Childhood Friend of the Zenith
Chapter 267 Table of contents

His core was overwhelmingly empty.

Not only the demonic energy but almost all the qi had been drained from his body, leaving him utterly exhausted.

Now, it felt like his qi was an endless flame, always burning, never depleting. This only meant that a considerable amount of qi had been used to corrupt Namgung Cheonjun into a demon.

As I breathed in the humid air of summer, I thought to myself.

'Should I have killed him?'

Should I have killed Namgung Cheonjun back then? Perhaps that would have been for the best.

This wasn’t a regret, but a question.

If I had killed him, how would I have handled the aftermath? What would I have done next?

Setting aside such details, I wondered whether killing him would have been better than turning him into a demon.

'In the end, I did corrupt him.'

I had forced demonic energy into Namgung Cheonjun’s body, letting it settle deep within his core.

It was gradually spreading and seeping into his flesh.

This was no different from the blood energy that Namgung Cheonjun had absorbed in the past.

And it was no different from how the Heavenly Demon had turned others into demons during my previous life.

The real issue was—

'...The problem is that I can do this.'

Why was that?

I opened and closed my hand repeatedly, but there was no answer to be found.

When I questioned why I could do such a thing, the only explanation was that it just happened naturally.

'It was strange enough that I returned with the demonic arts.'

After I returned, my body had been far removed from anything demonic.

Even now, I am not a demon.

The energy that flowed through me came from the Heavenly Volcano, a sacred source of qi.

I had sealed the demonic energy deep within my core, so it was hard to call myself a demon.

And yet, I could use demonic energy freely whenever I wanted, which was strange in and of itself.

It was as if everything had aligned to allow me to use this energy comfortably, as though the demonic arts were evolving to match my level.

It felt like someone was pushing me forward from behind.

As if...

They were urging me to become the Heavenly Demon.

'What a load of crap.'

It was all ridiculous.

Everything happening right now was absurd.

It had been easy to silence Namgung Cheonjun earlier. If I told him not to die, he wouldn’t. If I told him not to speak, he would stay silent.

He was no different from a servant.

If I ordered Namgung Cheonjun to die, he would bite his tongue or slit his throat to obey.

That was the nature of a relationship bound by demonic energy.

More precisely—

That was the nature of the relationship between the Heavenly Demon and his demons.

'The issue is.'

Just as the demons created by the Heavenly Demon were engulfed in madness, Namgung Cheonjun might also become consumed by madness due to the demonic energy.

In case that happened, I had taken some precautions.


Among other things.

Apart from silencing him, I had given him various commands, and thankfully, it seemed he was following them all.

'Maybe there’s no need for a binding spell.'

The Heavenly Demon had placed binding spells on me and the other demons, ensuring that if we ever betrayed the Demonic Cult, our hearts would immediately burst and we would die.

Namgung Cheonjun seemed to obey without the need for such a spell. Just my words alone seemed to suffice.

'Could it be that binding spells were necessary because the number of demons was too great for spoken commands alone?'

If that wasn’t the case, was there some other reason the Heavenly Demon used binding spells?

'I don’t know his intentions.'

Why had the Heavenly Demon done things that way? That question weighed on me.

'The difference, for now, is that.'

While I had confirmed that I could turn others into demons, I couldn’t bestow divine powers like the Heavenly Demon.

Should I be relieved about that?

Or should I be afraid that one day I might be able to do even that?

I wasn’t sure.

If I had to guess, I’d say it’s probably the latter.

'For now... what should I do with Namgung Cheonjun?'

Aside from corrupting him, I was still trying to figure out how to use him.

'I was hoping to extract some information.'

Originally, I wanted to learn how he had gained such power.

I had asked him about it, but Namgung Cheonjun had responded like this:


“Useless bastard…”

Namgung Cheonjun seemed like a fool, as if he had lost his memory.

'He can’t lie, so it must be true.'

It seemed that when all the blood energy in his body was absorbed, Namgung Cheonjun lost his memories related to it.


'He didn’t lose his memories during the martial arts competition, so is it because he became a demon?'

That was likely. I had absorbed his energy then as well, but he still retained his memories.

The only difference between then and now was that he had become a demon.

But even so, for his memory to be altered...

Is that even possible?

'It must be. Otherwise, why would it have happened? Damn it.'

Having already defied time, what else could be impossible? I had long since realized that this world was filled with hidden monsters.


Unfortunately, it seemed I wouldn’t be able to get any useful information from him.

In that case—

'What should I do?'

I held Namgung Cheonjun’s life in my hands.

He could take his own life to free himself, but if not, there was no escaping.

Of course, I hadn’t issued a command forbidding him from dying, so it was up to him to decide.

'If he chooses to die, it makes things easier.'

If not, I could still observe him and see how someone turned into a demon by my demonic energy would evolve. That would be worthwhile.

'And after that.'

