Seoul Object Story
Chapter 114 Table of contents

A secret project was underway in the heart of the Mini Reapers’ garden.

The Golden Reapers were sneakily carrying out a playful plan, making sure the Gray Reaper didn’t notice.

Like constructing a trap, the Golden Reapers were digging a deep pit.

Despite their mischievous behavior, the Golden Reapers couldn’t stop laughing. Whenever their eyes met while digging, they giggled like children.

The pit’s location was precisely calculated by the Blue Reaper.

It was placed directly beneath where the Gray Reaper would emerge upon entering the Mini Reapers’ garden!

The Golden Reapers, busily digging the trap, seemed to be having more fun than usual.

They exchanged mischievous smiles, their eyes sparkling with the thrill of their secret mission.

Though the Golden Reapers’ work looked innocent, like a child’s prank, the precision in their craftsmanship made it seem as though it had been done by an experienced artisan.

In the usually peaceful Mini Reapers’ garden, a cute and covert conspiracy was slowly unfolding, unbeknownst to the Gray Reaper.

Ugh, this is so sticky.

I shook off the black slime covering my body, using my ghost form, and looked around.

The isolation room that Trinity had prepared for me was in complete chaos.

Well, it was clear that Trinity had planned to get rid of me from the start, so this outcome was inevitable.

I had dealt with the foul-smelling Object in no time.

Thud. Thud.

I slowly followed the woman who had fled, organizing my thoughts as I went.

When the Objects attacked in the isolation room, I was truly shocked.

Of course, it wasn’t because the attacking Objects were particularly special or powerful.

What startled me was that the destruction path was visible on the Objects themselves.

Usually, Objects only showed their destruction conditions, not the actual method of execution.

But this time, I could see the path and method of destruction on the Objects.

<Clap twice after three seconds, then do a backflip, and the building will collapse.>

These kinds of methods started appearing.

Originally, Objects could only influence their surroundings by causing destruction, like what happened with the Agu in Songpa-gu.

So, I got a little carried away, and as a result, the surroundings turned into a complete mess.

Perhaps it’s because I’ve been devouring so many Objects lately that my powers have gotten too strong, causing this to happen.

Of course, I’m not entirely sure, but it could also be that the Trinity grunts were just too weak. I’ll have to test it on other Objects to see if they show the same effect.

As I continued chasing the woman, barriers began to descend.

Boom. Boom.

The partitions slammed down with a deafening sound and shockwaves that made my ears ring, crashing into the floor.

It sounded like massive steel jaws snapping shut, signaling a sudden shift in the atmosphere of the lab.

Emergency lights spun, scattering red beams everywhere.

The red lights cast long, dancing shadows, making the partitioned spaces even more ominous.

A loud siren echoed between the steel walls, intensifying the sense of unease.

The once brightly lit hallway was now bathed in a gloomy red light, with partitions slicing through, creating an alien, unsettling environment.

Now, even at a glance, it felt like we were in the middle of a "Trinity Lab Emergency."

Oh, it’s like watching a scene where a monster escapes in a containment fiction.


As I followed the woman’s trail, a familiar voice rang out.

"Open! Open, damn it!"

I spotted the woman near a barrier, frantically working on a console, trying to unlock something.

Suddenly, the entire lab went into lockdown.

The director is probably still resting, so it must be that man’s doing.

The head of security, that despicable man.

Tap, tap.

The sound of fingers tapping the console echoed in the tense air.

The more frantic and forceful the tapping, the clearer the woman’s growing anxiety became.

At first, she had pleaded with the security cameras to open the door, but now she had given up.

It was clear the man had no intention of opening it.

"Open, damn it! Open!"

A monster with unimaginable powers was chasing her!

She didn’t want to fight that thing.

Fighting was the job of the security team, not the researchers!

It felt like every second wasted here was cutting her lifespan by leaps and bounds.

Cold sweat dripped down her face as her panic grew.

A mysterious chill seemed to burrow deep inside her, as fear gnawed at her mind, pushing her to the brink of madness.

It felt as if the monster was right behind her.

Calm down, calm down.

The woman closed her eyes, trying to steady her racing heart.

It won’t kill the soldiers right away.

