I Was Betrayed But It’s Okay haha
Chapter 131 Table of contents

"Jin-su, any new updates?"

Cha Soo-hyun greeted Park Jin-su with a bright smile.

‘She seems to be in a better mood these days…’

Park Jin-su was relieved. When they first met, Cha Soo-hyun had been irritable and sharp, but now, she seemed different.

"I’ve heard some things going around in the guild, but... I’m not sure if I should bring it up..."

"What is it? Go ahead, I’m curious."

"Is it true that Hunter Baek Ji-hoon is... a spy from the Baekho Guild, sent to infiltrate Blue Guild?"

Park Jin-su asked with an intrigued expression, though deep down, he hoped it wasn’t true.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"There's been talk going around. People are saying Baek Ji-hoon was planted in Blue Guild by the Baekho Guild. I first heard it from the head of Department 1, but I dismissed it as nonsense. However, the rumor keeps circulating, and I’ve heard it from others as well..."

Park Jin-su squinted his eyes, thinking there was no way it could be true, but he asked just in case.

"Hmm. That’s definitely not true. No way. I’m certain of it. Baek Ji-hoon has no connection to Baekho Guild... But where did this rumor come from?"

"It seems the rumor started from something Lee Soo-ah and Yoo Hana said."

"Hmm... That’s strange... There’s no way that’s true..."

Cha Soo-hyun looked puzzled, giving the rumor some thought.

‘What? Ji-hoon oppa, a spy from Baekho Guild? How could such a rumor spread? Is this some kind of new way to undermine him?’

It didn’t make sense to her, and the atmosphere in Blue Guild was odd too.

"But if such rumors are spreading, why hasn’t he been kicked out? Doesn’t that mean someone suspects him? What is the guild leader doing about it?"

"That’s the issue. Rumor has it the guild leader isn’t doing anything and might even be favoring Baek Ji-hoon..."

"Favoring him?"

Cha Soo-hyun found that bit of information particularly important, given it involved Baek Ji-hoon and Baekho Guild.

"It’s probably nothing. I’ll look into it, but I doubt it’s anything serious."


"And... anything else?"

"Well... this next part might be a bit surprising... It seems that several other S-rank hunters are interested in transferring to Blue Guild because of Baek Ji-hoon..."

"What??? What did you say...?"

Cha Soo-hyun slammed her desk and shot up from her chair.

‘What? What is going on? Why are all these S-rank hunters flocking to Blue Guild? Did they coat it with honey or something?’

She was fuming.

Dealing with just Lee Soo-ah had already been difficult, and now it seemed the number of competitors was growing to seven.

‘Ugh... Ji-hoon oppa, what are you doing? You said you couldn’t forget me, right? Then focus on me! Please! And what do these S-rank hunters even see in him?’

It was becoming clear to her that the S-rank hunters were gathering around Baek Ji-hoon.

"I understand. Thank you. I’ll handle this situation. It won’t be easy."


"Sigh... I can’t let this continue. I need to go all in. I’ll prepare myself and tell Ji-hoon oppa directly that we should get back together."

Cha Soo-hyun muttered to herself calmly. She decided to clean up her past entirely, then throw herself fully at Baek Ji-hoon.

At this point, Jin-hyuk, the wealthy family background—none of it mattered.

In her mind, all she needed was Baek Ji-hoon.

‘Oppa... I’m sorry... I was so stupid, wasn’t I? I’m really sorry I didn’t see it before. Please take me back... I’ll do anything if you just accept me...’

Cha Soo-hyun clutched her chest as her heart pounded. She felt that Baek Ji-hoon was her last chance.

She thought Jin-hyuk treated her poorly because she wasn’t living up to her potential as the number one S-rank hunter.

‘I don’t need a guy like him. I’m going to live happily with Ji-hoon oppa.’

She began preparing to leave Baekho Guild. There was no benefit to staying anymore.

Like a grasshopper, she was ready to hop to her next opportunity.

"I’d like to transfer to Blue Guild..."

