The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy
Chapter 185 Table of contents


I stood silently, watching Rene walk towards Kyle.

What was with that expression on her face?

I tried to dismiss it as my imagination, but deep down, I knew I was just trying to convince myself.

I don’t want to feel any heavier, so my tendency to avoid things is slowly raising its head again


‘…This feels strange.’

A mixture of fear and worry churned within me.

I was worried about Rene’s pale complexion, yet a sense of dread stemming from the reason behind her concern gnawed at me.


Rene had spoken of it.

And while mentioning revenge, she had implied that it wasn’t her seeking it, but someone else.

…To Rene’s question, I had replied that revenge wasn't the answer.

It wasn't exactly wrong, at least by my standards.

Revenge was not something others could prevent.

It was an issue that the parties involved had to resolve themselves.

While I thought I had responded appropriately, a strange feeling continued to bother me.

‘It’s not like I know everything.’

Why was I so afraid?

Why was my instinct screaming danger?

I didn’t have any answers yet, but I decided to head towards Kyle for now.

At the very least, focusing on getting stronger was better than agonizing over this inexplicable fear.


Now that I thought about it, I was curious about what we could find here.

‘…The thing the priests tried to protect until the very end through a secret passage.’

What could it be?

*Thump, thump-*

I walked towards where Kyle’s voice had come from.

Standing before him, both Rene and I froze.

‘This’ was the secret passage?

“Are you sure this is the place?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. I used Light Magic to illuminate the inside, and it stretches on endlessly.”


It was hard to believe.

The entrance to the passage was tiny.

It was so small that even a single adult couldn't fit through.

Maybe we could crawl through if we lowered our bodies…

The secret passage Kyle had discovered was revealed only after clearing a mountain of debris near the Temple.

The entrance was so incredibly small that it was almost comical.

Still, there was no way to find the exit without going in.

"My lady, perhaps it's best if you don't go in."

I couldn't bear to see Rene’s clothes get soiled with dirt.

That was why I made the suggestion, but Kyle objected.

"No, I disagree."

"Why is that?"

"My lady’s ring and the Fang of Darkness were originally a pair, right? I don’t know what the priests were carrying, but it’s probably related to those two. That's why we both need to go."

“……Then, what if we go in first, secure the priests’ belongings, and then return here.”

“No way.”

But Rene’s firm refusal, accompanied by a deep frown, left us with no choice.

"First, get comfortable."

“……Alright. But be careful not to bump your head against the walls, the passage is narrow.”


Rene nodded.

Inwardly, I groaned.

Why was I so worried?

In the end, I took a special precaution before entering the secret passage.

"That’s better."

"I can’t breathe.”

“You still need to wear it.”


*Mumble, mumble-*

Rene mumbled something, seemingly uncomfortable.

I took off my outer garment and wrapped it tightly around her head and neck.

This way, even if she bumped into the wall, she wouldn't get hurt.

As I breathed a sigh of relief, Rene muttered in a small voice,

“I’m, not a child…”

I couldn't quite make out what she was saying.

I ignored Rene’s complaints and entered the passage first.


Ugh, it really was narrow.

Still, I managed to squeeze through by crawling.

However, since I couldn't see ahead, we decided that Kyle would lead the way.

After all, he could use Light Magic.

"After you."


Kyle nodded and was the first to enter the secret passage.

I followed closely behind, crawling, and the sound of Rene’s knees scraping against the ground reached my ears.


As Kyle muttered the word, the pitch-black space was illuminated.

What was revealed made me frown.

It was already cramped when we couldn’t see, but now that the narrow interior was illuminated, it seemed even more claustrophobic.

Still, there was no other way.

We just had to get through this cramped space.

How long had we been crawling?


Rene, who was behind me, suddenly stopped moving.

Turning around, I asked her,

“Are you alright?”


Rene nodded.

I focused my gaze on her legs.

Blood trickled down Rene’s knee.

Oh no,

I had made her wear pants instead of a skirt just in case, but she still got hurt.

I had the ointment Samuel had given me back at the Temple of Gluttony.

I’d have to apply it as soon as we got out.

‘…First, we need to get out of this passage.’

There was no telling how long this passage was.

It was not only cramped but also winding.

There was no way to know where we were headed.

We could feel a breeze blowing from ahead, so there had to be an exit somewhere…

As I was thinking this,

“The space suddenly widened up.”

Kyle said in a cheerful tone.

I craned my neck to see what was ahead.

Sure enough, the passage had widened considerably.


“That light ahead doesn't seem to be coming from your magic, Kyle.”

“You’re right, that’s definitely sunlight.”

That meant the exit was right in front of us.

We picked up the pace and moved towards the wider space.

It was spacious enough for us to stand up.

“Here, take my hand.”


I helped Rene up.

We had to keep moving, but treating her wound was the priority.

“Let me check it for you.”

