The 31st Piece Turns the Tables
Chapter 256 Table of contents

The 31st Piece Turns the Tables

Chapter 256

“He prepared a gift?”

“Yes, he did.”

“What kind of gift...? Oh, is it something like those things people often prepare at banquets?”

“Yes, but Lord Zhe Gak has poured his heart into these gifts. They will be on a different level from the ones you’ve received before.”

“Hm… I wonder what Zhe Gak prepared, for you to say something like that…”

“To show his gratitude to those attending his banquet after the Dragon Palace’s event, he has even unlocked his secret storage.”

“...His secret storage?”

Zhe Gak owned a massive, manor in Hong Yeon, the heart of Khan.

However, that was only a fraction of his strength. It was clear that he was capable of much more.

And although it wasn’t openly discussed, it was well-known that Zhe Gak kept especially rare, high-quality items in his storage.

It was evident that there were treasures in his storage, and if Jang Du played his cards right, he might even find something useful for himself.

“Really? He’s really opening up his secret storage to me?”

“No, not just you. Lord Zhe Gak has promised to open his storage to all of the Dragon’s Stones.”

“Same thing… Regardless, Zhe Gak must be desperate, huh? Offering that up so readily.”

Lord Zhe Gak has placed high expectations on this banquet.

“Hm… For now, let me have a talk with Lady Shin Yo.”

“I will be waiting for your answer at the main gate.”


Jang Du then lumbered over to Shin Yo.

“Lady Shin Yo.”

“Go ahead.”

“Ah, did you hear everything?”

“You speak rather loudly, Jang Du.”

“Haha…” chuckled Jang Du before awkwardly scratching the back of his head. “But… don’t you find it strange? He’s opening his secret storage to Dragon’s Stones. Especially when you consider our current situation…”

“There is nothing strange about it when you consider that we are still in the middle of the Dragon War. Moreover, it is also a tradition to give gifts to the Dragon’s Stones of the Dragon’s Flowers who visit, as a way of expressing gratitude.”

“But it’s his secret…”

“I am sure he just wants to be seen that much more favorably. Instead of expressing his sincerity through words, he’s demonstrating it through his gifts.”


“What’s wrong? I said it was fine for you to go.”

“But what if something happens to you while I’m gone, Lady Shin Yo?”

Shin Yo laughed before looking at Jang Du.

“I am not a child, Jang Du.”

“Haha! Still, you’re someone I must always protect, Lady Shin Yo. Are you trying to leave me already? I believe it’s still a hundred years too soon.”

“To act so self-important in front of me… Regardless, rejecting a gift someone has painstakingly prepared could also be viewed negatively. I do not want to leave any blemishes on my path. Additionally, we’ve already agreed to keep the Dragon’s Stones out of the meeting, as their presence might make the atmosphere more hostile than necessary.”

“What if something happens during the meeting, though…”

“Did you forget who I was? Also, he is joining the meeting as well.”

“He…? AH!”

“Yes, Chi Woo is joining the meeting as well. There is no reason to worry.”

“I understand… I guess I have no choice then. I’ll be back after I raid the entirety of his secret storage.”

“I’m sure he’s already moved anything truly important elsewhere. Still, he must have filled it with something, so… it could still be quite a sight.”

“Haha… And you already know what to do if you’re in danger while I’m gone, right?”


“If you just shout ‘Save me, Jang Du!’, I’ll come anytime, anywhere—”

Shin Yo’s face turned red as she began scolding Jang Du!

“Shut up and go already! And I never said anything like that, ever!”


Jang Du sincerely enjoyed these conversations with Shin Yo.

It was a part about him that he, who had lived a rough life, uncovered through protecting the small, fragile girl.

As Jang Du followed Zhe Gak’s subordinate out, the other Dragon’s Stones began to move as well.

And though Seol received the same proposition, he hesitated.

