Childhood Friend of the Zenith
Chapter 307 Table of contents

Several years ago.

It was less than a year after I had returned to the past.

When I attended the Tang Clan's Tang Bing Jeon Hwe (Tang Military Conference) with Wi Seol-ah.

My goal was to find the secret records of the Geumcheon Family hidden in Sichuan.

At that time, with Wi Seol-ah’s help, I succeeded in locating those secret records.

A hidden space, concealed by an intricate formation.

Wi Seol-ah found it so easily.

Thanks to that, something that could have taken an unknown amount of time to solve was handled with ease.

If you’re wondering why I’m bringing this up all of a sudden...

It’s because the situation I’m looking at right now reminds me a lot of that moment.

'Could it be?'

Wi Seol-ah crouched down, inspecting the grass, her fingers moving through the air.

I felt an odd sensation at her fingertips as if ripples were forming in the air.

Only a fool wouldn’t know what this phenomenon meant.

'Is it really...?'

A formation.

Using the knowledge from my past life...

Since I already knew that there was a secret vault beneath Shinryongwan, it was impossible not to recognize it.

That was unmistakably a sign of a formation, linking the energy between inner and outer spaces.

After entering the institution and securing some time by betting with Instructor Cheolhwan-oh...

I had been roaming around for days, searching every corner, yet I hadn’t found a trace.

And she finds it this easily?

If that’s the case...

'Is it really a formation?'

I wasn’t entirely sure yet.

This area was near the building where the head of the institution resided.

There was a possibility that this formation existed for his protection.

I approached Wi Seol-ah and lightly tapped her shoulder to announce my presence.


Wi Seol-ah hurriedly turned her head the moment I touched her.

"What are you doing?"

Her expression was one of pure surprise, as if she hadn’t realized I had come up behind her.

Her hand, which had been stirring the air, also stopped.


"Is there something there?"

"I just... felt like there might be something, so I was checking."

I had to stifle a laugh at her response.

Was she really touching it just out of curiosity?

No, it’s not something you can just touch on a whim. How on earth does she do that? I couldn’t understand.

Following Wi Seol-ah’s lead, I reached out and brushed my hand through the air.

'There's nothing there.'

Contrary to my expectations, I didn’t sense anything unusual. I was simply waving my hand through the air, unlike Wi Seol-ah.

Noticing my fruitless efforts, Wi Seol-ah gently grabbed my wrist and moved it slightly.

"Not there... more like here."

It wasn’t a big movement. Just a small adjustment.

She also slightly changed the shape of my fingers.

That was all.



I could feel it.

There was indeed a formation right in front of me.

It was faint but unmistakable.

A fairly high-level formation was spread out right in front of me.

'So it’s real.'

I wasn’t sure what kind of formation it was, but there was no doubt a formation existed here. Judging by the situation...

It seemed more likely to be concealing something rather than for protection.

If it were purely for protection, the energy wouldn’t feel like this.

'Could this be the formation protecting the vault?'

There was a high probability of that.

To be sure, I’d need to dismantle the formation and enter, but...

'Not now.'

I had to remember that Cheonghaeilgeom was nearby.

Even if Cheonghaeilgeom hadn’t set this formation, entering it would cause the energy to momentarily distort.

There was a high chance that Cheonghaeilgeom, being so close, would sense it.

'Of all places, why does the formation have to be near the head's office?'

In a way, it could be the safest place.

But this vault... as far as I knew, it wasn’t something created by Shinryongwan.

In other words, its location wasn’t intentionally chosen.

To safely enter this formation, I’d have to wait until Cheonghaeilgeom was far away.

'I’ll know for sure if this is the vault's formation when I enter.'

For now, just knowing that there’s a formation here was enough of an accomplishment.

Although I didn’t find it myself—Wi Seol-ah did.

But Wi Seol-ah didn’t seem particularly interested in the formation, which was a relief, I suppose.

"Aren't you amazed?"



Wi Seol-ah’s indifferent reaction surprised me, so I asked her directly.

There’s a formation right in front of us. Isn’t that surprising?

She rolled her eyes for a moment before opening her lips and responding.

"...Everyone has a few secrets they want to hide."

If someone’s using a formation to conceal something, wouldn’t that make it an especially strange secret?

For some reason, Wi Seol-ah didn’t seem too interested.

Since I couldn’t break through the formation now...

'I should be thankful.'

If someone else had found it, it might have caused a problem, but Wi Seol-ah found it. That was a relief, if anything.

"By the way, why have you been avoiding me lately?"


