Supreme Magus (Web Novel)
Chapter 3198 Table of contents

Orion had reworked the rapier, allowing it to conjure more than one element at a time It was imbued with a dense mass of darkness and fire, forming a tier five Final Sunset that spun around the blade to protect it from the blue flames.

"I'm not!" Derek reacted too fast for her to see, aiming Ragnarök at the gap between the breastplate and the helm of Friya's Featherwalker armor.

"Protect!" Dreadnought transformed the Final Sunset into a jet flame and propelled itself against the angry blade.

"Protect!" Bloodbind bolted forward in answer to Quylla's thoughts, the left chain wrapped itself around Ragnarök and the right one around Derek.

"Murder!" Chaos painted the blade black, allowing it to push its siblings back and cut through their metal bodies.

The three weapons of the War series screeched in fury, each unwilling to relent from their respective duties. None of them liked harming members of their kin, but the mission came first.

Bloodbind retreated while hissing like an angry snake while Dreadnought changed the direction of the jet flame to bring Friya out of Ragnarök's deadly swing.

"The little one is cute, but you're hot." Derek said while looking at Friya. "Are we just friends or more?"

A cold shiver ran down her spine as she felt his gaze exploring her body like Lith had never done before. His eyes were the same he had back at the academy and his fangs were curled up in the cruel smile she had seen him extend to their enemies.

Only this time, it was addressed to her. The gaze of a predator looking for the weak points in his prey, grinning in anticipation for the kill.

"Hands off, she's almost married!" Zoreth punched at him with her other hand but this time Lith was ready.

He deflected her hand and expanded his body for a second, punching the Shadow Dragon in the face. Zoreth staggered in surprise as blue flames burned her face.

Derek's hands hurt. The Shadow Dragon was bigger, stronger, and he had never put his full might to the test before. The geyser healed his wounds and filled him with new strength.

Just like it did for Xenagrosh.

"Not bad! Let's kick things up another notch." She stomped the ground with her full might, causing a localized but powerful quake that threw the Void Demon Dragon off balance.

Then the Shadow Dragon punched him with an uppercut, propelling him up in the sky and away from the geyser.

Dawn was waiting for him, covered from head to hooves with a tier five Light Mastery spell, Morning Star. The construct was infused with so much mana that it gave the Bright Day enough mass to match Derek's.

Her swordplay was leagues above Lith's every day of the week and compared to her, Derek was an amateur. Even with the Voidwalker armor's Full Guard, he couldn't follow her movements as she cut off his tendons and sent Ragnarök flying.

"I'm not sorry at all. This is for your own good." She pointed the Twilight Blade's tip at his abdomen and released another flash of light.

This time it was solid and with no piercing power, hitting the Void Demon Dragon like an upside-down collapsing mountain.

He crashed against the ground where his wounds started to heal only for Zoreth to catch him on the rebound and slap him toward the Ernas sisters and Morok.

Derek tried to Blink, but Friya's Dimensional Ruler made the spell explode in his face. He called Ragnarök back to his hand but Bloodbind caught the angry blade in its tracks.

"It's over, pal. Give up!" Morok waved at the dying blue flames and highlighted the concept with six more pillars of elemental energy.

Baba Yaga had smothered most of the fires, leaving only a few embers and the blue flames that the Void Demon Dragon constantly released still burning.

"I'd rather die!" It all happened too fast.

One moment Derek's foot touched the ground and the next he was past Morok, the Tyrant's face caved by a single punch with blue flames seeping into his eyes, ears, and nostrils.

Then he appeared in front of Quylla, his claws aiming from her womb. Derek had noticed how protective of her stomach she was and had no qualms about exploiting her state.

Quylla instinctively recalled Bloodbind to slow down the attack long enough to Blink away.

"Thank you, sucker!" Derek grabbed the chains with his left hand, pulling Quylla to him, while Ragnarök jumped into his right one.

The black blade would have impaled her if not for Friya Blinking between them in the nick of time and releasing all the spells she had at the ready. The Final Sunset tried to push Ragnarök away but the hand wielding it was too strong.

A Frozen Wasteland was supposed to freeze the Void Demon Dragon and sap his strength but the blue flames burned it down. Ragnarök clashed with Dreadnought, neutralizing its enchantments.

The angry blade slipped past Friya's guard and was about to decapitate her when golden chains wrapped around Ragnarök and its master, binding them in place.

"Enough of this, child. Return to us." Baba Yaga stood on the doorstep of her hut in her Maiden form.

She was done cleansing Zeska from the blue flames and they could not tap in the geyser any longer now that Baba Yaga's tower controlled it.

Derek struggled, screamed, and roared. Nothing worked.

The Light Mastery spell was just too strong. No matter how many times the blue flames attacked the chains, the Maiden repaired them nonstop while sealing the Void Demon Dragon in a golden barrier.

Every burst of blue flames he released bounced on the barrier and hit him, causing him great pain.

"Why are you doing this to me? I came here seeking help. I didn't start the fight." Derek hit the golden sphere with everything he had and when it failed, he ceased his struggle.

"I know. And we have come to end it." Zoreth shrunk to her human form, placing her hand in front of Derek's. "Don't you remember me, little brother?"

"Don't call me like that!" The word sent the Void Demon Dragon in a fit of rage that painted the sphere blue until the flames died down again.

"Good gods." Quylla's kneels buckled.

She held her womb tight, finding herself covered in a cold sweat.

"Has Lith always been this strong and ruthless?"

"Please, that was but a fraction of his power." Dawn sneered. "If not for his amnesia, I wouldn't have allowed weaklings like you to come."

"Then why did you do it if you knew we would be of no use?" Friya asked while healing Morok's fractured skull and brain concussion.

"Because you've known him for years and there was a chance he would remember you and follow us without a fight." The Horseman of Dawn replied. "Would you have rather Elina or Kamila take your place?"

"No. Definitely not." Friya swallowed hard. At least with their violet cores, she and Quylla had escaped death long enough for the others to intervene.

"What do we do now?" Zoreth asked. "Talking is useless. He doesn't remember any of us."

"Valtak?" Baba Yaga asked.

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