I Became an Academy Counselor
Chapter 99 Table of contents

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready."


The students swallowed nervously as they gazed at the large mansion.

Finally, they would meet the teacher.

Today, right here.

"···It'll go well, right?"

"Let’s hope so."

Before coming here, the students had spent countless hours gathered in the counseling office, reviewing and refining their plan.

They considered everything they knew—the number of people in the organization, the mansion's layout, the teacher’s personality—taking all possible factors into account and adjusting their plan until it felt perfect.

Now, they were finally here.

They believed it would work.

Still, they couldn’t hide their nervousness, knowing that tension often led to mistakes, even if they were aware of the risk.

"Leo, we’re counting on you. You’re our only hope."

"···Is this really the only way?"

"Of course. Among us, you're the only one who can enter without raising suspicion. It’s necessary to meet the teacher."


Though Leo had agreed when they were making the plan, the reality of having to carry it out seemed to make him hesitate.

As Leo began to voice his concerns, Stella, who was in a weaker position, coaxed him.

"Just endure it for today. If we can capture the teacher, you’ll have played the biggest role."


"As the future empress, I promise to grant you any favor you desire, no matter what it is. Truly."

"···Sigh. Fine. I was just complaining a bit, don’t take it too seriously."

"Thank you. I’ll make sure···"

"Save the promises for later. Let’s get this over with."


As Stella infused Leo with magic, his form slowly began to change. His hair lengthened, and he brushed it behind his ears, now accustomed to the transformation.

The other students, though amazed, looked at him with a mix of unease.

"···It’s still strange, no matter how many times I see it."

"Yeah. I just can’t get used to it, really···"

"I’m not doing this."

"Oh! S-sorry. You look beautiful!"

"Yeah. Adorable, um… even huggable!"

"I really don’t want to do this!"

Hearing their remarks about his transformed appearance, Leo turned his head away, sulking.

Though it might have been his way of expressing that he didn’t appreciate their comments, he seemed unaware of how cute he appeared while doing so.

···But that’s exactly why Leo was the perfect candidate for this mission.

"Don’t be so upset, Leo. They just don’t realize how dashing you are."

"Princess Stella···?"

"Don’t worry. No matter your appearance, I can always see your noble spirit, the one brimming with chivalry."


"Of course. Now, how about we get started? If we take too long, we might have to return tomorrow."

"Understood! Leave it to me!"

Too easy.

Watching Leo’s morale rise after a few words of encouragement, Stella sighed.

She was convinced that once this was all over, she would need to keep Leo as a knight under her command.

If she left him on his own, it was all too easy to imagine him being swindled and ending up penniless.

Besides, he wanted to be a knight anyway, so there shouldn’t be an issue.

Oblivious to Stella’s thoughts, Leo put on a tearful expression and started walking toward the mansion as planned.


“Wow, he really looks like a kid.”

“Leo’s going to be mad if he hears that.”

“Don’t worry, he can’t hear us from there.”

As they watched Leo's performance, time passed, and soon the mansion stirred with activity. A woman finally stepped out through the mansion’s door.

"That person···."

"Do you know her?"

"Yes. She’s the one I mentioned before, the one who brought the teacher here."


While their curiosity about Jane’s connection to Miss Ophelia grew, the students quickly refocused on their main objective.

Questions about their relationship could wait until they found Miss Ophelia.

"Hmm···. I haven’t seen this little one around here before."


"Where did you come from? Where’s your mom?"

"I-I don’t know. Mommyyy! Waaah!"

"···Oh dear, this is troubling."

Jane looked down at Leo, who was bawling, with a worried expression.

She didn’t seem to suspect for a second that Leo was actually a boy who looked a little different than usual.

···Good. She wasn’t suspicious.

"What’s your name, little one?"


"Leona, huh? Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. Can you tell me where your mommy is?"

"I-I don’t know. We were playing, and then she disappeared… Mommyyyy! Waaah!"

"···This is troublesome."

