Childhood Friend of the Zenith
Chapter 319 Table of contents

The night when the moon rose.

A somewhat gaunt young man stood in the middle of a plain, eyes closed.

Despite the fierce winter wind blowing.

The young man didn’t move at all, keeping his eyes shut and breathing steadily.

He was recalling his past.

Cheol Ji-seon.

No, it was when Jegal Jin-seon realized his peculiarity, just after he turned ten years old.

From a certain day onwards.

Jegal Jin-seon’s fingertips would tremble.

Whenever he moved his arms, he felt an inexplicable sense of discomfort, a sensation that tickled his entire body.

That unknown discomfort made him sleepless for months.

His body grew weaker as he skipped meals, overwhelmed by goosebumps and tension rising to his throat.

What on earth was happening to him?

Jegal Jin-seon endured and pondered over it for a long time, but…

He couldn’t figure it out.

And then, about half a year later…

Something happened.

Jegal Jin-seon, unable to endure the discomfort any longer, tore at it.

The moment he realized he could grasp it…

He had known that something dangerous would occur if he did.

Jegal Jin-seon had held back until then, but once he reached his limit, he finally gave in.

Jegal Jin-seon’s hands were sensitive.

As he waved his hand in the air.

He could feel that strange, uncomfortable sensation.

That was it.

Jegal Jin-seon could tear it apart.

One might ask, how could he tear the air?

But Jegal Jin-seon could.

He just needed to grab and tear it. He didn’t know why, but Jegal Jin-seon was able to do it.

If only—truly, if only…

It had ended with just being able to do that, things might have been better.

If that were the case…

“No, it can’t be!”

Jegal Jin-seon wouldn’t have had to witness the disaster.


The burning flames.

The homes being consumed by something.

Watching that horrific process unfold, Jegal Jin-seon had to scream while clinging to his sister.

The place slowly being devoured was his own home.

And inside was his father.

A past he didn’t want to remember.

And yet, it was something he had to keep in mind.

So he could continue to recall his sins.

The moment he couldn’t endure the discomfort and tore at the air with his hands.

The space that was ripped apart expanded into something enormous in an instant.

What had started as a small crack grew larger.

Before long, it began devouring its surroundings, turning into a monster.

What people called the Magyeong Gate.

The space evolved into a Magyeong Gate.

That wasn’t all.

As much as it was a Magyeong Gate, it also released monsters.

Just as the Magyeong Gate devoured Jegal Jin-seon’s home and his father…

The gate itself turned into a monster, swallowing entire spaces.

How could a human create something as devastating as a Magyeong Gate, a calamity of nature?

He didn’t know.

This was the truth Jegal Jin-seon wrestled with, a truth he desperately wanted to escape.

After killing his father with his own hands…

His mother refused to look at Jegal Jin-seon.

His sister, who had clutched him while watching their father die, had told him as she held him.

“Jin-seon, you must never use your power.”

Jegal Jin-seon nodded after crying for days, but…

Contrary to his sister’s earnest wish…

There were many days when Jegal Jin-seon couldn’t resist.

Though he tried to endure the discomfort and alien sensation…

There were times when he simply couldn’t.

Roughly once a year.

There was a time when he couldn’t hold back without using his power.

During such times, Jegal Jin-seon would find a deserted mountain or isolated area, use his power, and then disappear.

Even if no one was around, creating a Magyeong Gate and then vanishing…

It was still something that weighed heavily on his conscience.

But there was no way he could do it where his sister was.

No matter what, he wanted to protect his sister.

His power was dangerous.

Even though the Magyeong Gate had become something more familiar, and this was an era where the damage to human life had greatly decreased…

The fact that his power was dangerous remained unchanged.


Though it no longer released monsters, the Magyeong Gate still sucked in its surroundings, swallowing everything in its wake.

Even for the most skilled martial artists, it was not something they could easily escape.

That was why Jegal Jin-seon hid it so fiercely.

Just as he concealed his family name.

If it became known that someone with such power was a descendant of the Jegal family…

Not only he but also his sister might face great peril.

Yet, despite this, Jegal Jin-seon needed power.

