My Ex-Girlfriend Was Appointed as a Knight Comman…
Chapter 56 Table of contents

Weekend Holiday.

Christine spent her time idly, neither visiting the orphanage nor engaging in any special personal training. The world scorched by the summer sun felt unbearably hot, even in the shade. She slumped into a chair, exhaling a weary sigh.

It’s so hot.

Christine brushed her hair back.

“By now…”

Christine thought of Maxime. I wonder if the engagement ceremony is going well. Maybe he's blushing, looking all flustered. She let out a small laugh. While she had no desire to attend a noble event like Maxime’s engagement, she couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed that she wouldn’t see it with her own eyes.

“He’s probably dancing right now.”

She laughed again, unable to imagine Maxime awkwardly keeping time to the lively rhythm of a dance.


Her heart felt empty.

Christine turned her gaze to the summer scenery outside the window. Nothing was different from usual, yet a strange sense of déjà vu stirred within her.

“...What is this?”

Christine muttered to herself.

There was an unsettling presence moving closer, blending among the people. It was something only a wizard would notice—a certain wariness toward another wizard. Christine could tell it was the presence of a wizard, cloaked in powerful mana, as if announcing their arrival.

Not long after, Christine heard a knock at the door. Her face tightened in response, and she moved toward the entrance.

Who could it be...?

“Who is it—?”

Before she could even ask, the moment Christine opened the door, she recognized the figure standing before her.


Her former instructor from the Tower, Timothy Belhem, stood there with his assistant. Christine grasped the door handle, staring blankly at the professor. Timothy narrowed his eyes at her.

“It’s been a while, Christine.”

Christine couldn't hide her surprise as she questioned him.

“Why are you here, Professor...?”

It had been nearly three years since she left the Tower. There should be no reason for them to seek her out—especially after she had severed ties with the upper ranks and destroyed all her research before leaving.

“I’ve come to make you an offer.”

Professor Timothy Belhem tapped his cane against the ground as he spoke.

“An offer...?”

Christine’s expression twisted.

“I’m no longer involved with the Tower. If this is about that...”

As she moved to close the door, the professor placed his cane between the door and the frame, stopping it.

“It’s not a proposal for you to return to the Tower. Surely, we have more tact than that?”

His voice was calm as he extended a hand toward her.

“Won’t you at least listen to what I have to say?”

Back at the Bourdain estate...

“What exactly do you mean by that?”

Emil Bourdain clasped his hands together, wearing a meaningful expression. His gaze wasn’t on Theodora but rather on the direction of the banquet hall outside. His cold, azure eyes glimmered with an eerie detachment.

“Exactly as I said. The curse placed on Maxime Apart is not a simple one that merely takes his life.”

Emil turned his attention back to Theodora.

“If we truly wanted to take his life, we wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of using a curse and involving the Academy. We could have hired skilled assassins or disguised an accident, throwing him into more dangerous conditions during the final exams,”

His gaze questioned Theodora, as if expecting her to agree.

“Even if such methods had been used, there was a chance they could fail… But I’ve heard that his abilities are well-regarded. And, of course, you were always by his side.”

That’s why the curse was used.

Emil concluded his explanation.

“I asked you to explain what you meant.”

Theodora demanded further clarification.

“No matter how much you think you know, you cannot grasp the full truth.”

Emil tapped the table lightly as Theodora’s expression darkened.

“Why are you telling me this now?”

Emil spoke as though it didn’t matter whether or not Theodora learned the truth. In fact, it seemed he was indifferent about her knowing everything from the start.

“A grand plan always requires contingencies.”

Emil spoke nonchalantly. Theodora had no idea what he meant by this grand plan or its contingencies. She had never heard of such things before.

“You’ll come to understand later. Your father has his reasons for not revealing everything to you yet.”

Theodora clenched her teeth.

“So please, Miss Theodora...”

“Do you really think I’ll just accept this if you keep talking in circles?”

Theodora’s patience was thinning. The air in the room grew heavy.

“Tell me now.”

The atmosphere felt suffocating, as though the weight of her words was pressing down on Emil.

“What is this curse, and why did you need to use it to separate me from Maxime?”

There was a faint creak as the wood of the chair strained under the tension. Theodora's voice grew colder, her tone pressing harder against Emil.

“Tell me now.”

Sweat formed on Emil's brow as he raised his hands in an attempt to calm her down.

“I was planning to explain...”

The space around them seemed to bend under the pressure of Theodora’s power.

“Your father’s plan...”

“He intended to call you back once the situation in the no-man’s land was resolved.”

Emil spoke quickly.

“It would be better for the Count to explain the rest...”

Theodora remained unfazed.

“Forget about this so-called plan.”

She leaned in, her gaze intensifying.

“Tell me about Maxime’s curse.”

Emil sighed.

“There’s no stopping the curse now. Up until now, that mage from the Raven Knights was delaying its progression, but I’ve heard that recently Maxime had to use his aura.”

