Childhood Friend of the Zenith
Chapter 299 Table of contents

It felt like his eyes were rolling around in his head. What was this? What was going on?

Cheol Ji-seon—

No, Jegal Jin-seon, rolled his eyes frantically, trying to grasp the situation.

‘What on earth is happening?’

Where did it all go wrong? Why was he here in the first place?

He couldn’t figure out anything. His brain felt like it was locking up, becoming stiff.

“Would you like to try some of this?” “Hey, you know what happened earlier?” “...”

He still couldn’t believe the sight in front of him.

‘On my left is Seolbong, and on my right is Dokbong...’

These were people Jegal Jin-seon knew. If you were a martial artist in the later stages of cultivation, it would be impossible not to recognize these individuals by their appearance.

Though they hadn’t introduced themselves, Jegal Jin-seon had recognized them the moment he laid eyes on them.

‘And... I don’t know who the other woman is, but...’

There was yet another woman, unbelievably beautiful, so stunning that just looking at her made him lose his senses for a moment.


And that woman was staring directly at him. Her icy blue eyes locked onto him, causing Jegal Jin-seon to instinctively turn his head away.

‘…What in the world is going on?’

If he had to point out where things went wrong, it was when greed got the better of him.

The man who looked exhausted and was just stuffing food into his mouth amidst all these women... approaching that man was his biggest mistake.

‘...I should have just stuck to catching monsters.’

During the exam, he thought he had spotted some fool lying down asleep, and he’d tried to approach him easily. But that had been his error.

With so many people targeting each other, the man who could lie there, resting in peace...

He should have known that anyone in such a situation was no ordinary person. But blinded by greed, he had momentarily forgotten that.

‘Who would’ve thought that he was the true dragon?’

He’d thought the man was just someone with a scary face, but it turned out he was someone far beyond his expectations.

The True Dragon (Jinryong), Guhyangcheon.

A martial artist said to have reached the peak at an unprecedentedly young age, the younger brother of the famed Sword Phoenix (Geom Bong).

Among the countless stars of the martial world, he was a true dragon. An arrogant nickname for one of the youngest martial prodigies in all of Zhongyuan.

His overwhelming power, unmatched by anyone of his age group, was already a widely known fact across Zhongyuan.

And then there were additional rumors—

It was said that he had intervened in a duel between the Sword Dragon and a Hidden Dragon, and had the power to subdue both of them in an instant.

He was also known as someone with a strong appetite for beautiful women.

‘…They said he surrounds himself with gorgeous women, didn’t they?’

Zhongyuan was always full of exaggerated rumors. You couldn’t take anything at face value there.

But that last part, that had seemed especially ridiculous.

‘Looking at him now, I didn’t think any beautiful women would want to be around someone like him, but...’

The rumors were true, without exaggeration. Seeing the women catering to him, serving him food with such attentiveness...

He really was a womanizer, through and through.

How could he have been caught by someone like that?

What made it worse was that, as Guhyangcheon’s younger brother, there were also plenty of rumors about his temper.

‘...Turns out those rumors were an understatement.’

It was the face of a predator eyeing its prey.

Though he called him a friend, and talked about staying close, to Jegal Jin-seon, it felt more like:

‘You messed with me, so now I’m going to torment you for the rest of your life…!’

That’s all it seemed like. It made him tremble with fear.

To hear such words spoken with that fierce face... honestly, it had almost made him wet himself.

‘The real problem is…’

Jegal Jin-seon secretly clenched his fists.

He didn’t know why someone like Guhyangcheon had dragged him all the way here, but the main issue was—

-Do you have an older sister?

The question Guhyangcheon had asked while looking at Jegal Jin-seon.

‘There’s no way he knows... right?’

It was a mystery. Meeting Guhyangcheon had been the result of an unfortunate coincidence on his part, but...

Everything that had followed seemed suspicious.

-What’s your name?

He had answered.

-What’s your surname?

Guhyangcheon had demanded again, firmly. The look in his eyes as he grabbed Jegal Jin-seon’s neck and threatened to break his arm if he didn’t answer...

