Surviving the Game as a Barbarian
Chapter 16 Table of contents

Chapter 16 - The Return (Part 3)


The light covered everything around me, and an even paler light shone outside before my sight returned.

I stared blankly at the sky. It's been a long time since I've seen such a bright light. The sky was still gloomy, gray.

"Derek, are you going home?"

"No way, after a month like this?" I'll go straight to the tavern after I've washed.


"All researchers below rank 7, please come here!"

To say that it was noisy around is to say nothing. It is quite natural that all the researchers of the labyrinth gathered in one place...

But still. I had no idea that there were so many researchers in this city. It was like Gwanghwamun* during the World Cup.

*Gwanghwamun is the main and largest gate in Gyeongbok Palace in Jongnogu, Seoul, South Korea, etc.

*Click, click*

I set the clock to 12 o'clock.

Only one day passes in the city when you find yourself in a labyrinth. No matter how many days you spent inside, it was noon the next day when you left it.

When I played the game, I thought it was just the creator of the game taking care of the player. But what's in the gaming universe...?

Thus, even after leaving the maze, you could immediately continue the quest in the city. So I thought it was just a convenience for players.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel!"

Who is this? A familiar voice...

Turning my head in the direction of the sound, I saw the barbarian standing at my eye level. I clearly remembered him as the first leader.

- Karak, the 2nd son of Fanun.

- 3rd son.

And? So, Einar is the 2nd?

In any case, it was easy for the tall barbarians to find each other in this crowd.

"Kenik's 4th son, Serum!" You're back alive too!

"I'm glad you look good too. Karak, the 3rd son of Phanun!

I just stood still, but for some reason the barbarians began to flock to me.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha!" Blade Wolf is not scary! No one can withstand more than one blow against my axe!

"Of course, you are valiant with your axe. Parman, son of Nerun!

Is this a meeting of graduates? It was instant chaos.

The barbarians greeted each other, calling their long names non-stop, and praised each other's valor. They were charming. How did they remember those long names with such dumb brains?

"Bjorn!" What are you doing?! We're going to exchange mana stones now, aren't you coming?

I cleared my throat once and answered as loudly as I could.

"Oh, I'll go!"

"You look very tired!" There's no power in your voice!!

"That's for sure!"

Hitherto I had thought that my playing as a barbarian had been quite good, but my confidence was fading. The local barbarians were different.

"There it is!"

"A place where you can prove the courage of a warrior!"

Moving along with the barbarians, I was naturally able to experience the procedure that all the explorers had undergone. There was nothing special about it, it was just the process of exchanging mana stones for money at the checkpoint.

– 24,476 jewels.

– 28,420 jewels.

– 41,498 jewels.

It was like a queue at the grocery store. Especially when it came to speed.

The employees sitting at the table and doing their work were very fast. They would place a bag of mana stones on top of something, as if scanning a barcode, and when a number appeared, they would take out the money like an automaton. As I watched curiously, the barbarians around me shouted and chattered at the top of their lungs, not feeling the slightest embarrassment.

"Oh!! Earn more than 40,000 stones, amazing!

"Karak, the 3rd son of Phanun, is a warrior among warriors!"

Ha... Is it because I've been living with an elf for the past few days? I couldn't get used to it.

I still need to find Ervena...

Why did I stumble upon these punks instead?

I just stood still.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel!" Now it's your turn!

While I sighed to myself, it was my turn. I walked over to the table and placed my pouch in front of the soulless-looking clerk.

"Are all three pouches mana stones?"

The other two belong to the Skinny and the samurai.

But now they're all mine... about 40 minutes ago.

— That's right.

When I nodded, the clerk placed the pouch on the scale. Soon he handed over the exact amount.

– 182,413 jewels.

A loaf of bread cost about 20 stones, so more than 9,000 loaves of bread were obtained in 7 days?

Just yesterday I was sad that I caught a goblin and earned a piece of bread.