"Whaaaat??? You’re coming to Blue Guild?"

Six S-rank hunters suddenly swarmed around Lee Soo-ah.

Naturally, Lee Soo-ah was shocked, her face stiffening.

"Why... why? Why are you coming here?"

She responded with a defensive stance, clearly hesitant to accept them.

"We think Blue Guild is growing rapidly, so we want to join and focus on dungeon clearing like you and Yoo Hana. When we saw you last time, it seemed like you weren’t affected much by status effects while clearing dungeons... How is that possible?"

They looked at her with suspicion.

"Ah... well..."

Lee Soo-ah's eyes darted around, clearly not wanting to answer.

"Uh... I was just enduring the pain?"

"That’s not it. Tell us the truth. It’s because of Baek Ji-hoon, right? Isn’t it?"

Lee Haru boldly stepped forward, directly mentioning Baek Ji-hoon’s name.

"Ah... no!!! It’s not true! You’re mistaken!"

"Oh...? S-rank hunters, what brings you here?"

Manager Cha seemed to have heard the rumors and came rushing over, practically beaming with excitement.

"We want to transfer to Blue Guild..."


Manager Cha looked like he was about to faint.

"All of you...?"


"No... No way! You can’t! Go back!"

Lee Soo-ah firmly rejected them. Meanwhile, Manager Cha had the complete opposite reaction.

"Oh, come on in! Please, let me guide you!"

"Manager Cha!!! Are you kidding me? We can’t just let them in like this!!!"

"Why not, Soo-ah? Isn’t it a great thing that they want to join our guild?"

"What’s great about it, Manager Cha? We already have four S-rank hunters in our guild! If they join, we’ll have ten!"

"The more, the merrier, right? The more we have, the better! Why are you complaining?"


Lee Soo-ah scratched her head in frustration. She couldn’t exactly say she was rejecting them because of Baek Ji-hoon.

"No. I can’t let you in. Go back."

Lee Soo-ah spread her arms wide, blocking the S-rank hunters from entering.

"Soo-ah, we’ve thought about this a lot. Of course, we know we might be criticized socially, and our old guilds will be upset. But we’ve decided this is the right move. Please, step aside."

The two sides were practically squabbling.

"No. I already said no! I’m Lee Soo-ah, the top hunter in Blue Guild. If I say no, then it’s a no!"

"Haha. Looks like Soo-ah’s lost her mind. Come on in, everyone..."

"No... No! I said no..."

Lee Soo-ah could only watch in despair as the S-rank hunters, guided by Manager Cha, made their way into the guild.

‘Ugh... Great, now I’ve got more competitors... Damn it...’

Her frustration was boiling over.


Yoo Hana’s office.

"Yoo Hana, we’re screwed."

"Huh? Why? What happened all of a sudden?"

"Have you not heard? Have you just been sleeping in your office?"

"What news?"

"The six S-rank hunters who helped us last time? They’re at our guild’s office right now. They want to transfer to Blue Guild."


Yoo Hana shot up from her chair.

"Why... why would they want to come here?"

"I don’t know. Ugh... I regret bringing them in last time. It’s not like clearing that dungeon made Ji-hoon pay any more attention to us. Why did we do that?"

Lee Soo-ah slumped onto the couch, full of regret.

She had brought in external forces to try and make a move on Baek Ji-hoon, but now it seemed like she was the one who’d been outplayed.

Six hunters—top-tier ones at that—were now planning to join Blue Guild.

‘Ugh... This is my fault... A critical mistake... Ugh...’

Lee Soo-ah clutched her head in frustration.

"Soo-ah, is there any way we can stop this?"

Yoo Hana asked, anxiously pacing the room.

"Sigh... How are we going to stop them? The guild leader is going to be ecstatic, welcoming them with open arms..."

"So, what do we do?"

Yoo Hana looked at Lee Soo-ah with a hopeless expression.

"Sigh... There’s only one way..."

"What is it?"

"We need to take back the number one S-rank spot..."

Lee Soo-ah muttered quietly.

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