There are over a hundred soldiers, so I’ve got at least 300 seconds, five minutes.

Think rationally.

As Trinity’s deputy director, I need to think logically and calmly.

Her racing heart began to slow down as she reassured herself.

Okay, let’s calmly unlock this door!

The woman opened her eyes with newfound composure.


But then she let out a shriek in shock.

A gray Reaper’s head had appeared on the console screen.

With its eerie smile, the sight of the Gray Reaper almost made her faint.

Her mind went blank, her breathing turned shallow and rapid, and her heart pounded as though it would burst from her chest.

Throwing all composure aside, the woman turned and fled in a panic.

Huff, huff.

But she couldn’t run far before hitting a dead end.

A fatal mistake.

Gripping her chest as if to keep her heart from bursting out, she slowly turned back the way she had come.

The red emergency lights swirled around, casting ominous shadows, but the Gray Reaper was nowhere to be seen under that unsettling light.

Did I lose it?

Just as that hopeful thought crossed her mind, the Gray Reaper suddenly appeared like a ghost under the red light.

Standing hunched over, shrouded in darkness.


With each rotation of the red light.

Step by step.

Without moving its feet, it seemed to get closer like a specter.

The woman, in a complete panic, collapsed to the floor, pushing herself backward with her hands.

"No, no, please don’t come any closer."

But her back quickly hit the wall, and the Gray Reaper, blinking in and out, continued to approach.

There was no escape!

The woman shut her eyes tight in fear.

Huff. Huff.

Her ragged breathing echoed in the darkness and silence.

Nothing happened for a while.

Was it all just a hallucination caused by her fear?

As that thought crept in, she opened her eyes and saw the small feet of the Gray Reaper.

"No… no…"

And when she raised her head, the Gray Reaper, wearing an expression that said it had had enough fun, threw a punch.

The woman’s headless body began to bubble and swell.

Oh, is this the second phase?

For a 1.5 times variant of an Agu, this one was way too scared and weak.

Since her destruction condition was the same as the Agu subspecies, <Exhaustion of Regenerative Power>, she wouldn’t die from just this.


A bubbling, torn voice erupted from the swelling corpse.

"I'm not scared, I'm not scared."

With a loud thud, a massive blade slammed into the ground.

The Object, a giant made of sharp blades, tore apart the bubbling corpse with a vicious slash.

It certainly looked harder and stronger than an Agu subspecies.

And it seemed to have completely shaken off the fear caused by the 'eye.'

Let’s see how strong it is.

In the control room of the Trinity Lab.

Surrounded by advanced equipment, security personnel in uniform were monitoring the situation through the screens.

"Captain, the diversion operation is complete."

"Hmm, good. Excellent."

The head of security, who had ordered the operation to guide the deputy director using the partitions, smiled with satisfaction.

"But, are we really allowed to do this? Using the deputy director as bait…"

"It’s fine, it’s fine. The deputy director isn’t necessary for the lab. She’s only in that position because of her high loyalty and adaptability to the evolution fluid."

The head of security smirked, continuing to speak.

"Alright, let’s start the test on the Gray Reaper. Begin with the anti-ghost frequency experiment."

"Yes, understood."

With a serious expression, the head of security made a firm declaration.

"With the director gone, we have to do our part. Whether we neutralize it or just collect as much data as possible."

Though they had escaped the cage, the people remained effectively imprisoned.

Whenever they tried to move away from the perimeter of the cage, the little Blue Reapers would block their path with firm expressions, preventing them from leaving.

Still, the mood wasn’t too bad.

"Wow, a butterfly!"

"Me too, me too!"

The loud, cheerful laughter of children echoed everywhere.

Many of the captives were families, with lots of children, and the Blue Reapers were entertaining them with magic.

<Shimmering butterflies are flying!>

<Huge soap bubbles appear!>

Strange symbols filled the sky, and the children’s delighted laughter echoed all around.

The massive water Reaper, which had crushed the enemies earlier, now lay on the ground, serving as a playground for the children.

"So squishy!"

The kids jumped up and down on top of the massive water golem.

It had been dubbed the "Giant Gray Reaper Trampoline."

It was hard to believe that these were the same people who had been kidnapped, as the atmosphere was surprisingly joyful.



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