Seoul Object Story
Chapter 155 Table of contents

The Black Reapers, who had been sobbing just moments ago, eventually stopped crying and began rolling around me with bright, cheerful expressions.

As they tumbled around, they would occasionally look at me, exclaim "Mother!" with a surge of intent, and then continue rolling away, only to repeat the process.

The more familiar they became with being around me, the bolder they grew. Soon, they were tugging at my hair, clinging to my cheeks, and even nibbling on my antennae, causing a bit of chaos.

It felt like the Golden Reapers had multiplied but in a different shade.

I picked up one of the Black Reapers rolling around near me. It grinned widely, its mouth open in a sharp-toothed smile.

Though it looked identical to the Golden Reapers, there was a clear difference.

These ones had sharp teeth.

I placed a finger inside its mouth to examine further and found rows of small, adorable shark-like teeth.

The Black Reaper, now with my finger in its mouth, tilted its head in confusion and began licking my finger with its tiny tongue.

It tickled more than anything.

Watching the grinning Black Reapers, I stood up and conveyed my intent.

"Let’s go meet the other Mini Reapers!"

The Black Reapers immediately rose to their feet in unison. Their numbers were as great as the Golden Reapers, making their movements rather impressive.

Stomp, stomp.

Let’s go!

As I led the way, they followed, mimicking my steps as we approached the boundary of the black sphere and jumped!

We landed softly on the marshmallow-like ground below, and as I turned around, the Black Reapers began pouring out of the black sphere like water spilling over, tumbling down onto the marshmallow floor and scattering throughout the Mini Reaper Garden.

The Golden Reapers, who had been waiting for me, grinned brightly as they saw their new siblings and ran toward the Black Reapers.

And so, the bouncing party began.

Mini Reapers were hopping and dancing everywhere, holding hands and jumping around—double the number of Reapers, and double the chaos.

In the center of the party, a transparent flamingo I hadn’t seen before was burning, serving as a sort of campfire. Meanwhile, the marshmallow fish and jelly pig were being slowly nibbled away by the Reapers.

Lying down next to the warm flamingo fire, munching on the fish, I looked up at the sky.

I couldn’t help but wonder, what crime did this flamingo commit to end up as a campfire, complete with its own Golden Reaper to tend to it?

As I let my mind wander, my eyes fell on the black sphere that still hovered in the sky.

Although I had successfully brought out all the Black Reapers from inside, a massive corpse still lay sprawled inside.

Would the sphere disappear if I removed the corpse?

The thought crossed my mind briefly, but I soon realized it didn’t matter.

It was kind of nice to think of the black sphere as the "tapioca pearl sun" of the Mini Reaper Garden, after all.

It was about time for Yerin to wake up, so I should probably head back and eat some pudding.

I waved to the Mini Reapers, bidding them a brief farewell.

The Golden and Black Reapers smiled and waved back cheerfully.

Mini Reapers are always better when they’re smiling rather than crying.

Next to the collapsed sinkhole in Songpa District lay Gangnam District.

Once a place where people avoided because of the rumors that the fish and countless Objects were hiding within the sinkhole, Gangnam had since returned to its bustling, lively state as the heart of Seoul.

On the outskirts of the vibrant Gangnam stood the "Trinity First Research Facility," occupying a large plot of land all by itself.

The facility, complete with wide roads and parking lots to match its expansive grounds, exuded a strangely secretive atmosphere due to its eerie quietness.

With strict security barring entry to outsiders, the contrast between the lively city and the silent research facility was striking.

A tall wall separated the two, further emphasizing the stark difference in atmosphere.

Deep within the isolated and secretive Trinity First Research Facility, clandestine experiments were being conducted.

These experiments focused on the "black liquid" created by the now-destroyed Trinity Third Research Facility.

This liquid, known for destroying Gwanak District and turning people into monsters, was forbidden by many, but the First Research Facility’s director didn’t seem to care.

"Fascinating. Truly remarkable material."

On the screen the director was watching, a gemstone-armored armadillo writhed in pain as it was submerged in the black liquid.

As the creature screamed and melted away, much like flesh dissolving in acid, the assistant director grimaced and spoke.

"I still don’t understand why they call this ‘evolution liquid.’"

Standing beside the director, watching the same footage, the assistant director voiced their doubts.

"Wouldn’t it be more accurate to call it poison for Objects?"

The assistant director’s screen showed another experiment.

A black gemstone-armored armadillo, one that had seemingly survived the black liquid, was now being shot repeatedly by a handgun, its body bursting open with each shot.

Though the wounds healed quickly, the creature was significantly weaker than the indestructible armored armadillo that had once withstood even large-caliber Vulcan bullets.