As Jane’s face darkened at the sight of the crying Leo, the students, in contrast, were filled with admiration.


"Right? He has a surprising talent."

Even during the practice run, Leo’s crying act had been pretty convincing, but no one expected him to play the role of a child this well.

Perhaps if he had pursued acting instead of knighthood, he might have become a star.

"What’s going on, Jane? It sounds noisy outside."

"Oh, boss. It’s nothing. Just a kid who seems to have gotten lost···"

"Huh? A child?"

Hearing the voice, the students’ thoughts froze as they turned their gaze to the entrance.

Miss Ophelia appeared before their eyes.

"A lost child, you say? How did that happen?"

"Um, well, I-I was playing with my mom, but then… she disappeared."

"I see. Why don’t you rest here for a bit?"

"Ah, I-I can’t really···"

"Don’t worry. We’re not bad people. We’ll help you find your mom, okay?"

She knelt to meet Leo’s eyes and spoke to him gently, just like the teacher they remembered.

As Miss Ophelia took Leo’s hand and led him inside, the students quickly got into position.

They had successfully infiltrated the mansion.

Now, all they had to do was wait for Leo to lure Miss Ophelia outside, just as they had planned.

"What’s your name?"


"Leona, huh? Want to wipe those tears?"

I gently patted Leona’s head, trying to comfort her.

"You must be so sad since your mommy disappeared. But don’t worry, we’ll help you find her."


Leona. Her name reminded me of someone.

Not just the name—her face looked a lot like his, too.

Looking at this child’s face brought back memories of those students.

I wonder how they’re doing now?

"Your face reminds me of a student I used to know."

"A student?"

"Yeah. I used to be a teacher. He wanted to be a knight. He was a bit clumsy at times, but he grew stronger and stronger. It was really impressive."


"If you want to be someone like him, you have to stop crying, okay?"

Leona nodded slowly, and I found myself lost in thought.

Now that I think about it, I really don’t know how those kids are doing lately.

Maybe after I help this child find her parents, I should check up on them.

I know it’s probably not a good idea to get involved, but I can’t help but want to know how they’re doing, even just once.

It’s kind of like checking up on your favorite idol’s latest news.

"Do you know your mom’s phone number?"


"I know her number, but I don’t have a phone…"

"That’s perfect. There’s a phone here. Want me to call her for you?"

"···Thank you, big sis."

"Don’t mention it."

This was going more smoothly than expected.

I entered the number Leona gave me.

As soon as the call connected, the person on the other end answered with a trembling voice.

“Wh-who is this?”

"Ah, hello. Are you Leona’s mother?"

“Yes, that’s right… W-wait, is Leona there?! Where are you?!"

Leona’s mother sounded frantic, like she had been searching everywhere for her daughter.

Hmm··· Giving her the address might be a bit risky.

Even though I bought this place legally, I used some shady money.

It’d be better if I just went to her myself.

"This is my home, but where are you right now? You must be nearby. I can bring her to you."

“R-really? Are you sure? I don’t want to impose too much…”

"Oh, it’s fine. I was just about to go for a walk anyway. Don’t worry about it, I’ll bring her right away. Right, Leona?"

"···Yeah. Mom, don’t worry. Everything’s going to be okay."

"Thank goodness, thank you so much…"

I could hear her mother’s voice trembling with relief, tears in her words.

···I’d better move quickly.

I turned to Jane, who had been watching us.

"I’m going to head out for a bit. Might take a little while."

"Will you be okay, boss? I can go instead."

"It’s fine. I’ll enjoy a little walk. Plus, Leona’s really sticking close to me."

"···That’s true. Alright then, have a safe trip, boss. And don’t sneak off to buy snacks."

"I won’t. What do you think I am, a kid?"

"You still don’t eat your broccoli, so yes."


Even adults have trouble with that sometimes.

Grumbling to myself, I took Leona’s hand.

"Let’s go find your mommy, Leona."


What a sunny day.

I thought to myself as I started walking, unaware of what was about to happen next.

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