I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor
Chapter 296 Table of contents

< Comeback (1) >

Kang Woo-jin took the transparent file handed to him by Choi Seong-geon, who wore his signature pigtail. His expression remained calm, but internally, Woo-jin tilted his head in curiosity. Were scenes really added to the script for episodes 1 and 2 of Beneficial Evil?

‘Does that mean there were modifications?’

Even the running time of the drama was extended. Wouldn’t that mean it required more significant changes than expected? Woo-jin, who had already read (or rather experienced) the script for episodes 1 and 2 of Beneficial Evil long ago, naturally felt skeptical.

Why make changes at this point?

However, Woo-jin, ever the professional, maintained his composure. He casually opened the transparent file and asked Choi Seong-geon a question. Of course, his voice was calm but filled with curiosity.

“Adding scenes now… isn’t it too late?”

Though the tone was slightly critical, Woo-jin’s question was valid. No matter how much Beneficial Evil was in pre-production, revising the script this late in the process would surely prolong the production schedule. And that would ultimately mean higher costs.

Beneficial Evil was already an expensive production.

Because it was pre-produced, the quality and meticulousness needed to stand out compared to live dramas. The production costs invested so far had already been substantial. On top of that, more actors and staff than usual had been hired. If the production schedule was extended, more money would be lost with each passing day.

However, Choi Seong-geon smiled reassuringly, as if it was no big deal.

“You’re right, normally it would be quite late. But fortunately, we didn’t have to go back to square one.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah. According to PD Song, these scenes were originally part of the early drafts of the script for episodes 1 and 2. It’s like they were cut out, the script was completed, and now they’re being added back in.”

“So the running time for episodes 1 and 2 will increase.”

“Exactly. But writer Choi has taken it upon herself to refine the material even more than before, and she’s doing some intensive research as we speak.”

In other words, the original content had been upgraded and re-added. If that were the case, it wouldn’t have a huge impact on the overall production timeline. Woo-jin, who was nodding slightly, looked down at the transparent file in his hands. The file contained storyboards of the scenes to be added, along with information and materials about the shots.

As he examined the illustrated storyboard cuts, Woo-jin couldn’t help but be impressed, even though he kept it to himself.

‘Wow—this is insane. Is this geography? Just looking at the storyboard, it’s practically a blockbuster.’

Beneficial Evil already had plenty of action scenes, but the ones he saw in the storyboard were quite intense. They reminded him of certain Hollywood movies.

And then—

‘Wait… guns? They’re using guns too?’

The new scenes included technology he hadn’t seen before, and guns were part of the mix. Woo-jin, now both externally and internally more serious, turned the page. There were quite a few letters, data, and information about the added scenes, but one thing caught his attention.

Scheduled Filming Location: Bangkok, Thailand.

Bangkok? Bangkok, Thailand? So, they were going to film in an overseas location? For a moment, Woo-jin was reminded of Da Nang, Vietnam, where he had filmed Island of the Missing.

But more than that—

‘Bangkok? That’s a place I’ve never thought of.’

A truly unexpected location had popped up. Bangkok was a place Woo-jin used to joke about with his friends, but he never seriously thought about going there in his lifetime.

Whatever it was, he had a strange feeling.

‘This is crazy. Are we really going all the way to Bangkok to film this?’

He felt half excited and half worried. Naturally, there were more worries than excitement. Although he had filmed in foreign countries like Japan before, this was his first time doing full-scale action scenes abroad. Still, Woo-jin, who remained outwardly calm, nodded slowly.

“Bangkok, not bad.”

Choi Seong-geon gave a thumbs-up.

“I’ve taken a look at it too, and the visuals are killer. The added scenes give more insight into the male lead’s past, so it feels like the project is really coming together. From the start, there’s destruction, explosions, and all kinds of chaos.”


“You need to show the protagonist’s strength early in episodes 1 and 2 so that his power in later episodes makes sense. But of course, with you, there’s no need to worry. How do you feel about it?”

“It’s about what I expected.”

“Haha, good. Anyway, the revised script will be handed to you soon, and before that, there will be promotional filming and a meeting with the Beneficial Evil team.”

After that, Choi Seong-geon spent about ten minutes explaining more about Beneficial Evil. As the two sat across from each other at the table in the representative office, Choi quickly switched topics once the briefing was over.