The assistant director continued.

"It’s almost as if 90% of the time, this liquid completely destroys the Object, and for those that survive, it seems to cause a form of degeneration."

The director nodded in agreement with the assistant director's observation.

"Which is exactly what makes it so interesting. The world is filled with Objects beyond human control, yet this liquid can kill 90% of them! This could revolutionize our entire Object policy."

The director’s voice grew more excited as the armadillo on screen finally collapsed, unable to regenerate any longer.

"This liquid weakens even the surviving specimens. Limited regeneration can’t compare to the durability of Objects that modern weapons can’t harm."

The director’s voice trembled with excitement, convinced that the era of destroying all Objects was near.

The assistant director, however, looked worried.

"But we still know so little about this ‘evolution liquid,’ we’ll need to conduct more research."

"Yes, more research is indeed necessary. After all, this liquid might just be the key to immortality."


The assistant director was startled by the director’s unexpected words.

"Immortality? What are you talking about?"

The director smiled cryptically.

"It’s time you learned. This liquid has another power—the ability to resurrect the dead."

The assistant director couldn’t shake the sense of foreboding they felt from the director’s ominous smile.

It was so warm and cozy.

James's private jet had been nice, but nothing compared to the comfort of the Sehee Lab.

I had returned to Sehee Lab a few days ago, and it was still as comfortable as ever.

Lying in the isolation room, I felt like I was in heaven.

Around me, Golden and Black Reapers had sprawled out on the bed, resting alongside me.

In truth, this was the Black Reapers’ first trip outside the garden.

Though their behavior was eerily similar to the Golden Reapers, they were very much homebodies and didn’t like leaving the garden, making it quite the task to get them to come along.

On the table beside me was a large "Gray Reaper Pudding," where both Golden and Black Reapers were busily devouring the pudding like ants, bit by bit.

"[News from Russia: Several regions of Siberia have been designated as no-entry zones.]"

The TV, which I had left on in the background, was broadcasting news about Russia.

They were announcing that certain remote areas, where they had lost control over Objects, were being closed off.

As far as I knew, Russia had been pushing troublesome Objects into Siberia, so this development wasn’t all that surprising.

As I lay in the warm bed, watching the TV, a loud voice echoed through the lab.

"Reaper! Reaper! Reaper! Reaper! I’m back!"

Yerin, who had gone straight to the hospital after getting off James's jet, was finally back.

It took her longer than expected. Did she catch some kind of illness?

"Hello, Golden Reapers!"

Yerin cheerfully greeted both me and the Golden Reapers as she opened the isolation room door with a bright smile.

Her emotions of joy and excitement filled the room, and the Golden Reapers grinned and welcomed her in return.


Yerin’s eyes widened in surprise when she saw the Black Reapers playing with the Golden Reapers, but she quickly broke into a smile and greeted them as well.

"Wow, Black Reapers! Hello, Black Reapers!"

However, the Black Reapers didn’t greet her like the Golden Reapers.

Instead, they bared their sharp teeth, glaring at her menacingly.

Yerin, startled by the silent growling of the Black Reapers, took a few steps back, unsure of what to do.

The Golden Reapers, shocked by the Black Reapers’ behavior, began scolding them with small slaps as if to say, "You can’t do that."

The Black Reapers, who had been ready to pounce and bite, looked pitifully in my direction after being reprimanded by the Golden Reapers.

But, of course, they couldn’t attack Yerin, so I shook my head firmly.


The Black Reapers let out soft, pitiful cries, much like baby birds, and their forms melted away, turning into slime-like puddles on the floor.

Still, even though they looked sad, I ignored them—attacking Yerin wasn’t allowed.

But, hmm, I didn’t know Black Reapers could make sounds. That’s something even I can’t do…

Yerin, still looking shocked from being threatened by the Mini Reapers, cautiously entered the isolation room and reached out to touch the now-slime-like Black Reapers, but her hand couldn’t make contact.

It was like two magnets repelling each other, the Black Reapers constantly shifting form to avoid her touch.

"Hmph, Reaper. They hate me…"

Yerin’s sadness spread through the room.

It was as if the sadness of a hundred families gathered at a bombed-out disaster site had been concentrated into one person.

How could she be so devastated?

For someone like Yerin, who had such rich emotions and loved all Mini Reapers, it was strange for her to be disliked.

I picked up one of the Black Reapers and conveyed my intent.

"Why do you dislike her so much?"

The Black Reaper tilted its head before answering with intent.


The reply came with an intense surge of emotion that didn’t match the Reaper’s innocent smile.

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