The formation aside, it was time to ask what I had come to ask in the first place.

That was my original goal, after all.

Wi Seol-ah flinched as if startled by my sudden question.

"I-I haven’t been avoiding you."

"Don’t lie. You think I wouldn’t know?"

Does she think I’m a fool?

She keeps avoiding me. Whenever our eyes meet, she avoids them. When I look for her, she’s not there.

What else could it be?

"Did I do something wrong?"

I’m usually not the kindest person, but I didn’t recall doing anything wrong to Wi Seol-ah. At least, not in this life.


Wi Seol-ah remained silent.

It looked like she was about to avert her eyes again, so I quickly held her chin in place, preventing her from turning away.

"What’s bothering you?"

I needed to know.

If I didn’t know, I couldn’t fix it or even talk it over with her.

She used to stick to me no matter what, and now she’s avoiding me? I wasn’t going to let that happen.

I wasn’t about to let her go now.

Wi Seol-ah stared at me with trembling eyes. Since she couldn’t turn her head, her eyes darted around.

Yet, she didn’t seem to have any intention of pushing me away.

After waiting a while, her lips, which had been trembling, finally opened slowly.

Though her words were hesitant, they eventually came out.

"...I’m... embarrassed."


Her voice was so quiet it was barely audible, but I could still hear her.


"Embarrassed about what?"

What on earth could she be embarrassed about?

I remembered that she had said she didn’t want to show me her changed appearance before.

But now she’s not even wearing her usual hooded clothing, so what is it?

What’s going on?

As I pondered her words, Wi Seol-ah added more.

"Young Master... it’s a little embarrassing to look at you now."


"I don’t know."

Was I doing something shameful?

It’s not like I was going out of my way to look fancy.

"...It’s hard to look at your eyes."

"Because they’re scary?"

"No...! They’re not scary at all!"

"Why are you getting mad about my own eyes?"

Should I be grateful that she was angry on my behalf?

"Anyway... that’s not it."

"Okay, then what should I do?"

"...Just... give me some time."

"Time to avoid me?"

"Yes... just a little."

She wants time to avoid me?

What kind of nonsense is that?

She used to say she wanted to see me, wanted to meet me, even secretly came to watch me.

And now she’s saying she needs time to avoid me?

"How long do you need?"

"It won’t take long... I’ll get over it quickly."

I don’t understand why she said that with such a determined expression.

What exactly is she going to get over so quickly?

"Is it because you want to go back to how things were?"

To the days when I was the spoiled noble and she was my attendant?

It hadn’t been that long ago. Did she want to return to that time?

That’s what I thought for a moment, but...


Wi Seol-ah answered firmly.

"That’s not it. Those were good memories, but now... it's different."

"Different how?"

"I want to change from how things were back then, so I need time to make up my mind."

Make up her mind?

I was suddenly struck with the odd thought of someone "eating" their resolve.

If I said that aloud, she’d probably get mad and stop talking to me for a while.

"You know something, Young Master?"


The title of "Young Master" still felt unfamiliar coming from her, especially from Wi Seol-ah.

She used to call me that back in the day.

"They say it’s greed when you try to have something you’re not supposed to."

"So that’s what greed is?"

It’s not like that’s the only thing greed could mean, but I figured it was part of it.

Still, it was a strange thing to say. Why bring up greed out of nowhere?

I looked at her, confused, but she wore an expression I couldn’t quite understand.

It was as if she was trying to force a smile.

"You know..."


"I want to be a little greedy."


Her words were strange.

Wi Seol-ah wanting to be greedy?

It’s not like she had never shown greed before.

Was there another meaning to it?

Even with her now mature face and body, Wi Seol-ah still had a childlike aspect to her.

Though we had both passed the age of twenty, we were still young.

"So, please wait for me. It won’t take long."

Wi Seol-ah smiled as she said that.

I wanted to ask her more, but she was smiling, as if telling me not to ask any further.

And since she said it wouldn’t take long, I decided to let it go for now.

"...Alright, that’s enough of that."


"Why did you get dragged off to the headmaster’s office?"


For a moment, Wi Seol-ah’s face seemed to read, ‘Oops.’

She had forgotten about that.

"You caused some trouble, didn’t you? What did you do?"

"I-I didn’t cause any trouble."

"Your face just screamed, ‘I caused trouble,’ a moment ago, and I saw it."

"...N-no, I didn’t."

She closed her eyes tightly and turned her head.

How am I supposed to believe her like this?

I didn’t think Wi Seol-ah was the type to cause trouble like I do.

