30 Years after Reincarnation, it turns out to be …
Chapter 11 Table of contents

"...If it were up to me, I would kill them. While they don’t pose a threat to me, they are seedlings that could one day threaten Arthur’s power.”

“Is it really that serious? They’re just an adopted daughter and a bastard son, after all.”

Ehan didn’t understand why she was so fixated on them. Sure, being at the top of the academy was impressive, but their bloodline wasn’t even close to that of the little prince. Compared to Arthur’s pedigree, they were no more than commoners wielding cheap spoons.

“Yes, for now.”

"...For now?”

“What I am about to tell you is highly classified. Only three people aside from myself are aware of it, so don’t go running your mouth.”

“Then I don’t want to hear it.”

“I’m afraid that’s not an option. Just listen.”

...A tyrant through and through.

“First, Irene Windler. My uncle adopted her because she bears a striking resemblance to his late wife.”

“Pff, how typical of nobles. Adopting a replacement for his dead wife?”

“Don’t mock him. Grief is something both commoners and nobles experience alike. He must have been deeply mourning her loss.”

It was understandable that he would take in someone who looked like his wife. But…

“According to the royal family’s analysis, Irene Windler is likely his biological daughter.”


“There’s a good chance Irene Windler is my uncle’s only child. My aunt died from a fall, but she was heavily pregnant at the time. She might have given birth before passing.”

“She fell to her death and still survived long enough to give birth?”

“My aunt was a pure-blooded elf. A noblewoman with mysteries as profound as those of royalty. It’s not impossible that she survived just long enough.”


"Surprising, isn’t it? I was just as shocked when I found out.”


Ehan was sure that his surprise and Isis’s were of a completely different nature.

‘Why does this sound so familiar…?’

A secret birth, extraordinary lineage, rising from humble origins to become a top student in the academy, then adopted because of her resemblance to a duchess who might have been her real mother.

Wasn’t this straight out of a…?

‘Romance fantasy heroine backstory?’

Ehan had read enough romance novels during his late-night guard shifts as a sergeant to recognize the pattern. A character in a romance game or novel, someone who turns their life around after being reincarnated.

‘No, no. I’m overthinking this.’

He tried to shake off the ridiculous thought. It was just a tragic story, and any normal adult should respond with sympathy, not absurd theories.

“But Irene Windler is an odd one. She has a habit of saying, ‘I have somewhere else to return to,’ as if it were a mantra. She also insisted that if my uncle adopts another daughter within two years, the adoption contract with her should be canceled immediately. It’s a strange stipulation...”

"She’s the real deal."

“Hm? What did you say?”

“Ah, nothing.”


Ehan was now convinced.

That woman… without a doubt.

‘So, I’m not the only one, huh?’

He had never assumed he was unique in this bizarre situation. Still, he hadn’t expected to encounter someone else under such familiar circumstances.

And to think it was in such an obvious genre.

‘So, is this world actually a romance fantasy?’

But why was everything still so bleak and hopeless?

As Ehan pondered the absurdity of it all, Isis continued her explanation.

“But for now, it’s all speculation. There’s no concrete evidence that she is my uncle’s daughter. If, in the future, her true parentage is confirmed, then Irene Windler will be a latent threat. However, the Lionel bastard is a different story.”

“What’s up with him?”

Was he going to turn out to be one of those northern grand dukes so common in romance fantasies?

“There are rumors that the boy, Roen, might possess the ability to see the future.”


“Seven years ago, Roen suddenly began to stand out. At 13, he defeated one of the Lionel family’s knight trainees and took him as his squire. He has also been incredibly successful in business ventures that everyone thought would fail. On top of that, he introduced a new, advanced sword technique, proving himself a prodigy.”


“Thanks to all this, Roen has become a strong candidate for the heir to the Lionel family, despite being a bastard. His talents and accomplishments have earned him a chance, and the Lionel family has acknowledged it. But—”

Ehan stopped paying attention. He already understood where this was going.

This was yet another painfully obvious trope.

