Martial Arts Ain’t That Big of a Deal
Chapter 48 Table of contents

The Plum Blossom Pill.

When he first heard the name, Seo-jun didn’t fully understand, but it was indeed a medicinal pill filled with extreme yang energy.

As soon as the pill entered his mouth, it melted smoothly, sliding down his throat.

'It's hot.'

It felt like he had just swallowed a mouthful of boiling water.

He could vividly feel his throat, esophagus, and stomach as the heat coursed through them.

With his eyes closed, Seo-jun summoned the internal energy of the Merged Origin Divine Art stored in his dantian.


The moment the internal energy ignited, it surged through his energy pathways like a wildfire.

The medicinal power of the Plum Blossom Pill, already dissolved in his system, spread rapidly through his entire body, while the internal energy of the Merged Origin Divine Art followed behind, greedily devouring the unabsorbed energy.

The process was simpler than he expected.

As the energy of the Merged Origin Divine Art swept through his body, it absorbed all the energy from the Plum Blossom Pill, panting like an eager dog waiting for praise.


Seo-jun opened his eyes slightly.

He could see Chun-bong standing guard with a serious expression.

If he opened his eyes now, she might feel awkward.

Deciding to play along, Seo-jun closed his eyes again. Since he was in the zone, he decided to refine his Merged Origin Divine Art a bit.

‘The Plum Blossom technique…’

Though he had used it effectively against Jong-in, in hindsight, it was rather crude.

The way Un-jak's plum blossoms bloomed was different.

Un-jak’s plum blossoms seemed alive, blooming and fading, proudly displaying their vibrant life cycle.

What was missing from his own?

After some contemplation, Seo-jun quickly gave up.

‘What’s the point of knowing what I lack?’

Focusing on shortcomings was a never-ending cycle. Instead, in his current situation, it was more important to find his strengths and amplify them.

And Seo-jun already knew what his strength was.


If the Huashan Sect completed their plum blossoms through swordsmanship, he would perfect his plum blossoms through energy.


The pleasant beat of his heart brought a smile to Seo-jun’s lips.

By the time Seo-jun opened his eyes, quite some time had passed.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Chun-bong rushed over, sticking her face close to his.

"Are you okay? You took longer than usual."

"Oh? Well, yeah, I’m fine."

With a laugh, Seo-jun got up.

"So, two days left until the martial arts tournament?"

"Yeah, that’s right."

"I guess I should spend that time training."

As Seo-jun casually started walking, Chun-bong quickly followed behind with her short steps.

"So, how do you feel? Anything different?"

"Different? Hmm, my internal energy increased."

"That's obvious."

Chun-bong grumbled, but Seo-jun could tell it was much more than she thought.

He had absorbed all the energy from the pill—a feat that most martial artists could only manage a fraction of. While others might absorb fifty to seventy percent, he had taken in one hundred percent.

Smiling at the grumbling Chun-bong, Seo-jun teased, "Actually, there is one big thing."

"Oh? What is it?"

Leaning in, Chun-bong’s eyes sparkled as she tilted her ear closer.

"And that is…"


"Well, that is…"


"I’m not telling."

"You bastard!"

And he was promptly hit.

The "big thing" wasn't really much of a secret, but it was significant.

The fact that Seo-jun had taken the Plum Blossom Pill, the prize for winning the tournament, was a huge advantage.

"I’ve got it all figured out. When you take the pill next time, I’ll show you something amazing."

The Plum Blossom Pill was rich with extreme yang energy.

With no need for the Yin-Yang Reversal, he had much more focus and control now.

This time, Chun-bong's crippled energy pathways would show noticeable improvement.

As Seo-jun hummed a tune, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Oh, crap."

"What? What’s wrong?"

"Wait a second. I didn’t think about this…"

Chun-bong’s crippled energy pathways healing? Of course, that would be a good thing. Nothing could be better.

But on the other hand, if her pathways healed, there was a high chance that her chubby cheeks would slim down.

Right. The joy of life would disappear.

"What’s the point of living anymore!"



Two days later, the martial arts tournament resumed.

However, only the remaining matches of the round of 128 were completed, and the round of 64 would be held the next day.

After watching Chun-bong overwhelm her opponent, Seo-jun realized he’d have to wait another day for his own match.

The next day came.

Pleased with his training results, Seo-jun flexed his hands as he walked toward the arena.

"They're all dead."

Humming a tune, Seo-jun pulled down his bamboo hat.

When he went to the arena yesterday, the people whispering about him had been irritating, so today he decided to avoid attention.

After quietly entering the arena and chatting with Chun-bong, Seo-jun stood up when he heard his number being called.

"Alright, I'm off."

"Finish quickly and come back."

"Sure thing."

Seo-jun climbed onto the stage and looked around.

Despite the ruckus he had caused just a few days ago, everything seemed back to normal.

Was the Huashan Sect that impressive, or was the martial world always this indifferent?

