I Became the Academy’s Disabled Student
Chapter 100 Table of contents

In the corner of the old training ground, a tree was growing.

I didn’t know the exact species, but its roots were firmly planted, and its green leaves were quite vibrant, indicating it was a healthy tree.

The leaves were quite lush, providing a wide area of shade. It was a good place to take refuge under on a sunny day.

Moreover, since the area was open on all sides, cool breezes often blew through, making it an ideal spot to cool down a heated body.

After the major lecture ended, dragging my exhausted body to collapse in the shade brought a considerable amount of comfort.

Currently, Professor Atra was leaning against that tree.

And I was nestled in her arms.


I didn’t quite understand. When I came to my senses, I was being held and cradled in Professor Atra’s arms.

I dazedly mumbled something, then used the power of observation to take a closer look at Professor Atra.

She was holding me on her lap as if I were something precious, with her arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me close. Given the size difference, my face naturally ended up buried in her chest.

It was an extremely embarrassing position, but Professor Atra didn’t seem to mind at all and was simply stroking my head.

As I indulged in the caress, I recalled the situation from a moment ago.

I had known for a while that something was off with Professor Atra today.

Her expression hadn’t been good since we arrived at the old training ground.

Of course, it was hard to tell because she always had a stern and cold expression, but the vibe she was giving off was unmistakably different.

Even without sensing the mood, I could tell from her expression, possibly because I had spent quite a bit of time with her.

After checking my physical condition, her mood worsened as we began sparring.

I was worried and asked her, but Professor Atra brushed it off with a perfunctory “I’m fine.”

Since we were in the middle of sparring, I planned to ask her properly once the lecture ended.

With that thought in mind, we continued sparring.

Then, suddenly, Professor Atra stopped the sparring and hugged me tightly. She then sat under the tree and pulled me even closer.

‘Why is she doing this?’

My question remained unanswered. I had known something was odd today, but I didn’t understand why she was acting this way.

As I pondered, Professor Atra exhaled a shaky breath and pressed my head down.

My head was buried deep into her ample chest.

The soft texture of her skin rubbed against my face, and the warmth from her thin shirt directly transmitted, heating my face.

Yet, breathing was relatively easy. Even while hugging me tightly, Professor Atra adjusted her position so I wouldn’t suffocate.


It was an embarrassing position.

The sensation of our bellies touching was embarrassing, and the softness pressing against my face made it flush.




[Sense of Security]

It was an incredibly cozy and comfortable position.

More than the embarrassment, I felt an inexplicable sense of security.

It was also a familiar position.

From almost three weeks ago until a few days ago, I had spent time with Professor Atra in the recovery room.

During that period, I was mentally unstable and instinctively craved human touch and warmth, which Professor Atra provided.

I was almost always in her arms.

My face was always buried in her chest, and she always patted my head.

Whenever phantom pain from my missing left arm disrupted my breathing, her warm hand would pat my back.

This happened almost daily. Professor Atra embraced me without any sign of annoyance.

Now, being nestled in her arms like this felt more “familiar” than “embarrassing.”

However, that didn’t mean I wasn’t embarrassed. Even now, with my mind healed, I still felt embarrassed.

Moreover, the situation was peculiar. She seemed off all day, then suddenly hugged me tightly in the middle of sparring.

I tried to free myself. I attempted to nudge Professor Atra, gesturing for her to let me go, and tried to use the confession necklace to voice my plea.

– Pat, pat…

…I couldn’t move.

It wasn’t just my personal desire to stay in her arms; it was the sorrowful look in Professor Atra’s eyes as she gazed down at me.

It was an emotion that didn’t match her usual cold demeanor.

So I stayed quietly in her embrace, if only for a moment.

But that moment had reached its limit.


[Like it]


The soft sensation enveloping my entire body and the human warmth, coupled with the hand patting my back and head, made my consciousness gradually fade.

I was already drowsy, and being held by Professor Atra made me feel like I could fall asleep immediately.

Of course, I wanted to bury my face in her chest and sleep like this, but I had to understand the reason behind her sorrowful emotions first.

I patted Professor Atra’s back with one hand.

[Please let go]

[Keep hugging me]


“…Are you asking to be held or to be let go?”

Professor Atra seemed bewildered by the contradictory messages but reluctantly loosened her grip on my back and head.

I pulled my face free from her chest.

– Whoosh…


The cool air hitting my face made my body shiver involuntarily.

Suppressing the desire to bury my face back in her warm embrace, I looked up.

I couldn’t see her eyes, but my gesture showed that I was ready to talk.

I focused on the confession necklace. Fortunately, it was working properly, handling even long sentences smoothly.

[Did something happen over the weekend?]

“No, everything went smoothly.”

[Then why did you act like that earlier?]

Earlier. Both Professor Atra and I knew what that referred to.

The anxiety and hesitation throughout the sparring, and eventually hugging me tightly.

A look of anguish crossed Professor Atra’s face.

She tightened her grip on my waist.

She held me close like before, but I didn’t urge her further.

I could see the turmoil and complexity in her eyes.

“A few years ago… I took in a disciple.”

Her tightly closed lips opened after a moment of silence.

“Back then, I was… inexperienced in many ways. I wasn’t as strong as I am now, it was my first time teaching, and I had no aptitude for it.”

