I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor
Chapter 300 Table of contents

Autumn (1)


[“The reading (experience) of ‘A: Jang Yeon-woo’ has ended.”]

Kang Woo-jin is real, with his robotic-like female voice. That is, she returned to her own home. In his hand, he still held the script for ‘Beneficial Evil’ with a black square attached to it. He wore comfortable clothes he wore at home and his hair was bald as he had just woken up from sleep.



There was a tingling sensation throughout Woojin’s body.

It was definitely worth it.

The real world was at a standstill, but Kang Woo-jin lived in a world of ‘beneficial evil’ as ‘Jang Yeon-woo’. I smashed the head of a man I didn’t know who he was. He smashed his face into the ground. He shot him in the chest with an AK rifle. broke his neck He split the skin of his stomach with a knife. I popped his eyeball out. slit his throat

In a short moment, dozens of people were cut to pieces.

They set fire to buildings and drove through roads raining bullets. The car exploded. The helicopter fell. At the same time, several more people’s heads were exploded.

It was definitely more than violent.

In reality, these are things that can never be experienced even if you die and wake up, and Kang Woo-jin also lived in a world that was absolutely impossible unless it was a movie or content. Even in the military, an experience like this was impossible.

But Woojin has lived in that cruel world. He took a breath. She adapted. She was getting along quite well.

‘I can still feel the explosion.’

A fire explodes majestically before your eyes. Sand blowing on your face. Buzzing ears. Heat that prevents breathing. The explosive power of semi-forcibly pushing the body. Strangely enough, Woo-jin, who returned to reality, felt amazing about the life of ‘Jang Yeon-woo’, which is still vivid and imprinted on his whole body.

Even the lingering smell of blood or iron.

But does Kang Woo-jin work in the world of ‘beneficial evil’? It wasn’t like that at all. Murder or shooting a gun, etc. These were actions that Woojin had already done in past works. The character ‘Jang Yeon-woo’ just killed a little more people.

Soon, Kang Woo-jin.

“Yes, it’s okay.”

I felt that mind control was complete. It’s no different from before. This time’s ‘Beneficial Evil’ was also thoroughly engraved like many other works, but it quickly disappeared.

Kang Woo-jin spread a heavy concept.

I am reminded more and more of who I am. My self became clearer. There were many characters and worlds inside him, but the one who encouraged them was Kang Woo-jin. Then he put down the script and walked to the bathroom. Because he had to wash up slowly.

At the same time, he thought.

“Do you think filming ‘Beneficial Evil’ will be fun?”

What if the world of ‘beneficial evil’ that I personally experienced (read) was realized in reality? What if ‘Jang Yeon-woo’, who has the ‘freedom of role’, is active at the actual filming site? Even while taking a shower, Woojin realized that he was filled with anticipation. It was strange. In the past, I wasn’t without worries, but now it’s hard to find that mindset.

“I’m done being an actor, really.”

There is trembling, but it is not one of fear, but more of anticipation.

When Woojin, who had dried his hair back, arrived at the underground parking lot, a waiting van greeted him. As expected, the start of the briefing was pony-haired Choi Seong-geon.

“How are you feeling today?”

“It’s no different from yesterday.”

“haha. “Good.”

He laughed and changed the subject.

“Yesterday, I heard from producer Song Man-woo that he had recruited an overseas team for the martial arts of ‘Beneficial Evil.’”

“Overseas team?”

“uh. I guess it means mixing with the existing martial arts team. Was it ‘CQC’ in the newly added cut? “They say it’s a team that specializes in that.”

“Is that so?”

“Uh, I heard it’s possible to become a martial arts coach, but it probably won’t be professional.”

In other words, it was about adding professionalism to the structured action storyboard.

“Anyway, when martial arts practice begins, overseas teams will be included in the existing martial arts team.”

You will probably practice martial arts-based bare-handed fighting, guns, swords, and other combat techniques according to the storyboard. Of course, Kang Woo-jin wasn’t particularly nervous. expert? Well, Kang Woo-jin himself, sitting in the van and looking calmly out the window, was a human weapon.

Of course, the switch is flexible.

Then, Seong-geon Choi asked Woo-jin again.

“How can it be worth doing? There will be a lot of big guys coming, whether they are overseas teams or not. “They say ‘CQC’ technology is difficult.”

Kang Woo-jin internally gave a thumbs up.

‘It’s gum, that’s it.’

On the outside, his usual cool-headedness was gone.

“I’ll have to try, but I don’t think it will be that difficult.”

Seonggeon Choi let out a laugh. He then consoled himself.

‘Just accept it, don’t question it! Choi Seong-gun. That guy is Kang Woo-jin.’

A few hours later, artist Nana Choi’s studio.

Author Nana Choi, who had a meeting with Woojin Kang a few days ago, was now staring at her laptop.

-Click, click!

