Drawing Manga in a Romance Fantasy
Chapter 65 Table of contents

“Enter, the Third-Class Meritorious Subjects!”

The imperial court, which was usually attended only by the officials of the Empire, was now packed with nobles and renowned figures from all over the Empire.

Lining both sides of the grand hall, a great number of people clapped, and the majestic scene had not been seen since the war with the neighboring kingdom of Silberia five years ago.

“By providing timely support during this investigation, they thwarted the malicious dark wizard who sought to shake the Empire…”

Count Julius, the Emperor’s chamberlain and court official, praised the accomplishments of the Third-Class Meritorious Subjects in a clear voice, causing the applause to grow louder.

‘The Crown Prince is supposed to be a First-Class Meritorious Subject, right? Wouldn’t it have been better to just place him as a Second or Third-Class?’

‘Don’t say foolish things. I hear it was the Crown Prince himself who played the decisive role in making this investigation a success.’

‘These people just got lucky by being nearby.’

The Third-Class Meritorious Subjects, now bowing before the Emperor, were the lords of neighboring estates who had responded to the Crown Prince’s call for reinforcements during the suppression of the Abyss Cult.

As they were personally praised by the Emperor for being selected as meritorious subjects, the nobles lined up in the court felt envy and jealousy.

They thought to themselves that if they had been there, they could have easily provided troops too, and dismissed the recipients as lucky.

Outwardly, however, they had no choice but to clap and congratulate them.

Some of these nobles had even refused to send troops when the Crown Prince requested, considering it an overreach of authority. Now they were feeling even more bitter.

‘I wasn’t about to get involved in that rascal’s business. Who knows what could’ve gone wrong.’

If jealousy was the only consequence, they might have been fine. However, they had already been marked by the Imperial family for their selfish behavior in the face of the Empire’s danger.

To survive, they had no choice but to donate substantial amounts of money to the Imperial treasury.

“Next, enter the Second-Class Meritorious Subjects!”

As the applause for the Third-Class Subjects subsided, Count Julius announced the entrance of the Second-Class Meritorious Subjects.

While the Second-Class Meritorious Subjects were expected to include individuals from the Empire’s Intelligence Bureau or the Crown Prince’s knights who had participated in the investigation…

‘The Intelligence Bureau is too secretive to appear in public.’

‘The Crown Prince’s knights, while deserving of recognition, failed to protect him, so they’re lucky to avoid punishment.’

People grew curious about who would be selected as Second-Class Meritorious Subjects.

Then, when Count Julius finally called out the name of the Second-Class Meritorious Subject, the hall fell silent.

“The Second-Class Meritorious Subject is Rupert Somerset. Despite facing threats to his family, he calmly informed the Empire of the dark wizard’s schemes…”

At the mention of Rupert Somerset’s name, the crowd stirred.

Many people had heard of Rupert recently, as he had gained fame as a writer of fairy tales and manga, but few expected his name to be called at such a ceremony.

Whispers of surprise spread throughout the room, yet, despite the murmuring, Rupert was announced as the Second-Class Meritorious Subject. The grand doors opened, and Rupert Somerset slowly walked into the hall.

‘So that’s Rupert. It’s no wonder they say he has a heart of steel.’

Though his physique was average, his delicate features carried an icy demeanor.

It was likely his first time entering the imperial court, yet he showed no signs of nervousness.

Without any change in expression, Rupert walked steadily down the grand hall, and the people around him believed the rumors to be true.

The ruthless noble who had imprisoned his father and taken over his family’s estate—a man with a heart of steel, devoid of blood or tears.

Since taking over the mansion, there had been a constant flow of visitors late into the night, leading to many rumors.

Even Esteban, the head of a powerful merchant guild, described Rupert as someone who had lost his human emotions, prompting many to be wary of him.

Recently, there were even rumors that Rupert trained soldiers at the crack of dawn, terrifying the neighboring nobles who had once profited from the Somerset family’s downfall.

Some even whispered that Rupert was preparing bloody revenge against the nobles who had seized his family’s rights during their decline.

“Rupert Somerset, raise your head.”

By the time Rupert reached the end of the hall and knelt before the Emperor’s throne, the Emperor’s solemn voice echoed through the court.

The current Emperor of the Borus Empire, Leonias Bell.

He had been the second son of the previous Emperor and had ascended the throne after a bloody succession battle.

Anyone who knew anything about the Emperor was aware of just how dangerous he was.

When his older brother, the Crown Prince, had targeted him to solidify his hold on the throne, Leonias had gathered his forces, deposed him, and declared himself Crown Prince.

He had many siblings, most of whom had mysteriously died from illnesses or accidents. The few survivors lived under the Emperor’s watch in the capital, reduced to figureheads.

Perhaps because he had fought such a bloody battle himself, Leonias fervently hoped that no such conflicts would arise among his children. He had early on declared his eldest son, Alex Bell, as Crown Prince, ensuring that none of his other children would gain power or influence.

