Childhood Friend of the Zenith
Chapter 304 Table of contents

The reason Gu Yangcheon headed toward Cheol Ji-seon was simple.

He really just wanted to grab a meal together.

That was the whole reason.

‘How’s he been doing lately?’

He wondered why he was bothering to think about another guy at all.

But considering how busy he had been over the last few days, Gu Yangcheon hadn’t had the time to check in.

Cheol Ji-seon was the main reason Gu Yangcheon had come to Jinryong Pavilion, so he needed to keep an eye on him.

‘We’ve established a decent relationship so far.’

As friends, there shouldn’t be any problems, right? Cheol Ji-seon didn’t seem to have any complaints either.

He had helped him pass the exam, secured a good dorm for him, and even became his friend.

Now that he thought about it, he had done quite a lot for him already.

That should be more than enough!

Everything seemed to be going according to plan.

The only thing that bugged him was that he didn’t know much about what the others were up to.

The groups were separated, and the students had been divided according to their weapons, so it wasn’t easy to run into them.

The only times he saw them were occasionally during meals.

Tang So-yeol usually looked like he was on the verge of death, while Namgoong Bi-ah sometimes approached, sniffing around as if slightly tired. As for Wi Seol-ah, he’d seen her a few times in the last few days, but she hadn’t come over to speak.

Judging by her expression, she seemed like she wanted to, though.

Gu Yangcheon couldn’t figure out why.

He would have to go find her next time and ask her outright why she was acting so strangely.

Anyway, it seemed like everyone had their own issues.

Especially Mo Yong-hee, who seemed the busiest of them all.

According to the rumors, she was always stirring up something. She loved making a big scene.

‘Was it on the lower floor?’

Gu Yangcheon continued walking.

Even as he made his way through the corridor, he could feel the stares of the other post-rebirth martial artists around him.

It seemed like his face had become well-known among them by now.

Among the gazes was—

"What are you looking at!"

Why was this guy always like this?

Paewoo-cheol, who had been trailing behind him, growled menacingly at those staring at Gu Yangcheon.

What was wrong with him? And why was he following him around in the first place?

‘...Ugh, my head hurts.’

After setting him straight during their first encounter, Gu Yangcheon had expected Paewoo-cheol to behave himself. But ever since his victory over Instructor Chul Hwan-oh, Paewoo-cheol had been acting strangely.

Had Gu Yangcheon hit him too hard? No, he’d beaten plenty of people before and had never made a mistake like that.

He was sure he had handled it discreetly.

"Do you have a problem with my brother?" Paewoo-cheol snarled, baring his teeth.

"...Clearly, they have a problem with you, so shut up already. You’re embarrassing me."

This was beyond absurd.

Was Paewoo-cheol really from a righteous sect? He acted more like a street thug.

He even had the rugged look to match.

"Go away. Why are you following me?"

"As your younger brother, it’s only right that I follow you."

"Yeah, no, that’s not how it works. So stop following me."

Gu Yangcheon desperately wished Paewoo-cheol would disappear. Maybe he should just knock him out and leave him in the dorm.

Yes, that would be the easiest solution.

Just as he was settling on that plan, they arrived at their destination.

"I’ll deal with you lat—"

Do you have a sister?

Gu Yangcheon froze at the sound coming from inside the room.

Curious, he peeked inside.

There was Cheol Ji-seon, speaking with some unknown guy.

‘This doesn’t look good.’

The atmosphere wasn’t exactly friendly.

‘There’s always one of these guys, isn’t there?’

There are always people who can’t help but pick on those they see as weak.

It happens everywhere.

And it seemed Cheol Ji-seon had run into one of them.

Cheol Ji-seon was small for a martial artist and hadn’t reached a particularly high level. He must have seemed like easy prey to those who liked to push around the weaker ones.

Gu Yangcheon knew this well. He had been in a similar position in his past life.

But the difference between him and Cheol Ji-seon was clear.

He had always fought back, no matter the cost, clinging to survival.

‘But Cheol Ji-seon isn’t like that.’

Gu Yangcheon quietly observed, unsure if he should intervene.

He thought he could wait a little longer to see how things unfolded.