She’s more likely to endure and move on, rather than explode like me.

"Are you going to tell me, or should I go ask the headmaster myself?"


Of course, even if I asked, the headmaster wasn’t likely to tell me about another student's misdeeds.

But my words must have gotten through, as Wi Seol-ah closed her eyes even tighter and began to explain the situation.

Her confession...

"...You hit someone? You?"

I couldn’t help but ask in disbelief.

It was that absurd.

"You hit one of his personal guards?"


Wi Seol-ah bit her lip and avoided my gaze.

That silence was as good as a confirmation.

It seemed she had indeed hit someone. And not just anyone—quite a few people, it appeared.


The second son of the Pa family in Sichuan.

His name was Pa Woo-chul.

A young man who had just passed the age of twenty.

He was quite famous among the late-stage warriors, and his talent was extraordinary, making him a person considered to have a bright future.

Although he couldn’t be compared to the monsters known as the Six Dragons and Three Peaks, he stood out among the next group of contenders, often called the "serpents."

Pa Woo-chul was fully aware of his own excellence.

That was because the people around him were simply at a much lower level.

‘I will stand at the top of them all.’

When he first arrived at Shinryongwan, Pa Woo-chul thought that way.

The monsters known as the Six Dragons and Three Peaks were certainly strong, but he believed he was not far behind them.

He had surpassed the level of a first-rate martial artist, and through the grueling training with his father, he had become strong.

He thought he could handle anything.

And indeed...

The entrance exam for Shinryongwan wasn’t particularly difficult for Pa Woo-chul. In fact, it was quite easy.

‘Is this it? It’s too easy.’

It felt light, effortless. He thought he had easily secured either the top or second place.

But amusingly...

Pa Woo-chul didn’t even come close to receiving any honors.

What was even more surprising was that more than half of the Six Dragons and Three Peaks participated in the exam, so naturally, he assumed they would take the top three positions.

But that wasn’t the case either.

While the top position was claimed by a "Dragon," the second and third places were taken by neither Dragons nor Peaks.

Instead, a promising new talent without a nickname and a sword master called the "Divine Sword" secured those positions.

Pa Woo-chul could only nod in acknowledgment as he observed them.

Their energy was extraordinary—indeed, the strong are different.


Could he not catch up? If he worked hard, someday...

That thought crossed his mind.

It sparked his competitive spirit.

But then...

‘Who is that guy?’

Pa Woo-chul examined the Dragon who had taken the top spot.

He was young.

Clearly younger than Pa Woo-chul, and among the late-stage warriors, he was one of the youngest. And yet, this young man, who possessed the dragon title Pa Woo-chul lacked, had even claimed the top position.

Moreover, he seemed indifferent.

Even as Cheonghaeilgeom, the Blue Sea One Sword, gave his speech, this young Dragon was shaking his legs or looking around with a face that screamed boredom.

What kind of madman is this? That was Pa Woo-chul’s first impression of the famed Jinryong.

That evening, Pa Woo-chul confronted Jinryong and was knocked out with a single blow.

He didn’t even get to use his strength properly.

The next day, filled with rage, Pa Woo-chul charged at Jinryong again, only to be beaten senseless by Jinryong’s fists.

Even though it was a sneak attack while Jinryong was sleeping...

Jinryong sprang up as if he had been expecting it and beat Pa Woo-chul to a pulp.

It was only then that Pa Woo-chul realized the vast gap between himself and Jinryong.

Nothing reached him.

He couldn’t even see it.

Jinryong's movements, which barely seemed to exert any effort, were impossibly fast and heavy.

It was like hitting a wall.

Pa Woo-chul finally understood the difference. But understanding didn’t stop Jinryong’s violence.

"I-I get it... P-please stop."

"Stop? Why should I stop, you bastard? Why did you disturb me while I was sleeping?"

"Ack! N-not there!"

"There’s no ‘not there.’ Stay still. If you move, you might never have kids."

"W-wait! Big brother! Big brother, please...! Aaargh!"

That morning was an event Pa Woo-chul never wanted to remember. Even thinking about it made his lower body feel cold.

Ah, this guy’s a lunatic.

Pa Woo-chul realized that.

He had thought of himself as quite crazy too, but Jinryong was a true mad dog.

Pa Woo-chul could never forget the look in Jinryong’s eyes as he beat him senseless.

The guy was definitely enjoying it.

Forced to call Jinryong "big brother" through sheer violence, Pa Woo-chul had, at that point, still harbored thoughts of seeking revenge on Jinryong when the opportunity arose.

