Childhood Friend of the Zenith
Chapter 309 Table of contents

The room was filled with silence as Cheol Jiseon sat still, staring into space. In his mind, the words spoken by the Sacred One during their late-night encounter a few days ago echoed endlessly.

—"Jegal Jinseon, that’s how I should address you, isn’t it?"

The vivid voice of the Sacred One still seemed to ring in his ears.


His fist clenched involuntarily as he recalled the words, and the image of the Sacred One smiling flashed before him.

‘How does he know?’

His true identity.

No one knew that Cheol Jiseon was actually Jegal Jinseon.

Only Cheolhwan-oh, the instructor, was aware of this secret, but Cheol Jiseon knew that Cheolhwan-oh was not the kind of person who would spread such information.

So, how did the Sacred One find out?

‘How… how did he know?’

It was incomprehensible. How could the Sacred One possibly know about him?

Moreover, the Sacred One knew more than just his identity.

—"H-How do you know that…?"

Cheol Jiseon’s voice had trembled as he asked, unable to hide his shock.

—"Calm down."

The Sacred One chuckled as he gestured.

—"How can I calm down after hearing that…!"

—"If I only knew your name, I wouldn’t have sought you out."

The Sacred One’s face, though smiling, had a distinct coldness to it.

Cheol Jiseon had instinctively recoiled at the sight of it, even though he tried his best not to show fear.

—"What are you talking about all of a sudden…?"

—"I know you have a goal."


At the Sacred One’s words, Cheol Jiseon had gasped.

—"It will be a harsh road, that much is certain. If you want to achieve that goal."

—"What are you trying to say?"

—"I’m offering to help you."

Hearing this, Cheol Jiseon’s brow furrowed deeply.

Not only did the Sacred One know about his identity, but also about his goals.

But what was more perplexing were the Sacred One’s words.

—"You claim to know my goals… do you even understand what I’m aiming for?"

Because if he truly knew, the Sacred One wouldn’t have said such things.

But then...

—"The revival of the Jegal Clan. Isn’t that what you desire?"


To Cheol Jiseon’s surprise, the Sacred One had struck a nerve, exposing his deepest ambition.

For the son of the Murim Alliance leader to say such a thing was strange. After all, the history of the Jegal Clan was like a scar on the Murim Alliance.

—"How… how could you possibly know that…?"

Cheol Jiseon was overwhelmed with confusion, but the Sacred One had continued smiling and responded.

—"If you help me, I’ll help you achieve your goal."

—"Why would you help me? What do you want from me?"

—"There are many reasons, but the main one is that only you can assist me in this matter."

—"What do you mean?"

What could the Sacred One possibly want from him? What was he expecting from Cheol Jiseon?

With trembling eyes, Cheol Jiseon asked, and the Sacred One had finally revealed his intention.

—"I want to borrow your ‘power.’"


Cheol Jiseon’s teeth ground together at the Sacred One’s final words.

This was what had been eating away at him ever since.

‘How does he know about that, too…?’

After his promise to his sister, he had hidden that power for nearly a decade and a half.

Aside from his sister, there were fewer than three people who knew about his secret, and none of them would have disclosed such information.

‘It has to be.’

It had to be kept that way, or else he wouldn’t be able to trust anyone.

‘What… what should I do?’

He had thought his plans were thorough, but now everything felt like it was unraveling.

Where had it gone wrong, and where should he start to fix it?

Feeling overwhelmed, Cheol Jiseon squeezed his eyes shut.

‘…I just want to go back.’

What would happen if he rejected the Sacred One’s offer?

He didn’t want to imagine it, but he had seen it in the Sacred One’s eyes that night.

The option of refusing was never really on the table.


He thought of his sister, waiting for him in a distant place.

That was the only thing that brought him any semblance of calm.

Was the Sacred One truly offering to help?

How would he even be able to help?

After all, the Sacred One was only a late-stage martial artist.

Even though he was the only son of the Murim Alliance leader, did he really have the power to assist?

The rumors certainly painted him as that capable.

But the Sacred One that Cheol Jiseon had seen was unsettling.