Professor Atra had a disciple once. It was news to me, but I listened patiently as she continued.

“I was clumsy at teaching. I couldn’t properly point out my disciple’s flaws, and the little I did was inadequate. And I couldn’t commit myself fully, so I taught clumsily.”

I blinked at her words.

It didn’t match the Professor Atra I knew now.

Throughout the lecture, she precisely identified my shortcomings and showed me how to overcome them.

She couldn’t commit fully and taught clumsily? Despite that, I learned by being beaten during the sparring.

I felt a sense of confusion.

“Time passed, and that disciple entered a dungeon and died in a rampage.”

Her next explanation made things clearer. I could infer the rest without further details.

“It was just a level 4 dungeon rampage. Though not enough to handle the situation, it shouldn’t have been enough to die so meaninglessly.”

She had a disciple.

But not anymore.

“But they died. They vanished like a lie, leaving only a single torn arm. I dug through the remains to find any trace, but… there was nothing.”

She tightened her grip. I was pulled closer, my face buried in her chest. I tilted my head up.

“Of course… I regretted it.”

Her eyes were filled with gloom, pain, and regret.

She seemed to be looking at something that wasn’t there now.

“I should have arrived sooner. I shouldn’t have been late. If I had arrived on time, they wouldn’t have died so meaninglessly. I should have taught them better, so they wouldn’t have died.”

If only.

If she had arrived sooner.

Even if she wasn’t strong enough to break through the outer walls, if she had somehow helped.

If she had taught better.

Maybe they would have survived. If instead of indulging their whims and wasting time, she had given proper guidance, it might not have ended that way.

“…The regret came too late. They were already dead, and I couldn’t undo it.”

Professor Atra’s eyes darkened. Her gaze shifted. Now, only I was reflected in her eyes.

“That’s why I demanded such harsh training from you.”

There was a newfound emotion in her eyes—guilt.

“I forced you to undergo rigorous training for my personal reasons and, wanting to avoid feeling loss again, treated you coldly.”

And then I got caught in a dungeon rampage.

Like her previous disciple.

I finally understood why Atra was overreacting.

She was facing a situation identical to a past, unhealed scar.

“…I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.”

Her arm around my waist trembled, as if afraid I would disappear any moment.

Atra’s explanation was fragmented and had many gaps.

But I got the gist of it.

I pondered for a moment.

What should I say? How should I respond?

After a brief consideration, I found a small answer.

I focused on the confession necklace, making sure not to stutter.

[The training was very hard]

Professor Atra’s body trembled at my opening statement.

[It hurt from the first day when you beat me with a wooden sword, and it kept hurting because you kept hitting me]

Flinch—Professor Atra’s body jolted repeatedly.

[I knew you were a good person, but it still hurt when you treated me coldly every day.]


Professor Atra winced with each word as if a knife was being driven into her chest.

I paused my voice for a moment. I organized my thoughts for what I really wanted to say.

Words I should have said a long time ago.

[If not for your teaching, I would have surely died]

Her face tensed up, filled with fear and regret.

[Even if I hadn’t tried to save others, I would have died without your guidance]

[And I wouldn’t have been able to save others]

[And I wouldn’t be here, in your arms]

Not just because of the incident at Shipnaha, but even before, these were words I should have said.

[Thanks to you, I survived]

[Thank you]

I should have expressed my gratitude earlier, but I was late.

Conveying it now made me feel awkward, and Professor Atra’s overwhelmed expression amplified the feeling.

To hide my reddened face, I buried it in her chest.

…Even doing so didn’t completely hide my burning ears.

I carefully maneuvered the wings of the sky to cover my ears, and the arm around my waist pulled me tighter.

– Oof?

My breath caught. Her grip hadn’t been this tight before.

As if unable to control her overflowing emotions, Professor Atra hugged me tightly.

My face was buried deep in her ample chest.



“I am a flawed person.”

After a while, Professor Atra, who had calmed her emotions, spoke.

I, having narrowly avoided suffocation, caught my breath and tilted my head.

My expression, tinged with a hint of annoyance at the thought that she still had more to say, made Professor Atra avert her gaze slightly.

“As a mentor, I am lacking in many ways. I have no aptitude or desire to teach anyone.”

My annoyed expression deepened.

Professor Atra continued, glancing nervously at my reaction.

“I am a flawed individual, but… I still want to teach you everything I know.”

This time, my expression changed.

With an unusual look of anxiety, Professor Atra stroked my head and asked.

“Will you consider someone like me… as your master?”

I thought for a brief moment.

Then I smiled.






[Please pat me]

* * *

[Player Adjustment System: Favorability]
Lee Hayul → Atra Clyde
●●●●●●●●○○ (79▷80/100)
[Master] [Expectation] [Sense of Security] [Yearning for Affection]

●●●●●●●●○○ (80▷81/100)

●●●●●●●●○○ (81▷82/100)

[Conditions to lift the [Curse of Silence] have not been met]
[Conditions to lift the [Curse of Loneliness] have not been met]

[Player Adjustment System: Measurement]
▶Mental State

[Fatigue] : Mind or body is tired and exhausted.
[Attention Seeker] : Seeks to be loved or make someone happy.
[Fulfillment] : Filled with a sense of purpose.

End of Chapter

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