The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy
Chapter 165 Table of contents

Bonus chapter thanks to '@Talosfanboy' and '@jrwvf6' for subscription to 'Sword Lacquer' tier on Ko-fi. Now access 30 advance chapters with 'Fighting Spirit' Tier ($50) on Ko-fi.


Samuel had told me this world was surrounded by endless possibilities.

However, as much as I tried to broaden my horizons as he said, it wasn't easy.

Breaking free from the ingrained perception of truth was no simple feat.

Therefore, I failed to grasp the true nature of the Chaos Attribute once again and was left in despair.

Still, it wasn't a complete loss.

‘…Let’s retrace our steps slowly.’

When was the first time I manifested the Chaos Attribute?

It was undoubtedly when I used Absolute Stealth.

Unlike ordinary stealth techniques, this one allowed me to conceal my very existence from the world.

That was Absolute Stealth.

I tried to recall the feelings and thoughts I had when using Absolute Stealth.

Stealth was a technique to conceal one's presence.

I took it a step further and concealed my existence from the world itself.

At that time, I didn't know how Absolute Stealth was activated.

My intention in concealing myself from the world was simply to use a more potent form of stealth.

In that case…

If I could use Absolute Stealth by adding the concept of 'the world' to stealth, couldn't I use the Chaos Attribute once again in the same way?

‘…Let’s try it.’


I pulled out the Fang of Darkness from my pocket and activated Sword Lacquer.

If I could make it disappear from the world, the opposite should be possible too.

And so, I tried to force Sword Lacquer to exist within the world.



Sword Lacquer showed no response.

Its power didn't increase, nor did it become denser.

It was no different from the power it usually displayed.

‘Is it unrelated to the world?’

No, that's not it.

Possibility and the world.

There seemed to be some connection between the two, but I felt like I was missing something crucial.

Still, it was true that I had found a clue, so I decided it was better for my sanity to be content with just this.

[Why did you suddenly pull out your sword?]

— Beep!

Perhaps my actions were baffling, as Sijo and Samuel asked in bewildered tones.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, I scratched my head and said,

“Since I already have my sword out, should I just slice off some of your belly fat, Sijo?”

— Beep…?!

[You crazy bastard.]

*Peck, peck-*

Sijo started pecking at my head, perhaps angered by my joke.

This little guy, can’t he take a joke?

I gently stroked Sijo's head to calm him down.

As I was doing so…

“Have you been waiting long?”

Miriam, who had left to prepare something to restore Samuel to his original state, returned.

Her hands were full of items.

From unknown herbs to what stood out the most, a ‘doll.’

“That is…”

“Samuel’s new vessel. Through this, Samuel will be able to be resurrected.”

[It’s my first time trying this, so I’m a bit scared.]

Samuel had heard from Miriam that there was a way to reconstruct his body, but this was his first time putting it into practice.

Therefore, there was no way of knowing what the outcome would be.

If it failed, he might end up stuck in my body forever.

I had to avoid that even if it meant death.

“Please return to your original body quickly, you parasite.”

[…Just wait until I regain my original body, you'll think you’re already dead.]


They say those who say "just you wait" aren't scary.

And who's getting angry at whom?

This mana thief.

While residing in my body, Samuel had drained a significant amount of my mana.

He was no different from a giant hippopotamus that devoured mana.

Of course, I had overcome countless crises thanks to Samuel residing within me, so you could say I got more than my money's worth.

Still, I couldn't help but feel a bit concerned.

Just get out of my body…!

[I was thinking the same thing even without you rushing me. Miriam, let's proceed with the ritual.]

“Please wait a moment. From now on, I need a high level of concentration.”

“Hurry up, Miriam.”

"Oh, come on. Stop rushing me."

Grumbling, Miriam busied herself with preparing for the ritual.

The first thing she did was draw a magic circle on the floor.

An intricate pattern with a complex design that was difficult to decipher at a glance.

She placed the clay doll she had brought in the center of the magic circle.

Then, she placed the prepared herbs on the magic circle, and…

“…I shall begin.”

Finally, Miriam began to chant.

*Crackle, crackle-*

At the same time, countless thorns began to sprout from the magic circle.

Miriam stopped chanting and spoke to me.

“Please stand in the center of the magic circle.”


It felt strange to obediently follow the words of someone who had tried to kill me the first time we met, but I didn't think Miriam would harm me in this situation.

Especially since the God of Gluttony had blessed me.

Although I still hadn't grasped the true meaning of the words the God of Gluttony had left me with…

As I took my position in the center of the magic circle…


*Crackle, crackle-*

More thorns sprouted from the fiercely glowing magic circle, and…

*Chomp, chomp-*

They began to gnaw at my wrists, simultaneously tearing into the doll at my feet.

The ritual to reclaim Samuel's body had begun in earnest.