Anyone could tell that he was deadly serious.

Was he really from a righteous sect? This was so different from anything Jegal Jin-seon had expected.

‘...There’s no way he knows, right?’

There was no way Guhyangcheon knew his true identity. Jegal Jin-seon swallowed the rising anxiety.

There was no way he could’ve been found out.

No one knew his true purpose or his real identity.

And even if, by some chance, his purpose and identity were revealed, he had to protect his sister’s secret, no matter what.

Whatever it took.

‘It’s fine. He was just someone I planned to approach anyway.’

Whether it was Seolbong, Dokbong, or Jinryong, they were all people he had intended to approach once he got into the Jinryong Pavilion.

It had seemed impossible to approach them before, but now...

‘Maybe this is for the best.’

Though he had been dragged here half against his will, perhaps this situation wasn’t so bad after all.

After all, Guhyangcheon had helped him pass the exam by returning his sash.

In some way, it was... a gain, wasn’t it?


Just then, their eyes met. His gaze locked with the very man who had dragged him here—Guhyangcheon.

The moment their eyes met, Jegal Jin-seon felt his breath catch in his throat.

‘...He’s terrifying.’

How could someone be this terrifying? Just his gaze alone was enough to make Jegal Jin-seon’s legs tremble.

“Friend.” “…Y-Yes!”

Whenever he called him “friend,” Jegal Jin-seon couldn’t stop his voice from shaking. Why did he keep calling him that?

Was “friend” some twisted euphemism for “slave” in Guhyangcheon’s language? It had to be.

Jegal Jin-seon was certain—he was nothing more than Guhyangcheon’s captive, his slave.

“Aren’t you going to eat?”

Guhyangcheon picked up a piece of food with his chopsticks and held it out toward Jegal Jin-seon.

“I-I’m not really hungry...” “Really? You know, food gives you strength. Especially for someone your age. Tsk tsk.”

At Jegal Jin-seon’s response, Guhyangcheon shrugged and stuffed the food into his own mouth.

Meanwhile, the side dishes were quickly rotated by the hands of Seolbong and the white-haired woman.

It seemed they were changing out the dishes in front of Guhyangcheon.

‘...They’re really doing all that for him?’

What was Guhyangcheon that they would go to such lengths?

To Jegal Jin-seon, this all felt like a surreal dream, completely detached from reality.

“Are you thirsty, Young Master?” “Thirsty… Wait, what did you put in that?” “Oh, nothing much. Just some herbs that are good for digestion.” “…What’s the name of those herbs?” “Heeryeongcho.” “That’s... a poisonous plant that paralyzes the stomach.” “Come on, Young Master! It’s not like drinking this would paralyze anyone. I’ve always found it helps when I feel like I’m about to get indigestion.” “Normally, things are called poisonous because... they paralyze people, you know.”

It was Dokbong who was innocently offering the poisonous tea to Guhyangcheon.

The situation was absurd.

I’d heard Guhyangcheon was engaged to Namgung’s Sword Dancer.

‘So that beautiful woman must be...’

The white-haired beauty— she was probably Namgung Bia, the famed Sword Dancer.

That seemed highly likely.

‘They call her the most beautiful woman in Anhui, and it makes sense.’

That title suited her perfectly. In all of Jegal Jin-seon’s life, she was the first woman he’d seen who was more beautiful than his sister.

“Oh, by the way, friend.” “Yes…?” “You don’t have to speak formally with me, we’re friends, right?” “...” “Answer.” “O-Okay…”

Friend, my ass. How was this anything like a friendship?

Jegal Jin-seon didn’t know much about having friends, but even he knew this wasn’t how friends were supposed to be.

‘…Help me. Sister.’

Inwardly, he thought of his sister, gritting his teeth. He had to endure this.

-There will always be dangers.

That’s what his sister had told him before he set out for Zhongyuan.

-I don’t want you to go, but if you must, please stay strong, my dear brother.


His sister had always been right, and it seemed this time was no different.

I shouldn’t have come.

Ah, why is it that regret always comes too late? Jegal Jin-seon could only feel bitter regret.