However, not even the Emperor could control the course of his children’s upbringing.

The Crown Prince had long been a source of concern, jeopardizing his position with his reckless behavior.

‘And now, just when the boy is finally showing signs of leadership…’

Leonias was proud of his son’s rapid growth but was equally furious over the new trouble that had arisen.

‘Isn’t all of this because of him?’

The Emperor had learned that the Crown Prince had acted so decisively in this incident to help Rupert Somerset, and it soured his opinion of Rupert.

Even though it was largely thanks to Rupert that the Crown Prince had changed, the Emperor could not help but feel resentment.

Seeing his eldest son return missing an arm, as a father, he could not remain cold-hearted.

Though he maintained his authority as Emperor and could not outwardly show warmth to his children, he certainly did not want to see them in danger.

However, keeping these thoughts to himself, the Emperor praised Rupert.

“You played a significant role in uncovering the truth behind this incident. Though it is regrettable that you did not inform the Imperial family directly, given the circumstances, you did your best. Therefore, you are named a Second-Class Meritorious Subject.”

The Emperor stood, and as a servant handed him the medal, he pinned it to Rupert’s chest. Rupert, maintaining proper decorum, quietly responded.

“This honor is far too great for someone like me, who did so little.”

“There is no need for such humility. Everyone in the investigation team recognized your significant contributions.”

The Emperor found Rupert’s humility irritating. If Rupert had simply accepted the award and stepped back, that would have been the end of it. But his modest words grated on the Emperor’s nerves.

Normally, the Emperor would have let such remarks slide, but because it was Rupert, they annoyed him.

“My contributions were small. This honor should go entirely to the investigation team and the Crown Prince, who led it.”

“Are you saying you wish to reject the title of Meritorious Subject?”

The Emperor immediately regretted his words. Normally, humility was expected and acknowledged three times, but Rupert’s attitude had provoked the Emperor’s harsh tone.

“I would never dare reject an honor bestowed by the Imperial family. I will strive to be a loyal servant, worthy of the title of Second-Class Meritorious Subject.”

Even though the Emperor’s displeasure was evident, Rupert remained calm and finished his response.

The Emperor realized there was no benefit to pursuing the matter further, so the awarding of the Second-Class Meritorious Subject concluded.

Now, only the First-Class Meritorious Subject remained.

‘Have you heard the rumors?’

‘About the Crown Prince losing his right arm?’

‘Tsk. Just when he was starting to look like a proper Crown Prince, he goes and creates such a flaw.’

Everyone in the Empire already knew that the Crown Prince would be named the First-Class Meritorious Subject.

Though the Crown Prince’s destruction of the dark wizard’s organization was a remarkable achievement, the nobles were more interested in the fact that he had lost his right arm.

—The Imperial family must be sacred and perfect!

People tend to be critical of flaws in those above them.

Especially when it concerns royalty, such imperfections receive even harsher scrutiny.

Normally, such a grand achievement would solidify one’s position, but the loss of his arm had put the Crown Prince’s status in jeopardy, and the nobles found it intriguing.

‘Maybe it’s time to switch allegiance to the Second Prince.’

‘The Second Prince is too similar to the Crown Prince. Perhaps I should bet on Princess Iolin instead?’

‘The Princess has too many obstacles. The Third Prince, who’s said to be the most promising, might be a better choice…’

As the nobles entertained such thoughts, the ceremony continued.

Finally, three figures entered through the court doors.

In the center was the Crown Prince, walking proudly, with Yustaf and Harun following a step behind.

“Wait! The Crown Prince’s arm…?”

“It looks perfectly fine, doesn’t it? Were the rumors false?”

“No, that must be a prosthetic arm.”

The Crown Prince, named as the First-Class Meritorious Subject, entered with what appeared to be a normal right arm.

Since it was covered by his clothes, many suspected he was wearing a golem prosthetic arm.

“But if it’s a golem arm, shouldn’t it be much larger?”

“Yes, usually they’re two or three times the size of a regular arm.”

“Maybe it’s just a decorative prosthetic.”

As suspicion spread, the Crown Prince reached the end of the hall and, as if expecting this, rolled up his sleeve.

He revealed both hands and arms, which appeared to be perfectly normal.

“How is this possible?!”

Not only were the nobles shocked, but the Emperor was equally astonished.

While the nobles might have doubted the rumors, the Emperor had personally seen his son missing an arm, so he found this impossible to believe.

“Sir Yustaf.”

Despite the Emperor’s shock, the Crown Prince called Yustaf’s name calmly.

Yustaf, already prepared, cast a simple spell on the Crown Prince’s right arm.


As the spell lifted, the true form of the Crown Prince’s right arm was revealed.

“What is that?!”

Everyone in the court, from the Emperor to the nobles, gasped in shock.

Though painted black, it was clear that the arm was made of metal.

Its craftsmanship was beyond anything they had ever seen—so intricate that it defied comprehension.

