I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor
Chapter 271 Table of contents

Chapter 271: All Time (2)

Translator: Dreamscribe

‘Iyota Kiyoshi’ was a stranger and an outsider from the very beginning. From high school until the moment he finished his homework and returned to his daily life, he never connected with anyone and remained isolated from all.

But what if Misaki Toka had been alive?

What if their connection had not been severed and continued to exist? If it had developed and Kiyoshi and Toka had grown together? The situation would have been entirely different. Such trivial things are what keep people going.

The catalyst in people’s lives is surprisingly small.

Most people cling to a mere fingernail-sized hope or expectation to keep breathing. For Kiyoshi, that might have been Toka. But she was gone. He became a perfect stranger. No, perhaps he had turned even darker. Yet, does that revenge, that homework, hold no meaning?

Who can point fingers and blame him?

Maybe Kiyoshi wanted to live.

He would have perceived his life’s meaning was his ‘homework’ and acted accordingly.

How can one live on after being wronged without doing anything? He made a reasonable decision. Even if called selfish, even if the method was wrong, it doesn’t matter. Victim? Perpetrator? What meaning do those terms have?

It’s just reality. Things happened. And consequences followed.

Kiyoshi’s life had already gone off course. To survive, he had to return to the starting point by any means necessary. Not frantically, but calmly, just doing his homework.

Purpose, goal, dream. In other words, hope.

For Kiyoshi, that was revenge. Watch from somewhere. One day, he would complete the homework. After that, Iyota Kiyoshi, who had finished everything, hid in daily life.

Only observing as a ‘stranger’.

It was uncertain whether he was looking at the camera, the audience, Misaki Toka, or his own life.

The only thing certain was the starting point.

The world-renowned writer Akari Takikawa, who wrote the original work of ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’, was astonished. Of course, it was because of the ending that Director Kyotaro brought with the request for modification. Akari, with glasses perched on her nose, lowered the paper she held.

And then.

“Woojin-ssi proposed this kind of ending?”

She recalled the Korean actor Kang Woojin. The reason she was so surprised was simple. It was because she had thought of this ending herself in the past.

No, to be precise, this ending was the real one.

‘Though the details are a bit different, the end is similar.’

Before publication, the draft ending of ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’ was Kiyoshi living among ordinary people. Of course, the detailed scenes and direction were completely different from what Director Kyotaro brought, but the meaning was the same. However, at that time, Akari had to abandon the predetermined ending.

There were too many conflicting interests.

Moreover, her worldwide fans were also an issue. The zeitgeist of the past also played a role. Whatever the case, the original ending had to be buried in Akari’s heart. After a long time, a foreign actor suddenly unearthed the buried ending.

‘Why did he think of such an ending?’

Akari, who had many of her works made into movies or dramas, had never once had any actor propose a revision to her. Kang Woojin was the first.

Akari’s eyes slowly turned to Director Kyotaro across from her.

“Did Woojin-ssi also propose this direction and detailed settings?”

Director Kyotaro shook his head slightly.

“No. I added the specific scenes, locations, and direction. But the core idea was from Woojin-ssi.”

“In what way?”

“Denying retribution.”

Director Kyotaro, full of gray hairs, calmly recited what he had heard from Woojin.

“He said that retribution doesn’t suit Kiyoshi, and that it fits his character to live well as a stranger without any harm.”

“……To live well.”

“Yes. He also said it felt like Iyota Kiyoshi’s character was being ruined.”


Soon, a smile spread across Akari’s face.

“Woojin-ssi must have been sincerely facing Kiyoshi.”

“That’s right, it’s a conclusion that could only come from that.”

“He’s such a peculiar actor. He pretends not to, but sees everything; pretends not to know, but knows everything. I feel exposed.”


In response to the question, Akari let out a light breath and began to explain the past of ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’. She spoke of the existence of the original ending, how it had been suppressed, and up to the present.

“Looking back now, I think I was probably scared. So I tailored Kiyoshi to reality, even though I knew it was an escape.”

“……I understand. I was like that in the past too. In fact, even now. I think that result is what shaped the current Japanese content market. Everyone is just too scared.”

The two giants exchanged slightly bitter smiles. It was Akari who spoke first.

“Even at this age, there’s still so much to learn. I never thought I’d feel this way towards a Korean actor. I envy his fearless vigor more than his cold, ruthless cynicism.”

“Kang Woojin has always been like that. A monster that doesn’t compromise with the world. That’s a realm of talent that can’t be imitated.”

For a moment, Akari’s face turned serious as she changed the topic.

“If you go with this ending – you’re directly challenging the consolidated Japanese content market. It’s a declaration of war to break it.”