“Oh, by the way, I moved your lodgings here.” “…Huh? Wait, what does that mean...?” “I heard you were sleeping in some stable. How could you sleep in a place like that? I moved all your stuff here, so you can stay with us now.”

As Guhyangcheon spoke with a sly grin,


Jegal Jin-seon realized that his future had just taken a terrible turn.

This demon of a man clearly planned to keep him close, treating him like a slave for real.

I’ve been well and truly caught. Should I run away now?


Not yet.

Jegal Jin-seon reminded himself of his goal.

‘Somehow, I have to secure a position in the Jinryong Pavilion.’

He needed to meet as many people as possible. Build as many connections as possible.

He had to gain as much as he could.

‘And save my sister.’


One day, he would reveal his true name. He would restore the honor of his family, once fallen and tainted.

That was why he had come to Zhongyuan.

Even now, Jegal Jin-seon thought back to the words his sister had emphasized to him before he left.


His sister had been pale as a sheet, grabbing his face with her bony hands as she pleaded with him.

-No matter what happens, you must never use that power. Promise me.

He had hooked his pinky with hers, promising her with trembling fingers.

He steeled his resolve.

‘You can do this, Jin-seon.’

Jegal Jin-seon reminded himself. For now, he was Cheol Ji-seon of the Eulpyeong Iron Clan.


As Jegal Jin-seon steeled his resolve, Guhyangcheon’s eyes gleamed as he watched him.


I watched Cheol Ji-seon’s expression freeze and harden.

‘That guy, he’s really rolling his eyes around.’

He was clearly deep in thought, constantly running things through his head.

Whether or not he had made some kind of resolution now didn’t matter.

‘He’s definitely hiding something.’

His reactions were particularly noticeable. It seemed like he wasn’t used to this kind of situation.

It was all too obvious.

‘That works out even better for me.’

From my perspective, it was more convenient. It would be easier to keep him close and watch him.

‘For now, I’ll keep him nearby.’

I had found him early, so it would be best to keep him close and handle him carefully.

The ideal option would be to become friends with him, but...

‘I’m not exactly being sincere, so I’ll keep it appropriate.’

It’s not like I was good at making friends in the first place. I’d try, but I didn’t have much confidence in it.

Still, it wasn’t a bad start.

We had progressed to being “friends,” and since he had been sleeping in some dingy stable, I used my influence to move him to a better lodging.

He’d probably be happy about that, right?

‘I already feel like we’re getting closer.’

I nodded to myself. For someone like me, this was quite an accomplishment.

I’ve grown a lot, Guhyangcheon.

You even made a friend.

Though he flinches whenever he looks at me, I’m sure that’ll resolve itself eventually.


I quickly finished my meal and took a sip of tea.


My tongue tingled.

What was this strange sensation? I immediately looked over at Tang So-yeol.

Tang So-yeol averted her gaze slightly when she noticed me looking.

“…Hey.” “Heheh.” “Heheh…?” “No, really, this is great for digestion, Young Master. Try it.” “If a normal person drinks this, they’ll die... I mean, they’ll literally die.”

I refused to drink it. Tang So-yeol had tried to give me this poisonous tea again.

“Come on... You won’t... die, probably.”

Why was she hesitating? That was terrifying.

“…Why do you keep trying to make me drink poison tea?” “Well, if your tolerance increases, it’s not a bad thing. And it’s tasty too.” “…”

I didn’t think Tang So-yeol would really try to kill me by feeding me poison in this way, but...

“Drinking this won’t build my tolerance, and it certainly won’t taste good.”

If anything, you’d have to consume a lot of it or bathe in poison-infused water for it to have any effect.

And even then, you’d usually die before building any resistance.

‘Unless you had Tang Clan’s secret techniques.’

The Tang Clan’s secret techniques—

They were the source of their poison mastery and the reason why, despite being part of the righteous faction, they were allowed to operate as assassins behind the scenes.

That was why Tang So-yeol could enjoy consuming poisonous plants like this.

‘The ultimate immunity to all poisons...’