Theodora flinched, the oppressive atmosphere lightened.

“The curse reacts to mana, triggering a collapse. If he’s unlucky, he might die. But knights, with their strong bodies, can often endure even as their bodies break down.”

The problem is,

“Other things begin to collapse.”

Theodora couldn’t fully grasp Emil’s words. Or rather, her mind refused to accept what she was hearing.

“His memory and mind will collapse.”

Theodora was speechless. Emil’s words, delivered so matter-of-factly, left her reeling.

“And once the curse fully runs its course, whether you want it or not, Maxime Apart will fall into the hands of the Benning family. That’s why our families have been connected—by design.”

Unless, of course, Maxime's body gives out before then or he chooses to escape the curse.

But both Theodora and Emil knew Maxime wouldn’t do that.

“To be frank, Count Benning saw Maxime as a talent too valuable to waste. While he wasn’t suitable as your partner or a piece of the grand plan, his abilities were not something to discard.”

Theodora’s thoughts couldn’t keep up with Emil’s words.

“And despite all this, my father still expects me to stay loyal to the family?”

Emil nodded without hesitation, as if the answer was obvious.

“Of course. The Count believes that you will remain part of the family. And he knows how much you care for Maxime.”

Emil tapped the armrest of his chair lightly.

“As I said, Maxime Apart’s fate has already been decided, regardless of your choices.”

Theodora gripped the armrest tightly, her knuckles turning white.

“The decision you’ll make… will come after your mission in the no-man’s land is complete.”

Back in the banquet hall, the sun had begun to dip toward the west.

The musicians skillfully guided the mood of the party. They started with a light, steady piece, slowly building excitement, then transitioned into a lively, upbeat tune that set the guests’ hearts racing. Finally, they moved into a noble waltz.

Following the rhythm of the strings, the nobles danced elegantly. Maxime, who had been busy greeting guests, finally had a moment to breathe as the atmosphere quieted, with couples drifting off to waltz.


Marion, looking just as exhausted, sat beside Maxime. She gently rubbed the ring Maxime had given her, managing to fend off the nobles’ prying questions and curious stares. Maxime found himself quietly admiring her resilience and smiled warmly at her.

“A bit tired, yes.”

Marion awkwardly lifted her arm, hesitating before placing her hand on Maxime’s shoulder. She began to timidly massage his shoulder. The act, so clumsy yet sincere, brought a burst of laughter from Maxime.

“...Should I stop?”

Marion asked nervously, startled by his reaction. Maxime shook his head, still chuckling.

“No... Thank you. Please continue.”

Marion gave him a mildly annoyed look, interpreting his laughter as teasing. She tried to glare at him, but her blue eyes, slightly moist, only scrunched up as she attempted to look stern.


Marion’s voice dragged as she applied more pressure to his shoulder. Although she could have easily stopped, she couldn’t bring herself to ignore his request. Maxime reached up and gently patted her head, causing her face to flush bright pink as she looked down.

“Sorry, I won’t tease you anymore.”

At his apology, Marion lifted her face, still blushing. Just then, a somewhat tipsy noble approached, swinging his arms as he made his way over to Maxime and Marion. He appeared to be from another branch of the Benning family, though his appearance and manners were far from noble. He clapped Maxime on the shoulder.

“Ah, the future groom and bride sitting around without dancing? That won’t do.”

The noble nudged Maxime up from his seat, and Maxime found himself awkwardly rising and taking Marion’s hand.

“Come on, miss. You can’t let your fiancé dance alone, now can you?”

Marion rose reluctantly, and the noble guided them out from under the white tent into the afternoon sun. The warm rays beat down as Maxime and Marion found themselves standing in the middle of the party.

“Alright, get dancing! Musicians! Play us something more fitting, will you?”

Maxime sighed, a wry smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Marion, feeling flustered, lowered her head, avoiding the eyes of the crowd. The conductor signaled the musicians, and they smoothly transitioned into a new piece.

“Go on, start dancing!”

The noble, caught up in his own enthusiasm, grabbed an imaginary partner and began moving to the music. Maxime couldn’t help but let out a quiet laugh. Slowly, other guests began taking partners, swaying to the sweet yet melancholic melody. Maxime felt Marion’s small hand in his, her fingers barely brushing his own.

Without a word, Maxime began leading Marion in the dance. The music flowed softly, guiding them. Maxime gathered all the courage he had, feeling Marion’s faint breath as she stayed close to him. The other young ladies and noblewomen whispered as they watched her, comparing her to Maxime.

Maxime gently turned them around, ensuring that Marion wouldn’t notice the stares. She looked up at him, their eyes meeting. Marion’s face was still flushed, but she offered him a shy, faint smile.

Amid the tightening grip of the curse, Maxime thought,

I hope this moment won’t be our last.

The summer sun felt harsh, and Maxime stepped closer to Marion to hide his shaded expression.

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