“I know.”

“A disaster will probably strike. Intense backlash from the public, massive outcry from die-hard fans of the original work, and fierce resistance from the industry. It will not be warmly received.”

“There will likely be huge controversies and harsh criticism. But even so, I think I would regret it for the rest of my life if I don’t go with this ending.”

Meeting Akari’s gaze, Director Kyotaro gave a dignified smile.

“If you want to change something, it’s natural for someone to bleed. Ah, of course, your permission is the most important.”

“……The beginning of a war that will shake all of Japan. A scene exploding with curses, am I the only one looking forward to it? I think it will be fun. It’s better to have a tsunami hitting in a storm than a calm release. Besides, I want to see what I couldn’t do in the past.”

Akari gave a thumbs-up and responded with a laugh.

“I’m in.”

“Thank you, Akari.”

“But is it alright for you to take all the responsibility alone? You can mention me in the press release.”

“No. I can’t bring harm to the original author. Besides, Woojin-ssi will also share the burden. He’s the actor playing the role. That’s why I informed him in advance.”

“…What did Woojin-ssi say?”

“He said, ‘It doesn’t matter.’”

“That’s so like him.”

Akari chuckled, recalling Kang Woojin’s calm face.

“Someday, I should write him as the protagonist in one of my works.”

A few hours later, around late lunchtime.

Kang Woojin could be found on the set of ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’. About a hundred staff members were moving busily. Japanese actors were each doing their tasks, such as checking the storyboard. Today’s gathering for ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’ was a bit late due to Director Kyotaro’s schedule. Even so, Woojin, sitting in a chair, was transformed into Kiyoshi with his outfit and makeup.

He looked solemn as expected. However, his thoughts were elsewhere.

‘Phew- I suddenly crave spicy doenjang-jjigae. That’s the problem when you come to a foreign country, tsk. I need to suggest going to a Korean restaurant today.’

Of course, outwardly, he appeared to be cynically reviewing the storyboard.

At that moment.


From between the sets, where the monitors and key staff were gathered, the assistant director called out to Kang Woojin. Was it for standby? No, it wasn’t.

“Can I have a moment??!”

After exchanging glances with Choi Sung-gun, Woojin stood up from the chair and walked calmly. As Woojin approached, the assistant director and key staff stepped aside. Left were Director Kyotaro, holding the filming storyboard, and Mana Kosaku, who played the role of Detective Yoshizawa Mochio.

Director Kyotaro spoke up as the three gathered.

“The ending of ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’ will be changed.”

Soon, Mana Kosaku, with his sharp facial features, slightly widened his eyes. In contrast, Kang Woojin maintained his poker face. He had expected this outcome more than pretending to be surprised.

‘Oh- Amazing, did it get accepted??’

Since it was initially Woojin’s suggestion, it was no surprise. Kosaku, now serious, asked again.

“Changing the ending? Does that mean you’ll be removing some parts from the existing script?”

“The last part of ‘Iyota Kiyoshi’ will be completely removed and redone. However, there’s no need to touch the already filmed portions, and other actors’ scenes won’t change significantly.”

In ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’, the latter half and ending revolve around Kiyoshi and Detective Mochio, so this made sense. Other characters are all eliminated before then.

“Kosaku-ssi’s scenes won’t change much either. But the emotions and thoughts will be different. Of course, Kiyoshi will be completely turned around from the original.”

Kang Woojin was indeed leading the latter half and ending of ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’. The direction and scenes themselves would change. Meanwhile, most of Kosaku’s scenes would be retained, though he needed to be aware of the altered emotional arc.

“I have already informed the other actors. The filming team is working according to the new ending, and the writer has approved it. I will give you both the revised storyboard by the end of today. For now, please read the preliminary script notes.”

Director Kyotaro handed the prepared papers to Kang Woojin and Kosaku. The two actors read the notes where they stood. The revised scenes, including the new ending, were detailed to ensure the emotional continuity and direction.

Woojin, with his stern face, silently admired the script.

‘Whoa- what is this? This is pretty cool?? Yes, Kiyoshi should be impactful like this.’

He liked the changes. Additionally, he applauded Director Kyotaro’s capability. It had only been a few days since Woojin had casually thrown out the idea, yet Director Kyotaro had come back with a brilliant ending in that short period. This is what makes a master. The pace and quality of the scriptwork were top-tier.

At this point.


A hint of bewilderment appeared on Kosaku’s face. Modifying scripts is common during filming. Actors have to adapt to changes, as the director makes the final decisions. However, for Kosaku, this was the first time seeing an ending change by 180 degrees.