‘Even so, if I have no choice, I may have to accept…’

“Excuse me.”

Tap, tap.

Just as Cheol Jiseon was deep in thought, he felt a tap on his shoulder.


He had been so lost in thought that he hadn’t even noticed someone standing right in front of him.


Startled, he almost fell backward, but the person in front of him quickly reached out to catch him.

“Oh…! Thank you.”

“Seems I startled you. My apologies.”

The person’s smile was refreshingly bright, and their face was striking enough to make Cheol Jiseon momentarily pause.

It didn’t take long for Cheol Jiseon to recognize who was standing before him.

After all, the surrounding students were already murmuring.

—"Isn’t he from another group? What’s he doing here?"

—"That’s Wudang’s attire and that face… It must be Jamlryong, right?"

—"Jamlryong? Jamlryong’s here?"

All the students in the vicinity were now staring at the person in front of Cheol Jiseon.

Given who it was, that was no surprise.

He was one of the Six Dragons and Three Peaks, Wudang’s brightest hope, and a young swordmaster.

It was none other than Jamlryong.


“That’s right. The infamous lazy dragon at your service.”

As Cheol Jiseon stammered, Jamlryong smiled again, seemingly amused by the reaction.

“I called out to you several times, but you didn’t respond, so I had to tap you. My apologies.”

“No, it’s fine… May I ask why you’ve sought me out?”

“The reason I came to see you is rather simple.”

Cheol Jiseon’s heart raced.

‘Could it be…?’

Could Jamlryong also know about his true identity and power?

The thought made Cheol Jiseon’s anxiety spike.

But contrary to his fears, Jamlryong’s next words were completely unexpected.

“I want to join the Cheolyangcheol Faction. Would you accept me?”


What faction?

Cheol Jiseon frowned without realizing it.

He had just heard a term that he had never encountered in his entire life.

“What… what faction?”

“Wasn’t it Cheolyangcheol? Or was it Yangcheolcheol?”

Yang? Cheol? What kind of bizarre name is that?

Confused, Cheol Jiseon asked again, and Jamlryong tilted his head, as if trying to understand the reaction.

“I’m not quite sure I understand…”

“Jinryong said that if I wanted to join, I’d need to seek permission from the leader.”

At the sound of the familiar name, Jinryong, Cheol Jiseon’s stomach dropped.

Whenever that name was involved, nothing ever went smoothly.


“…I see. But why are you seeking permission from me?”

Cheol Jiseon didn’t want to know what kind of nonsense Jinryong had been up to.

Getting involved with him would only lead to more chaos.

When he cautiously asked, Jamlryong responded.

“Hm? Jinryong told me that to join, I had to get the leader’s approval.”


What was he talking about?

To join Cheolyang-whatever, why would he need Cheol Jiseon’s permission?

—"Jinryong told me."

—"To get permission from the leader."

The moment Jamlryong uttered those words, Cheol Jiseon felt his heart sink.

‘No… it couldn’t be.’

Nightmarish thoughts passed through his mind, but he forced himself to believe that it wasn’t true.

Jinryong couldn’t be that crazy.

No, he couldn’t be. He mustn’t be.

Cheol Jiseon’s desperate hope was quickly shattered.

Because Jinryong was, in fact, even crazier than Cheol Jiseon imagined.

“I heard that the leader of the faction is ‘Mad Dog Cheol Jiseon.’”

Jamlryong casually dropped this bombshell.

“Would you allow me to join?”

The atmosphere in the room froze over instantly.

It was as if a sudden snowstorm had swept through, chilling everyone to the bone.

“Grr… Grr…”

Cheol Jiseon struggled to breathe, overwhelmed by the shock.

Jamlryong looked momentarily concerned as he watched Cheol Jiseon gasp for air.

“Are you okay? You’re not looking well.”

Jamlryong gently supported Cheol Jiseon as he struggled to compose himself, while the rest of the room buzzed with murmurs.

But the topic of conversation had completely changed from earlier.

—"Wait… Jinryong isn’t the leader?"

—"I overheard them talking in the dining hall earlier. At first, I thought it was nonsense, but… was it actually true?"

