Childhood Friend of the Zenith
Chapter 270 Table of contents

After the engagement ceremony, there wasn’t much left to be done.

The ceremony had taken place, and soon the news would spread throughout Zhongyuan.

The only remaining task was to return to the family’s estate.

‘This trip wasn’t too long, was it?’

Aside from a few days of commotion at the Namgung household, it didn’t take that much time overall. From the start, they hadn’t planned for a long stay.

In terms of time, it was a little less than seven days and nights—considerably short compared to other places they’d been.

Now that the ceremony was over, and they had also dealt with the issue regarding the Namgung household’s mysterious treasure, there was no need to linger any longer, so I began packing my things.

It was time to return to the family estate.

Of course, Namgung Jin came to see me off, his eyes silently begging me to stay longer.

I ignored him. Staying any longer here would only lead to trouble.

He seemed to have realized something, though. Although he gave me that look, he didn’t actually try to stop me.

As for Namgung Cheon-jun, he looked relieved that I was leaving, but his face still showed confusion, perhaps due to the demonic energy still binding him.

Having once experienced the purple lightning I emitted, he remained somewhat dazed, so I gave him an order to stay locked away until I left.

Later, the Namgung clan would likely complain that I didn’t even receive a proper send-off from the family’s bloodline, but what could I do?

I simply didn’t want to see him.

‘Outside… I think Mo Yong Hui is waiting.’

From what I heard, she didn’t come into the Namgung estate and was waiting outside.

It seems she plans to leave with me.

Did she come here just for business in An Hui?

‘What a busy life she leads.’

Considering her constitution, she already handles important tasks for her family.

It seems Mo Yong Hui isn’t destined for a carefree life either.

‘But for now…’

I wanted to get back to the family estate as soon as possible. I needed to regain my energy and organize my plans for the future.

I also had to consider the words left behind by Namgung Myeong, who was presumed to be the Thunder Heavenly Sword.

“Are you okay with not staying here?”

I directed the question at Namgung Bia, who was standing beside me.

Maybe it was because the engagement ceremony had just ended, but I had been spending a lot more time with her lately.

To be precise, she seemed to be seeking me out more frequently.

At my question, Namgung Bia tilted her head, looking as if she didn’t understand.


“I’m asking if you’re okay with going back with me.”

After all, this was the Namgung family, and Namgung Bia was a part of their bloodline. There was no need for her to return to the family estate with me.

However, she simply shook her head in response to my question.

“…This isn’t my home.”

“Then, what? Our estate is your home?”

When did the family estate become her home?

Namgung Bia shook her head again.





“You are my home…”

That was all she said, and that was enough for her.

Her words were so candid that I momentarily lost my ability to respond.

“Uh… um…”

I racked my brain, trying to come up with something to say, but nothing came to mind.

“…Yeah, sure.”

That was all I could manage to say, like an idiot.

Even after all these years, I’m still hopeless when it comes to matters like this. It’s laughable, really.


If Elder Shin Noya were here, I couldn’t imagine the kinds of curses he’d be spouting right now.

He certainly wouldn’t have said anything nice.

“Ah, shouldn’t you be learning something from the family head?”


This was a personal question.

Namgung Jin had realized something, and one of the conditions attached to his enlightenment was that he was supposed to pass on that realization to Namgung Bia.

If she stayed here, Namgung Bia could receive proper instruction from Namgung Jin, but she didn’t seem to think she needed it.

“I don’t need it.”


Considering it was an enlightenment obtained in actual combat, within the Namgung family no less, one might think she would jump at the chance.

But Namgung Bia rejected it outright, as if she already knew better.

“…I know my own path.”

Her reply was firm.

She implied that she already knew the way forward and had no need for someone else’s enlightenment.

‘That’s quite arrogant.’

It was an audacious statement, to say the least.

Namgung Bia was one of the most talented individuals I had ever encountered, but she was still a late-stage practitioner.

Even if she reached the pinnacle, the sky above the sky was still far too high.

For her to make such a bold statement in this situation was quite arrogant.

‘But, then again…’

Considering her talent and potential future, it wasn’t entirely untrue either.