‘Fortunately, it doesn’t hurt.’

It was true that the thorns were burrowing into my arms, but it didn't hurt.

It felt similar to when Samuel had first resided within me.

…As I was thinking that…


A sudden wave of pain made me open my eyes wide.

The pain felt as if my flesh was being ripped apart.

It was entirely different from the sensation I had felt when I joked about pulling out Samuel's thorns before.

It was only natural that it would hurt, as Samuel, who was attached to my flesh, was being extracted.

“Please stay still, even if it hurts! The ritual might fail!”

Miriam shouted at me as I winced from the sudden pain.

In the end, I had no choice but to endure the pain.

Since I had benefited greatly from Samuel all this time, I had to endure it this time.

But I would never forget this pain.

Samuel had said he would adjust the Orb of the Flame Emperor to my mana, so I had no choice but to bear it.

As I was consumed by this indescribable agony…

“…Is it over?”

Feeling no more pain, I slowly opened my eyes.

Actually, it still stung a little.

I turned my gaze to my wrist and saw that the area where Samuel had been was cleanly cut off.

Though blood was oozing out, it didn't hurt much.

More importantly…

‘What happened to Samuel?’

I quickly turned my head.

The crucial question was whether Samuel had regained his body.

If the ritual had failed, I might never see Samuel again.

However, the inside of the magic circle was still covered in thorns.

I couldn't see what had happened to Samuel.

The thorns around me had receded, but countless thorns still sprouted right in front of where the doll had been.

I turned my gaze to Miriam.

“Miriam. Was the ritual successful? What happened to Samuel?”

I asked, pressing down on my arm to stop the bleeding. She lifted her head, which she had been hanging low, and spoke.

Miriam looked exhausted, as if she had exerted a great deal of energy performing the ritual.

“…I don't know either.”


What do you mean, the one who performed the ritual doesn't know?

I frowned and stared at Miriam.

At my cold reaction, she simply sighed.

“As you know, I cannot see, so I don’t know what happened. Please check for me.”

“Ah, alright.”

She acted as if she had eyes despite not having any, which made me a bit suspicious, but I decided to push that thought aside for now.

More than anything, I was curious about what had happened to Samuel.

It was called a ritual to reclaim Samuel's body, but judging by how it had unfolded, it didn't seem like he had simply returned to his original body.

…It was more like his soul had inhabited a new vessel.

His appearance could be different from the Samuel I had seen before.

With a mixture of anticipation and worry, I shifted my gaze.

“Then what should I do? Do I just remove these thorns?”

“Yes, please do. The ritual is complete, so nothing will go wrong if you touch them.”

At least, as far as I know.

…It felt like she had added an ominous afterthought, but I decided to ignore it.

I stared at the thorns covering Samuel's body.

They seemed quite sturdy, so it would be better to use force.

‘Using a dagger is out of the question.’

If I did, Samuel, who was inside the thorns, could get hurt.

Therefore, I decided to use telekinesis.


I activated my telekinesis and focused my power on the pile of thorns covering Samuel's body.

Gradually, the thorns began to fall away one by one.

I carefully removed the thorns, being careful not to damage their roots. The dense thicket of thorns began to bend.

That was enough for me to check on Samuel's condition.

‘At least there’s no blood or torn flesh.’

Thank goodness.

It didn’t seem like he was dead.

I used my telekinesis to remove the remaining thorns inside.

Soon, a figure was revealed.


A young boy lay on the floor, blinking his eyes.

Looking at his face, he didn't look that different from the Samuel I knew.

However, there was one difference.

The color of his hair.

Samuel's hair had changed.

One side was still turquoise as before, but the other side had turned gray.

“S-Samuel… is that really you?”

Samuel lay there motionless, so I asked cautiously.

At that moment…


Samuel abruptly sat up.

Could this be a side effect of the ritual?

I gulped nervously.


He spoke.

The boy, presumed to be Samuel, opened his mouth.

His voice was no different from Samuel's.

The important thing was whether he was conscious or not.

In that tense moment…

The boy's lips parted again.

“Of course it’s me, who else would it be?”



Miriam and I both gasped at the sound of Samuel's voice.

His tone.

His manner of speech.

It was truly Samuel.

Though only his hair color had changed…


As I stood there, speechless in astonishment, Miriam suddenly dashed forward.

She threw her arms around Samuel and burst into tears of relief.

“…I’m… back.”

Samuel said, gently patting Miriam’s back.

I watched them with a warm feeling in my heart.

They were family. Since I wasn't, it was best to give them some space.

They must have a lot to talk about.

As I turned to leave…


Samuel called out to me.

Unsure why he was calling me, I tilted my head in question.

Samuel smirked and said,

“Come on, you haven’t eaten either.”


Samuel’s words left me with a strange feeling.

After a moment's hesitation, I started walking towards them.


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