It was exactly as the phrase implied. You could think of it as having a resistance to nearly all poisons.

This was the ultimate level that the Tang Clan aspired to.

Tang So-yeol’s glowing green eye was proof that she was gradually getting closer to achieving that immunity.

In my previous life, the Poison Princess (Dokbi) was said to have reached full immunity to all poisons.

If you put it that way, I couldn’t say much about Tang So-yeol’s martial prowess, but at least when it came to poisons, she was probably the most talented in all of Zhongyuan.

‘Though she’s still a bit lacking.’

Tang So-yeol was still somewhat lacking as a martial artist, but since she wasn’t the type to slack off, her cultivation would naturally rise over time.

One day, she might inherit the title of Dokbi. Of course...

‘The future will be different.’

I wouldn’t let Dokbi meet the same tragic end. I wouldn’t let her die so miserably.

‘Is it right for me to save someone I killed with my own hands?’

It was a troubling thought. The guilt I felt whenever I looked at Tang So-yeol only deepened.

All the more reason to save her.

“…Anyway, I’m not drinking it, so you can finish it yourself.” “Uh… Young Master.” “What?” “Is it okay if I drink from the cup you were using?” “…?”

I stared at her in confusion. Tang So-yeol quickly added, “Just kidding. Haha….”

Seeing my slightly disgusted expression, Tang So-yeol hurriedly changed the subject, claiming it was a joke.

It better have been a joke. Feeling slightly creeped out, I was rubbing my shoulder when Namgung Bia, who was pouring me a drink, spoke up.

-You know.

It was a message through sound transmission.


I responded immediately, though just using sound transmission caused a slight pain in my core.

-Who is that guy, anyway?

Namgung Bia asked with a glance toward Cheol Ji-seon.

-What do you mean? I told you, he’s a friend.

I answered like it was no big deal, but Namgung Bia kept staring at me with sharp eyes.

Her expression seemed to say, That’s not it, is it?

‘She’s perceptive.’

She was usually so clueless, but at times like this, she was quick to pick up on things.

Maybe she was just pretending to be clueless all the time, and Namgung Bia was actually always this perceptive.

I was starting to think that might be the case.

As I met Namgung Bia’s gaze, I finally gave in and responded.

-He’s a dagger. -A dagger? -Yeah, a dagger.

The dagger I wanted.

The dagger that would kill Jang Seon-yeon and might just pierce through everything going wrong right now.

The power that guy held was worth that much. To me, Cheol Ji-seon represented exactly that.

So, I had to keep him close and not let him slip away.

I made eye contact with Cheol Ji-seon. He still seemed nervous, so I smiled at him.

It was meant to put him at ease, to tell him to relax.


But the moment he saw my smile, he flinched and recoiled in fear. It was like he’d just seen something horrifying.

‘…This guy?’

We’re friends, so it should be fine to hit him, right? It should be.

In my past life, that’s how friendship felt to me, anyway.

I was usually the one getting hit, but I had a feeling this time would be different.


Three days had passed since then.

The sect exams had come to an end, and the day to officially enter the Jinryong Pavilion had finally arrived.

Thankfully, no one from our group had been eliminated.

In a way, it was only natural.

I had been a bit worried about Gu Yeon-seo, but it seemed like she had fought her way through with determination.

As you climb up the opposite side of the mountain where the exam was held, you come across a mountain that resembles the body of a snake.

It did have a proper name, but people typically just called it Snake Mountain.

Honestly, I liked the simplicity of the name.

Following the path all the way to the summit, there stood the enormous building that was the Jinryong Pavilion we had so eagerly sought.

It was absurdly large.

The buildings I had seen at the Namgung Clan or the Tang Clan had all been impressive in their own right, but the sheer size and significance of the Jinryong Pavilion made it feel even grander.

It felt like a fortress had been built here.

‘They just love wasting money, don’t they?’

Surely, this wasn’t what merchants or commoners were giving donations for. Why had they built something so unnecessarily grand?

That’s all I could think about as we walked inside, following the guide.

We arrived at a place crowded with people. Every one of them radiated a sharp, focused aura.