I wasn’t writing the script for ‘Beneficial Evil’. I’m looking at an email that arrived a few minutes ago. The sender was Japan’s ‘A10 Studio’. From time to time, ‘A10 Studio’ has shared the progress of ‘My Man’s Friend: Remake’ with Choi Nana, the original author of ‘My Man’s Friend’.

This email was like that too.

“Wow – the voice actor recording and mixing has already been completed.”

This part had already been revealed to the media, but writer Nana Choi, who had been busy recently with additional writing for ‘Beneficial Evil’, only found out about it now. Soon, she was going through the contents of her email shared by ‘A10 Studio’.


I closed the email window and opened the search site. It was for searching. The search term is, of course, ‘Boyfriend: Remake’. Usually, when it comes to Japanese animations, there are only a few articles in Korea, but in ‘Male Friend: Remake’, a lot of articles poured in because Kang Woo-jin was the male lead’s voice actor.

There were articles written simply based on expectations, and there were also articles that directly looked into the Japanese media and delivered facts.

Writer Nana Choi, who had been reading the articles intently for a while, took off her round glasses and let out a short breath.

“I-I’m nervous.”

In some ways, author Nana Choi’s life has been golden these days. At the same time that her debut film ‘Namsa Chin’ is being remade into a Japanese animation, ‘Beneficial Evil’ is set to go global. For someone who was an unknown or new writer until last year, it’s like walking through her dreams.

And both works included Kang Woo-jin.

“The PD told me not to worry that things would turn out well.”

Writer Nana Choi, who is a hard-core person by nature, was full of worries. On the other hand, bearded producer Song Man-woo said something strange.

‘Ah, it’s going to be okay. Because we have a strong totem.’

It wasn’t anything special at all.

What on earth does a strong totem mean?

Anyway, writer Nana Choi slowly closed her laptop and raised her head. I see a familiar ceiling. At the same time, she remembered Kang Woo-jin, whom she had seen a few days ago during a meeting. To be precise, it was a brief conversation she had with him.

It starts with author Nana Choi, who spoke timidly.

“Um, Woojin.”

Kang Woo-jin, who was about to leave the meeting room, answered in a low tone.

“Yes, author.”

As Choi Seong-gun, who had noticed, was about to leave, writer Choi Na-na spoke again in a hushed voice.

“It’s a bit strange to ask this in a ‘Beneficial Evil’ meeting – but by any chance, how did you feel when you were recording the voice actors for ‘Boyfriend: Remake’?”

“If you say it’s a feeling.”

“It’s just… the feelings of the voice actors and the production atmosphere. I am also receiving it via email, but I guess it is because Woojin has personally experienced it in the field. If you recorded the voice actors, the video has already been made, right?”

“yes. “I recorded my voice while looking at the finished painting.”

“omg. Uh, how was it?? Were you chosen well?”

Kang Woo-jin, who was briefly silent, shook his head.

“I can’t tell you the details in silence.”

“Yes, but.”

“But it was fun enough in my eyes.”



“It will be fine.”

“H-How come Woojin is always so confident??”

“Well, it’s just a feeling.”

Writer Choi Nana, who is dumb. On the contrary, Kang Woo-jin was relaxed and left the meeting room with a solemn face. Writer Nana Choi muttered while looking at his back.

“······feeling? “What does it feel like?”

I had no way of knowing that she was SS level in ‘Boyfriend: Remake’.

Meanwhile, Tokyo, Japan.

A large number of people gathered inside the large animation production company ‘A10 Studio’ located near Tokyo Station, in a medium-sized studio that can be used as a recording studio and for testing.

The first thing you notice are the voice actors sitting on chairs.

From Natsumi Umi, who voiced the female lead in the anime ‘Boyfriend: Remake’, to Asami Saya, who has a close relationship with Woojin, etc. Dozens of voice actors who had gathered during script readings in the past were taking their seats. Only Kang Woo-jin was missing.

They all had serious faces.




He is looking at the large monitor in front with that expression. Standing near the monitor are Mahi Sakuichi, the general director of ‘Boyfriend: Remake’, Key Staff, and many others. Of course, executives from ‘A10 Studio’ are also visible.

At this time.

“Then, let’s begin.”

The woman standing at the entrance to the studio turned off the light. She was in charge of handling ‘Namsa Chin: Remake’ and was the head of the female planning team.

-Tap, thump!

Before we knew it, the entire studio was in appropriate darkness. And everyone gathered fell silent. The unified action is to look at the large monitor in front.



The audio started ringing louder than the screen. It was the official OP (opening song) of ‘Boyfriend: Remake’. It was a song that started with a piano melody, but the tempo quickened and even the violin joined in. Next, a male vocal follows. Of course, Kang Woo-jin’s voice.


As soon as Kang Woo-jin’s OP was played in the studio, the animation’s opening cuts were displayed on a large monitor. It was ‘Male Friend: Remake’. The opening running time is approximately 30 seconds. During the OP, the expressions of dozens of voice actors gradually brightened. There were also people nodding their heads to the rhythm.



