Martial Arts Ain’t That Big of a Deal
Chapter 35 Table of contents

Wang Daesan's martial arts.

After a moment of contemplation, Seo-jun nodded with enthusiasm.

"Of course, I'd love that."

Martial arts passed down through generations carry significant value for the family, regardless of their actual power. Offering to teach someone that art is not a decision made lightly.

"Thank you, benefactor."

"No, I should be thanking you."

Seo-jun, though capable of replicating techniques just by observing them, knew that such an approach would only scratch the surface. For example, when he mimicked the Qingliu Sword technique, it looked similar, but upon deeper inspection, it wasn't quite the same.

That was to be expected, and it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. After all, martial arts needed to be adapted to suit the practitioner. Simply borrowing the outer form and internal flow of energy could still significantly enhance one’s skills.

However, being taught directly was a different matter. It allowed the practitioner to understand the founder's intent—something beyond just filling in the gaps on one’s own. It was an opportunity to learn from another perspective.

"Let me ask you, have you learned any internal arts (Shin-gong)?" Wang Daesan inquired.

"Huh...? Why do you ask?"

"Usually, when someone learns an advanced internal art, it becomes difficult to combine with other martial arts."

"Oh, if that's what you're worried about, no problem."

Who am I?

Seo-jun, the master of Mugong. A man who could wield the 24 Heavenly Plum Blossom Sword Technique with Hwangun Shin-gong.

Granted, he hadn’t tried yet... but it should work, right?

"Then I’ll give it my best, benefactor."

The two asked the old woman for permission and turned the empty backyard into a training ground.

After about half an hour, Wang Daesan stood dumbfounded, watching Seo-jun swing a tree branch through the air.

Wang had trained disciples before, including Jang Yu-ho, who eventually became Soryeong’s top-tier bodyguard. He prided himself on his ability to teach.

'But not like this...'

With a blank expression, Wang Daesan watched Seo-jun. The art he had planned to teach was the Wang Family Blade Technique, passed down through generations.

He didn’t bother with teaching the internal arts, as Seo-jun already had his own. But what astonished Wang Daesan was how quickly Seo-jun grasped the technique.

Though he had only explained the basics, why did Seo-jun’s energy now feel so similar to his own?

"Am I doing it right?"

"Uh... yes."


After a moment of thought, Seo-jun held out his hand.

"Mind if I borrow that for a second?"

"The blade? Of course."

When Wang handed him the blade, Seo-jun immediately channeled energy into it.


The energies of blade and sword are similar but distinct, just as the weapons themselves are. Even if one could wield sword energy, it took time to master blade energy.


"Oh, I get it now."

Get what, exactly? Wang Daesan's face twisted in disbelief as Seo-jun moved the blade.


The blade sliced through the air with a sharp, powerful arc. Unlike the sword, the blade was specialized for cutting, and Seo-jun’s technique suddenly found its proper rhythm.

"B-benefactor... What was that?"

"Using the blade helped me understand. It’s called 'Blade-Body Unity.'"

"No, no... that’s not how it’s supposed to work..."

Usually, one reaches enlightenment to achieve 'Blade-Body Unity,' not the other way around. This was like saying one quenched their thirst by somehow achieving the feeling of drinking water without actually drinking it.

It seemed plausible in theory, but how could thirst be quenched without water? Did he swallow his saliva for a week and not get thirsty?

That’s how absurd this miracle seemed to Wang Daesan, who had just witnessed it up close.

"Truly incredible, benefactor... You are surely a genius sent from the heavens!"

"Oh, come on, don't exaggerate."

"No! I, Wang Daesan, guarantee it! In the near future, your name will spread across all of the martial world!"

Wang Daesan was so excited that strange thoughts began to fill his head.

At this rate, why not teach him the internal arts too? A genius of this caliber would handle it well, right? Maybe teaching him now would bring future glory to the Wang family.

"Benefactor! Would you like to learn this as well?"

Two hours later, Wang Daesan had already taught him everything.

"Oh, not bad, huh? Right, old man?"

"Impressive... truly."

The hollow sound of clapping echoed in the backyard.

Wang Daesan looked worn out, realizing it had taken less than a day to teach Seo-jun everything he knew.

Seo-jun, on the other hand, felt quite pleased with his newfound knowledge. He thought that reflecting on the Wang Family Blade Technique and incorporating it into his Honwon Singong would be useful.

"Alright, I should get going. If I leave Chun-bong alone for too long, she might actually get upset. See you around."

"...Yes, do go."

Waving goodbye, Seo-jun left the backyard.

Peeking into the room where they had stayed last night, he saw Chun-bong curled up on the floor, fast asleep.

'She’s sleeping well.'

Between her quiet breaths, he could hear her soft snores, indicating a deep sleep.

Quietly stepping out of the room, Seo-jun stood in the yard.

The next destination, the Huashan Sect, was still quite a distance away. However, according to what he had heard from Ma-wol, the martial arts tournament was still some time off, so there was no need to rush.

That left one more concern: what to do with Seong Ihyang and the other women.

Would they return to their respective villages?

After a brief consideration, Seo-jun decided to simply ask. He walked over and knocked on the paper screen door.


