Surviving the Game as a Barbarian
Chapter 6 Table of contents

Chapter 6 – Give and Take (Part 2)

Dungeon & Stone was an unusual game.

While NPC* companions are essential to progressing through the game, they could never be trusted.

An NPC (or NPC) is a non-playable character, a character in games that is not under the player's control.

Especially if it's a bastard you've just met.


I walked through the cave.

*Staggering, staggering*.

A shoe was missing, my gait was unbalanced.

Still, I was happy.

The discomfort I was experiencing now was at least something I couldn't feel when I was crawling on three legs.

I regained my human dignity.

Although, I didn't know how long it would last.


I continued by attaching the shield to my upper body. I didn't have to look at the ground like I used to, because there was finally light. The light emitted by the crystals embedded in the walls and ceiling illuminated everything around him.

The memory of crawling and bleeding through these corridors now seemed like a dream.

I can say that being able to see was a blessing from God. Without a doubt, this blessing will allow me to deal with the goblin bastards.



Surprised by my scream, the goblin jumped out from behind a rock.

Having already roughly understood where he was hiding, I activated the skill.

"Smash!" asshole!

"Smash" was a skill with decent attack power that did not consume MP. For reference, I just made it up.


The goblin jumped and was knocked down by my shield, falling to the floor. I walked nimbly over and stomped my foot on the upper part of the goblin's body.


There was no point in looking at me with pitying eyes. I knew how cunning and evil you are.


What, are you different?

Then ask your friend who died before because that bastard made me like this.


I struck the goblin in the face with all my might with the edge of the shield. This was different from Smash, which only rocks or pushes the enemy in front of me. It was called... The final shield attack.

Likewise, I just made it up.


Soon, the goblin, who had died an easy death, disappeared like a light. This was proof that evil had become at least a little less, and the world had become a little more beautiful. I picked up the mana gem reward and put them in my pocket. This was my 10th mana gem since entering the labyrinth.

"*Phew*, amateur bastards.

I've continued to encounter goblins since I first experienced a near-death experience. I was nervous at first, but I soon realized that goblins are not a threat in the light.

They weren't as smart as I thought. This was evidenced by a carelessly placed trap in front.

At least they covered it with mud. Are you fools, or what? If you leave it open like this, who the hell would step on it?

The goblin traps were so low-quality that they could be detected even from afar. And if you walked past the trap without stepping on it, the goblins jumped out and attacked first. Apparently, they only chase you like crazy if you really step on the trap...

Gradually, having figured out the fighting habits of the goblins, it became easier to resist them. Firstly, their main weapon was a short dagger, and their physical strength was at the level of a junior schoolboy. On the other hand, I was now a muscular barbarian with a build of up to 6'5" (196 cm). In an all-out battle, I could defeat a goblin within 3 seconds.

This meant that I only had to beware of surprise attacks, but it was possible to know the ambush location in advance with the help of traps.

Hmm, why not become a goblin slayer while I'm in business?

I immediately raised my hand to hit myself in the face.


Now I was alert because of the pain.

What was I thinking...? I'm clearly going crazy.

If it were not so, there is no way I could have laughed at such a pathetic thought. I couldn't become complacent just because I killed a few goblins. I was given a second chance at life only 2 hours ago. In addition, I have not yet solved any of my new problems.

"*Phew*, I'm hungry...

Firstly, there was a problem with food.

The shield wasn't the only thing I had as I crawled through the darkness. About five days of food was lost due to a hole in the food bag provided by the chief. Of course, I couldn't wander in the dark to find her. I'm not Hansel and Gretel.

While I was thinking so, I opened my sack, took out a piece of bread, and ate it.

*Bites, bites*.

The bread was hard and devoid of moisture, probably for preservation purposes, but as I softened it with saliva, I felt the sweetness of carbohydrates on my tongue.

Why is it so delicious?

My eating habits must have changed along with the body of a barbarian.

After a few bites, the bread, which was the size of my palm, was gone. I sighed, feeling a strange feeling of regret and bitterness in my mouth.

I was thirsty.

That was the second problem.

... , where am I going to find water?


[You killed a goblin.]

[You killed a goblin.]

[You killed a goblin.]

[You killed a goblin.]

[ATTENTION! Insufficient water in the body. Quickly collect drinking water...].

Dungeon & Stone had a thirst system. Of course, it is only activated in the maze, and there was no need to carry drinking water with you, because the indicator could be replenished by simply eating.

But it was not a game. More precisely, this place was like another universe, very similar to the game I knew.

It was already a hardcore game, but in reality, the difficulty is insane.

I wasn't too worried, though. True, water was a more important resource than food, but the chief of the tribe did not provide it for us. Obviously, self-sufficiency should have been possible in the labyrinth.

The search also did not take long.


An hour passed while I was killing goblins and wandering around the cave, which was as difficult as an ant's hole.

Haunted by the sound of dripping water, I found a small pond.

Already one researcher was squatting by the pond and drinking from it. Apart from the blond, this was my first time I had met another person...