“So, what happened in Jinju? I need to know the situation there too.”

As expected, he was curious. Without wasting any time, Woo-jin explained in a low tone what had happened at the Jinju Children’s Center. He kept it brief and to the point. After hearing the story, Choi let out a chuckle.

“What was wrong with that sponsor representative? Is he crazy? Anyway, good job.”

Choi Seong-geon then took out his phone and continued.

“I’ve been keeping an eye on Jinju anyway. Since it’s your hometown, Jinju City Hall is always eager to cooperate with us. Your donation is significant, and the photos look good too. I’ve already gotten a call from the children’s center, so I’ll take care of it.”

“Thank you.”

“What are you thanking me for? This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while. And you personally donated? Don’t worry, I’ll handle everything through the company.”

Woo-jin, maintaining his composed exterior, felt a deep sense of gratitude toward Choi Seong-geon. Of course, Choi had no idea what was going on inside Woo-jin’s mind.

“Since it’s your first year doing this, why not go all out? Let’s bump it up to 300 million won. That’ll make the media really take notice.”

He wrote something down on his phone and continued.

“Ah, and we’ll coordinate with the PR team. This year, the donation promotion will make a lot of noise, but from next year onward, we’ll keep it quieter.”

It made sense. The news of Woo-jin’s visit to Jinju had already become a hot topic in the media and among the public, so it was only natural to maintain that momentum.

“Anyway, that’s the situation in Jinju. Now, let’s talk about your schedule.”

With a thick planner in hand, Choi Seong-geon began reciting Woo-jin’s packed schedule. Now that his sweet vacation was over, it was time to go full throttle again. Endless tasks poured out from Choi’s mouth. Meanwhile, Woo-jin—


—sat in silence, maintaining his poker face. His feelings were something along the lines of, ‘Water is water, and a mountain is a mountain.’ If he let his mind wander too much, he might fall asleep. Woo-jin wasn’t someone who paid much attention to his schedule in advance. What was the point? He would just go and do it when the time came. Regardless, Choi continued his passionate briefing.

“In two days, ‘Uramatsu Mifuyu’ will be coming to Korea for filming Kang Woo-jin’s Side Character. This will be the first time you’ve seen her since filming Familiar, right?”


“Mifuyu mentioned this will be her first time in Korea for something other than a vacation. Anyway, since a top Japanese actress is visiting, there’ll be plenty of news coverage.”

After another 30 minutes, Choi Seong-geon’s briefing finally came to an end.

“So, you’re back today. Do you want to rest and start tomorrow?”

Kang Woo-jin shook his head and slowly stood up.

“There’s no problem if we start right away.”

With that, Kang Woo-jin returned to the grind. He immediately went to the shop and started catching up on minor schedules like interviews and photoshoots that had been postponed.

The next morning, early.

Kang Woo-jin, wearing a tightly pressed-down hat, got into the van. This time, he had to head to the shop again. As he settled in, he picked up his phone, intending to check the latest news on the internet.

‘Let’s see—’

Various issues were trending online: an idol scandal that broke a few days ago, a variety show that aired yesterday, news of a top actor’s comeback, and so on.

Among them, of course, there was one clear standout.

『A10 Studio, a major Japanese animation production company, releases recordings of ‘Boyfriend: Remake’… Only Kang Woo-jin is visible / Photo』

Anything related to Kang Woo-jin was bound to be the strongest.

『Kang Woo-jin’s hometown, Jinju, is currently buzzing with Hyun Soo-man welcoming him / Photo』

『[Issue Pick] Beneficial Evil aiming for global success, officials say, “Overseas locations are planned.” Where will they go?』

The more sensational the keywords, the better the articles would sell, and Kang Woo-jin’s name sold the best.

『Have you done your best? Island of the Missing audience numbers stop at 19 million, experts say, “20 million is impossible”』

Later, when Kang Woo-jin finished dressing for the commercial shoot, Choi Seong-geon, who had been watching him, accessed Woo-jin’s YouTube channel, Kang Woo-jin Alt.

[Channel Name: Kang Woo-jin Alt.]