She was the monster who had claimed the title of Sword Empress, even with the demonic nature inside her.

Had it not been for the Heavenly Lord, she would have singlehandedly wiped out the entire Namgung family.

‘If her talent can support her arrogance, maybe it’s fine.’

There was no point in meddling in her choices.

I simply nodded, respecting her decision.

If that was Namgung Bia’s choice, then so be it.

“…What will you do once we return?”

Now Namgung Bia was asking me a question, which was rare. She wasn’t usually the inquisitive type.

“Once we return?”

What would I do after returning to the family estate?

Who knows.

‘There’s not much time left.’

By the time we return, autumn will have arrived, and winter will follow soon after.


I had plans to head to Shinryong Pass in the winter.

With such a short time between autumn and winter, I didn’t think there would be much I could do.

“…Probably train.”

I might head to Wudang, look for Wudang Gwaeseon, or perhaps search for the White Marble Stone to consume.

I had plenty of important tasks lined up, but there wasn’t enough time to accomplish them all.

I judged it would be impossible to tackle any of them for now.

Namgung Bia seemed deep in thought as she listened to my answer.

“…I see.”

She nodded as if she had realized something. How underwhelming.

‘There is one other thing, though…’

There was something I hadn’t mentioned to her: I’d likely visit the underground again.

‘I have something to check…’

It was a place I didn’t want to go back to, but I had no choice.

There were things I couldn’t know unless I went there myself.

And I desperately hoped for one thing:

‘Elder Shin Noya needs to wake up.’

Before the winter days arrive, I hope he awakens.

Sure, part of me missed him, but more importantly, there were things related to Namgung Myeong that I needed his help with.

‘And also about the Iron-blooded King…’

Since the Thunder Heavenly Sword had mentioned the Iron-blooded King, there was a chance that Elder Shin Noya knew something as well.

‘So please, wake up already.’

I was dying to know what was preventing Shin Noya from waking.

“Looks like you’re all packed.”

While I was chatting with Namgung Bia, Lady Mi approached.

It seemed my father wasn’t with her. He was likely still talking with Namgung Jin.

“Yes, it seems the servants had quite the task.”

That was my reply to Lady Mi’s comment.

After all, it wasn’t me who packed the luggage but the servants.

“Yes, they always work hard.”

Lady Mi nodded and approached Namgung Bia instead of me, adjusting her slightly disheveled martial robes.

“Oh… thank you.”

“If your appearance is disordered outside, it may be displeasing to the eyes.”

“I’m sorry…”

“You should learn to be more careful now that you’re about to become a member of the family.”

‘…Was that really necessary?’

I clicked my tongue slightly in my head. Forget Namgung Bia being reprimanded; I had no rebuttal for her remarks since I lived quite carelessly myself.

When was the last time I even wore proper clothes?

Probably when I briefly dressed up for the engagement ceremony.

Meanwhile, Namgung Bia seemed tense after Lady Mi’s words. What was her deal?

‘…Did the term “family member” bother her?’

Was she uneasy about becoming part of the family estate, as Lady Mi had mentioned?

Namgung Bia had always straightened up and acted proper around my father or Lady Mi, but now her posture had grown even more rigid.

Lady Mi brushed some dust off Namgung Bia’s hair and clothing before patting her shoulder and turning to walk back to her carriage.

As she passed me, she glanced me over, making me swallow hard.

I could never tell what she was thinking.

‘…It probably wasn’t anything good.’

That’s the feeling I got.

After all, I knew Lady Mi didn’t particularly like me.

Once she boarded her carriage and we waited a little longer, I saw my father approaching from afar, with Namgung Jin walking beside him.

It seemed they had been chatting as I suspected.

“Are you ready to depart?”


At my reply, my father nodded.

Meanwhile, Namgung Jin kept his gaze fixed on me, and his stare was so intense that I deliberately avoided eye contact.

“It was a pleasant meeting. I hope we meet again under good circumstances.”

“…Yes, may our next encounter be a fortunate one…”


The emphasis in his words made me feel uneasy.

His gaze, sharper and more refined, indicated that the enlightenment he had gained was no small thing.