But that changed after the first training session with Instructor Cheolhwan-oh.

The monster hunt.

During the training, where all the late-stage warriors of the class fought against Instructor Cheolhwan-oh, known as "The Azure Fist," Pa Woo-chul felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness.

No matter how many of them charged at him, they couldn’t even graze Instructor Cheolhwan-oh’s clothes.

‘Is this what an instructor is like?’

It was a moment where Pa Woo-chul’s pride, which had been inflated by his first-rate achievements, was utterly shattered.

As he lay sprawled on the ground, unable to muster any strength...

Instructor Cheolhwan-oh spoke.

"Why are you just standing there?"

He was speaking to someone behind Pa Woo-chul.

It was Jinryong, standing there calmly.

Indeed, Jinryong had been standing still throughout the entire training session, watching them.

"If I get involved, the training would be too easy."

Even after witnessing Instructor Cheolhwan-oh’s overwhelming power, Jinryong remained arrogant.

While Pa Woo-chul had crumbled inside...

Jinryong was smiling as if it were nothing.

This confidence, even in the face of overwhelming odds, amazed Pa Woo-chul.

Could this be why he was called a "Dragon"?

Pa Woo-chul sincerely thought so. Wasn’t it impressive?

To be able to remain so composed in such a situation?

Of course, Instructor Cheolhwan-oh didn’t seem impressed.

He challenged Jinryong to a bet—a duel.

It was called a bet, but in reality, it was no different from saying he intended to destroy Jinryong.

Even the other late-stage warriors were sure that no matter how strong Jinryong was, he wouldn’t be able to defeat Instructor Cheolhwan-oh.

Pa Woo-chul thought the same.

After all, Instructor Cheolhwan-oh was the deputy leader of the Azure Dragon Brigade, a well-known master in the martial world.

How could a late-stage warrior hope to defeat someone like him?

Then the duel began, and Pa Woo-chul held his breath.

"Fiery Jade."

From Jinryong’s hand, an immense energy was unleashed, and Pa Woo-chul’s breath was taken away.

He had never seen such energy from Jinryong before.

The heat was so intense that it seemed to distort the very space around it.

Even Instructor Cheolhwan-oh noticed, immediately charging at Jinryong.

Even for someone like Instructor Cheolhwan-oh, it was a dangerous energy to face.

But Instructor Cheolhwan-oh couldn’t block Jinryong’s technique.

While Pa Woo-chul couldn’t even follow Instructor Cheolhwan-oh’s movements, Jinryong evaded them effortlessly.

As if he had anticipated the rush, Jinryong quickly withdrew his energy and placed his hand on Instructor Cheolhwan-oh’s body.

And with that, the victory was Jinryong’s.

That massive energy was nothing but a feint. Jinryong had completely toyed with the great Instructor Cheolhwan-oh, psychologically.


Pa Woo-chul’s eyes widened.

As if savoring Instructor Cheolhwan-oh’s shocked expression, Jinryong smiled broadly.

Pa Woo-chul didn’t feel jealousy or competitiveness.

This was reverence.

The gap was so immense that petty feelings like jealousy didn’t even arise.

He realized then.

‘I want to be by his side.’

A monster spreading its wings, soaring toward the sky, piercing the heavens.


Now was the time to be by his side.

This was the opportunity.

Pride had long since been shattered, and jealousy could only be felt if the gap was closer.

With the monster temporarily grounding its wings and staying on the earth, this was the only chance.

Already half out of his mind, Pa Woo-chul didn’t hesitate.

"Big brother!"

Pa Woo-chul cried out as he ran toward Jinryong, who had been casually talking with Instructor Cheolhwan-oh, and promptly got knocked out again with a punch.

A few days passed after that.

Pa Woo-chul stuck to Gu Yangcheon like glue, volunteering to be his lackey.

No matter how much Yangcheon cursed or beat him, Pa Woo-chul never left his side. Eventually, Yangcheon gave up and told him to do whatever he wanted.


During his personal training session, Pa Woo-chul struck a wooden training dummy with all his might before pulling back to catch his breath.



After not training for a while, he felt refreshed, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy him.

‘If I want to catch up to my big brother, this isn’t enough.’

After watching Gu Yangcheon for the past few days, Pa Woo-chul realized that his big brother was even more incredible than he had initially thought.

A hero among heroes, who effortlessly held Dokbong, Seolbong, and even the Sword Dance Maiden in both arms.

Was it because strength and talent naturally attracted beautiful women?

But even then, three already? He seemed nothing short of amazing.

