Under the Moonlight.
Shuen was in a difficult situation.
"This is bad!"
She had forgotten her wallet.
As someone who couldn’t concentrate in class when she was hungry, this was a matter of life and death for Shuen.
"It’s dangerous!"
She had struggled to enter the convenience store, but now, standing before me, she was frantically searching for the money she hadn’t brought with her.
- "Does that guy have no shame? Why is he showing his face here?"
- "Seriously, he should just die already. The only reason the store isn’t going under is because Mihail comes here."
- "Though to be fair, it’s convenient. The prices are reasonable."
- "I’ll buy the drinks!"
- "Oh..."
- "Here’s the money!"
- "Didn’t you say you didn’t bring your wallet?"
- "I... just found it!"
- "Oh-hoho, commoner! Today, I made a special lunch! It’s way too fancy for a simpleton like you, but I’m letting you eat it!"
Shuen can actually cook?