—"Mad Dog? He looks so fragile, but is he secretly a sleeping lion?"

“No! It’s not true!”

Cheol Jiseon suddenly shouted, unable to tolerate the absurd rumors any longer.

He couldn’t believe how easily people were buying into these ridiculous rumors.

“I-I’m not…!”

—"Hey, Jin I-seok! Snap out of it! Why’d you faint all of a sudden?"

—"Jin I-seok fainted at the Mad Dog’s roar…!"

—"The true leader isn’t the Evil Dragon… It’s really the Mad Dog!"


One of the students who had been harassing Cheol Jiseon had fainted.

That had more to do with his trauma from dealing with Jinryong than anything Cheol Jiseon had said, but at this point, it didn’t matter.

“I… I’m done.”

Cheol Jiseon’s hopes for a peaceful stay at Shinryongwan were utterly ruined.

“So, will you let me join?”

Even then, Jamlryong persisted in asking.

“…Do whatever you want.”

Cheol Jiseon’s voice was devoid of life.

And so, forgetting about the Sacred One and all his other worries, Cheol Jiseon sat there in a daze, muttering to the air.

“Jinryong… that bastard.”

It was the first time in his life that Cheol Jiseon had cursed someone.


“Why do you ask, hyungnim?”

“Ucheol, did you happen to badmouth me just now?”

“There’s no way I would, hyungnim.”

Pae Ucheol responded in shock to Gu Yangcheon’s words. Who in their right mind would curse at Gu Yangcheon right in front of him?

Even if someone wanted to die, they wouldn’t do it that way. They’d rather hang themselves quietly.

“Is that so? It feels like someone’s been badmouthing me.”

Gu Yangcheon’s expression showed genuine puzzlement.

“I’m good at noticing these things. Too many people around me like to throw insults.”
“There was no one here.”
“Hmm, maybe it’s just a feeling.”

It wouldn’t be the first time. He was used to people cursing at him throughout his life.
Even if they had, he didn’t really care.

Of course, if he had seen it with his own eyes...

‘I’d have folded them into a pretty star shape by now.’


That slightly violent thought made Pae Ucheol flinch. He must have felt something like killing intent from Gu Yangcheon.

“You remember Jamlryong from earlier?”

Yangcheon perked up, listening to Pae Ucheol.

It was out of the blue, but it was a discussion about Jamlryong.

“Why did you bring up Jiseon hyungnim when you talked to him?”
“Why? Did it seem strange?”

Pae Ucheol scratched his cheek at Yangcheon’s reply.

“No, not really. But I was just wondering why you did that when it wasn’t necessary…”

If you were going to reject him, just reject him. If you were going to accept him, just accept him.
Why go out of your way to bring up Cheol Jiseon and create rumors? Pae Ucheol couldn’t figure it out.


Yangcheon inwardly admired Pae Ucheol. He seemed smarter than expected.

“I didn’t plan it, but I thought it would be convenient.”

Spreading rumors about Cheol Jiseon.
It wasn’t something that needed to be done, but Yangcheon thought it was a necessary move.

On the one hand, it would stop Cheol Jiseon from being bullied.
But more than that, there was a reason to put some weight on his name.

And besides…

“Jamlryong didn’t believe it anyway.”

Yangcheon chuckled. Jamlryong hadn’t fallen for his trick at all.
He had always been someone who didn’t buy into lies easily.

From the moment Yangcheon had started talking, Jamlryong’s face had already been full of mischief.

‘He didn’t believe it from the start.’

What was supposed to be a joke had somehow turned into something serious.
Who knows? He might have even gone to find Cheol Jiseon directly afterward.

No way… would he have?

‘…Maybe he would.’

Yangcheon wasn’t sure. If it was Jamlryong, he might have actually done it.
He wasn’t quite normal in that regard.
In fact, Jamlryong had always been a strange one.

“That’s it for today.”

Yangcheon withdrew his internal energy and said to Pae Ucheol.


Pae Ucheol collapsed to the ground. It seemed he had reached his limit.

