The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy
Chapter 168 Table of contents

Before Adel and Samuel's fight.

Samuel was having a conversation with Miriam while eating soup.

However, as Samuel continued to appear distracted, Miriam spoke in a sullen voice.



"Can you hear me?"

"I can hear you."

After a brief reply, Samuel closed his mouth again, lost in thought.

Miriam puffed out her cheeks.

She realized that the cause of Samuel's distraction was the gloomy-looking boy.

Although she couldn't see his appearance because she was blind, she could tell from his aura that he must have had a sinister look.

Miriam had a mountain of things she wanted to ask Samuel, but she was frustrated that she couldn't continue the conversation because of the boy.

Still, relieved that Samuel had made a proper friend, Miriam continued speaking.

"You should go to him."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're worried about him, aren't you? Don't even think about lying to your sister."

"Ha! Are you saying I'm worried about that guy?"

Samuel opened his mouth in disbelief at Miriam's words.

However, it was only for a moment.

He realized that he was indeed concerned about Adel.


Samuel couldn't help but groan inwardly.

Come to think of it, Adel never talked about his family.

…That meant something bad must have happened.

Sytan was that kind of place.

A place where only those who harbored hatred in their hearts and sharpened their blades for revenge came.

Therefore, it wouldn't be strange for Adel to have a story.

It was also questionable why a young boy, who didn't even seem to be from the Bares lineage, was the escort of the successor of the Seven Deadly Sins.

But Samuel refrained from asking for Adel's sake.

He didn't want to hurt him with a careless remark.


‘…If he has a sad past like I think he does, he might have felt left out seeing Miriam and me.’

Samuel knew how painful it was to lose family.

Hadn't he experienced it firsthand?

He had even chewed and swallowed his mother's flesh with blood and tears.

That's why he knew better than anyone that there are many people who live with a huge hole in their hearts, even if they look normal on the outside.

And when memories of the past came flooding back, he would often wake up with a start.


"Samuel, are you really not going? We can talk later!"

Miriam urged Samuel, who was just moving his mouth silently.

Only then did Samuel seem to finish his thoughts and rise from his seat.

"Are you going to see him?"


"He must be a really close friend!"

“……Not at all.”

Me, close with that guy?

That was preposterous.

Well, Samuel wasn't going to deny that he and Adel were comrades.

Whatever anyone said, the two had stuck together the longest in Sytan and had overcome countless dangers together.

And hadn't they both been motivated to become stronger than the other?


That was the word that perfectly defined the two.


‘This is definitely not me worrying about him.’

It's just that as a fellow comrade, he felt the need to look after him…!

Samuel dragged his feet, desperately denying that he was worried about Adel.

Miriam smiled warmly at Samuel.

She had been so worried when she first sent Samuel to Sytan.

Unable to overcome Samuel's stubbornness, Miriam had to let him enter Sytan with tears in her eyes.

…Even though she knew it would lead to Samuel's death.

But Samuel survived, escaping the predetermined end of death.

Miriam had been surprised by the suddenly changed future but welcomed Samuel back.

That was something that shouldn't have happened.

The world was like a meticulously written script.


The script had been rewritten.

Moreover, a situation had arisen where she couldn't even know what was written in the script.

Because of Adel's existence.

Miriam didn't know if that was a good thing or if it would only bring chaos to the world.

Therefore, she thought killing Adel was the right thing to do, but

Unexpectedly, the God of Gluttony sent a voice to Miriam, telling her to help Adel.

And Miriam realized that this was the way to prolong Samuel's life.

Maternal love.

Although Miriam didn't give birth to Samuel, she was acting as his mother.

So, even if the world were to be destroyed, she chose the path most favorable to Samuel's survival.

By Adel's side, Samuel would not only prolong his life but also live with a good friend.

…Or so Miriam thought.

Clank! Clank! Clank!

Clang-! Clang-!

If only she hadn't heard the sounds of Samuel and Adel fighting fiercely in the hallway…….

Although Miriam couldn't see how they were fighting because she was blind, she could certainly feel their intensity.

They were truly aiming their weapons at each other with anger.

Miriam, with a bewildered heart, hurriedly intervened in the fight and mediated between the two.