Thin strands of wire were woven through the joints, and the arm appeared seamlessly connected to the Crown Prince’s shoulder, as if it were a part of him.

“Alex! What is that contraption, no, what is its true nature?!”

The Emperor, who never called the Crown Prince by name in public, was too shocked to care as he urgently demanded an answer.

“This is the new golem arm.”

“The new golem arm?”

At the Crown Prince’s response, the crowd murmured again. The golem arms they knew were large and bulky, unsightly to look at.

But the Crown Prince’s new golem arm was so intricately designed that it looked like a real arm.

—The Iron-Blooded Alchemist!

Someone shouted the name of the manga Iron-Blooded Alchemist, and the crowd buzzed with excitement.

Many nobles who had read the manga recognized the resemblance between the Crown Prince’s golem arm and the one depicted in Iron-Blooded Alchemist.

“Where did you get such a thing?”

When the Emperor asked, the Crown Prince nodded toward someone in the crowd, and a man made his way to the front of the court.

“The person who created and provided me with this new golem arm is none other than Rupert Somerset.”

The Crown Prince proudly announced Rupert’s name, and Rupert stood beside him, his expression unchanged.


“Was this made by the craftsmen of your estate?”

The Emperor, still marveling at the intricately designed golem arm attached to the Crown Prince’s right arm, was filled with both curiosity and astonishment. Even after Rupert’s explanation, there were still many aspects the Emperor couldn’t fully understand.

Such a device was beyond the capabilities of even the finest Imperial craftsmen, making it difficult to believe.

“Of course, it would have been impossible with just the craftsmen of my estate.”

“Then, how?”

At the Emperor’s question, Rupert glanced toward someone standing in the grand hall.

A man slowly appeared, carrying a box carefully, and approached them.

“Is that… a dwarf?!”

“A dwarf in the Empire?!”

“My word! I never thought I’d live to see a dwarf!”

The one carrying the box was none other than Kroon, a dwarf.

The reaction from the nobles, as if they were seeing a rare beast, annoyed Kroon to no end. He felt like an animal trapped in a cage, but he held his tongue.

Kroon knew that if he caused a scene here, not only would he face consequences, but so would Rupert, who had helped him. He had no choice but to bear the indignity.

Even the Emperor was shocked by Kroon’s appearance.

While there had been some exchange with elves, relations with the dwarves had yet to recover, making it rare for even the Emperor to have ever met one.

As the court remained stunned by the dwarf’s appearance, Rupert seized the opportunity to continue speaking.

“This is a new golem arm, created through the collaboration between the dwarf Kroon here and the craftsmen of my estate.”

“A dwarf’s handiwork!”

The Emperor could not contain his amazement. After the Crown Prince had lost his arm, the thought of using a golem arm had crossed the Emperor’s mind.

However, golem arms were usually large, bulky, and cumbersome. For the Crown Prince, wearing one would have made him a target of ridicule, so the Emperor had hesitated to suggest it.

But the new golem arm that Rupert presented was not only similar in size to a human arm, but it was also flawlessly designed.

“We believed it was only right that His Highness, the Crown Prince, be the first to use this newly created golem arm, and so we delivered it to him last night!”

At that moment, the Emperor felt an overwhelming urge to leap from his throne and embrace Rupert.

With this golem arm, all the criticism and ridicule the Crown Prince might face could be silenced.

But before acting on his emotions, the Emperor needed to be certain of one thing.

“The golem arm is certainly remarkable, but can you guarantee that it is safe for the Crown Prince to use?”

Fearing for the Crown Prince’s safety, the Emperor calmed himself and asked.

“I will personally guarantee its safety.”

The answer came not from Rupert but from another.

“Yustaf, is that you?”

“I was involved in the final stages of the golem arm’s production and verification. I can assure you, Your Majesty, that this device will never cause harm to its user.”

At Yustaf’s response, the Emperor’s expression brightened noticeably, and Kroon, too, couldn’t help but feel proud.

“Of course, it’s something made by me.”

“Shh! Be quiet, Kroon. I’ll give you all the praise you want later.”

“I didn’t do it for the praise…”

Rupert cut off Kroon, who had started mumbling under his breath after the Emperor’s admiration.

“Alex, can you try moving your arm?”

Finally, the Emperor wanted to see the golem arm in action.

Though it looked impressive, if it didn’t function properly, it would merely be a decorative accessory.

No sooner had the Emperor spoken than the Crown Prince lifted his right arm and began making various movements.

The new right arm, a stark contrast to his normal one.

The black golem arm moved freely, without the slightest creak, perfectly obeying the Crown Prince’s will.

As the joints and fingers moved fluidly, it was as if the Crown Prince’s lost right arm had been restored, and the court once again erupted with noise.

The Emperor watched the scene with tears in his eyes.

And then someone said,

“The Iron-Blooded… no, not Iron-Blooded. The Steel. The Steel Crown Prince.”

At that moment, the derogatory nickname once given to the Crown Prince was replaced with a new title.


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