The OP stopped and the contents of ‘Boyfriend: Remake’ began to be printed in earnest. The voice actors’ eyes widen. It has to be that way. What you are watching now is episode 1 of ‘Boyfriend: Remake’, a complete version that has completed everything from mixing the voices of the voice actors to final editing.

In other words, it was now a place to test the finished version before airing.

There was nothing missing. At least that was the case in the eyes of the voice actors. Their eyes must be accurate as they have worked on dozens of works.

‘Sengoku Tooru’, the male lead of ‘Male Friend: Remake’, has appeared.

Kang Woo-jin’s voice was heard below.

The voice actors felt it again.

‘You’re good at it, I feel it even more when I see the finished product.’

‘The tone matches the main character perfectly.’

‘Who would see that as an actor? 100% voice actor.’

Kang Woo-jin’s voice acting skills are outrageous. That’s the end of episode 1 of ‘Boyfriend: Remake’. The running time is approximately 24 minutes. As it was, 2 episodes were played back to back, and episode 2 was about 18 minutes longer than episode 1.

Then, before episode 3 plays.


The director sitting in front of the monitor turned his head to the voice actors behind him.

“How are you?”

The idea was to give an evaluation before watching episode 3. What’s funny is that applause suddenly pours in from among the voice actors.

-Clap clap clap clap!

It was applause that reflected honest feelings rather than intention. The applause gradually spread throughout the studio, and each voice actor expressed their impressions of the completed first and second episodes in excited Japanese.

“Is it good?! So good!”

“The picture was really well chosen, isn’t it? Honestly, among recent works, I think it’s number one in terms of drawing, right??”

“It’s been a while since a proper romantic comedy came out!”

“It’s fun, even though I recorded my voice, it’s still fun!”

“But aren’t the OP and EP really amazing? “I can already hear it ringing in my ears.”

“Yes, I especially like OP. “Kang Woo-jin’s vocals are definitely attractive.”

“I can feel it! I think OP will dominate the charts as soon as the anime airs!”

The voice actors chatter excitedly. It wasn’t like I was complaining. The executives of ‘A10 Studio’, which is said to be one of the top 3 in the industry, also looked very satisfied. Even in the eyes of veterans, the level of completion and quality of ‘Boyfriend: Remake’ was significant.

The female team leader of the planning team, who was quietly watching this from the entrance, suddenly intervened.

“It’s not long until we dominate the charts. The broadcaster is TBE, and the first episode airs on Monday, July 12th at 10 PM.”

In fact, the day when the lid of ‘Boyfriend: Remake’ would open was just around the corner.

“The gap between competing works in this third quarter is approximately 30.”

A fierce battlefield was expected.

Incheon International Airport.

The arrival hall is overflowing with crowds of people. A group of foreigners appeared at the arrival hall. Men with half-shaved heads, bulky bodies, or strong muscles. When a group of foreigners who appeared to be about five people appeared at the arrival hall, Koreans around the rope fence welcomed them.

Looking closely, the Koreans were part of the ‘beneficial evil’ side of staff.

The two teams spoke moderately in English and then moved on. The group of foreigners rode in two large vans parked on the shoulder of the road outside the airport. Among them, three foreigners rode in the front. It was a man with a half-shaved head, a bear-like build, and a big nose. After everyone got on board, two vans drove off, and one of the foreigners in the front van, a man with a big nose, spoke in English.

“It’s hot, I never thought it would be this hot.”

The other two foreign men nodded and agreed.

“I heard it, but it’s more than that.”

“But I think it’s better than Japan, which I went to last year.”

I felt like the man with the big nose was the leader. The man sitting by the window, of average build but with strong muscles, extended his hand to the man with half-shaven hair sitting to his right.

“Let’s take a look at the materials we received.”

A man with half-shaved hair took out a tablet from the backpack in front of him. When I manipulated something, a video was output. What’s interesting is that the person in the video is Kang Woo-jin. To be clear, it was Woojin from the past who was practicing martial arts at the action school.


The big-nosed man who was looking closely at Kang Woo-jin in the tablet he received muttered softly.

“The form is good, but it would be difficult to judge without seeing it in person.”

“Still, it looks like you have more than just the basics.”

“But it will take a long time to implement ‘CQC’ with just the basics.”

“I heard there aren’t that many filming days left. Hmm – if it’s difficult, I guess I’ll have to make some compromises with directing.”

In fact, they were a team of Hollywood stunt coordinators recruited by ‘Beneficial Evil’. Then the big-nosed man who was rubbing his chin spoke again.

“From the video, you can’t see the greatness that ‘Gary Peck’ said.”

The ‘Gary Peck’ he was talking about was a stunt coordinator who was very popular in Hollywood and had experience with Kang Woo-jin in the screen test for ‘Last Kill 3’.

“Did you say you were meeting this actor Kang Woo-jin in the afternoon?”

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