Namgung Jin shifted his gaze from me to Namgung Bia, casting a slightly awkward look at her.

“…Take care on your journey.”

It seemed he had lightened up a little, perhaps because of his newfound sense of peace.

I wasn’t particularly interested in delving into that.

At his indifferent farewell, Namgung Bia flinched momentarily, then slowly nodded her head.

She looked somewhat uncomfortable.

After that, Namgung Bia climbed into the carriage, and I followed her in.

As soon as I sat down, she leaned her head on my shoulder, as if she had been waiting for this moment. I had grown used to it by now.

“We’re ready to go.”


At my response, the driver flicked the reins.

With the sound of hooves hitting the ground, the journey began.

Only then did it sink in that the engagement ceremony was finally over.

Time passed, and soon, autumn gave way to winter.

The woman packed her belongings, feeling the cold wind blow through her hair.

She didn’t have much—just a few clothes and an old sword.

That was all she needed.

Unnecessary baggage would only get in the way.


As she finished packing, she extended her pale hand to open a drawer.

Inside was a faded hair ornament.

It was carved to resemble the sun, and for a long time, she had clutched it as she fell asleep.

There was a time when she couldn’t sleep without it.

It was a cheap trinket that could be bought in any town, but to her, it was priceless.

She gently tucked it into her robe, knowing it was the most precious thing she had left.

With her simple belongings packed, the woman stepped outside.

It was still dark, with the sun yet to rise, and the cold of early morning surrounded her.

The darkness was unyielding, but she didn’t mind. She just kept walking, eager to get to her destination.

As she took her steady steps forward—

“You’re leaving already?”

The voice halted her in her tracks.

Recognizing the speaker, she quickly bowed her head in greeting.

“…You’re still awake?”

“When you’re old, you hardly sleep at all. Haha…”


“But why are you leaving at dawn? I thought you were leaving in three days.”

“…I already got permission.”

“From your grandfather?”


At her response, the old man, Shin-ui, nodded.

That was fine, then.

The woman glanced at him and asked, “Did you come here to see me off?”

“I had a feeling you’d be leaving soon, so I came. Looks like my hunch was right.”


Shin-ui reached into his robe and tossed something toward her.

She caught it effortlessly.

It was neither too large nor too small—a simple pouch.


The woman reacted briefly as she identified the item.

“As I told both you and your grandfather,” Shin-ui said, “your energy is too strong. I couldn’t block it all.”


“You’ve become a bit more human as a result…”

“I am human.”

Her firm words interrupted him, and Shin-ui’s expression softened as he realized his mistake.

“Right, that was a slip of the tongue. My apologies.”

“It’s fine.”

“Well then… I’ve prepared enough provisions for you to last through the winter. Be sure to take one every seven days.”

“…Thank you.”

She bowed her head, understanding that Shin-ui had gone out of his way to care for her.

As she tucked the pouch into her robe, Shin-ui asked, “You’re not planning on going with the Jang clan?”


“I can tell by your expression. No need to answer.”

Shin-ui’s expression soured slightly.

The boy from the Jang family was talented, from a good family, and had excellent manners. Yet, for some reason, he didn’t sit well with Shin-ui.

As he pondered this, another face came to mind.

‘That brat had no manners, but at least he was endearing.’

It had been nearly two years.

He thought back to the fierce boy from the Fire Clan, who always looked as if he had already lived his whole life.

That child had been a bit bothersome at the time, but Shin-ui had grown oddly fond of him.

‘And so has she.’

He sighed inwardly, thinking that this girl felt the same way.

Caught in the affairs of old, withered elders, her life had never been happy.

Knowing that, Shin-ui had come to see her off this early morning.

“Take care of yourself.”

“Thank you.”

She bowed once more in gratitude and resumed her journey.

As time passed and the seasons changed, winter returned once again.

‘…Will I finally see him?’

Her steps were filled more with anxiety than anticipation.

The seasons had changed, and so had she.

‘Will he… recognize me?’

Would he be able to recognize her?

As that thought consumed her, she walked on, hoping for a reunion despite the uncertainty.

Her destination was Hanan.

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