Hiding himself, suppressing his power, enduring it all…

It was this need that led him to beg Cheol-hwan-oh to bring him to Sinryong Hall.

He needed power to protect.

‘But I have no talent.’

Jegal Jin-seon knew that he had no talent for martial arts to raise his physical strength.

That was why he needed a different kind of power.

His mother had desperately tried to stop him, almost as if she wanted to kill him.

His sister, too, had adamantly warned him of the dangers.

Yet, despite this, Jegal Jin-seon had come here under the name Cheol Ji-seon.

‘This generation of Sinryong Hall is said to be the greatest in history.’

This was the era of meteors, a generation brimming with countless geniuses.

And now, more than ever, this generation of meteors had gathered.

The pillars of the righteous factions, known as the Four Great Families.

All the bloodlines of these families were gathered here.

Along with the descendants of noble families.


It was said that most of the leaders of the Six Dragons, Three Peaks who were expected to lead the future of the martial world were also gathered here.

It was truly the future of the martial world.

‘I have to go.’

To protect both himself and his sister.

To reclaim their family name, their father’s dream.

To undo the polluted history and restore it.

This was the path he had to take.

It was only right that he, rather than his sickly sister, take the risk.

The time of his next outburst was still some ways off.

The calculated moment was when the hall temporarily closed, and the students of Sinryong Hall returned to their respective families.

At that time, he could go and release the accumulated power.

That was the plan from the start.

The problem was…

Sometimes, calculations didn’t match reality.

Jegal Jin-seon knew that, but he hadn’t truly felt it until now.

One of the things Jegal Jin-seon had overlooked was…

It wasn’t easy to build connections just by coming to Sinryong Hall.

There were already established relationships from before the students even entered the hall.

And to carve out a place for himself among them…

Jegal Jin-seon knew he lacked the value as an individual.

Moreover, he had no martial skills worthy of recognition.

While he acknowledged his intelligence…

There wasn’t enough opportunity to showcase it.

After all, they were martial artists.

In this era, physical martial prowess was the answer.

Could he open a Magyeong Gate with his hands?

Yes, it was an unbelievable power.

But he couldn’t control it well.

It was like a double-edged sword, a foreboding power.

From the perspective of the righteous sects, it would be fortunate if they didn’t decide to kill him outright.

And if his Jegal family name were revealed…

It wouldn’t be surprising if his head were cut off.

‘…Am I in a really dangerous situation?’

Jegal Jin-seon realized this truth.

He felt it during the first trial when his passion for the future had cooled.

When he realized that he could neither compete in martial prowess nor infiltrate the ranks of noble families…

It was only then that Jegal Jin-seon understood just how dire his situation was.

There was no solution.

He had walked straight into the enemy’s den, filled with blades.

And nothing he tried seemed to work.

Still, gritting his teeth and struggling…

Somehow, he passed the second trial.

But the third trial was the problem.

To pass, he had to either steal an opponent’s band or retrieve a band from a monster.

Jegal Jin-seon was certain.

He wouldn’t be able to pass this trial.


It was a grim reality.

Even though he realized how weak he was…

He had only now understood that he’d never faced his peers, the same post-qi experts.

‘…I’m screwed.’

The only person his age he had ever known was his sister.

It hadn’t been easy for him to hold proper conversations with others.

His martial prowess was lacking.

What kind of connections could he build…?

The harsh reality pierced Jegal Jin-seon’s heart like a dagger.

‘…But I can’t give up.’

But giving up wasn’t an option.

He had to grit his teeth and keep going.

At the same time, Jegal Jin-seon began thinking.

He had to pass the third trial.

‘I can’t use my power, so should I set a trap?’

He ruled out hunting down other post-qi experts.

Instead, it seemed better to use the terrain to dig traps and catch monsters.

Judging from the content of the third trial…

It seemed to be a test that also judged how one hunted monsters.

Jegal Jin-seon had some confidence in this part.


To prepare the trap immediately…

He was about to search for suitable terrain when…


As Jegal Jin-seon parted the grass and moved forward…

He saw someone.

‘A person…?’

A surge of tension shot up Jegal Jin-seon’s spine.

What rotten luck, to meet someone here.

Should he prepare for a fight? Could he even win?

The chances were slim.

