I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor
Chapter 298 Table of contents

Comeback (3)


When Kang Woo-jin first arrived at the large warehouse-type studio complex, he was honestly a bit surprised.

‘Wow – it’s bigger than I thought??’

Since it was a simple character shoot, I thought it would be held in a suitable studio, but when I arrived, it smelled very authentic. To this extent, it was incomparable to the set of any work.

‘Well, I guess we didn’t rent the entire warehouse.’

Woojin quickly calmed down his slightly startled heart and raised his solid concept. Next, Choi Seong-gun and team members came next to Kang Woo-jin, who got out of the van. Among them, Choi Seong-gun, who loosened and tied his ponytail again, opened his mouth.

“Did you hear about the character shooting concept today?”

“Yes, CEO.”

“Anyway, they will give you a storybook when you arrive, but it shouldn’t be difficult. Just introducing an actor for promotional purposes? Because it’s just a little bit of filming. It will probably just be a greeting and a few lines of comments. “It won’t take that long.”

“All right.”

“Ah, but after filming this, I have a meeting with producer Song Man-woo. Please know, I want to tell you about the script, overseas locations, etc.”

Woojin, whose stern expression did not change, simply nodded slowly. As we gradually got closer to the warehouse studio where the filming would take place, Han Ye-jeong with short blue hair caught up with Kang Woo-jin.

“Brother, wait a minute.”

As a head stylist, I was checking Kang Woo-jin’s clothing style. Even the little things that a normal person wouldn’t pay much attention to were a big deal to her. Soon, after finishing arranging her clothes, Han Ye-jeong spoke to Woo-jin in her characteristic blunt tone.

“As expected, I should have gone dandy today instead of casual.”

“I like it.”

“Oppa, I like hangers, so I’m sure you’ll like anything, but you heard that there are a lot of actors filming here today. “I heard that everyone from supporting actors to top actors, including unknowns and newcomers, are coming, but I think it’s too light.”

“are you okay.”

“is it so? “It doesn’t matter as long as I like you.”

The stylist team members joined in behind Han Ye-jeong, who was sweeping her short hair.

“It’s not too light, but it’s not too heavy either. I think it’s just right? The manager said that, right? “Woojin oppa’s mask tone is low, so the casual atmosphere is high.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“And the coordination is also coordination, but Woojin oppa just has crazy force. “Aren’t the gathered actors going to be pressured by you right away?”

“that’s right! “If I were an unknown or new actor, I would freeze when I saw you!”

Kang Woo-jin thought to himself as he listened to their words. Oh, do I need to add a darker look to this than usual? Come to think of it, she said that there were many actors on this set she was seeing for the first time. There may be some familiar faces, but they are few and most of them are unknown and new actors.

‘It was a bit of a war zone. It’s better to be overly cautious than to be careless.’

Kang Woo-jin increased the concentration of the concept. The next thing we did was enter the warehouse studio.

“Kang Woo-jin has arrived!!”

The shouts of the staff from the production team of ‘Beneficial Evil’ rang loudly. At the same time, Woojin briefly glanced inside the warehouse studio. For a short shoot, the scale was considerable. There were over 100 staff members gathered, a lot of filming equipment installed, and.

‘Wow, are the people sitting over there actors? There’s a lot more than I thought.’

Actors filled dozens of simple chairs laid out on one side. At first glance, there seemed to be more than 20 people. All those unknown and new actors stood up hesitantly and were looking at Kang Woo-jin. No, is it accurate to say that I’m absent-minded?

About this way.

“Mr. Woojin.”

A familiar voice penetrated Kang Woo-jin as he passed through the entrance. It was bearded producer Song Man-woo, accompanied by several staff members. It feels good to have a smile on your face.

“Hahaha, why does it feel like it’s been so long? Ah, is it true that it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other?”

“Hello, PD.”

After briefly shaking hands with Woojin, producer Song Man-woo started talking about the current situation.

“Congratulations on increasing the number of viewers to 20 million.”

“thank you.”

“Well, I thought it would be 20 million. But Woojin doesn’t do anything out of the ordinary.”

Behind the scenes, the key staff around him also congratulated Kang Woo-jin, and PD Song Man-woo continued the conversation about Jinju’s donation and other recent issues about Kang Woo-jin.

That’s about 5 minutes.

Producer Song Man-woo, who managed to get to the point, continued with a briefing on today’s filming. As I already heard, it wasn’t a very difficult shoot.

“I’m sure Woojin has seen it too. It’s convenient to think of it as a promotional video to warm up before a teaser or trailer. Actor introduction, introduction.”

Producer Song Man-woo is muttering and flipping through several sheets of paper. Then he began touring the warehouse studio with Woojin. Then, as we got closer to the space where dozens of unknown and new actors were gathered, bearded producer Song Man-woo laughed.

“Key members of our ‘Beneficial Evil’ group. Ah, our Woojin is the heart.”

What are you saying in an embarrassing way? Kang Woo-jin tried to ignore his comment and lowered his voice.

“This is my first time seeing you all. “What about the others?”