‘Are they really going with this ending? Seriously? This won’t just end with criticism.’

The revised ending of ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’ was quite shocking. It was more than just pioneering. The new ending aimed to make history in the Japanese content market. Having spent a long time in the entertainment industry, Kosaku expressed his honest thoughts.

“…Director~nim. Are you sure about going with this ending?”

“I am sure.”

“If we proceed like this……the hardcore fans of the original might revolt.”

“If it ends at that level, it would be a minor hiccup.”


Director Kyotaro, recalling the future filled with controversies and backlash, smiled slightly. His expression was resolute.

“Nevertheless, the ending change of ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’ is confirmed without any retreat.”


Before filming started, Mana Kosaku cautiously approached Kang Woojin.

“Woojin-ssi, are you really okay with this? Most of the backlash will likely be directed at you among the actors.”

Kosaku, a top actor, foresaw the severe criticism Woojin might face. He had experienced such situations countless times. Regardless, Woojin’s calm reply was simple.

“It’s trivial.”

It wasn’t trivial. But it didn’t matter to Kang Woojin at all.

‘I can just ignore it, can’t I?’

Woojin, an ordinary citizen at heart, had a different mindset from typical actors. He hadn’t committed any crime, so why should he care? Ignoring it was the answer.

Kosaku interpreted it differently. Woojin’s demeanor was so resolute.

‘He’s cool. It’s not pretentiousness or bravado. He accepts it humbly but doesn’t dwell on it.’

It was a ruthless but fundamentally grounded arrogance, not the arrogance of a madman. Mana Kosaku genuinely thought he needed to learn from him.

‘Even though he’s only in his second year, he’s already got the qualities of a top actor, the demeanor of a giant.’

Meanwhile, Kang Woojin was lost in his own thoughts.

‘If it gets bad, I can just go back to Korea, right? Ah- by then, maybe I’ll just stay in Korea?’

Kosaku calmly asked.

“…Is it really trivial?”

Woojin, with a steel face, deepened his voice.

“Yes, very much so.”

“You’re amazing, in many ways.”

Why suddenly amazing? Although a faint scent of misunderstanding lingered, Woojin didn’t ask further.

It was a familiar scent.

Thus, the hectic Saturday faded away, and Sunday the 23rd dawned. The ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’ team gathered at the set early in the morning. Among them, Director Kyotaro, wearing his hat pulled low, asked the distributor company.

“Has the release gap between Japan and Korea been decided?”

“Japan will premiere first, and the Korean release is being adjusted to be between two weeks to a month later. We’ll inform you as soon as it’s finalized.”


This time, Director Kyotaro asked the production team.

“When we change the ending, how much will it delay the shooting schedule?”

“We reviewed it yesterday, and it won’t be a big difference. About two days due to re-scheduling extras and location coordination.”

“Not bad.”

“However, we will incur some expenses for the pre-arranged parts of the original shoot.”

“That’s fine. I’ve already talked to the investors.”

The main investor, namely Chairman Hideki.

“Two-day delay.”

Director Kyotaro briefly murmured and summarized.

“Then the crank-up is confirmed for Friday the 28th.”

Today was the 23rd, meaning there were about five days left until the end of filming ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger.’

A few minutes later.

Inside a black luxury sedan speeding down a Tokyo road. It was the car of Yoshimura Hideki, the head of the Kashiwa Group, with white hairs mixed in his eyebrows. Seated in the back, Chairman Hideki lowered his phone after talking to someone. The other party was Director Kyotaro at the ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’ set.


Chairman Hideki, who received the news from Director Kyotaro, called out to Lili, the chief secretary sitting in the front passenger seat. Lili, sitting upright, turned her body back.

“Yes, Chairman.”

Chairman Hideki gave her an instruction.

“Reschedule the plans for the 28th. I’ll visit the ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’ set. I want to see the end with my own eyes.”

After giving his order, Chairman Hideki looked out the window and smiled slightly.

“Kang Woojin – I’m curious how you’ll wrap up ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’.”


Kang Woojin, who had just woken up in his hotel room bed, exclaimed.

“Ah- I’m so tired.”

In his drowsy state, he grabbed any script or scenario from the pile on the nearby table. He intended to rest a bit more due to his accumulated fatigue.


Kang Woojin stepped into the endlessly dark void space. He yawned widely and stretched. He could just lie down as he was.

At that moment.


Woojin habitually checked the white rectangles and then paused. One of the white rectangles, ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’, showed a change.

-[7/Scenario (Title: The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger), SSS Grade]

Instead of dropping, the grade had actually risen.

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