Dark Fantasy: Super Coward Mode
Chapter 63 Table of contents

Summoning the Chef in the Gardener’s Garden.

And I would eat her food.

If anyone only heard that, they’d think it made absolutely no sense.

The Gardener’s Garden was a dense, overgrown forest with not a single building in sight. While one could certainly gather ingredients there, cooking seemed nearly impossible, especially dishes like pork cutlets and rice soup, which I had been craving.

But who did I summon? None other than a Greater Outer God—the Chef. For a being of such stature, the only thing impossible would be to break the laws of the universe itself.

And, just as expected…

Sizzle, sizzle, clatter, clatter.

Various cooking equipment materialized on the bare rock, confirming my thoughts.

Of course, I had my concerns. After all, this equipment was conjured by the power of an Outer God, so I wondered if the food would turn out strange, affected by divine interference.

“…Actually, I tested it by dropping some food for a poor lost soul wandering in the snowy mountains, and they ate it just fine.”

The Chef reassured me, offering a practical test result that put my worries to rest.

…Although the idea of testing on a person was unsettling, given that someone lost in the snowy mountains was already practically dead, I supposed it didn’t matter. In fact, from that person’s perspective, it might have seemed like a mysterious act of kindness.

“…But cooking the moment you arrive?”

“Of course! I heard on my way here that there would be many guests coming. If I don’t start preparing now, we might make them wait too long.”

The Chef smiled warmly as she spoke, and I couldn’t help but feel comforted by her words.

Guests…? A lot of them?


Did she just say there would be “many” guests?

Just as I processed that thought, another figure began to materialize.

And when I saw the ears perked up on top of the figure’s head, I instinctively reached forward.

Something was trying to bend my arm with overwhelming force.


…As expected from the Party Flute’s unique trait. Bell had appeared as well, once again trying to drench my entire body in slobber.

Despite her appearance, Bell had a ridiculous amount of strength, and it took all my effort to resist.

“Don’t resist! I have the right to lick humans!”

“And I have the right not to be licked!”

I tried to reason with her, but Bell ignored me, pressing her head into my hand with all her might.

Dealing with that was already exhausting enough.

Then, a chill.

Yes, I could feel a bone-deep chill coming from right behind me.

As I twisted my body to fend off Bell, I glanced toward the source of the cold and saw…

…The Gardener, crouching off to the side, her profile visible as she held something in her hand.

“…So, ignoring me to fawn over another girl, are we? Do you think I won’t do anything?”

…Her words were utterly terrifying, spoken in such a cold, chilling tone that I couldn’t help but shudder. It felt like I was watching a scene straight out of a horror movie.

It was like staring at a monster about to pounce.

Right, this was a dark fantasy, after all. Even if the skin changes, the horror remains the same!

I tried to push reality away with humor, but all thoughts evaporated when the Gardener stood up and began walking toward me slowly.

“…Summoning me like this means you’re ready for anything, right?”

“W-Wait, don’t look at me like that!”

Her gaze alone was enough to send me into pure terror.

I mean, yes, it was true I’d been ignoring her lately, but this was getting dangerous!

“Bell! Save me!”

“I’ll save you if you let me lick you!”

“If I let you lick me, I’ll get caught! She’s already here!”

The Gardener’s hand reached out, brushing my shoulder, while her face came dangerously close. In a panic, I let go of Bell, who I had been holding back.

As a result…




Bell’s charge caused the three of us to topple to the ground.

“…What are you touching?!”

“It wasn’t on purpose!”

“Human! I won’t let you escape!”

“Ugh! Even now, you’re still doing this?!”

While I was trying to get away from Bell, who was licking my face again, I noticed another shape forming in the air—a figure materializing with dragon horns and a tail.

Wait, if she sees me like this…!

But of course, the situation didn’t wait for me to explain. The dragonslayer, of all people, appeared at that exact moment!

Blushing slightly, she cleared her throat as soon as she fully materialized.