But the conversation did not go well. The other man saw me from afar and left without saying a word, and I didn't talk to him either.

Other researchers I've met since then have been the same. As soon as everyone saw me, they avoided me. There seems to be an unwritten rule among researchers not to come into contact with each other, just like in a game.

Well, maybe they just didn't want to mess with the blood-covered barbarian.

Anyway, after hunting goblins, I ate bread when I was hungry and drank water when I was thirsty. And so time flew by.

— 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...

After counting the number of mana gems I've earned so far, I've got a total of 44. In terms of bread, this was equivalent to 44 pieces.

If you think back to the days when I was on the verge of death, it was a real triumphal feat, but in this world, nothing is given for free. In return, I was deeply exhausted.

This was the 3rd problem I encountered.

I'm getting tired...

Since I was a living being, I had to sleep. Even a highly learned barbarian was not distinguished by this.

How to fall asleep in a labyrinth inhabited by monsters?

There are two ways.

I entrust my life to the universe and just doze off, or find a teammate to protect each other.

I had already decided which option I would choose.

Entrust your life to the Universe? In my experience, the universe cannot be trusted. At least for me, it was really impossible.

Let's find a comrade.

Of course, I didn't plan to create an official band. Everyone should be in the same debilitating situation right now, so I planned to find the right person and create a temporary union.

In fact, even in the game, I spent most of these nights when my exhaustion level was full.

*Top! Torus!*

Having made this decision, I focused on the movement, not the battle, and began to wander through the maze. As I walked in this way, I began to see groups of people everywhere, unlike before.

*Top! Torus!*

A group of two or three researchers rested, taking turns on duty. After evaluating their appearance and physiognomy, I plucked up the courage and approached several groups, but all of them were unsuccessful.

"I'm sorry, but we have everyone we need.

Although they said so, when I approached them, they frowned and covered their noses. The reason was very clear.

... Assholes. How clean do you think you are?

I muttered inwardly to myself when someone spoke to me.


He was a man who looked to be about 30 years old. His height was about 6 feet (180 cm). Although he gave the impression of being quite a good-natured person, he had a hammer covered in goblin blood in his hand.

The peasant smiled and asked:

"Are you looking for a night companion?"

What the?!

As I instinctively took a step back, the man tilted his head.

"Isn't that what you were looking for?" I thought that I would be able to rest in peace, because you are a barbarian, but alas, this is not so.

Why didn't you say that right away, uncle...

Obviously, "night companion" was slang for a temporary cooperative relationship. This was indicated in the game.

I interpreted it as a night friend, a night buddy, but hearing it in real life sounded very perverse.

— ... No. I'm looking for a night companion.

"Really?" I'm glad. Then will you come with me?"

"I'll go."

So I became this man's night companion.

"My name is Hans."

"Bjorn, son of Yandel."

"Then can I call you Bjorn?"

It seemed that the man had a lot of experience in this business. He naturally introduced himself and led the conversation.

"Three night companions in the group would be best, but it seems like a waste of stamina. Bjorn, what do you think?

Simply put, he was saying that the two of us should sleep together.

Maybe this person is really a pervert? I don't know, maybe it's because of the sly tone, but I continue to feel that I'm being led to something strange.


"Good. If someone asks to join us, then we can discuss it with each other and decide whether to accept it or not.

After a short discussion, we decided to guard each other on the first night.

However, the problem was as follows...

"Then let's decide on the order of duty with the help of "rock-paper-scissors".

It seems that the rock-paper-scissors rule also applies here.

Damn, I'm not good at this game...

And again I am terribly lucky.

"Hmph, it looks like I've won."


"I'll trust you." When a goblin or other explorer approaches, wake me up. I got it?

— ... Ok.

"Here, take this.

The man handed me a watch with the numbers 0 to 23 on the dial and was kind enough to teach me how to use it.

"When the short hour hand reaches this point, you can wake me up."

Perhaps this is a common idea of barbarians.

"Don't break it. It's expensive.

— ... Ok.

How demanding.

Soon the man took out a blanket, covered himself with it and lay down, using his backpack as a pillow. And soon he fell asleep. Probably, this is what the experience looks like. He looked damn comfortable.

If I ask him to lend it to me when it's my turn, he'll probably refuse, right?


By the way, this night watch is a very boring activity. The goblin bastards were nowhere to be seen, and there were no other explorers trying to pass through the passage. Maybe everyone has found a night companion and is resting?

While the silence lasted, I continued to feel sleepy. Still, time passed quickly. I leaned against the wall and thought about the future.

" Hans, vstakai.

— ... Has anything happened?

— No, I don't.

- I see. Good work. Then give me the watch and rest. I'll wake you up in 2 hours.

Before I could ask if I had borrowed them, the man packed the blanket back into his backpack and stood up.


I quickly pulled myself together, sat down with my back to the wall and pretended to doze off.

It was a matter of course. No matter how kind and intelligent this person seemed, and even if he had no intention of harming me...

How can I trust the bastard I just met?

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