I Have Returned, but I Cannot Lay down My Gun
Chapter 148 Table of contents

[Breaking News] Dice Has Registered for Pre-selection, LOL

<Insert an image of a fanfare exploding in the sixth game>

<A picture of Dice with hands clasped, looking relieved>

"Damn, Dice is ecstatic! LOL"

[All comments] [Sorted by registration time]

[General] KSM’s First Day Was Packed LOL

<Insert an image of the MC delivering the closing remarks>

"But why is Saturday already over? Stop lying! Don’t tell me it’s true! We only have one more day of this weekend? How is something this fun only lasting two days? This can’t be real! Please say it’s not true!!!"

[All comments] [Sorted by registration time]

[End of KSM’s First Saturday]

"It's late, Eugene."


It was a deep Saturday night.

The first day of KSM was coming to an end.

"The night is deep, but the enthusiasm from everyone here is beyond hot. Isn’t that right?"

In response, the roar of millions filled the stadium. The thunderous sound was brief, and the host looked down at the audience, as if accustomed to this.

The stadium was enormous, like an oversized soccer arena, with every inch of space filled with seats for viewers. In other words, everywhere you looked was packed with spectators.

Even the most experienced hosts, who had spoken before countless crowds, were overwhelmed by the sheer intensity.

"I’ve hosted events related to Dark Zone several times now, but I’m always amazed at the passion that grows each year. The number of fans continues to increase exponentially."

The focus shifted from the audience to the 100 KSM participants. Each had different reactions—some waved to the crowd, others looked completely zoned out, while a few were deep in thought.

Regardless, it was time to shift the topic.

"In addition, the AP soloing tournament level continues to amaze me. Every year, we see incredibly skilled players participating in KSM, and I’m always shocked while watching the games. At the same time, I feel relieved, thinking that Korea’s talent pool remains vast and its future bright."


The moment the host shouted that, the atmosphere turned silent. A controlled mute effect was applied, creating a suspenseful pause. Even after the mute was lifted, the audience remained quiet, eager to hear what would be said next.

The host continued after a brief pause.

"Unfortunately, and sadly, 60 out of these participants will have to wait until next year, while those ranked 21st to 40th will remain on standby as reserves for unforeseen circumstances. Only twenty will be selected as national representatives, given the honor of competing on the global stage."

The mood became subdued.

But with a simple gesture from the host, the background music shifted, swelling in intensity. It was a moment when the seeds of hope and excitement bloomed in the hearts of millions of viewers.

"However, I’m confident this year will be different. We will take a step further. A result never seen before is waiting for us! Because today, for the first time in three years, we have a pre-selection in phase one!"

The atmosphere shifted.

As soon as the word “pre-selection” was mentioned, an image popped into everyone’s minds—though the person in question wore a slightly awkward expression as if unsure why everyone was so excited. And with that, the whole crowd began chanting a single name.

It wasn’t just the figure in the stadium. Across multiple sessions, millions of eyes were all focused on one person. While there was another pre-selected candidate from phase two, it didn’t matter—they were sitting right next to them.

As the host continued building up to bringing Eugene and Dice onto the stage, the two of them casually chatted, as if the entire world wasn’t watching.

"Why are they so excited?"

"Eugene really doesn’t seem like the type to enjoy all this attention. But then again, they’re a streamer... Pick a lane, Eugene."

"Streaming seems like a two-way interaction, but it’s still one-sided in the end. Unless it’s a fan meet-and-greet, it’s the same thing. And in this case, it’s the latter."

"When you put it that way, it makes sense."

It wasn’t that hard to understand, but listening to such back-to-back blunt statements made the conversation feel a bit too intense. Or maybe Eugene just wasn’t great at handling embarrassment.

Anyway, the mood was reaching its climax. Just as Dice tapped the armrest in preparation, the host’s voice boomed, cutting through the noise.

"Let’s now welcome today’s pre-selected players: South Korea’s national representatives, the independent player Eugene and SSM’s Dice!"

Before the roar of the crowd could hit like a sound bomb, the scene shifted, bright lights engulfed the view, and suddenly, both Eugene and Dice found themselves on stage next to the host.

The introductions continued—mercifully, the host refrained from mentioning any embarrassing nicknames. Instead, they focused on titles, such as Eugene’s role as South Korea’s AP soloing national representative.

Feeling the familiar weight of the microphone in my hand, I waited for the host to finish speaking. But the crowd’s cheers and applause kept pushing back the timing.

Who knows how much time passed,

"Haha, with so many people chanting Eugene’s name, it's hard to even start the interview. Anyway, Eugene, congratulations on being selected as a national representative. Could you share your thoughts with us?"

I nodded slightly.

I hadn’t really prepared anything to say, but perhaps some people would prefer raw, unscripted words. Or maybe, I just couldn’t be bothered to plan a speech and was ready to say whatever came to mind.

It was time to start.

"Hmm, I only played four matches, but through this KSM, I gained a lot of unexpected and valuable experiences. Personally, it’s been a highly enriching time."

"Haha, I see. But surely, these experiences must have been... well, unique?"

"I think you already have an idea. Sprinting across a collapsing mountainside, explosions on a cargo ship, everything engulfed in flames... I’ll stop there."

Though I caused some of it, most of what I was talking about involved Dice.

With Dice scratching her head awkwardly in the background, the conversation continued.

"Haha! Your sense of humor is as sharp as your skills. Let’s move on to the next question—Eugene, you’re known for dominating your opponents with overwhelming power. In combat, there must be countless variables. Could you share a bit of your secret to victory?"

"You have to think in every moment of combat. Force unfavorable situations on your opponent and block their tactical and strategic advantages. Confusing their hearing and sight is one of the most common ways to gain the upper hand."

"Ah, I see! So, it’s not just about pointing a gun at the enemy, but using a systematic approach to gain the advantage. Very insightful!"

Though I said that, I didn’t expect anyone to actually be able to replicate it.

The reason Dice grew so quickly was that I had arranged a portion of the countless combat records stored in the Icarus device and applied them to training in the shooting range.

The Icarus CQB-urban warfare manual, written with human blood as ink. In other words, it was a guide that far surpassed any existing manual, even those used by the U.S. military, based on extensive real-world experience.

It might sound impressive when said aloud, but replicating it was impossible without a massive amount of real-world combat experience.

"Due to time constraints, this will be the last question. If possible, how far do you aim to go in this competition?"


And without much thought, I opened my mouth.

"I heard the air at the top of America is exceptionally clear."

"Ah! Hahaha! That’s a very interesting way to put it! If things go as you wish, I imagine South Korea will be in for quite the surprise! Thank you so much, that was an incredibly enjoyable interview!"

With that, we shook hands, and the host moved toward Dice.

I couldn’t say what others thought, but to me, it wasn’t a goal; it was an assignment. Of course, to uncover the truth about this world and the Dark Zone, simply getting to America and the Icarus headquarters might suffice, but if I were to go, winning wouldn’t be a bad outcome.

Even as the crowd showered me with applause, my gaze was focused further ahead.

The night was growing deeper.

I felt a sense of relief, as though I had crossed something off my to-do list.


-[Eugene: Although I didn’t review everything, I analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of this match.]

-[Eugene: We’ll have a debriefing session from 12 to 2 AM in real-world time, so see you then.]

-[Eugene: Dice will also be joining ꒰◍ˊ◡ˋ꒱੭ु⁾⁾♡]

-[Attachment: Debriefing File.pdf (50 pages)]


Still on stage, with the farewell speeches not yet concluded, Blooming, who had been watching Eugene and Dice’s interview, fainted right then and there.

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