“…Ahem! I suppose you’ve finally decided to take responsibility, haven’t you? I thought my neck would break from all the waiting…”

She froze, staring at the three of us tangled up on the ground, mouth slightly open in shock.

“…Wait. This isn’t what it looks like. Listen to me! This is…!”

It was an incredibly compromising position, so I tried to explain, but Bell continued licking me, making it harder to be convincing.

My fumbling only made things worse, as the dragonslayer’s face turned an even deeper shade of red. Finally, she squeezed her eyes shut and shouted.

“How disgraceful!”

…I was almost swept away in the aftermath, and to top it off, I could see the Chef watching us with an amused smile.

“…So, it was all a misunderstanding?”

“…Yes, of course. I would never get tangled up with just anyone.”

After things had calmed down a bit, we all sat together, courtesy of the Chef who had provided us chairs. The dragonslayer eyed me skeptically as I responded, feeling like a criminal.

I mean, it wasn’t like I was completely at fault here. Sure, I ignored the Gardener for too long, and I couldn’t stop Bell, but…

No one here had the raw strength to hold Bell back. So, this was really an unavoidable situation!

“He’s right. This guy doesn’t get tangled up with just anyone.”

Suddenly, the Gardener spoke, and I turned toward her in surprise.

With the calmest expression, she sipped her water, eyes closed.

“He even ignored me for two days. Do you really think he’d get involved with some fake copycat?”

The Gardener’s words were clearly an attack, and the dragonslayer let out a mocking laugh, straightening her posture.

“How pitiful. Jealous because you think he’ll come to me? You’d look less pathetic if you were direct about your feelings.”

“What?! Who said I’m jealous?!”

“If it’s not jealousy, what is it? Regardless, nothing will change. This man has already expressed his feelings for me, multiple times.”


Hearing those words from her own mouth was painful, in more ways than one.

While I wasn’t sure about “taking responsibility,” I had been planning to follow up on certain things…


Just then, the Gardener’s voice grew colder, much colder than before.

It was as if she pitied her opponent.

“What? Did you lose your mind because you couldn’t think of a response to my words?”

“No, that’s not it. I just feel sorry for you.”


The Gardener’s remark made the dragonslayer frown, and the Gardener smirked as she spoke.

“She’s acting without even knowing anything about dragons. Counting unhatched eggs like they’re already chickens.”

…Wasn’t that an English expression for “counting your chickens before they hatch”?

The dragonslayer’s expression went blank, as if the realization had just hit her, and then she slowly turned her gaze toward me.

“…Is it true?”

Oh no.

Those pleading eyes. It felt like if I said the wrong thing here, she’d crumble into pieces.

But the truth can’t be hidden forever.


“Don’t answer!”

Just as I was about to respond, the dragonslayer clamped a hand over my mouth, shouting desperately.

Confused, I looked at her, and she suddenly smiled warmly.

“Even if it was a mistake, or if it was intentional, it doesn’t matter. As long as my feelings were true, I can make anything into reality. Even if the story was fabricated, I can turn it into truth.”

At first, I didn’t fully understand what she was implying, but judging by the shocked expression on the Gardener’s face, it must have been something significant.

“I don’t know what that means, but I like humans too!”

Bell’s sudden interruption shifted the mood once again.

Ah, someone, please help…

“Everyone! The food is ready!”

At that moment, the Chef’s loud voice rang out, and we all turned to the table, where four steaming bowls of rice soup sat bubbling away.

The hearty smell of pork filled the air, and all other thoughts vanished from my mind.

“…Well, let’s eat first.”

“…Indeed. Raising one’s voice before a meal is hardly proper.”

“Yay! Delicious food! I’m gonna dig in!”

And so, the Outer Gods began eating quietly—well, except for one, who devoured the food with gusto.

As I breathed a sigh of relief, I glanced at the Chef, who winked at me.

Then, her lips moved silently.

-You owe me one.


You’re the only one I can count on.


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