the peach wood sword. The old man had insights after comprehending his sword intent and wanted further clarification from him.

Second, last night’s assassin attack damaged the palace walls, and he wanted him to pay for repairs.

Emperor Wu slowly recounted the events of last night.

After listening, Shen Yian was completely dumbfounded.

He wasn’t wrong, but he wasn’t right either.

He never imagined these two matters could be connected.

“Is Your Son to blame?” Shen Yian cautiously asked with an uncertain tone.

“Mm.” Emperor Wu nodded.

“Then… how much should Your Son pay to repair the wall?”

“One hundred thousand taels.”

Shen Yian sighed in relief, muttering softly, “One hundred thousand taels, that’s not too much.”

After taking a big slice of the Zhao family’s cake in Suzhou, plus the profits from the merchant association, money was just a string of numbers to him now.

“Hm?” Emperor Wu’s brow furrowed. One hundred thousand taels wasn’t much?!

It seems his son had really eaten his fill from the Zhao family in Suzhou.

“Father Emperor, can I pay in installments?” Shen Yian immediately changed his attitude, speaking pitifully.

“Installments? Why?”

Emperor Wu sat up straight, looking over with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

“Father Emperor, please listen to Your Son’s explanation.”

Shen Yian started with his grand wedding, saying how the ceremony and banquet cost a lot. Then he mentioned future children needing money, and how many mouths there were to feed in the prince’s mansion, with daily expenses being no small sum.

Moreover, business was difficult now. With the war in Liaodong, the Northern Commercial Association had been significantly affected, with revenues clearly declining.

After playing the poor card, Shen Yian could only read a few words on his father’s face:

Do you think I believe you?

“Continue,” Emperor Wu said flatly.

“Then… Your Son will continue.” Shen Yian took a deep breath. Since it was like this, he wouldn’t be polite anymore.

After several rounds of haggling, the hundred thousand taels became fifty thousand. With fifty thousand taels of silver, forget repairing a palace wall – it would be enough to tear down and rebuild an entire side of Tianwu City’s walls.

Finally, Emperor Wu asked about something that greatly concerned him as a father:

When could he hold his royal grandson?

Shen Yian laughed awkwardly, giving a vague and evasive answer.

It was impossible in the short term, and uncertain in the long term. One more child would mean his two-person world with Ye Liyan becoming a three-person world.

Parents are true love, children are just accidents!

Moreover, at his level of cultivation, some things could be controlled. Whether to have a child or not was entirely up to him.

Fearing Emperor Wu would continue to press, Shen Yian decided to start shifting blame.

“Father Emperor, Your Son has something to say.”

“What is it?”

“Father Emperor, my eldest brother, second brother, third brother, fourth brother, and fifth brother are all so old now, you see…”

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