Once I was done observing him—

'I’ll have to dispose of him.'

The option to let him live had never been on the table.

I had merely kept him alive to satisfy my curiosity.

His value ended there.

The only thing that concerned me was—

'Will she be sad?'

Namgung Bi-Ah.

If Namgung Cheonjun died, would Namgung Bi-Ah mourn?

That was the only hesitation I felt.

If I heard of Gu Ryeonghwa’s death, I probably wouldn’t take it well either.

In fact—

In my past life, that was the very reason I had burned down Mount Hua.


Setting aside these unnecessary thoughts, I mulled over everything, but no other options for Namgung Cheonjun’s fate came to mind except his eventual death.

I had merely extended his life for a short while.

This decision would not change, even in the end.

Just then—


I heard the sound of a sword cutting through the air.

Perhaps it was just what I needed to snap me out of my spiraling thoughts.

Whoosh— Whoosh—!

The movements were swift and sharp.

It was on a different level than what I had seen from the younger martial artists.

To put it simply—

If Namgung Cheonjun trained for decades, he might eventually reach this level.

That was my assessment.

And that was all there was to it.

After a while—


The man swinging his sword stopped his movements and wiped his sweat, turning to look at me.

His sharp blue eyes made me uncomfortable.

The man, who had now approached me, asked,

“How was it?”

“…Excuse me? What was that?”

I stammered, taken by surprise, and the man—Namgung Jin, the head of the Namgung family—asked again,

“How did my movements look to you?”


Hastily, I suppressed my expression.

The reason I was here—

It was because Namgung Jin had come to me early in the morning.

Thanks to him, Namgung Cheonjun had been dismissed, and I was dragged along to this place by an unusually anxious-looking Namgung Jin.

Who could have expected the head of the prestigious Namgung family, one of the most renowned martial clans, to show up like a desperate puppy first thing in the morning?

I had been hiding so well.

And besides—

'What do you mean, how did it look? How should I know?'

Namgung Jin had just performed an impressive sword technique, but how was I supposed to know anything about it?

'It looked good... Yeah, that’s about it…'

As I said before, that’s all I thought of it.

I didn’t know the first thing about swordsmanship, so what could I say?

Not to mention, it was the swordplay of a master who had reached the Flowering Level.

How could I find anything to critique in the swordsmanship of someone who had reached such heights?

'The only difference is… it feels different from before.'

When I had seen Namgung Jin’s swordplay in the past, it had been sharp and refined.

But now, it felt different.

I didn’t know much about swordsmanship, but if the old man Shin Noya were here, he might have pointed out something. There was definitely a difference.

With my crude understanding, the only thing I could say was—

'It’s similar to the Demon Sword Empress’s sword.'

That was the only thought that came to mind.

Of course, since it was the sword technique of the Namgung family, it was naturally similar to the Demon Sword Empress’s sword.

'But the feeling is a bit different.'

As crude as it may sound, that was all there was to it.

Namgung Jin’s sword technique had become closer to what the Demon Sword Empress had once displayed.

That was all I could see.

If I had to describe the difference—

'How should I put it?'

What was it that made me feel this way?

What kind of difference had I sensed to make me think this?

'What was the Demon Sword Empress’s sword like?'

The only Namgung sword technique I knew was the one wielded by the Demon Sword Empress.

She had encased her body in lightning, striking down with thunderous blows, her sword slicing through the chaos.

It was a sword technique filled with killing intent and bloodlust, something I couldn’t see in Namgung Bi-Ah today.

Just watching it had been enough to make me tense.

Her sword carried the resentment of someone who hated the world.

'And aside from that, her swordsmanship was perfect.'

That’s why, despite being part of the Demonic Cult, she had been called the Sword Empress.

Even though she had been consumed by the lust for slaughter, her swordsmanship was flawless.

As I recalled the Demon Sword Empress, Namgung Jin’s voice interrupted my thoughts once more.

“I would appreciate any advice you could offer.”


Advice…? Advice?

What advice?


I desperately called for Noya in my mind, but there was still no response.

'You crazy old man! Please wake up…!'

Even if I shouted, it was the same. What on earth was he doing that he wouldn’t wake up?

It’s summer—could he be hibernating?

'What should I do?'

Namgung Jin was watching me expectantly, waiting for my advice.

I had no idea what kind of advice he wanted or what I should say, but...

I’ll say it again: I’m not a swordsman.

The only time I ever held a sword was when I was a child, playing with wooden swords alongside Gu Hui-Bi and Gu Yeon-Seo.

After that, I had set the sword down.

There was hardly anything I knew.

Sure, as a martial artist, I could offer some kind of advice, but it wasn’t what Namgung Jin was expecting.

'…What should I do?'

How could I get out of this situation?


As I was thinking about the Demon Sword Empress, a thought crossed my mind.

In common parlance, they say that the pinnacle of swordsmanship is not just the mastery of martial arts.