But then, things took a turn for the worse.

Does your sister look like you? That’d be great. I’d love to have more concubines.

For someone like me, you’d be hitting the jackpot. It’s a great opportunity for you.

The crude words made Gu Yangcheon’s blood boil.

If someone had said something like that to him, he would have ripped out their tongue and burned it right in front of them.

‘Is he really going to let that slide?’

No matter how gentle and soft-hearted Cheol Ji-seon was, how could he endure this…?


As Gu Yangcheon watched closely, he suddenly noticed something that made his eyes widen in surprise.

It was subtle, invisible to everyone but him.

Under the table, Cheol Ji-seon’s fingers began to move.

Slowly, and with a strange, eerie grace, his hand moved as if reaching out for something.

Seeing this, Gu Yangcheon moved instantly.

The reason for his sudden action was twofold.

First, if Cheol Ji-seon used that power recklessly here, the entire area would be reduced to ruins.


‘I’m certain now.’

He had only suspected before, but now he was sure.

Cheol Ji-seon was exactly who Gu Yangcheon had been looking for.

Without hesitation, he sprang into action.

He surged forward, channeling his energy as he went.

With one swift motion, Gu Yangcheon kicked the chest of the guy spewing insults at Cheol Ji-seon.


Cheol Ji-seon couldn’t understand what was happening.

‘What’s going on?’

Everything had unfolded too suddenly.

Gu Yangcheon had appeared out of nowhere, and now the scene was complete chaos.

The guy who had been kicked into the corner was gasping for breath.

He seemed to be in a daze.

“…Cough… Cough…!”

Blood trickled from his nose as he coughed.

“What… what is this…!”

Even the man himself couldn’t comprehend what had happened.

Finally gathering his senses, he looked up and shouted at his attacker.

“How dare you do this to me! Aren’t you afraid of the consequences?!”

“Why do guys like you always say the same thing? Do you all rehearse your lines or something?”

“Do you even know who I am?!”

“And who might that be?”

Gu Yangcheon leaned in close as he spoke, causing the man’s words to catch in his throat.

“Who are you?” Gu Yangcheon asked coldly.

His voice wasn’t menacing, and he didn’t exude any overt murderous intent.

But the air around him seemed to drop in temperature, creating a chilling sensation.

“I am… I am Jin I-seok of the great Taesan Jin family….”

“Oh, Taesan Jin family.”

At that, Gu Yangcheon clapped his hands as if he’d finally understood.

Jin I-seok, now emboldened by what seemed like recognition, tried to regain his composure.

“Good, if you understand, then right this—”

“So where the hell is that?”



Without hesitation, Gu Yangcheon’s palm struck Jin I-seok on the head.

The lack of concern in Gu Yangcheon’s action caused Jin I-seok’s lackeys to stir, as if preparing to intervene.

“Don’t move.”

But someone blocked their path.

‘Who is that?’

A massive man with black hair stood in their way, his face twisted into a menacing grin.

It wasn’t long before one of Jin I-seok’s lackeys recognized him, exclaiming in surprise.


“Wait… is that really Paewoo-cheol?”

Paewoo-cheol was a well-known post-rebirth martial artist, not quite as prominent as the Tang Clan, which ruled over Sichuan, but still a name in his own right.

He was a promising talent from the Pa family, known for his immense physical strength and remarkable abilities.

“If you interfere with what my brother is doing, you’ll die.”

Paewoo-cheol growled, causing Jin I-seok’s lackeys to shrink back in fear.

“He calls him brother?”

“Then… that guy must be….”

It was common knowledge that Paewoo-cheol, despite his notoriously vicious personality, had submitted to someone the moment he entered Jinryong Pavilion.

And the man who had tamed Paewoo-cheol was none other than a figure known throughout the entire martial world.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake. I told you to go back to the dorm, didn’t I?”

Gu Yangcheon, looking exasperated, tried to push Paewoo-cheol away, but Paewoo-cheol didn’t budge an inch.

By now, Jin I-seok had finally realized who he was dealing with.

Ignoring the blood dripping from his nose, his face turned pale.


