I Was Betrayed But It’s Okay haha
Chapter 133 Table of contents

Rrrrrrr... rrrrrrr...

I was diligently browsing through internet pages. I was preparing to move to a new place.

‘Now that I’m an S-rank hunter, there’s no real reason for me to stay in Sillim...’

More than anything, what concerned me was Cha Soo-hyun. Truth be told, I didn’t particularly dislike living in Sillim. It wasn’t inconvenient. But because of Cha Soo-hyun, I felt like I absolutely had to move.


She had been like that since she was a C-rank. That obsession with Cheongdam-dong.

I lived in Sillim-dong, while she lived in Cheongdam-dong.

‘Yeah, I’ll go to Cheongdam-dong too. And you’ll be the one who has to come down.’

I was looking up the apartment Cha Soo-hyun lived in. I knew it well since I’d driven her there so many times.

‘Pfft... insane. Thirty to forty billion won? Even a regular person couldn’t save enough for that in their lifetime. Sheesh.’

In a way, I felt fortunate. Somehow, I’d become an S-rank hunter and was now making a ridiculous amount of money.

‘Well, time to look for a place on a rental basis...’

With the money I had recently earned, combined with my existing deposit, moving seemed doable.

“Hey, hyung, what are you up to? Moving?”

“Yeah, I’m planning to.”

“Oh, to Cheongdam-dong, right?”


“Why Cheongdam-dong though? Doesn’t seem like it fits your image, hyung. Haha.”

“Because there’s someone I want to show that I live in Cheongdam-dong.”


He made a face like he understood exactly what I meant. He had a good sense for things.

“Wow... sounds like you’re moving to a place in the 1 billion won range on a rental basis.”

“Yeah. Thanks to the Fragment of a Tormented Soul, I made 900 million. I’m moving quickly.”

“Wow... I need to work harder... I want to live in a place like that too.”

“Oh my... an S-rank hunter, you say? I think I’ve seen you on TV.”

The real estate agent greeted me with a big smile and extended her hand for a handshake.

“There are quite a few S-rank hunters living in this complex. Do you know Cha Soo-hyun, by any chance? She lives here too. You know, the one who recently became the number one S-rank hunter? You must know her since you’re both S-ranks.”

I couldn’t help but flinch a little.

“Yes, I know her. Very well, actually.”

“Oh ho ho, she lives here. This place is amazing—hunters make good money, after all! If I were younger, I’d be a hunter too, ho ho.”

“Any rumors about this Cha Soo-hyun?”

Real estate agents are usually the best source of gossip in the area.

“Hmmm, not really. I did hear she’s been unwell, so she hasn’t been very active. Apparently, she comes home early and doesn’t do much else.”

‘Unwell, my foot. She’s just been demoted to E-rank, that’s all.’

I couldn’t help but smirk.

“I’ll take this place, then.”

“Okay, okay! Let’s get the paperwork started!”

“Uh... Ji-hoon oppa, this place is...”

Cha Soo-hyun was wandering around the streets of Sillim, trying to find her way.

‘He definitely hasn’t forgotten about me. If I handle this well, we’ll be able to work things out...’

She tried to calm herself down.

Ding dong.

“Who’s there...? Huh? Cha... Cha Soo-hyun... Hunter?”

“Huh? Who are you...?”

Cha Soo-hyun had made her way to Baek Ji-hoon’s old apartment, only to be surprised when a complete stranger opened the door.

“What...? What are you doing at my place...? Is this some kind of hidden camera prank?”

“Uh... isn’t Ji-hoon oppa living here?”

“Oh, I just moved in today.”


Cha Soo-hyun’s expression quickly hardened and darkened.

“Then... what about the person who lived here before?”

“I heard they moved to a better neighborhood. That’s why this place was such a great find.”

The man who had come out of Baek Ji-hoon’s former apartment scratched the back of his head.

“A better... neighborhood? Do you know where?”

“Not sure. You might want to check with the real estate agent. They probably know.”

‘What? He moved? To a better neighborhood? There’s no way he suddenly made a bunch of money... How did he move so quickly?’

Looking puzzled, Cha Soo-hyun headed toward the nearest real estate office.

Knock, knock, knock.

“Excuse me...”

“Huh? Cha Soo-hyun, Hunter...?”

“I just have a question...”

She quickly got to the point.

“I heard... he moved to Cheongdam-dong?”


“Yeah, yeah.”