It is the realm of Body and Sword as One.

Where one becomes the sword, and the sword becomes oneself.

The name doesn’t matter much.

If you wield a spear, it becomes Body and Spear as One.

If you use a bow, it becomes Body and Bow as One.

The name can change, but what matters is the essence.

It refers to the state where your qi flows naturally into the weapon you wield.

Raising sword energy, enveloping your blade in qi—

It’s not about that.

Just as qi naturally flows into the body when you reach the pinnacle, it’s about becoming one with the weapon in your hand.

I roughly understood the concept.

But to be honest, for someone like me who focuses on hand-to-hand combat, it’s a difficult thing to grasp.

Hand-to-hand combat only truly shines once you reach the pinnacle.

Because it’s only when the qi is fully integrated into the body that its true potential can be realized.

Though they call it Body and Fist as One, I can’t claim to fully understand it.

Maybe it’s because I haven’t reached that level.

Or maybe I have reached it without realizing it.

Either way, I know that it’s different from swordsmanship.

'What did she say when I asked her about it?'

I had definitely asked the Demon Sword Empress about it once.

She had replied with—


That kind of answer.

Of course, asking her had been my mistake.

Sure, she added a few more words afterward, but I couldn’t understand any of it.

What had she said again...?

“Something about the flow of lightning, I think.”

I think that’s what she said.

Since she used lightning energy, she explained it in terms of that.

'But how would I know what that means?'

What’s the flow of lightning supposed to be?

If I stare at the sky during a thunderstorm, will I figure it out?

Whatever it is, I had no way of knowing.

Come to think of it, I was stupid to ask the Demon Sword Empress anything.

People like her, who were born with overwhelming talent, aren’t the ones you go to for guidance.

With them, you first have to explain why something can’t be done before they even understand the question.

'Anyway, that’s not important right now.'

Forget about lightning for now—the real issue is what I’m going to say to Namgung Jin….


Just as I was about to move my heavy lips and say something, I noticed Namgung Jin was staring at me with a vacant expression.

“…What is it? Why are you looking at me like that…?”

I started to speak but then instinctively clamped my mouth shut.

Because I saw something in Namgung Jin’s expression.


'Did he just have an epiphany?'

His face looked like he had just experienced some grand revelation.

Did he really figure something out? Just now?

What did I do to make that happen?

I hadn’t really done anything….

'Could it be...?'

A thought flashed through my mind.

'Is he like this because I mumbled something about lightning?'

It was something the Demon Sword Empress had said to me in the past.

It had been absolutely useless to me.

But apparently, that wasn’t the case for Namgung Jin.


'It’s not an impossible idea, I suppose.'

Given that he used lightning-based techniques thanks to his family’s martial arts, it’s not far-fetched that he had considered it before.

I had once spent days staring at a campfire, hoping to gain some insight from it, though I’d gained nothing but a burn after kicking the fire in frustration.


A martial artist who uses fire techniques getting burned—what kind of idiotic thing is that…?


If Namgung Jin had gained an epiphany from what I said, it meant that the situation was ripe for such a realization.

I didn’t know how the flow of lightning could be helpful, but Namgung Jin definitely seemed to have reached some understanding.

The outcome of that understanding could be either good or bad, but—

A different thought crossed my mind.

“…Can I leave now?”

Even if it was just a lucky guess, I had given him something useful.

I did feel a bit guilty, but—

I wasn’t exactly the kind of person to be burdened by guilt.

Besides, I could justify it by saying that this was more than enough.

I glanced at Namgung Jin, who was staring blankly into space.

I could see the vivid qi flowing within his body.

The lightning energy was almost tangible, moving as if it had a will of its own.

He hadn’t fully taken up a proper stance, but the movement of the energy was real.

'…If I disrupt him now, he’ll probably die instantly.'

In his current state, a mere touch could cause his blood points to twist, leading to immediate death.

I spoke to Namgung Jin, who was deep in concentration.

"Um… I’ll be going now?"

Even though I said it, there was no response from Namgung Jin.

Of course, who would be able to respond in that state?

Technically, it would have been proper etiquette to stand guard for him in this situation, but—

I figured he could handle it on his own.

As I thought this—

'Still, isn’t it a bit cheap to have an epiphany just because of something I said about lightning?'

While epiphanies are often sudden and strange, this seemed a bit too much.

Shouldn’t the epiphany have come to me instead?

The fact that I had given it to him was seriously annoying.

'Now I’m starting to get pissed off. Maybe I should just disrupt him?'

If I pushed his shoulder right now, he would probably experience qi deviation.


I heard the door to the training hall open behind me.

I didn’t bother to turn my head to check.

The familiar scent gave it away.

“What… are you doing?”

As expected, it was Namgung Bi-Ah, her voice calm as ever.

Without turning to look at her, I replied,

“…Standing guard.”

Even I thought my voice sounded a bit too serious.



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