“……It’s fine.”

“I’m not fine with it.”


I pulled up Rene’s pant leg to examine her knee.

As expected, blood oozed from the wound.

She had crawled quite a distance with that injury, causing it to bleed even more.

It wasn’t a serious wound, but it was best to treat it quickly.

I took out the ointment and bandages Samuel had given me.

“This might sting a little.”


*Dab, dab-*

Every time my fingers moved to apply the ointment, Rene winced in pain but didn’t pull away.


Once I finished bandaging the wound, I finally felt relieved.

“This is just a temporary measure. Please get it properly treated as soon as we return to the mansion.”

“……You’re overprotective.”

“You need to learn to take better care of yourself, my lady. I’ll drag you back if I have to, so you better be prepared.”

“Abuse, of power.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t quite hear you.”

I did my best to ignore Rene as she puffed out her cheeks, turning to Kyle instead.

“It seems like all we need to do is climb up there.”

“Oh, and look, there’s a rope.”

There was a gaping hole in the ceiling.

And a rope was hanging down, seemingly placed there for climbing.

The priests must have used that rope to get out of the passage.


“What are all these?”

“Skeletons and they all seem to have died strangely.”

The ground was littered with skeletons, their necks twisted at unnatural angles.

It was unclear how they had died with broken necks, but their bodies seemed to hold nothing of importance.

For now, our only option was to get out.

*Grab, grab-*

We climbed the rope towards the surface.


As soon as we reached the ground,


“What the…”

Both Kyle and I gasped in shock.

Countless skeletons were scattered everywhere, brutally slaughtered.

“……It seems they were killed by humans as soon as they exited the passage.”

“Seems that way. And quite brutally, too…”

Kyle, who had once fought alongside humans, wore a bitter expression.

He hadn’t sided with them because he liked them; there must have been a complex mix of emotions swirling within him.

And the identity of the skeletons at the bottom of the passage became clear.

These must have been the ones who fell to their deaths in panic when they encountered humans above.

Those were the skeletons with broken necks.

But one of the bodies was in a peculiar posture.

“That one looks like…”

“It’s, praying.”

Rene stared, almost entranced, at the kneeling skeleton.

Its head, seemingly severed, was missing, but its posture spoke of unwavering resolve even in the face of death.

This skeleton, killed by humans, had been offering a prayer to its god until its final breath.

“……That one must have been a priest.”

“Yeah, if humans hadn’t looted the bodies, we might have found something valuable on that skeleton.”


I offered a silent prayer of apology before searching the clothes of the skeleton.

However, it seemed the humans had taken everything.

The skeleton had nothing on it.

“Empty-handed, I guess…”

“Ugh, I guess so. Let’s search around a bit more.”

“Yes, let’s.”

We decided to look around, disappointed but unwilling to give up just yet.

We had invested too much time to leave empty-handed.

Rene, perhaps wanting to help me out of my disappointment, wandered off on her own, diligently scanning the surroundings.

Thus, we split up to search the area.

Just as Rene and Kyle had moved a fair distance away,


A tremor emanated from somewhere.

The vibration seemed to originate from the kneeling skeleton.

‘What was that?’

I fixed my gaze on the skeleton.

I hadn’t found anything on it before.

Why was it suddenly emitting this strange vibration?

As I pondered the mystery,



The red dagger and the Fang of Darkness, nestled within my clothes, hummed in unison, resonating with the tremor.


― Oh… God…

A voice, filled with an unknown emotion, echoed from the skeleton.

A voice, weary and faint, was flowing from the skeletal remains.

― …Please, save us.

The moment the skeleton finished speaking,


Something within its grasp began to glimmer.

Divine power.

I realized it was a manifestation of the power possessed by the god this skeleton, once a priest, had served.

And then, the ‘god’s’ voice reverberated in my mind.

ˇPriest, offer me the sacrifice.

With every word, the Fang of Darkness throbbed.

As Kyle had speculated, the Fang of Darkness was indeed a ritual tool for the deity worshipped by the people of the land of the undead.


‘I don’t have any sacrifices.’

And there was no need for me to offer any.

What could this god possibly give me in return for a sacrifice?

As I stood frozen, unsure of what to do,

ˇ You dare awaken a god without a sacrifice…?

The god's voice crackled with rage.

And at that moment,

ˇ Then, you shall be the sacrifice.


A monstrous bat, formed entirely of a shadowy substance, erupted from the skeleton.

It was colossal, the size of a house, making it impossible to dodge.

But then,


Deep within me, the dormant ‘Abyss’ stirred.

*Crack, boom, crunch!*

It lunged, devouring the monstrous bat whole.

ˇ N-no way, you’re…!

As it was being chewed and crushed into the Abyss, the shadowy bat seemed to realize something, thrashing desperately in terror.

I could only watch in stunned silence as the horrifying spectacle unfolded before me.

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