... I was starting to feel strong emotions.

- 180,000 stones! Björn, Yandel's son, earned 180,000 stones!

"This is the best record ever! Björn, son of Yandel, is the greatest warrior of all time!

But those bastards didn't even give me time for emotion.

I quickly received the money from the clerk and left the checkpoint. But as soon as I left the crowd, the savages noticed my appearance and began to fuss.

"Not only stones! He even holds a hammer!

"And even in boots!" I'm jealous!

"U, but three sums!"

"He's looking at his watch!" Does he know how to count time?

"How is this possible?" Could it be that Bjorn, Yandel's son, was a wizard?

Well, I couldn't understand their reaction. Perhaps it would be like magic for them. I would have been the first barbarian to enter the labyrinth naked and come out a civilized man!

Hell, all this fuss turns me on too.

Hey, calm down, Bjorn.


"I'm the best warrior!!


At the same time as I screamed, the barbarians went into a frenzy. Then they picked me up and started throwing me in the air.

Surprisingly, it was better than I thought.

Well, so be it.

"You can't make too much noise here.

"Excuse me!" I apologize!

"I mean, please be quiet...


Finally, the madness subsided only after a checkpoint worker came up to chastise us. Then I regained my composure and sat down on the floor, like the barbarians around me, waiting for the rest of the barbarians to finish at the checkpoint.

It was then...

I felt someone's eyes on me and, turning my head, I saw an elf looking at me through the crowd of researchers.

It was Ervena.

How long did she watch? I hope it was after my crowdsurfing...

When our eyes met, Ervena smiled as if she was glad to see me. However, as the pretty elves standing next to her spoke to her, she quickly averted her eyes. Curious, I listened to their conversation, which turned out to be very refreshing. Seeing her calmly chatting with elves older than her seemed almost unreal.

"Sister!" I think I know how to handle elementals now! I understand why Grandma Grinderin insisted that we become friends with them first.

"Really?" Fire spirits have a rather short temper, so soon you will be able to hear their voice.

Mm, so you're one of them. Only wild animals are next to me.

I'm jealous...

Watching Ervena with longing for what I was missing, our eyes met again. I took this opportunity to say something.


Ervena shook her head, then smiled and answered:


In the first place, it was clear that this secret conversation was of great interest to Erven. But I didn't know if she understood what I said.

Did she even answer "good" or did it seem to me?

Ha... I'll have to try to talk to her as soon as I leave the checkpoint.

While I was thinking...

"Why are you looking there like that, is it someone you know?"

"N-no!" Sister! Of course not!

At the question of the elf standing next to her, Ervena waved her hands away.

Then, after a pause, she looked at me and muttered:

"I'm sorry!"

It seemed to me that this time I heard everything correctly. I also understood the gesture when she secretly pointed at the other elf and shook her head. This must have meant that she had no choice. Well, it was the same here.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel!" What are you looking at?! Do you know this elf?


"Well, of course! It is impossible that the greatest warrior of all times and peoples knew the vile fern muzzle!

I wanted to shut that bastard's mouth, but I couldn't. At the sound of a loud voice, the elves around me looked at us with piercing eyes.

Among them was Ervena.

She looked at me with bitter eyes, but nodded her head, as if understanding.


Looking into those sad eyes, I understood.

What are we doing now?

Is this Romeo and Juliet?

"Let's go!"

Not long after, the barbarians finished their exchange and left.

It was impossible to talk to Ervena among the elves, no matter how long I waited, so I led them outside. Unfortunately, even more people gathered ahead.

"Dad!" Are you wounded? I missed you!

"Brother!" I am here!

Hmm, yes, there was something similar in the game too. Simply put, the people gathered here were family members or acquaintances of the researchers.

"Let's go!" I'll clear the way!


I followed the barbarians through the crowd, each of which was overwhelmed with joy, despair, sorrow, or tenderness.

I watched their faces one by one. The feeling was strange.

"Limarion!" My husband, where is my husband? He...!