“Uh... do you know which apartment?”

“I think it was AA Apartments...”

‘What...? That’s where I live...?’

Cha Soo-hyun’s face lit up.

‘Oppa... you really haven’t forgotten about me... Hehe. So he moved to my place? He must’ve wanted to surprise me, right? Haha.’

She giggled quietly, carefully, to herself.

“Oh dear, Cha Soo-hyun Hunter. You came all the way here, but couldn’t meet him? But... you seem in a really good mood.”

“Oh, no, it’s fine. I’ll be going now. Haha.”

Cha Soo-hyun left the real estate office with a very satisfied expression. She seemed completely happy now.

‘Phew. I was worried for nothing. Of course, Ji-hoon oppa can’t just walk away from me that easily.’

She started heading back to her own apartment.

“Phew... all moved in!”

Hyung-seok had helped me with the move.

“Wow, hyung. Looks like you’re finally living the good life. Living in a place like this... I should come visit more often.”

He was looking around the place with a pleased expression, seemingly more satisfied than I was.

“Hyung, aren’t you going to throw a housewarming party?”

“A housewarming? Nah, no need for that. It’s not what’s important right now.”

I was thinking about how I should let Cha Soo-hyun know I’d moved here.

“Man, it’d be great if we could invite all the S-rank hunters here.”

“Please don’t do that. There’s no need for that kind of fuss.”

“They all live around here anyway, wouldn’t it be fun?”

“Forget it. I’m just going to run to the store real quick.”

“Got it!”

“Hm~ I wonder which building oppa moved to~ Hehe.”

Cha Soo-hyun walked into the local real estate office with a bright smile on her face.

“Excuse me~ Did any S-rank hunters move here recently?”

“Huh? Cha Soo-hyun, Hunter? Oh wow, long time no see. Oh, an S-rank hunter? Yeah, we had one move in recently.”

Word had already spread quickly.

“Oh really? Which building?”

“Ah, sorry, I can’t just give that information out. It’s private, you know.”

“Oh, come on. You know me, right? I’m Cha Soo-hyun. He’d be happy to know I’m looking for him.”

“Hmm... would he?”

The agent looked a bit hesitant.

“Please tell me~ We’re close friends anyway.”

“Well, if that’s the case... you could ask him directly, couldn’t you?”


Cha Soo-hyun seemed a little flustered.

“It’s just... I want to surprise him.”

“Oh, I see.”

The agent finally nodded, understanding her intent.

“Well, in that case, try going here.”

“Thank youuu!”

Cha Soo-hyun quickly set off.

‘Today!!! Today, everything’s going to turn around. Hehe, I’ll go to oppa, apologize properly, and... comfort him for missing me so much.’

She was practically skipping as she went, humming with joy.

“Hehehe... here it is...”

She looked back and forth between the note and the building number several times, her heart racing with excitement. It had been almost three weeks since she’d dumped Baek Ji-hoon, and she’d been struggling emotionally ever since.

But this moment felt more exhilarating than any other.

“Hehe... Ji-hoon oppa~”

Ding dong.

With a face full of anticipation, she rang the doorbell.


“Who’s there? Huh?”

The door opened, revealing Park Hyung-seok.

Cha Soo-hyun’s face froze instantly.

“Cha... Cha Soo-hyun, Hunter? What brings you here...? How did you find this place?”

“Huh? Where’s Ji-hoon oppa...? Why are you here, Hyung-seok? Do you two live together?”

“No, no, that’s not it. He’s just not here right now. Goodbye!”

Park Hyung-seok tried to close the door quickly. He looked completely flustered.

But Cha Soo-hyun blocked the door with her hand.

“Wait a second. Why are you closing the door? I need to talk to Ji-hoon oppa.”

“He’s not here, and there’s nothing to talk about. Please leave.”

Park Hyung-seok and Cha Soo-hyun began struggling over the door, both holding onto it tightly.

“Let... me... in!!”

“No... I said no!!!”

The sound of the elevator arriving echoed through the hallway.

The door slowly opened.

Baek Ji-hoon stepped out.


He froze upon seeing Cha Soo-hyun.

“What are you doing here...?”

“Oh? O-Oppa... You’re here? Hehe...”

Cha Soo-hyun quickly let go of the door and straightened her clothes, trying to make herself look as good as possible.

“Hehe... Oppa... I have something I want to tell you...”

With a shy expression, she gazed lovingly at Baek Ji-hoon.

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