The man standing in front of him, the one he had dared to provoke, was none other than Gu Yangcheon, the infamous Jinryong.

Gu Yangcheon, still paying no attention to Paewoo-cheol’s outburst, turned his gaze back to Jin I-seok.

“Shall we continue our conversation?”

“W-What does Jinryong want with me…?”

“Why did you go soft all of a sudden? Go ahead, keep talking like before.”

Gu Yangcheon smiled brightly, but the expression on his face suggested that continuing would only lead to death.

“What was your name again? Jin… Seok?”

“I-it’s Jin I-seok….”

“Right, I-seok. How old are you?”

“W-why do you care…?”

“Not gonna answer?”

“I-I’m twenty.”

“Twenty, huh? So you’re plenty old enough.”

Gu Yangcheon grabbed Jin I-seok’s hand, forcing it into a fist and then clasping it tightly in his own.

“If you’re twenty, why haven’t you learned how to behave? Did you sleep through your family’s lessons?”

“…What… are you…?”

“Didn’t anyone teach you not to bully those weaker than you, you idiot?”

With that, Gu Yangcheon pressed down on one of Jin I-seok’s fingers.


A horrifying sound echoed through the room.


Jin I-seok let out a silent scream.

“You’re twenty years old, and yet you spend your time tormenting people? Why bother sticking with the righteous sects? You’d fit right in with the demonic sects.”

“Ngh… aah…”

“Don’t be such a baby. You’re left-handed, aren’t you? That’s why I broke the fingers on your right hand. See how considerate I am?”

In an instant, Gu Yangcheon had labeled Cheol Ji-seon as “the weak one.”

But Cheol Ji-seon couldn’t focus on that right now.

‘How… how did this happen?’

Gu Yangcheon had appeared like some kind of hero and protected him from Jin I-seok’s harassment.

But he hadn’t expected Gu Yangcheon to act so violently. This would surely cause problems for Jinryong himself.

Cheol Ji-seon’s mind raced as he glanced around nervously.

Paewoo-cheol was blocking the other lackeys, and the surrounding trainees, recognizing Jinryong, were just watching in stunned silence.

Everyone was intimidated by Gu Yangcheon’s fierce behavior.

“Wh-why are you doing this…? What business is it of yours?!”

Jin I-seok cried out, his voice full of desperation.

Gu Yangcheon let out a small laugh in response.

“Why? Because that’s my friend.”

He pointed to Cheol Ji-seon as he spoke.

All eyes in the room turned toward Cheol Ji-seon.

‘Friends with Jinryong?’

‘Who is that guy…?’

‘They say birds of a feather flock together, but does that mean he’s like Jinryong too…?’

In a single sentence, Gu Yangcheon had destroyed Cheol Ji-seon’s reputation.

Cheol Ji-seon’s mind reeled as he realized how bad the situation had become.

“See? You shouldn’t have messed with my friend.”

“I… I didn’t know—”

“Not knowing isn’t an excuse, now is it? Wooseok.”

Jin I-seok, now mistakenly called Jin Wooseok, didn’t bother correcting the name.

There wasn’t time for that.

“You shouldn’t have done it in the first place. Isn’t that right?”

Regret always comes too late.

Gu Yangcheon tightened his grip on Jin I-seok’s hand, causing him to tremble and tears to form in his eyes.

Just as it seemed like he was about to scream again in pain—

“That’s enough.”

A voice cut through the tense atmosphere, calm yet powerful.

“If you continue, it won’t end well for you.”

Pushing through the group of confused trainees, someone approached.

It was none other than Shinseong Jang Seon-yeon.

Seeing him, the trainees’ faces showed relief.

It was as if they were thankful that he had intervened.

“This isn’t your group, Gu Gong-ja. It would be best to stop here.”

Paewoo-cheol tried to block Jang Seon-yeon with his massive frame, but—

“Let him through.”

Gu Yangcheon released Jin I-seok and stood up, a flicker of energy in his fierce eyes.

“Why are you interfering?”

“As I said, it would be better for both of us if this stopped here.”

“Oh, did I say it wrong? Let me try again.”


“Why are you only interfering now?”