Shaking his head, Seo-jun turned his attention to his opponent.

A muscular man with a sword strapped to his waist. But his gaze was… odd.

"That’s Guangarang!"


"Kill him!"

The crowd below the stage was loud and rowdy.

‘Again with this.’

Guangarang (狂餓狼).

The Mad Hungry Wolf.

That ridiculous title had somehow become attached to Seo-jun.

What kind of nickname is this for a person?

Clicking his tongue, Seo-jun placed his hand on his sword.

Glancing at the referee, he saw the man nod and raise his hand.

"In that case…"


Seo-jun's opponent suddenly shouted.

With his eyes tightly shut, the man seemed to struggle internally for a moment before dropping his head.

"I… I forfeit."


Seo-jun’s jaw dropped.

A forfeit?

What about the pent-up desire for battle I’ve been holding in? Am I just going to be left unsatisfied?

"Wait, hold on! I don’t kill people that easily!"

Okay, maybe sometimes.


His opponent turned pale and fled.

Seo-jun and the referee stared at each other, blinking, before the referee finally declared, "The winner is Lee Seo-jun!"

Had martial artists always been this timid?

After receiving two consecutive forfeits in the round of 64 and 32, Seo-jun trudged toward the arena for the next round, shoulders slumped.

Finally, the round of 16… but he couldn’t help feeling deflated.

"This is so frustrating…"

"Hey, no! Stop that, you idiot!"

Though Seo-jun hadn’t intended to do anything, Chun-bong, preemptively panicking, quickly offered her cheeks for pinching.

Squeeze, squeeze.

His frustration melted away in real-time.

"This is what life is all about…"

He suddenly craved a cigarette. Was this that post-battle relaxation thing?

"They better not forfeit today, right?"

"There are only sixteen people left, so the weaklings should have been weeded out. At the very least, no one should forfeit without a fight."

"Yeah, they better not."

"...Don’t do anything weird, okay?"

"Hehe, unless you want to see some blood, you’d better offer those cheeks again!"

"Ugh, kill me now!"

Laughing at their lighthearted conversation, Seo-jun and Chun-bong arrived at the arena.

As they chatted while waiting, a Huashan martial artist called out.


Today, Chun-bong’s match came before Seo-jun’s.

"Go crush them, Geum Chun-bong."

"Of course."


Chun-bong froze in place.

"What’s wrong? Who’s number 33?"



This was going to be a big match.

Scratching his chin, Seo-jun lightly patted Chun-bong on the head.

"Go destroy them."

"...I will."

With a resolute expression, Chun-bong made her way toward the stage.

Watching her walk away, Seo-jun scratched his chin again.

The smooth feel of his hairless chin felt oddly strange today.

‘I wonder if Chun-bong can win?’

It was hard to say.

But even if she lost, it wouldn’t be a problem.

He could just avenge her.

The only concern was if she got hurt during the match.


He really needed to hold back, but could he?

He wasn’t sure.

Standing on the martial stage, Chun-bong fidgeted with her bamboo hat.


Her heart pounded.

Unlike her previous opponents, this time, she was up against someone from a powerful family.

She thought about the disadvantages she faced: her young age, restricted martial skills, her half-healed energy pathways, and the years of training she’d missed.

Letting out a small, self-deprecating laugh, she slapped her cheeks.

Smack, smack!

The sharp sting cleared her mind.

‘If Seo-jun could rush at an elder from the Huashan Sect, why should I be afraid of someone from the Namgung family?’

Thinking of her brother, Chun-bong smiled slightly. In hindsight, he really was a crazy bastard.

"What’s so amusing?" Namgung Sua stood across from her, cradling a long sword in her arms.

Shaking her head, Chun-bong placed her hand on her own sword.

"Nothing much."

"Oh my… Did I offend you somehow?"

"Not really."

"It’s just… I wish you’d be as sweet to me as you are to him."

Chun-bong slightly lifted her bamboo hat to get a better look at Namgung Sua.

Lately, they’d been running into each other more frequently, but for some reason, Chun-bong couldn’t bring herself to like her.

It wasn’t just that she kept trying to act friendly. Chun-bong also didn’t appreciate that secret message she sent to Seo-jun.

If you’re going to say something behind someone’s back, at least say it where I can hear it, too. Why only tell Seo-jun?

Of course, she knew that was unreasonable. It was obvious why Namgung Sua would send the message to him. After all, if you’re going to gossip, you’d use an encrypted voice transmission rather than say it aloud.

Especially when talking about an elder from the Huashan Sect.

So, really, Chun-bong knew she had no good reason to dislike Namgung Sua.

But she didn’t need a reason.

It was instinct.


"Hmm… I wonder why?"

"Your chest is too big."



As the referee's signal rang out, Chun-bong drew her sword and charged.


Maybe she had caught something from Seo-jun.

For a brief moment, Chun-bong wondered.

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