The king of the yetis, Shark-Hati, did not know how he was born. He also did not know why he was given such a name. He simply called himself that because it was in his memory.
The first thing Shark-Hati did upon appearing in the world was instinctively recognizing his kin as his subordinates and ordering them to make weapons.
Although he had no memories, somehow, he knew how to create weapons. He had no recollection, yet he could make armor. He didn’t remember, but he could tame mounts and ride them.
These 'forgotten memories' pointed only one path to Shark-Hati: to go out into the world and destroy it. To burn everything to the ground.
All the yetis believed his words without question. Although no one knew where they came from, more yetis kept appearing, and as soon as they were created, they instinctively understood their role.
Time passed, and finally, equipped with the best-forged axe, the largest mount, and the finest armor, Shark-Hati set out, full of confidence.
"Shall we capture a few of his subordinates as well? Just capturing the leader alone won’t provide enough samples," I mused.