And what about when he went to another group to teach them a lesson?

He didn’t even care about what others thought, possessing an air of grandness.

When Pa Woo-chul had been called in by the instructor, he had been nervous.

After all, Gu Yangcheon’s actions didn’t seem like a small matter, even to him.

Yet, Gu Yangcheon showed no sign of worry.

Was he not afraid of Instructor Cheolhwan-oh, the very man he had defeated?

Of course, that must have been the case.

That was the kind of man his big brother was!

Pa Woo-chul was smiling proudly at the thought when...


On his way back to the dorm after training, he saw a familiar figure in the distance.

"...Brother Jiseon?"

It was Cheol Jiseon, a friend of Gu Yangcheon.

His martial arts level seemed far below Pa Woo-chul’s, but since he was a close friend of his big brother, he had to be respected.

That was proper etiquette toward Gu Yangcheon, and Pa Woo-chul believed Yangcheon cherished Cheol Jiseon.

He had to act thoroughly.

‘Where is he going in such a hurry?’

Pa Woo-chul recalled the other day when Cheol Jiseon had been harassed, and out of concern, he followed him quietly, suppressing his presence.

Cheol Jiseon didn’t seem to notice Pa Woo-chul trailing behind him.

Following Cheol Jiseon led him to an isolated area near Shinryongwan, where someone was waiting for him.

As soon as Pa Woo-chul saw who it was, he was startled.

‘That guy!’

It was someone Pa Woo-chul knew.

The Divine Saint, Jang Seon-yeon.

One of the leaders of the factions stirring up Shinryongwan recently.

‘Why is Brother Jiseon meeting with that guy?’

The last time Pa Woo-chul had seen them, Gu Yangcheon and Jang Seon-yeon hadn’t seemed to get along.

Rumor had it that Jinryong was envious and jealous of the Divine Saint, but Pa Woo-chul didn’t believe it.

In fact...

‘It seemed more like the Divine Saint was the one jealous of my big brother.’

It was an absurd rumor, but Gu Yangcheon had only told Pa Woo-chul not to pay it any mind.

He said it didn’t matter at all.

That’s why Pa Woo-chul had been holding back.

But now, to see Cheol Jiseon meeting with Jang Seon-yeon?

Pa Woo-chul heightened his senses, careful not to get caught.

He raised his hearing as high as possible and faintly heard Cheol Jiseon’s voice.

"Sorry to call you out so late, Lord Cheol."

"...Why did you call me here?"

"I have some business with you, Lord Cheol."

Jang Seon-yeon smiled kindly, but for some reason, Pa Woo-chul didn’t trust that smile.

He didn’t know why.

Even Cheol Jiseon looked uneasy, and Jang Seon-yeon, still smiling, spoke again.

"First, Lord Cheol... Oh, I suppose I should address you differently."

At that moment...

Jang Seon-yeon’s mouth moved, but no sound came out.

It seemed he had cast a sound-blocking technique.


Although it seemed they hadn’t noticed him, it was clear they were discussing something no one else was supposed to hear.

Realizing he might be caught if he stayed any longer, Pa Woo-chul turned and quietly walked away.

Cheol Jiseon and Jang Seon-yeon, discussing something in secret?

Pa Woo-chul had no idea what it was, but he knew he had to report it to his big brother immediately.

Pa Woo-chul rushed to find Gu Yangcheon and relayed everything he had seen.

It seemed like quite the shocking revelation.


"Oh, really?"

Gu Yangcheon was calm, almost indifferent to the news, much to Pa Woo-chul’s confusion.

"B-big brother?"

"I was wondering why they hadn’t moved yet. Glad to see they’re finally making a move."

"...What do you mean, big brother?"

"Forget what you saw today."


After saying that, Gu Yangcheon soon lay down and prepared to sleep.

"Don’t just stand there. Lie down. Let’s get some sleep."

"Ah, yes, big brother."

"Oh, by the way, Woo-chul."

"Yes, big brother?"

"What’s for breakfast tomorrow?"

"I don’t know."

"...Next time, instead of reporting secret conversations, remember what breakfast will be."

"Yes, big brother."

It had seemed like a monumental revelation...

But to Gu Yangcheon, it was something he had apparently expected all along.

It seemed breakfast was of far greater importance to him.

‘...Is this normal?’

Was this how things always went?

Pa Woo-chul had his doubts, but soon forgot about them as he fell asleep.

For the record, even though he had answered, Pa Woo-chul never did find out what breakfast was until the day he left Shinryongwan.

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