Pae Ucheol had been relentlessly asking Yangcheon to help with his training, so Yangcheon had been coaching him in this manner, though only occasionally.

‘It’s not like I’m teaching him in detail, but this much I can manage.’

Pae Ucheol was doing his best to keep up, which made it somewhat amusing.
Gu Jeolyeop had been a better student in terms of response, but this wasn’t bad.

Thinking of teaching made Yangcheon’s mind wander elsewhere.

‘Paejon hasn’t come looking for me lately.’

Even though they were in different groups and dorms, if his goal was to make Yangcheon his disciple, he should’ve come by now.
From what Yangcheon had heard, Paejon was living quietly and hadn’t caused much of a stir.

In fact, most students didn’t even know there was a Turyong attending Shinryongwan.
It seemed he was going out of his way to suppress his presence.

On the other hand, the woman named Bibi seemed to be enjoying herself, as Yangcheon often heard rumors about her.
Apparently, she was being called the “Stone Maiden” or something. He didn’t care enough to remember.

‘As for Guyen Seon…’

According to Namgung Bi-ah, Guyen Seon had been spending more time with her recently.
Whatever her intentions, Yangcheon wasn’t too concerned.

If Namgung Bi-ah said there was no problem, then he could leave it alone.
After all, it was Namgung Bi-ah. She’d handle it… probably.


Leaving the exhausted Pae Ucheol on the training grounds, Yangcheon headed outside.
He would recover on his own and find his way back.

Almost half a month had passed.
It was nearing the time when Yangcheon’s adjustment to Shinryongwan would be complete.

He often saw Yeongpung during training, but the man was always surrounded by people, making it difficult to call him over.

‘Must be because he’s popular.’

Well, with a handsome face and a pleasant personality, it was no surprise he had so many people around him.
In contrast…

‘…People look at me like I’m some sort of beast.’

It was unfair, but what could he do? He was born this way. Might as well just endure it.

Yangcheon recalled something Dang Soyol had said while watching Yeongpung and Jamlryong.

—"Looking at those two makes me feel queasy."
—"Yes, it’s like my body instinctively rejects them. Something about them just doesn’t sit right with me."

She’d said something similar when talking about Namgung Cheonjune and Jang Seonyeon.
Apparently, Dang Soyol had a biological aversion to handsome men.

But when she looked at Gu Yangcheon, she nodded approvingly.

—"As expected, looking at you, young master, makes me feel so refreshed. You’re the best. I could stare at your face for the rest of my life!"

It wasn’t exactly a compliment that brought joy.

With these idle thoughts running through his mind, Yangcheon continued walking.

There wasn’t much time left before he needed to head back to his quarters for the night.
He was in a bit of a rush, but he had somewhere to be.

There was someone he needed to meet.

The path led him to the same place where he had wandered before while searching for the hidden chamber.
And it was also where he was supposed to meet the person tonight.

As he drew closer, a faint floral scent filled the night air. It was the unmistakable fragrance of plum blossoms.
Rich and yet soft, the scent lingered as Yangcheon approached his destination.

Someone was already there, waiting for him.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

At his apology, the woman turned her head. Her long black hair swayed gently with the motion.

“What should I call you? Should I refer to you as instructor?”

Yangcheon’s question brought a faint smile to the woman’s face, her usual graceful smile.

“It doesn’t matter. Call me whatever you wish. More importantly, I’m curious why you’ve summoned me so late at night.”

The woman standing before him was none other than...

One of the top masters of the Mount Hua Sect, and currently an instructor at Shinryongwan.

The Sword Queen.

Looking at her, Gu Yangcheon smiled faintly.

“To get straight to the point, I have something to propose to you, Sword Queen.”

The Sword Queen tilted her head, curious.

This was one of the reasons Yangcheon had come to Shinryongwan, and it was something he needed to resolve as soon as possible.

“I’d like to make a deal with you.”

The hidden chamber beneath Shinryongwan.

He had to retrieve it before it was too late, and for that, he needed the Sword Queen’s help.


TL Notes
Next, instead of with Shinrenwang, I will be using the Divine Dragon Hall

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