[15.66 million subscribers]

[71 videos]

A heartwarming video had been uploaded to Woo-jin’s YouTube channel, which had already surpassed 15 million subscribers. The video announced the end of his short break, as well as the upcoming filming with Uramatsu Mifuyu, the top Japanese actress who had filmed Unfamiliar Parasite with him.

And naturally—


Post 241

22.31 million followers

Following 81

News of Kang Woo-jin’s return had also spread on social media, including Instagram. Comments from fans poured in like crazy. From Korea, Japan, and even further overseas, fans wrote in multiple languages, proving Woo-jin’s widespread influence.

Meanwhile, on the Beneficial Evil side—specifically with writer Choi Na-na—

“...It’s still not enough. I wish it were a little more intense.”

She was hard at work writing the additional scenes for episodes 1 and 2 of Beneficial Evil. Of course, it wouldn’t take long. After all, she was just adding some color to an already drawn picture. Even so, her hands moved quickly as she typed on her laptop.

Click, click, click!

The revisions had to be completed quickly so they could be reviewed by PD Song Man-woo and delivered to the actors. Most importantly, Kang Woo-jin had to get the material sooner than anyone else. The key to the overseas filming in Bangkok, Thailand was Kang Woo-jin.

“Woo-jin needs to be more—what’s the word—flashy? No, I want him to be overwhelming.”

He would have to carry over 80% of the added scenes.

Later that afternoon.

Kang Woo-jin was given a short break during the filming of a fashion brand commercial.


He sat down in a waiting chair. As usual, his face showed no signs of fatigue. Behind him, his large manager, Jang Su-hwan, handed him a bottle of water with a wide smile.

“Hyung, the article about your donation to Jinju just came out!”

It was true.

『[Official] Jinju native Kang Woo-jin donates 300 million won to support undernourished children / Photo』

『Kang Woo-jin, ranked #1 in brand reputation, donates 300 million won to his hometown, Jinju… “Class apart!”』

『“Even the donation amount is special,” Kang Woo-jin makes a multi-billion won donation in just his second year』

Woo-jin’s donation news flooded the internet, amidst all the other trending issues. Given the sheer volume of articles, it was clear how strong the impact was.

『[Issue IS] Jinju City expresses “infinite gratitude to Mr. Kang Woo-jin” for his 300 million won donation』

It was evident that this was a collaboration between Jinju City and BW Entertainment.

『[Star Photo] Kang Woo-jin, after donating 300 million won, takes a picture with the Mayor of Jinju at the Children’s Center! / Photo』

The total donation of 300 million won stirred not only the public but also the media. It wasn’t a small sum of money. No, it was enormous.

It certainly wasn’t the kind of amount you’d expect from someone just two years into their debut. In any case, the attention surrounding Woo-jin naturally boosted the promotion of his current projects, including his social media accounts and the Kang Woo-jin Alt YouTube channel.

『Top Japanese actress Mifuyu Uramatsu arrives in Korea to film with Kang Woo-jin for his side project! Unfamiliar co-star reunited』

Even after the donation news broke, the media buzz didn’t die down immediately.

On the 29th, the day after, the headlines were ablaze again as Mifuyu Uramatsu—the top Japanese actress who had played ‘Amie Horinochi’ in Unfamiliar Gisaeng—arrived in Korea. Naturally, the buzz only grew when it was revealed that she would be filming content for Woo-jin’s Kang Woo-jin Alt channel.

The media coverage remained intense for several days.

Numerous issues were intertwined.

『With a “300 million donation” and Japan’s top actress “Uramatsu Mifuyu,” Kang Woo-jin strikes again as the “King of Issues”!』

As a result.


On the morning of the 30th, the last day of June, Kang Woo-jin, about to leave his house for work, looked at his phone and suddenly raised both hands in disbelief.

He wasn’t imagining it.

“It happened.”

It was real, and it was worth the disbelief. Something that had seemed almost impossible had become a reality.

[Korea’s All-Time Box Office]

[Top Movie Rankings (All-Time Combined)]


In other words—

『[Official] Korea’s #1 Movie in Box Office History, Island of the Missing Surpasses 20 Million Viewers—A Monumental Achievement for Korean Cinema!!』

Island of the Missing Reaches 20 Million Viewers!! “Kang Woo-jin’s Influence Turns the Impossible Into Reality!”』

It wouldn’t have been possible without Kang Woo-jin.

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