Footsteps approached, and the door slid open.

"Ah, benefactor!"

It was the woman who had first spoken to him when they met at the bandit’s hideout.

"Oh, you look much better."

"Hehe, I guess so. After escaping that hell, who wouldn’t?"

Unlike her, the expressions on the other women’s faces weren’t as bright.

How many people could easily recover their spirits after such an experience?

In fact, this woman’s mental resilience was extraordinary.

"So, what are your plans now? Are you thinking of returning to your homes?"

"That seems likely. After all, our homes aren’t far from here, so it won’t be too difficult."

"I see."

Well, that settled it.

"Is Seong Ihyang inside?"

"Yes. Shall I call her for you?"

"That would be great, thank you."

The woman briefly disappeared, returning with Seong Ihyang.

"Sorry if I disturbed you while you were resting."

"No, it’s fine. What is it?"

"Could we talk for a moment?"

"Of course."

He led her to the yard, and after a pause, he spoke just as she turned to look at him.

"You like that man, don’t you?"


"Come on, it’s obvious. He seems to like you too."

Taken aback by the sudden romantic consultation, Seong Ihyang’s eyes fluttered.

"Wh-why are you suddenly bringing this up...?"

"Didn’t I mention it before?"

Of course, he didn’t dare call it "Operation Matchmaker," knowing full well how ridiculous that name sounded even to himself.

"But... if I do that, it’ll only be a burden on him..."

"Why? Is he married?"


"He is?"

Wait, really? Then what was that atmosphere between them earlier?

As Seo-jun’s face grew confused, Seong Ihyang hesitantly explained.

"His wife passed away a while ago..."

"Oh, I see. You scared me for a second there."

For a moment, he thought he was witnessing a soap opera.

Well, in this world, multiple marriages weren’t exactly frowned upon, but knowing that his wife had passed did ease his mind a little.

"Come on, follow me. This is the kind of thing you need to act on right away."


"Hurry up."

Seo-jun grabbed Seong Ihyang’s wrist and pulled her along.

He thought he heard some odd noises from behind but paid them no mind.

"Where is it?"

"Over there..."

Whether Seong Ihyang was truly opposed to it or not, she led him to the man’s house without much resistance.

Once they arrived, Seo-jun hesitated for a moment before banging on the door.

"Hey! Get out here right now!"

"W-wait, why so suddenly...!?"

Seong Ihyang panicked, and from inside the house, the man hurriedly rushed to the door, looking startled.

"W-what’s going on?"

"Let’s fight."


The man’s face twisted in confusion at the absurd challenge.

"A fight? Really?"

"Yes! Let’s settle this!"

Still confused, the man opened his mouth wide in shock.

Seo-jun then pulled Seong Ihyang closer, draping his arm around her shoulder, causing her to shrink back in surprise.

"Heh, quite the tasty girl, huh? Isn’t she?"

If there was one thing Seo-jun realized at that moment, it was that he was absolutely terrible at acting.

‘Am I screwed?’

Glancing at the man’s face, it didn’t seem like it. His expression was one of pure fury, and his face turned red as he lunged forward.

"You bastard...!"

Even though the man clearly had no martial arts training, he threw a punch, and Seo-jun found it harder to dodge than to just let himself get hit.

"Ugh. Ah. Ow."

Seo-jun flew backward, rolling across the ground.

"Gasp...! Huff...!"

Breathing heavily, the man rushed over to Seong Ihyang, grabbing her hands as he asked frantically.

"Are you okay, Ihyang?"


"Did he do anything strange to you!?"


Peeking through squinted eyes, Seo-jun observed the two closely.

After all, it would be rude to waste such an opportunity that he had so carefully set up.

Biting her lip nervously, Seong Ihyang suddenly threw herself into the man’s arms.




"Do you think I’m dirty...?"

Hearing that, the man’s eyes widened, and he quickly shook his head.

"Why would you say that, Ihyang? I’ve never thought such a thing!"

"Then... would you marry me?"


At his hesitant response, Seong Ihyang lowered her gaze with a bitter smile.

"See? No man would want a filthy woman like me."

"That’s not it! It’s just... there’s a big age difference between us..."

"That’s just an excuse. Even the lady from the Pan family is married to a much older man."


"Forget it. My father was right. I should have just died back there."


With a shout, the man tightly closed his eyes. Then, without warning, he leaned forward and kissed her.


Seong Ihyang’s eyes flew wide open in surprise.

Seeing this, Seo-jun jumped to his feet.

"Bravo! See? Didn’t I say? I’m a relationship expert!"

Startled, the two quickly separated, and the man, flustered, pointed at Seo-jun.


"Yes, congratulations on your wedding. I wish you both a happy marriage."

"Huh...? W-what...?"

Matchmaking Operation! Success!

Or at least, it would’ve been, if not for the interruption.

"Hold on! This is unacceptable!"

Mr. Seong came storming out from next door, yelling.

"How can you make such an important decision like marriage without the parents’ approval? No matter how strong you are, this is a matter of family honor!"

Was he living next door? Perfect.

Seo-jun smiled brightly as he unsheathed his sword.

"Alright, since the marriage is settled, let’s move on to the circumcision ceremony!"

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