He wasn’t particularly interested in whatever was in the secret storage. And while he could refuse their offer, he contemplated whether refusing their goodwill was the right decision or not.

As the banquet’s atmosphere began to slow down a little, Chi Woo came for him.

“I feel somewhat bad that we’re the only ones enjoying it.”

“Don’t worry, it has been rather fun for me as well. More importantly, did you see that?”

“Yeah, I did. Everyone’s leaving? Did something happen?”

Seol then told Chi Woo about the proposition that he had just received.

“Hm… so he’s trying to curry favor before the meeting even begins?”

“It seems likely.”

“Ah… If it’s Zhe Gak’s secret storage, I wish I could go instead, but… well, I’m sure it’s fine. Go ahead.”

“But if I leave, Seol Hong will…”

“What’s there to worry about with me here? I’ll be right by her side during the conference, so go ahead. And even if I wasn’t here, there’s no way Zhe Gak would do anything with Shin Yo present. Besides, the other Dragon’s Flowers would likely say something if you refused his goodwill. Seol Hong seems to be in a good mood, so there’s no reason to end things on a sour note, right?”

- So he just decided to speak facts today?

- Chi Woo, we miss your old himbo self ????

Seol looked at Chi Woo.

Chi Woo had also saved Seol Hong’s life in the Sodoong Mine. He was a reliable comrade and could even be considered one of Seol Hong’s close allies.

Seol then reflected on his past actions. Perhaps… he might have done too much for Seol Hong.

‘After all, I will have to leave once it becomes time.’

Seol couldn’t always be there for her.

Seol needed to prepare her now so that she would be fine when the day came for him to leave.

Seol turned his gaze to Seol Hong, observing her chatting pleasantly with another man.


“Then I’ll leave it to you,” said Seol.


Translator - goguma

Proofreader - Karane

* * *

Seol Hong was left alone as Chi Woo stepped away.

However, she didn’t feel out of place. She was able to meld into the banquet’s atmosphere instead of just standing around awkwardly.

She interacted well with the others, using her smile and noble-like movements. She quickly picked up on things, one by one, to the point that she felt a bit proud of herself.

Then, someone approached her.

“How is the banquet, Seol Hong? Are you enjoying it?”

“Elder Brother Zhe Gak…”

Zhe Gak, dressed in a clean attire and his hair slicked back, smiled as he stepped next to Seol Hong.

“It’s nothing much, huh? Haha... My preparations are a bit lacking, right?”

“No, it’s really good. Seriously, it’s amazing!” complimented Seol Hong, looking directly at Zhe Gak.

Zhe Gak had given Seol Hong numerous happy memories.

During her difficult childhood, he sent her letters to cheer her up and provided her with opportunities when no one else did.

Though others often found fault in Zhe Gak, Seol Hong only felt gratitude toward him.

“I’m glad you like it, Seol Hong. You were also informed about the other matter, right?”

“Ah, the meeting… yes.”

“Don’t think of it too seriously. We’ll just be having a conversation in a separate building. I just have a lot of things that I want to tell everyone.”

“Yes, Elder Brother.”

“Then I’ll see you later. I will go ahead first.”

As Zhe Gak left, Chi Woo quickly filled his spot.

“What did you guys talk about?”

“N-Nothing much. Just about… the meeting…”

“I see. Then let’s go as well, it seems like everyone’s going right now.”

With the main event over, only those Zhe Gak had asked to stay remained. The highly ranked Dragon’s Flowers from the Dragon War all headed to Zhe Gak’s annex, including Seol Hong.

Despite being just an annex, it was still quite impressive.

Not only was it similar in size to the banquet hall, but it also had a second floor.

Its Western style made it somewhat out of place in Khan.

Even so, it was evidently high-class, and everyone was surprised by the attention to detail.

“He must have poured a lot of money into this, how gaudy.”

“Looks like something Zhe Gak would do.”

“If he wanted to waste money like this, he should’ve just given it to me.”

