The Mirror Legacy
Chapter 278 Table of contents

The turmoil caused by the Li Family had settled after half a month. Autumn took its hold on the lake, rendering the waters dark and mysterious. The banks were covered in red and yellow leaves, and a creeping coldness gradually set in.

The Fei Family, having gained benefits, kept quiet on the northern shore. Jiang Heqian, fearing ambush and revenge from Yu Xiaogui and Yu Yufeng, refrained from appearing on the eastern shore. The Yu Family silently licked their wounds, and for a while, there was an unexpected calm. Apart from the ruins of the Yu Family's market, which had fallen silent, the scene was peaceful.

"How are things progressing?"

Yu Mugao sat at the head of the hall, his face weary and gloomy, but his tone held a subtle note of relief. He rested one hand on his forehead, while the other tapped a brush on the table lightly. A recently opened letter lay on the desk as he addressed the person below him.

"Elder Xiao'ou is indeed dead. We have confiscated the properties of those accused of colluding with the enemy without much opposition."

A faint trace of grief crossed Yu Mugao's face. Yu Xiao'ou had watched him grow up. Yu Mugao had hoped that more of those useless members would die at Mount Lijing, however, he had not expected the Fei Family to break through the Jade Court Guarding Formation, leading to the loss of Yu Xiao'ou.

The Yu Family has lost many direct descendants and cultivators in the market, causing significant turmoil both locally and within the clan. Taking advantage of Yu Xiao'ou's death, who had been a leader of the old family, Yu Mugao took decisive action against his uncles and brothers, cleaning up the clan. With these parasites gone, the Yu Family exhibited unprecedented vitality.

"In a way… it is better. At least I don't need to persuade Father to give up the market anymore."

Losing the market left Yu Mugao feeling unexpectedly relieved. The words that read Azure Pond on the letter were extremely eye-catching, and he thought, The old ancestor probably won't return, and Father has gone into seclusion again. The family is finally in my hands, and without those fools around, it's so much better.

Previously, the family's resources had flowed into the hands of his uncles and brothers, and most of it was used for tributes and to support Yu Yufeng. Now, with these demands reduced, Yu Mugao found himself managing things with much ease. He doubted Yu Yufeng would survive but felt no significant sorrow in his heart.

"If we had rid ourselves of these people forty years earlier, and if Father and the ancestor had listened to me instead of wasting time with blood sacrifices and the lake meetings, we wouldn't have suffered such losses!"

Looking at the young cultivators he had promoted, Yu Mugao felt a surge of confidence. The Yu Family which was previously powerful had been divided, with resources drained by Yu Yufeng. Yu Mugao had no choice but to bow to authority then. Now, though weakened, the Yu Family belonged solely to him.

"After two years of consolidation... As long as Muxian remains on Yuanwu Peak, I can toy with Li Xuanxuan and Fei Yihe."

Yu Mugao slowly set down the letter, his eyes still fixated on the words in it that had been written with a brush dipped in red ink. The autumn sunlight bathed the paper in a warm light, seeming to cause the red words to gleam like blood.

The contents of the letter read—"Decades have passed without returning, nor have I sent any letters... Master once said that the demon king of the southern border feasts on moonlight; he is likely not at ease. Senior Brother is coming to the lake and I will enter seclusion… Foundation Establishment Realm is within reach."

"Brother Xuanfeng! I heard that a senior member of your esteemed family has recently reached Foundation Establishment Realm… Congratulations!"

Liu Changdie soared leisurely through the air, his eyes fixed on the golden glow of the longbow on Li Xuanfeng's back. While offering his congratulations, his eyes lit up as he thought to himself, That bow must be the Golden Age! In my previous life, I only saw its golden aura during a demonic attack while reinforcing the Azure Pond Sect's formation… Now, I can finally see it up close!

Li Xuanfeng laughed heartily and replied, "Brother Changdie, you are always well-informed. Thank you."

Liu Changdie observed Li Xuanfeng's aura, noticing that he had reached the seventh heavenly layer of the Qi Cultivation Realm. Envy filled his heart as he congratulated Li Xuanfeng, saying, "Brother Xuanfeng, you are not even thirty-five yet you've already reached the seventh heavenly layer of the Qi Cultivation Realm. You might be able to attempt the Foundation Establishment Realm breakthrough by the time you are forty or fifty!"

Li Xuanfeng smiled wordlessly as he raised an eyebrow and responded, "Brother Changdie, you are also progressing well, already at the sixth heavenly layer of the Qi Cultivation Realm… The Foundation Establishment Realm is within reach for you too."

The two exchanged compliments as Mount Huaqian came into view below. Li Xuanfeng led Liu Changdie into the courtyard, where they were greeted by a nimble-footed youth in black robes who cupped his fist respectfully.

"Greetings, Senior!"

The youth's sharp features and slightly narrow eyes exuded an air of fierceness.

It was Li Yuanjiao.

Liu Changdie immediately recognized him and swallowed back the Brother Jiao that almost slipped past his lips, finding the situation rather awkward. Li Xuanfeng quickly introduced them.

"This is Li Yuanjiao, the son of my eldest brother Li Xuanxuan. He is currently cultivating on Mount Huaqian."

Seeing the young man before him, Liu Changdie felt strange. Nevertheless, he was

delighted to see an old friend. He smiled hastily and said, "Please don't call me a senior! I admire Yuanjiao's outstanding demeanor and wish to consider us equals..."

Li Xuanfeng gave him a strange look. While he considered Liu Changdie a peer, Liu Changdie wanted to treat Li Yuanjiao as an equal, which would naturally disrupt the generational hierarchy.

Li Yuanjiao, having just arrived at Mount Huaqian, was equally puzzled and insisted he was not worthy of such a status repeatedly.

Unable to refuse, Liu Changdie finally said, "It's fine when Brother Xuanfeng is present. Privately, Yuanjiao and I can address each other as equals."

Li Xuanfeng nodded, transmitting a message to Li Yuanjiao using his mana, "Liu Changdie is a good-natured person and an expert in formations. Though he can be eccentric, he is harmless… Just let him be."

They all took their seats as servants served tea. Li Xuanfeng didn't waste any time and asked directly, "Daoist Changdie, if we want to set up a formation on Mount Huaqian, what kind of power can we expect given the local spirit veins and spiritual qi? Also, how many Spirit Stones would it require?"

Liu Changdie nodded and replied, "Years ago, when I set up the Sun Rite Profound Light Formation on Mount Lijing, I also observed Mount Huaqian's spirit veins. The mountain lacks several key points and is relatively low and narrow… Even the legendary Wan Huaqian could only set up a formation to withstand a peak Qi Cultivator here."

He smiled wryly and continued, "I once believed I could match Wan Huaqian's prowess. But standing before Mount Huaqian, I see now that his skills in formation far exceed my own. My best effort might withstand the strength of a late-stage Qi Cultivator. However, if faced with an attack from a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator, the formation would likely falter in less time than it takes for a stick of incense to burn."

Li Xuanfeng calculated the distance from Mount Lijing to Mount Huaqian and concluded that a stick of incense's time was more than sufficient. "That's long enough. But... how many Spirit Stones would it require?" he asked.

Liu Changdie saw Li Xuanfeng's approval and nodded. "If your esteemed family lacks spare formation flags, we will need to use a formation plate. With Wan Huaqian's legacy as a reference, I can set up the formation for about fifty to sixty Spirit Stones."

Li Xuanfeng, no longer the inexperienced youth he once was, knew that this price was remarkably low. He frowned slightly and asked, "At fifty to sixty Spirit Stones, would there still be any profit for you, Brother Changdie?"

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