I Have Returned, but I Cannot Lay down My Gun
Chapter 130 Table of contents

Dice's Debut LOL

<Visualize Dice awkwardly holding the mic, looking shy>

“Stable shy mode on again today.”

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[Normal] Today's Interview... What a Disaster...gif

<GIF of Dice cracking up while mentioning Yujin’s nickname>

<GIF of Dice getting a cobra twist from Yujin>

“She’s insane LOL.”

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“If we mess up today’s match, it’ll be Yujin’s fault.”

“Should I call you someone who’s good at getting punished?”

“Ah, no, please don’t.”


The sound of stifled laughter echoed around, but I remained completely unfazed. Dice apologized after I released the cobra twist, and I simply cashed in on that apology a little early—that’s all. Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was becoming more shameless as time passed. Not a great sign.

Anyway, besides that, to my relief, no one seemed to be taking it too seriously... if anything, everyone seemed more excited. They were probably amused by such a bizarre performance happening right in front of them. Of course, none of this was pre-planned.

The atmosphere gradually calmed down. It wasn’t something that could drag on for too long, and there were still other interviews to get through, as well as map introductions. The stage resembled a small theater, with about a hundred chairs set up in front of it. The participants were seated there, waiting to be called for interviews or listening to the host.

“Is the word ‘Big Sister’ really that funny?”

“I just really enjoyed 1984, you know.”

What a creative excuse.

Still, unlike the guy from the book, what I was doing was legal. At least no one was mocking Big Brother that way. Anyway, it wasn’t important. I turned my attention back to the map explanations, which had already begun. All the players were staring intently at the screen.

It was time to reveal the first map.

“Now, let’s draw the first map the players will face!”

As the booming voice of the host filled the stadium, I briefly ran through the movement routes I had prepared in my mind. But, honestly, it didn’t really matter which map came up. It never did.

The advanced virtual reality map selection process was hard to explain with words. A brief description of each of the eight maps appeared on the screen, then shuffled like cards. The maps overlapped, mixed randomly, and stacked themselves on the virtual table.

And then—thunk.

A knife stabbed through them.

The chat went wild.


The blade stopped in the middle, piercing through four cards and landing on the NBV Desert Base. A place where sandstorms so violent even nanomachines get damaged. I glanced at Dice. Her pupils were trembling... maybe last year’s selection process was more normal after all.

“This isn’t some long-overdue Dadaism revival, is it? Feels weird.”

“What... is this even?”

I patted Dice’s shoulder to snap her out of it.

“Just do what you’ve practiced. Try not to run into me.”

“Wow, now that I think about it, I’m stuck playing against you today and tomorrow. I’m already scared.”

Unfortunately, there wasn’t much else to say. The fight was right in front of us now.

The host officially announced the start of the match. All the spectators, already familiar with the tournament format, knew how the maps would unfold. There was no need for further explanation.

“The first map of the KSM! The NBV Desert Base! Who will survive the sandstorms? Watch every moment unfold!”


Deafening cheers filled the air. Now, it was time to speak with guns, not words. The players would fight, and the unseen casters and commentators would hype the audience with enthusiastic coverage.

Everything around me seemed to sink into the abyss. The goal was clear: the finals and first place. To uncover more of the world’s secrets, I had to rise higher.

“The Korea Selection Match begins now!”

A beam of light enveloped us.

I gave Dice’s shoulder a small pat. Our eyes met. I didn’t have much to say. Unless Dice finished in second place, I probably wouldn’t see her again. Players from the same team were placed at opposite ends of the map.

“See you in the Asia preliminaries.”

Before we scattered into the light, she bit her lip and nodded.

The Korea Selection Match had begun.





-[ISO: A massive and severe sandstorm has struck the base. Clear all remaining hostile forces and move to the safe zone before the base shield deactivates.]


The ominous rumble contrasted with the calm sky. It appeared clear, but that was only because the enormous shield surrounding the base pierced through the kilometer-high clouds of sand, projecting a false image of a peaceful sky. The rumbling sound came from the sheer power of the storm.

Even the high-output generators couldn’t handle the force of the sandstorm. On this map, the kill zone might seem like it slowly drains HP, but in reality, it’s instant death. The static electricity generated by the sand as it hit the barriers quickly eroded the nanomachine shield, and visibility was almost nonexistent.

Even driving was futile; the sand would instantly clog engines, exhaust systems, and suspensions. In reality, leaving the safe zone was not an option.

The air was hot and unbelievably dry.

The sound of scattered gunfire slowly started to echo around. It wasn’t fast-paced yet, as this was the first round, and everyone was still cautiously feeling out the situation. How should I approach this round? Honestly, it didn’t really matter what I chose, as I always just worked with the first weapon I picked up.

As I sat inside the building, thinking while leaning against a box on the ground—


The sound of sand being stepped on.

I glanced around and noticed the only weapon nearby was... a bow? Not even a gun, but a bow. A bundle of arrows lay scattered on the ground. The vibration came from about 20 meters away, slowly approaching. Judging by the distance and the faint sounds, it was probably someone wearing the desert optical camouflage suit, something commonly found in this area.

The suit was limited in that it couldn’t handle anything stronger than a submachine gun, but depending on how it was used, it could still be effective.

I scanned my surroundings. The broken ceiling, the weathered wiring and pipes sticking out everywhere—it wasn’t just a single person nearby. Pipes?

Well, I guess there’s no choice.

I grabbed one of the arrows, scaled the wall, and hid in the shadows near the ceiling.


The door I had been leaning against moments ago slowly opened.

A faint distortion, a ripple in the space itself, followed by the tip of a handgun emerging from the edge of the optical camouflage. A Glock 18 equipped with a Roni kit. A textbook setup—but as I observed it, I sized up my opponent, identifying where to strike.

With a thud, I dropped down before the enemy could turn around, grabbed their neck, and, holding the arrow like a throwing knife, aimed. There’s a specific spot to hit with something sharp like this—the base of the skull, right where the neck ends and the head begins. I jabbed the arrow at an upward angle into that spot.

No sound escaped. In reality, this would mean the opponent’s brainstem and midbrain had been pierced, leaving them no chance to resist as they collapsed to the floor. Critical hit. As the UI displayed this, I quickly gathered the items scattered on the ground.

Then, I heard the heavy thud of boots approaching from the front.

I quickly reloaded. But the opponent moved faster than expected, so I steadied my aim with one hand, bracing myself to control the recoil, and opened fire.


The enemy, unable to stop in time, took about five rounds before scrambling to retreat. I grabbed a grenade off the floor with my tail, pulled the pin with one hand, and tossed it down the hallway. The clattering sound of the metal hitting the floor was drowned out by the gunfire.

A few seconds later, hundreds of shrapnel pieces exploded outwards. Not letting the momentum slip, I rushed forward, aiming down the hallway, but the only thing left was a small pile of items, much like earlier.

Somehow, I had taken out two enemies in quick succession. I wonder what they were thinking now? But I quickly pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on checking for any signs of a third enemy. Nothing. No sound, no movement.

It was time to loot.

“...Tough start.”

Finally, I could take a breather and start gearing up.

It was just another typical start to an AP match.

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