“who? Ah – Hwarin or the main actors? It’s coming. “Would you like to briefly say hello before that?”

As producers Kang Woo-jin and Song Man-woo approached, the unknown and new actors who were sitting on the simple chairs stood up one by one. As Woojin gradually got closer, their reactions varied.

‘Me, crazy!’

‘I’m shaking – I’m so nervous!’

‘what. ‘Your physical appearance is more average than I thought.’

‘The main male lead… the atmosphere on set has definitely changed since Kang Woo-jin arrived.’

‘No, does that make sense??! Where do you see that is a 2nd year force?!

‘Don’t be scared! ‘It’s the same actor!’

Shock, jealousy, confusion, etc.

On the other hand, Kang Woo-jin.


There was no significant change in his plain appearance.



Kang Woo-jin stands in front of the actors. He looked at the actors calmly. If it’s stiff, it’s stiff. Therefore, I wondered if I should say hello to the unknown and new actors first.



Woojin, with an indifferent face, suddenly bowed at a 45 degree angle to the actors and greeted them. There is a lot of respect mixed in.

“This is Kang Woo-jin, please take care of me.”

At this, the unknown and new actors opened their eyes wide and were surprised. Some people even bowed down to follow Woojin. The reason was simple. Because it was an unexpected situation. Of course, the same goes for bearded producer Song Man-woo. But he quickly smiled.

‘This must be what kids these days talk about: strength and weakness. Even though he seems arrogant, he definitely sticks to the line. ‘He lifts and lowers people quite a bit.’

At the same time, a woman wearing round glasses came into the warehouse studio, out of breath.

“Hey, I’m glad. “It’s not too late.”

It was writer Choi Nana, who wrote ‘Beneficial Evil’, and while she was being greeted by the staff, she noticed Kang Woo-jin with producer Song Man-woo.

“Aww, you’ve become even more handsome.”

There were two copies of the script at her side.


Kang Woo-jin greets unknown and new actors. In the past, he might have been a little nervous at this point, but now he was undaunted. This is just gum. However, in Woojin’s eyes, some actors looked unique.

A female actor who is short and has a cute face, or a male actor who has sparkling eyes when looking at himself.

The female actor was staring at Kang Woo-jin with an expressionless expression.

‘What, your eyes are so scary. Successful bid for key person.’

The handsome male actor looked like he was going to hug Woojin at any moment.

‘I strangely want to run away.’

The introduction of the two began with producer Song Man-woo. Among unknown and new actors, he introduced an actor who often works with Kang Woo-jin.

“This actress here is Lim Hae-eun, who passed this large-scale audition. He’s very good at acting. “It also has a darker image than it looks.”

Lim Hae-eun, who is short and cute, greeted Woojin calmly. The voice was unexpectedly gloomy.


Although he was a little surprised on the inside, Kang Woo-jin also received a greeting without any special surprise.

“Nice to meet you.”

As soon as the greetings are over, Lim Hae-eun looks at Woojin again. Normally, he would just ignore it, but Kang Woo-jin, who has a strong sense of concept, did not overlook it. Noppaku.



“I don’t think it’s true.”

“I’m just curious.”

Producer Song Man-woo joined in. What was whispered in Kang Woo-jin’s ear.

“They said my mother was a shaman.”

shaman? Wow – this is my first time seeing it. It’s not that I’m amazing, but you are. However, Woojin commented to Lim Hae-eun without changing his expression.

“It wasn’t the eyes of wonder, but the eyes of wonder.”


To change the mood, producer Song Man-woo pointed to another actor. It was Jo Moo-chan, who had been anxious since a while ago.

“This friend is actor Cho Moo-chan. Woojin, you also know that you are a specialist teacher, right? Of course, since he is such a famous person. He belongs to a theater troupe. In short, I am a student directly under the teacher.”

Tier 1 veteran actor specialty bureau. Of course, Kang Woo-jin also knew. Rather than saying that I have seen his work, it is simply because it is impossible for a citizen of the Republic of Korea to not know about specialized bureaus. At this time, Jo Moo-chan, who was similar in height to Woojin, opened his mouth with difficulty. Stutter.

“Ah, hello! This is Jo Moo-chan! Ooh, idol. no! “I’m a fan of Kang Woo-jin!”


After receiving an appropriate greeting, Woojin briefly scanned Jo Moo-chan. The answer came quickly.

‘You’re so handsome.’

Simple hair, clean skin, eyes, nose, mouth, and facial features are clear and good-natured.

‘What can I say – a really good senior in college? I feel it.’

Just like Lim Hae-eun, the character here was quite challenging, and this time too, producer Song Man-woo added an additional explanation to Woo-jin’s ears.

“Don’t you smell something that contrasts with Woojin? I really liked it. When you look at it, it looks like hot soup, but when the smoke goes in, the power increases. “I wonder if it’s the professional teacher’s kid.”

is it? Woojin looked at Jo Moo-chan again. The eyes are sparkling. Well, it definitely smelled completely opposite to the current Kang Woo-jin. Of course, the condition is that there is a concept involved. Producer Song Man-woo then continued whispering.