‘So, what is he? A regression story?’

One of the more popular genres, where the protagonist goes back in time after the world has been destroyed and saves it. If this was a novel, it would probably be called something like, The Man Who Returned from the Ruined World to Save It.

‘Is this for real?’

As Ehan’s mind swirled with conflicting thoughts, Isis’s explanation was coming to an end.

“—Based on everything we’ve seen, there’s no way Roen’s successes could be explained unless he knew the future. We suspect he might have awakened the legendary power of foresight, something only spoken of in ancient tales. If someone like that becomes the Grand Duke, the royal family will be in grave danger.”

“...I doubt it.”

“Hm? Do you have another theory?”

“No, not really. He just doesn’t strike me as that kind of guy.”

“Oh? Is this your ‘instinct’ at work again? I’ll take note of that.”


Ehan wasn’t lying, but he couldn’t help feeling uneasy.

‘I think she’s totally off-base, but how do I explain that?’

Telling her about reincarnation, possession, or regression would just make him sound crazy.


He decided it was best to keep quiet.

Sometimes silence is golden. This rule applied even in a medieval fantasy world.

Whether this world was a romance fantasy or a regression novel, it didn’t matter.

‘As long as I live well, that’s all that counts.’

...And if anyone caused him trouble, he would crush them.

Ehan had long decided to live simply, without overcomplicating things.

“—Now that you’ve heard my explanation, you understand why I want to eliminate them.”

“Yes, yes, they’re dangerous.”

“...You don’t seem at all convinced.”

“I am. Now that you’ve told me everything, how about telling me what you actually want me to do?”

“...You really are impossible.”

Isis’s enthusiasm deflated as she realized Ehan’s indifferent reaction. She crossed her arms and spoke bluntly.

“I need to know whether or not they pose a threat to Arthur’s power.”

“Then why not just bring them here and ask them?”

“Do you trust people’s words? I don’t. I trust circumstances and the present, not what people say.”


That was quite a line. It resonated with him deeply. It seemed that only someone of her caliber could speak like that.

“That’s why I need you to keep an eye on them. With your eyes—no, with your instincts—you can discern anything.”

“...I thought your request was going to be something huge after all that build-up. So, you just want me to keep an eye on them?”

The anticlimactic nature of the request left Ehan dumbfounded. After all the dramatic explanations, this was the conclusion?

“No. You can’t decide based on just one look.”


“They’re still young. Right now, they might not have any ambitions for power, but who knows how they’ll change in the future. You need to monitor them continuously.”

“...How long are we talking about?”

“At least for the three years they’ll be at the academy. By then, we’ll have a clearer idea.”


“So, I’m asking you to—”

“I’m not buying it.”

“...Interrupting someone is a very bad habit.”

“Given the situation, I think it’s a very good habit.”



Arthur tilted his head cutely, perhaps unfamiliar with seeing his mother frustrated, while Ehan remained resolutely impassive.

“The conversation’s over, right? Well then...”

Ehan turned to leave, having no intention of getting further involved in this game of political intrigue.



“Drink this.”

Just as he was about to leave, a small glass bottle was suddenly thrown his way. The liquid inside was a shimmering purple, and Ehan blinked in surprise.

“Shouldn’t I know what this is before I drink it?”

“You won’t regret it. I swear on the Pendragon name that there’s no trickery involved.”


Swearing on a family name was a powerful oath, one that bound the soul. Breaking it would bring unbearable agony every single day.

Given that, Ehan sighed.

“Well, fine.”


Without hesitation, he uncorked the bottle and downed the liquid. If she said it wasn’t a bad deal, then it had to be something worthwhile.

But then…

“...What the?!!”


Ehan’s eyes widened in shock as Isis smiled like a victor.

The winner of this game had been decided.

And there was no denying it.

‘...I have to accept this now.’

Because there was one undeniable fact.

For the first time in fifteen years, his “broken” parts were sending signals again.

Tears almost welled up in his eyes at the sensation he had long since forgotten.





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