These were people from renowned families and sects, and only those who had passed the rigorous exams were gathered here.

It was only natural for the atmosphere to feel different.

‘Though to be honest, they’re still just kids.’

Here and there, I sensed some particularly sharp auras. Those were the ones who would likely go on to achieve great things.

And in the distance—

I spotted an elderly man standing on the platform.

The Blue Sea Sword.

He was the current leader of the Kunlun Sect, one of the top five swordmasters in all of Zhongyuan.

The martial artists stationed around him also appeared to be members of Kunlun.

‘This feels different.’

To think I’d see this old man in such a setting. We had crossed paths in my previous life, though it hadn’t been a particularly pleasant encounter.

Time passed, and once all the participants had gathered and the appointed time arrived—


The Blue Sea Sword began to speak.

In summary—

It was a long and boring congratulatory speech.

Welcome, congratulations, work hard, you are the future! That kind of stuff.

Honestly, I had tuned out about halfway through, so I don’t remember much. But it wasn’t particularly important anyway.


It was a familiar voice, and I finally lifted my head.

I also heard the crowd murmuring around me.


All I could hear were comments that made my ears itch. The crowd murmured as they watched Jang Seon-yeon step forward at the Blue Sea Sword’s call.


The Blue Sea Sword patted Jang Seon-yeon on the shoulder and offered his congratulations.


Jang Seon-yeon bowed respectfully, but he didn’t seem all that pleased.

‘Can’t even control his expression, huh?’

Was it a blow to his pride not being the top scorer? This brat doesn’t even realize how good he has it.

Next, the Blue Sea Sword immediately called out the next person.


I froze for a moment the instant I heard it.

‘…Why is her name being called here?’

Wi Seol-ah?

It was completely unexpected.

The crowd, too, was thrown off by the name they hadn’t heard before, and the murmuring grew louder.


Amidst the murmuring, someone stepped forward, walking confidently toward the front.

Naturally, all eyes were drawn to her.

Wi Seol-ah had taken off the cloak she usually wore.


Someone let out a quiet exclamation without realizing it.

Her hair fluttered in the breeze, and her golden eyes gleamed as if capturing the light—her beauty was fully in bloom.

-…Ah, the Swordmaster…! The Swordmaster’s descendant…!


The rumors had already been swirling.

It had been said that the descendant of the Swordmaster had appeared.

With such distinctive martial arts, it was impossible to keep it hidden once she started using it.

‘…Is this going to be alright?’

The title of the Swordmaster’s descendant carried immense weight. Jang Seon-yeon would be completely forgotten in comparison.

It was a title too large, almost overwhelmingly so.


Wi Seol-ah also expressed her thanks and stood next to Jang Seon-yeon.

For a moment, it seemed like she made eye contact with me.

When our eyes met, Wi Seol-ah smiled softly at me.

It felt as if she was trying to tell me that she was okay.

‘Things are getting chaotic.’

This wasn’t part of the plan. While things were growing noisier due to Wi Seol-ah’s unexpected appearance—


As the murmurs of curiosity began to rise, the Blue Sea Sword finally called the last name.


The last person to step onto that platform.

With two unexpected names already announced, the final name was bound to draw the most attention.

For some reason, I felt a cold chill run down my back. At this point, I had a feeling.

No matter how much I tried to deny it, there was no avoiding it.

‘But maybe…’

There’s still a chance it might not be me, right?


My hopes were instantly shattered.

The world sure knows how to be brutally clear when it comes to moments like this.

I mean, after all the chaos I caused, it would’ve been stranger if I didn’t get recognized.

Reluctantly, I moved forward, my steps filled with annoyance.

But for some reason, the atmosphere felt strangely silent compared to when Jang Seon-yeon or Wi Seol-ah had been called.

I raised my senses slightly, wondering why.

-…Wow…. Look at his face.



It seemed like some nasty rumors had spread.

This was all Gu Hee-bi’s fault. I had nothing to do with it.

As I made my way to the platform, I couldn’t help but think—

‘What a refreshing start.’

Somehow, this was shaping up to be a real pain in the ass.

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