“Ah-and. Jo Moo-chan’s role model is Woojin. From what I heard during our meeting, I heard that he is a very big fan. No, I think they almost look at me like a god.”

At this point, Kang Woo-jin understood why Jo Moo-chan’s eyes were sparkling so brightly.


‘There’s something new about this work.’

Expectations bloomed in Kang Woo-jin’s heart. Should I say, in lay terms, that I have a bit of free time? In her previous works, there were always a lot of towers that were overlooked, but this time, Kang Woo-jin was unrivaled.

‘Well, just act as you should and that’s it.’

at that time.

“Hwarin is here!!”

The leading actors of ‘Beneficial Evil’, including Hwarin and Ha Kang-soo, began to arrive.

“ah! Woojin! Ah, big. “Haven’t you been in touch with Woojin too infrequently?”

“Is that so?”

“I can confirm from the article that he is alive.”

Filming for the characters of ‘Beneficial Evil’ has begun in earnest.

Same day, early afternoon.

As planned, filming the character of ‘Beneficial Evil’ did not last very long. In particular, Kang Woo-jin’s cut was completed in less than two hours. That was because it started first. Sai Woojin went on a different schedule and can currently be found in the meeting room of Netflix Korea.

Of course, there were many people in the meeting room.

Kang Woo-jin, Choi Seong-gun, general director Kim So-hyang, bearded producer Song Man-woo and writer Choi Nana, and even the production director of ‘Beneficial Evil’. Of course, we all gathered together after we finished filming the characters in the morning. Kang Woo-jin has been in a glass meeting room with posters of various hit films for a long time.

‘It’s been a while – here.’

Even while recalling the past, I maintained a poker face. Meanwhile, slightly chubby Kim So-hyang, who was talking about something with producer Song Man-woo, turned her gaze to Woojin across from her. A smile is a bonus.

“Woojin, I am checking through the news that you are doing well these days. ah! And congratulations on reaching 20 million for ‘Island of the Missing.’”

As Kang Woo-jin gave a rough answer, General Director Kim So-hyang’s smile grew brighter.

“I hope our ‘beneficial evil’ also explodes properly.”

The production manager helped out.

“Hahaha, we have ‘Hand of Midas’ Kang Woo-jin. What are you worried about?”

Kang Woo-jin also nodded. Of course, inside.

‘admit. Beneficial evil is said to be SSS+ level.’

However, Woojin, who could not speak openly, answered calmly.

“You have to work hard.”

It was a rough answer, but for some reason, producer Song Man-woo and Kim So-hyang felt that Woojin had the confidence in the world.

‘As long as that monster works hard, I don’t have to worry.’

‘It’s not the Hand of Midas, it’s a steel tote.’

Around this time, writer Nana Choi, who was pushing up her round glasses and still looking timid, gently pushed two books to Woojin Kang.

“Woojin, I’m sorry I’m late. “This is the script for episodes 1 and 2, including the added scenes.”

“it’s okay.”

“It’s almost the same as the existing script, just check the added scenes.”

Producer Song Man-woo, with his beard, helped out.

“You must have seen the materials we sent regarding overseas locations. Please check the script first and feel free to let me know if you have any comments, Mr. Woojin.”

If there is no opinion, it was added that there will be frequent rehearsals and practice with the martial arts director by collecting overseas location action scenes and other things before reading the script. Of course, they also said that they would accommodate Kang Woo-jin’s schedule.

At this point, Kang Woo-jin.


The revised script of ‘Beneficial Evil’ was drawn with a black square attached. He pretended to listen to what people were saying, but in fact, Woojin’s index finger was already moving.


Why? It was to enter subspace. I was a little tired, and I had to replace the revised ‘Beneficial Evil’ script. Whatever it is, Woojin entered an endlessly dark subspace.


I stretched and yawned. The concept was quickly stripped away. In that state, walk to where several white squares are listed. As expected, the white squares of ‘Beneficial Evil’ were listed separately for existing and new ones.

Since he had experienced this in the past, Woojin thoughtlessly deleted the existing white square of ‘Beneficial Evil’.

“Episode 1 and 2 – Have you had reading experience quite a while ago?”

Woojin, who has just been organized, has just been added.

-[9/Script (Title: Beneficial Evil), SSS+ level]

-(Episode 1)/(Episode 2)/(Episode 3)······

-[*This is a highly complete drama script. 100% reading is possible.]

I touched the white square of ‘Beneficial Evil’ which gave me the ‘Martial Arts’ ability. To be exact, it was episode 1.

-[List people who can lead (experience).]

I had already completed the reading (experience) in the past, but I had to check the newly added cuts. Well, it wouldn’t be too late to read the actual script later. Naturally, Kang Woo-jin chose Jang Yeon-woo, the male lead of ‘Beneficial Evil’.



The voice of the robot-like woman who had been waiting spat out an unexpected comment.

[“Abilities beyond the basic specifications are detected. Learn ‘CQC’ first.”]

Kang Woo-jin’s eyebrows furrowed in an instant.

“what?? What is that! “What is ‘CQC’?”

It was a word I had never heard before.


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