I Became an Academy Counselor
Chapter 97 Table of contents

Thud, thud.

Footsteps echoed through the dark hallway.

It was astonishing that anyone could live in such a harsh environment for an extended period, but Stella didn’t mind.

After all, this was the final stop for heinous criminals, and it was only fitting that they received treatment deserving of their actions.

“Can’t we at least turn on a light? I’m getting confused about whether we’re going the right way.”

“My apologies, Your Highness. The prisoners here have grown accustomed to the darkness. Sudden exposure to light could seriously harm their eyes.”

“···Do we really need to be concerned about the eyes of criminals like them?”

These weren’t petty criminals.

This prison had long been used to hold some of the worst offenders.

Most of the prisoners here were either child predators or serial killers, which showed just how depraved they were.

Moreover, not every criminal who committed such heinous crimes ended up here.

Only those whose guilt was beyond any doubt, without the slightest possibility of a mistake, were sent to this prison.

Did such people really deserve that level of care?

It might have been a slightly cruel thought, but Stella believed it was justified.

The warden, who had offered to show her around, nodded in agreement.

“Of course, I think the same, but if they were to go blind, it would only make managing them more troublesome.”

“···Ah, I see.”

“None of the staff, myself included, want to come into this place more than necessary. The fact that you, Your Highness, came here at all is surprising.”

“I apologize.”

“No need. It’s my duty after all.”

So, it was a matter of management.

Indeed, even in the dark, once your eyes adjusted, you could at least see things directly in front of you.

As long as you threw a piece of hard bread in their direction, they could still manage to eat it.

But if they went blind, the staff would have to care for each one individually, which would undoubtedly be a much bigger hassle.

Even now, there was a foul odor in the air, but in such a situation, it would likely get so bad that the staff wouldn’t even want to enter.

Stella gazed at the prisoners lying in the dark, looking as lifeless as corpses.

Those who had committed crimes so severe they barely seemed human.

Perhaps the abolition of the death penalty had been a misfortune for them.

After all, they would have to spend the rest of their lives in a place like this.

But Stella didn’t feel pity or sympathy. They were here because of their own crimes.

“···By the way, Your Highness, do you really have something to ask this criminal? Enough to come to a place like this?”

“Hm? Oh, it’s nothing serious. Just a light question.”

“I see.”

The warden seemed curious as to why the princess had come all this way to question a criminal.

Surely, if it were important, someone else could have come in her place? He seemed to be thinking along those lines.

It wasn’t an unreasonable thought, but this was something Stella had to ask personally.

When Stella didn’t elaborate, the warden dropped the subject and continued walking in silence.

After a few minutes, they stopped in front of a cell.

“Here we are. I’ll set up a partition, but if anything happens, press this button immediately.”

“What is this?”

“Gas. It will take care of the prisoner in an instant. You’ll be isolated from the cell, so don’t worry.”

“···Understood. I’ll keep it.”

“If anything seems suspicious, use it right away. You can blame any issues on pre-existing conditions. ···Hey, wake up. You have a visitor.”


The small hatch on the cell opened, and a groan came from inside as the prisoner reacted to the sudden change.

But Stella wasn’t concerned about the prisoner’s well-being as she spoke.

“Do you know Ophelia?”

“Ugh, grrk···.”

“Answer me.”

The reason Stella had come all this way to question a criminal was simple. She couldn’t afford to miss even the smallest possibility.

She had already ordered her subordinates to report on all the criminal organizations in the capital.

···And in the short time before she received that report, she decided to gather as much information as she could about Ophelia.

That’s why she was here.

“If you answer···well, I might be able to get you out of here. I am a princess, after all. If you’re a member of the organization that once sought to overthrow the world and targeted me, you must recognize my face.”


“So, it’s in your best interest to answer me truthfully, Salome.”

The terror campaign carried out by an organization called the Radiant Light had been easily suppressed, thanks to the old lady and the teachers.

The leader of the organization was dead, most of the members were either dead or captured, and the remaining members were being hunted.

So, what did Stella want to ask the remnants of the organization?

It was about Miss Ophelia’s whereabouts.

Even as the leader of the Radiant Light was dying, he hadn’t stopped talking.

And what he said was that Miss Ophelia was behind him.

Of course, the academy teachers dismissed it as the ravings of a terrorist.

Fearing that the rumor might spread among the public and fuel conspiracy theories, the information had been kept secret.

But Stella couldn’t ignore the possibility that it was true, especially given Miss Ophelia’s departure from the academy.

She wanted to know more about the details.

“What is the connection between the Radiant Light and Miss Ophelia?”

“···Miss Ophelia?”

“Yes, Miss Ophelia.”

“What business do you have with Miss Ophelia?”

···What was this extreme loyalty?

The dying man’s face had suddenly filled with a look of fierce determination.

It was as if, no matter what, he wouldn’t do anything that would harm her.

Stella could guess what had happened to him.

He was probably under some form of hypnosis.

“Alright, let’s change the question. When did you first meet Miss Ophelia?”

“···What are you plotting?”

“I don’t know. But you’d better think carefully. It would be in your best interest to answer truthfully.”

Stella believed that the unusual loyalty to Miss Ophelia was due to hypnosis.

If it wasn’t, then the only other explanation would be that Miss Ophelia really was a member of the Radiant Light.

That would be the worst possible scenario, one that Stella didn’t even want to consider.

That’s why she deliberately dismissed that possibility, even though she knew better.

“Hmph. Of course, it was from the day the Radiant Light was formed···.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Something feels off. Was the Radiant Light formed at a hotel? No, that doesn’t sound right···?”

“···Enough. I’ve heard what I needed.”

Fortunately, the worst-case scenario Stella feared hadn’t come true.

It seemed that Miss Ophelia had somehow infiltrated the Radiant Light and hypnotized them.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be acting so confused.

So, it wasn’t a complete lie when the leader of the Radiant Light said Miss Ophelia was behind him.

She was likely controlling him through hypnosis.

But why?

There was still much Stella didn’t know, and only Miss Ophelia could answer that.

At least she now knew that the relationship between Miss Ophelia and the Radiant Light wasn’t a positive one.

For now, that was enough to satisfy her.

“Thank you. I’ve learned what I needed.”

“I don’t recall having a particularly useful conversation.”

“Oh, it was quite enlightening for me.”

“Really? Then about our agreement···.”

“Agreement? What are you talking about?”


Salome, confused, let out a bewildered sound, and Stella smiled.

“I said I might be able to get you out, but I never promised I would.”

“Wh-what the···! That’s absurd! Get me out of here!”

“Oh, you recognize that it’s absurd? ···But, did you know?”

Bang, bang, bang.

Salome began pounding on the walls, realizing that his chance of escape was slipping away.

But Stella just smiled and watched, taking no action.

“That’s how politics works. I never promised you anything, did I?”

“You, you treacherous wench!”

“Next time, pay more attention to what people say. If there is a next time.”

“Get me out! Let me out of here!”

“Well then, have a good night.”


Salome’s last hope faded away, leaving him screaming into the night.

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