“Haha… you’re not wrong.”

The other influential figures had already arrived at the annex first.

“More importantly, I heard he prepared a gift for the Dragon’s Stones? I saw all of them grinning ear to ear.”

“Well, they always put in immense effort for the Dragon’s Flowers, who aren’t anything special. And it’s not like they can enjoy the banquets either. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“No, I don’t agree.”

“Honestly, I don’t agree, either. I think Zhe Gak is just overdoing it.”

“But he has to do at least that much, right? It’s not like he had a reason to call any of us to this meeting.”

Seol Hong quietly bit her lips.

While it was partially due to the people insulting Zhe Gak, it was also due to the Dragon’s Flowers looking down on their Dragon’s Stones.

Seol Hong recognized that it was only thanks to Seol that she had managed to attend this banquet.

He was someone to whom expressing gratefulness every day wouldn’t be enough to show her gratitude.

“Seol Hong.”

Someone called for her.

“Elder Sister Shin Yo?”

“Finally, I can say hello to you. It was difficult to say hello with the number of people that were around you.”

“I-I apologize.”

“There’s nothing to apologize for. Let’s go in.”


Before greeting Seol Hong, Shin Yo used a Daoist spell to create a clone made of clouds.

After creating it, she sent the clone to a corner of the annex, hiding it where no one could see.

No one noticed Shin Yo doing this, but for her, it was the least she could do in case something went wrong.

“Now that everyone’s here, let’s go in. Let’s see what nonsense Zhe Gak has to say today.”

“I was just thinking the same thing.”

They began to speak poorly of Zhe Gak in an attempt to elevate themselves above him.

However, they also kept glancing at Shin Yo and Chi Woo, believing their presence would ensure protection.

Shin Yo was the most adept among the Dragon’s Flowers at Daoist spells, while Chi Woo was known to be as strong as Tae Yul.

While they were headaches as opponents, there were no greater allies for the Dragon’s Flowers right now.


As they entered the meeting room, they were greeted by high-class chairs and exquisite bonsai trees, all arranged to showcase Zhe Gak’s wealth.

Zhe Gak then sat at the head of the table and placed his interlaced hands upon it.

“Everyone, have a seat.”

The others immediately began to complain.

“How arrogant, Zhe Gak. Even if you are still participating in the Dragon War, you’re ranked on the lower end.”

“You may own this annex, but it is hard to excuse this arrogant behavior. Watch it.”

“Haha, all of you seem so upset. Did something happen on the way here?”


Zhe Gak was behaving quite arrogantly in front of them. Sensing something off, Shin Yo and Chi Woo began to check themselves.

It had been about a minute since they entered the meeting room—was her Daoist spell, and his ki still intact?

Luckily, it still seemed fine.

‘Maybe I worried for nothing?’

Shin Yo let out a quick sigh as she relaxed.

As long as she could still use her Daoist spells, there was no reason to worry about any threats.

The same was true for Chi Woo, whose ki was also intact.

“I don’t see a reason for us to growl at each other like this… Would you agree, everyone?” said Zhe Gak.

“If you try anything strange…”

“I was just trying to have a conversation, but we aren’t making any progress. You all seem so worried… Are you scared?”

“Who are you calling scared?!”

“Haha, it was just a joke. Why would you be scared after coming all this way…”

The Dragon’s Flowers continued to exchange glances.

They were all on guard against one another, but their mutual dislike actually allowed them to work together.

Each of the Dragon’s Flowers present took pride in being among the remaining members. They were confident that, no matter the danger, they would be able to overcome it with ease.

“Fuu… Can I finally start talking now?”

“Go ahead.”


Zhe Gak stood up from his chair.

“First, I would like to express thanks to the Dragon’s Flowers that came today to see me.”

“At least you have manners.”

“I wonder what ridiculous thing he’ll follow this up with, though.”

Zhe Gak then continued, fixing his clothes as he did.