Thankfully, the fight stopped.

However, as if his anger hadn't subsided, Samuel left, leaving behind hurtful words for Adel.

‘…What in the world is going on?’

Miriam was confused.

Just a moment ago, the two had been showing such a heartwarming scene.

But now, as if they had never shown such a side, they were fighting like enemies…

Tap, tap.

Miriam ran towards Samuel, who was walking away with agitated steps.

“Samuel, why were you fighting?”


Samuel didn't answer and glanced sideways at Miriam.

She flinched.

Miriam's shoulders trembled once.

It was because Samuel's eyes were bloodshot.

…And it wasn't because of anger.

Realization dawned.

Tears welled up in Samuel's eyes.

“…I don't know why he's acting like that. He's been irritable before, but never like this.”

Although Samuel had been acting mature, he was still just a young boy.

Therefore, he couldn't easily accept that his first real friend was pushing him away so vehemently.

…Could it be that he was too harsh with his words?

Perhaps he had inadvertently touched a nerve with something he did.

Samuel was busy trying to find fault with himself rather than blaming Adel.

However, Samuel couldn't figure out why Adel was acting that way.

As Samuel remained silent,


Miriam hugged Samuel's trembling shoulders and whispered softly.

"Relationships are difficult, you know."


"Samuel, did you ask him why he reacted that way?"

"No, I couldn't."

"Then try asking him seriously. You want to make up with him, don't you?"


Miriam's gentle advice.

Samuel silently nodded.

* * *

After the heated argument with Samuel.

I was seized by a fierce sense of self-loathing.

The emotions that had been boiling inside me subsided, and only a tingling pain remained in my fist, which had been pounding the floor.

…This, if I don't treat it soon, it might get infected.


Thinking that, I let out a weak laugh.

What an unsightly display.

Unable to control my own anger, I ended up lashing out at and even fighting with a comrade who was worried about me.

Only after some time had passed did I feel my emotions calming down.

‘…What should I do now?’

The first thing I needed to do was apologize to Samuel, wasn't it?

The reason Samuel broke my cigarette and came all the way here during our meal was because he was worried about me.

…I already knew that.

I knew it even before I fought with Samuel, yet I still said such harsh things.


There was nothing more despicable than this.


I roughly rubbed my face and let out a sigh.

It was clear who was in the wrong.

― Screech…

Even Sijo was looking up at me with a worried expression.

"I'm sorry."

I stroked Sijo's head, who must have been feeling down after witnessing such a scene.

Sijo tried to smile at the gentle touch but then started expressing anger at the cold demeanor I had shown earlier.

― Peep! Peep!

Peck, peck.

Sijo, enraged, started pecking at me with its broken foot.

As if worried about me, it started pecking with its other foot instead of the broken one.

Watching Sijo, I got up.

Right, I need to apologize.

Even if my heart was heavy, I had said things I shouldn't have.

…At least, they were things I wouldn't have said normally.

Why was I so angry?

I ruffled my hair roughly at the returning feeling of self-loathing.

Ha, what should I say to apologize?

Would Samuel even accept it?

…Worries piled up like a mountain, but it was better to apologize than stay like this.

As I was about to move,



I made eye contact with Samuel, who was walking out into the hallway.

He seemed to have something to say to me, his mouth opening and closing.

Then, his eyes widened as he saw my hand dripping with blood.

“Ah, this is…”

I quickly hid my hand behind my back at his reaction.


Samuel stared at my hand for a while, then abruptly turned around.

And as if telling me to follow, he glanced at me with the corner of his eye.

I followed behind him and spoke.

“…I apologize. I took my anger out on you.”

The words of apology finally left my lips.


Samuel stopped in his tracks and looked back at me.

His expression was unreadable, as if he might unleash a torrent of abuse at any moment.

I closed my eyes tightly.

…The truth was, I didn't have the right to say anything now.

Whatever Samuel said, I had to endure it.

“Whatever you say, whether you hit me or not, I'll accept it. This was entirely my fault…”

As I bowed my head,

Thump, thump.

Samuel started walking towards me.


“…Take care of yourself.”


He tossed me some bandages and medicine after leaving those words.

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