"I'm sorry. He asked me to tell you this.

"No... No. No... And!!!

I had played Dungeon & Stone countless times, but now I could see faces and expressions that I had never seen through a monitor in 2D graphics.

One of the reasons I had to move with the barbarians was that, like the previous checkpoint, there were more than one new procedures to go through in this city. However, my expectations turned out to be surprisingly wrong.

"Let's have a drink!" Give me a drink!


As soon as they were out of the labyrinth, the barbarians headed for the tavern.

You are all minors, idiots. Oh, wait. The coming-of-age ceremony is over.

"I'll go."

"Why?" Bjorn, son of Yandel, the Greatest Warrior!

A modifier has been added to my already long name. I left the group, repeating to myself that patience is a virtue and making excuses that I had to go somewhere.

"I pray that military luck be with you!" Bjorn, son of Yandel, the Greatest Warrior!

I've felt it over and over again, but with these guys, I couldn't predict anything based on common sense.

"Finally, a little silence.

Having been with the savages for a short time, I felt that I was going mad. Did Ervena feel the same way when she stayed with me?

Next time, I'll have to control the barbarians' actions.

*Dragging, dragging*

Separated from the group, I wandered around the city endlessly. I had a destination, but now I just wanted to go wherever my footsteps took me.

It was calm.

When I first saw this city, it was midnight, but now, when the day came, the streets were full of people. Surprisingly, it gave me a sense of security.

There were no monsters here. No one could hurt me. Even if I had fallen asleep on the road, I would have woken up safe and sound. Maybe someone will even lend me a helping hand.

There were laws, rules and leisure. Of course, it was still a distant world in another universe, and I also knew that, contrary to what seemed to be, almost everything about their ideas, culture, and social system was uncivilized compared to the 21st century.

But still it was calm here.

At least compared to the maze in which I spent 7 days.

I wanted to feel that feeling of stability a little more, so I kept walking.

Since the researchers had just spilled out of the labyrinth, being covered in blood, I did not stand out in any way.

No one looked at me strangely. But as I continued to walk down the street, I felt the urge to wash my body. So I went to the first tavern I came across, rented a room and washed.

It was interesting. I've never seen water in the bathroom that had more blood than dirt in it.

When I went outside after washing for about an hour, I felt that my clothes were too dirty.

Hell, I should have bought some clothes before I took a bath.

All I wanted to do was go to bed, but I went outside again and looked for a clothing store.

Although no one looked at me strangely, for some reason I was still embarrassed. My bare upper body and pants, stained with blood and dirt, were all the same. Well, no, my body was at least much cleaner, but still...

I felt like a savage again.



As soon as I entered the store, which I assumed was a clothing store, I was approached by kind workers.

They smiled, even at a seemingly homeless barbarian. I have not met such professional workers even in Seoul...

"A shirt?" If you would like to make a custom order, please go to the building next door... Oh, are you looking for something to wear now? I'm not sure if there's anything your size here, but I'll take a look.

With the help of a worker, I was able to buy a tight-fitting shirt and black linen pants. The total amount was 2,500 stones.

I could not understand whether I had been ripped off or not. I've never tried on or bought clothes that didn't serve any function in the game.

"See you next time!"

Now that I had become more human, I returned to the inn. After meeting the clerk who exchanged my mana stones and talking to the employee of the clothing store, I felt that the city exuded a strange modern atmosphere.


Most of the buildings were made of stone and had many floors. It was difficult to find a building less than 3 stories on the street, and the water in my bathroom even flowed from the tap. Perhaps life in this city was more real than I thought.

Shortly after arriving at the hotel, I lay down on the bed. As I looked back on the events of the past seven days one by one, I realized that I too was not unlike Hans.

When I first came to this world, my only goal was to survive.

And now?

Finally, I spoke the words that I had repeated countless times so far.

"I want to go home."

I wanted to go back.

Even if no one is waiting for me there.

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