“I will get straight to the point. I want to work together with everyone for the remainder of the Dragon War.”

“...What nonsense.”

“How ridiculous.”

“Did you forget that the Dragon War was a competition? There was still someone so stupid left in the Dragon War?”

“It’s clear now that he’s asking for help because he lacks the strength to handle things on his own. As expected of Zhe Gak… how disappointing. But I suppose I’d need to care about you first to be truly disappointed, right?”

The Dragon’s Flowers continued hurling insults at Zhe Gak, with some members openly doubting him.

Zhe Gak quickly pressed on, as if trying to convince them otherwise.

“Listen to what I have to say. Everyone here has a huge mountain to overcome if they want to reach the end of the Dragon War.”

“By ‘huge mountain’, you probably…”

“Yes, Tae Yul. Are all of you confident that you’d defeat Tae Yul?”

Inwardly, everyone doubted their ability to defeat Tae Yul on their own.

And Zhe Gak had seized on this uncertainty to press his point.

“...I-I’ll know once I fight him myself.”

“Tae Yul has been different from us since birth.”

“Don’t make me laugh!”

“...Let’s hear him out first. Let’s say we work together, how would we do it? Even if we work together, it wouldn’t work unless we are able to trust each other. Don’t tell me… You’re not proposing that we all work together under Shin Yo, are you? If that’s the case, I’m leaving.”

“Calm down, calm down. I already decided on the method.”

“...You did?”

Zhe Gak then smirked.

“Yes, I already prepared one. A way for us to work together without worrying about someone betraying us.”

“What is it then?”


Zhe Gak then shot a glance at his subordinates.


The Dragon’s Flowers all tensed up, and the mood in the meeting room quickly shifted.

“ for all of you to serve me.”

“You must have lost your mind, Zhe Gak!”

“You’ve finally revealed your true colors! You’re—”



The doors slammed shut.

Everyone’s face turned white as they felt their powers begin to weaken.

“This is… Insulating Steel! It’s Insulating Steel!”

“No way! Insulating Steel suppresses ki, too?!”

“No, this is…”



Smoke began to rise with a popping sound.

“Dispersing Powder!”

Dispersing Powder was a dust that suppressed ki flow. While Zhe Gak had previously allowed only a small amount to disperse, he now let the entire quantity fill the room.

“Don’t breathe it in!”

“Too late!” cackled Zhe Gak.


Chi Woo quickly kicked the table into the air.



Multiple warriors dressed in red, all with strange mechanical devices in their mouths, appeared next to Zhe Gak.

It was clear that the device was to prevent them from breathing in the powder.

Seol Hong’s jaw fell to the floor.

“Zhe Gak… Why…”

“Haha, you too, Seol Hong.”


“Serve me.”

“Was this… your plan from the start?”

“Yes, I was never interested in you. Only in your Dragon’s Stone.”


Chi Woo then stepped forward.

“Seol Hong, get behind me.”

“Chi Woo… the Dispersing Powder…”

Zhe Gak’s expression quickly stiffened as he began scanning the room for Shin Yo.

“Damn it… Shin Yo! Someone stop her! Stop Shin Yo!”

“It’s too late, Zhe Gak.”

Although her ocean-like power was suppressed, she still had a small reserve remaining.

Though it would soon dissipate due to the Insulating Steel’s effects, she had already prepared a spell for such a situation.

And the small amount of energy she had left was more than enough to activate it.


[Shin Yo used Higher Knowledge: Sixfold Voice.]

[Shin Yo’s voice echoes louder.]


The clone that Shin Yo had hidden in the annex began to crackle to life.


As Shin Yo’s connection to the clone began to fade, its legs started to disappear. Despite this, the clone managed to complete the spell.

Its mouth split open, inhaling deeply before releasing everything with a loud shout.

Shin Yo managed to let out a single sentence—a loud, desperate shout that would echo throughout all of Hong Yeon.

- Save me, Jang Du!

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