Gu Yangcheon’s words were like a slap, dripping with another meaning entirely, causing the onlookers to wonder what he meant.

“…What do you mean?”

“You must’ve seen the whole thing. Why wait until Wooseok or I-seok or whatever his name is was already beaten to a pulp before stepping in?”

“Gu Gong-ja.”

“You were watching the whole time, right? What was our friend’s name again?”

“Cheol Ji-seon…”

“Right, Ji-seon. You were watching him get bullied by that idiot, weren’t you?”

Gu Yangcheon didn’t believe for a second that Jang Seon-yeon hadn’t known about Cheol Ji-seon’s harassment.

No, Gu Yangcheon was certain Jang Seon-yeon had seen it all and pretended not to.

So he asked.

Why didn’t you step in when Cheol Ji-seon was being tormented? Why wait until now?

“You waited until everything was over and then swooped in, acting like a hero. Do you really think that changes anything? What a joke. If you were going to interfere, you should’ve done it from the start. Why wait until I’ve done all the work just to show off?”

“…I was waiting for Cheol Gong-ja to handle it on his own.”

“Bullshit. What, are you his master now? Waiting for him to ‘overcome adversity’? That’s rich. Your excuses are pathetic.”

Gu Yangcheon’s words were harsh, full of insults and crude language, making everyone flinch.

But the truth in his words was undeniable.

“If you’re going to act all noble, at least do it right. Don’t try to dress it up with fake excuses. Or could it be…”

Gu Yangcheon took a step closer to Jang Seon-yeon, who instinctively tried to step back.



Gu Yangcheon grabbed Jang Seon-yeon’s shoulder and pulled him close, whispering so no one else could hear.

“Did you plan this too?”


Jang Seon-yeon’s eyes widened in shock.

Gu Yangcheon, on the other hand, was expressionless, as if he had known all along.

“You seem to have some scheme in mind, so let me share something interesting with you. I haven’t told anyone this yet.”

Jang Seon-yeon tried to pull away, but Gu Yangcheon’s grip held him firmly in place.

He had no choice but to listen.

“You’re going to die here.”


“I thought you should know.”

With those calm words, Gu Yangcheon finally let go of Jang Seon-yeon’s shoulder and stepped back, smiling.

“Since you’re going to handle the rest, I can leave with peace of mind. Oh, one more thing.”

Gu Yangcheon glanced back at Jin I-seok, who shuddered under his gaze.

“If you mess with my friend again, you’re dead.”

“I… I understand…!”

“Next time, I’ll burn your tongue.”

With that final warning, Gu Yangcheon walked over to Cheol Ji-seon.

“Get up. Let’s go eat.”

“W-what? Now?”

“When else would we go? Don’t you eat lunch?”

“Well, yes, but…”

Was he really going to just leave after causing this mess?

Cheol Ji-seon stared at Gu Yangcheon in disbelief, but Gu Yangcheon didn’t seem to care.

“I told you, they’ll handle the rest. Let’s go.”

He was referring to Jang Seon-yeon.

Cheol Ji-seon briefly wondered if they were friends, but the atmosphere between Jinryong and Shinseong didn’t seem like one between friends.

Their personalities seemed to be polar opposites.

Before Cheol Ji-seon could dwell on it further, Gu Yangcheon grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to his feet.

Unable to resist, Cheol Ji-seon found himself dragged along.

“Woocheol, what’s for lunch today?”

“I don’t know.”

“…Confident as always. Guess we’ll find out.”

After Gu Yangcheon and his group left, a heavy silence hung in the air.

It was as if a giant storm had passed through in an instant.

Jin I-seok was still trembling, his pants noticeably wet.

Finally, Jin I-seok’s lackeys rushed over to him.

“Your fingers…! We need to get you to the infirmary….”

“Shouldn’t we report this to the instructor first?”



A loud sound echoed, startling everyone.

They turned to see Jang Seon-yeon standing over a shattered table.

Jang Seon-yeon had smashed it with his fist.

Everyone stared at him in shock, but when they saw his face, they couldn’t help but gasp.

Jang Seon-yeon, usually so calm and composed, now wore an expression twisted with rage, as if possessed by a demon.

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