The only bit of luck was…

‘…They’re lying down?’

In this trial setting, the opponent was lying flat on the ground.

They were exhaling slowly, eyes closed.

It gave off the strange impression that they were asleep.

Sleeping in a situation like this?

‘What kind of person is this?’

Clearly, they weren’t in their right mind.

‘…Then, is this an opportunity?’

Perhaps due to the suddenness of the discovery…

Jegal Jin-seon, who had been preparing to dig a trap and catch a monster…

Thought of it as an unexpected stroke of fortune.

The person in question also happened to have the band he needed.

Jegal Jin-seon cautiously quieted his steps.

He approached right in front of the person and stretched out his hand.

But in his excitement, Jegal Jin-seon failed to consider one thing.

That in such a blood-soaked trial…

For someone to dare sleep openly on the ground…

Could they really be weak?


Just before his hand reached the opponent…

Jegal Jin-seon’s vision suddenly flipped.

Before he could even register it, the person had grabbed his neck.


It was a voice that sounded strained, as if it had just gone through puberty.

The icy emotion behind it…

Jegal Jin-seon found himself trembling uncontrollably.

The look in their eyes…

‘A… monster….’

Their gaze was strangely reminiscent of the monsters he had faced.


Jegal Jin-seon could barely speak, crushed by fear.

He had messed up.

If he wasn’t careful, he might actually die.

Could a human’s eyes be this terrifying…?

Maybe this person wasn’t human but a monster in disguise?

Jegal Jin-seon knew it was a ridiculous thought, but…

He was that scared.

This was Jegal Jin-seon’s first impression of Gu Yangcheon.

As if interrogating him, Gu Yangcheon continued questioning Jegal Jin-seon.

Once he had gathered all the information he needed…

He smiled in satisfaction and told Jegal Jin-seon.

Let’s be friends.

Jegal Jin-seon couldn’t even react properly to the sudden shift in the situation.

The person who had just been glaring at him with murderous intent…

Had suddenly asked to be friends, leaving Jegal Jin-seon in shock.

The ironic part was…

This person’s true identity was the youngest post-qi expert in recent history…

And one of the Six Dragons, Three Peaks, known as Jinryong.

And as if to prove he meant what he said, Gu Yangcheon helped Jegal Jin-seon pass the third trial.

At the time, Jegal Jin-seon thought…

Gu Yangcheon must have plans to treat him like a slave under the guise of friendship.

Since attendants weren’t allowed inside Sinryong Hall, Gu Yangcheon surely wanted to use him as a servant.

The rumors must be true—there wasn’t a more malicious person than Gu Yangcheon.

That was Jegal Jin-seon’s judgment.


The more he spent time with Jinryong, the more he realized that Gu Yangcheon was slightly different from the person he had imagined.

Though his words and gaze were fierce…

He didn’t lash out without reason. Well, there were times when he did lash out, but…

If he considered someone part of his group, he would look after them.

He would often check in on what his companions were doing.

While he would frown and curse when hearing others speak behind his back…

The moment he heard someone else badmouthing his companions…

He would unleash a fury like that of a vengeful demon.

In that sense, Gu Yangcheon was much more… not kind, but…

Perhaps a more decent person than Jegal Jin-seon had expected.


There was one more thing Jegal Jin-seon came to realize about Gu Yangcheon.

Even though Gu Yangcheon called him a friend and kept him nearby…

‘I’m not actually one of them.’

Jegal Jin-seon wasn’t part of Gu Yangcheon’s group.

That was the feeling he got.

And that was the look in Gu Yangcheon’s eyes.

When had he noticed?

When the Holy Star came looking for him?

Or perhaps after that?

No, it had been from the very beginning.

That was what Gu Yangcheon’s gaze had been like from the first moment they met.

Back when Jegal Jin-seon had said his eyes resembled those of a monster.

The eyes of a monster staring at its prey.

And because it could always kill the prey, it lingered, contemplating how to devour it.

That was the look in Gu Yangcheon’s eyes when he looked at Jegal Jin-seon.

Just like the gaze of the monster Jegal Jin-seon had once encountered beyond the torn space of the Magyeong Gate.

That’s why Jegal Jin-seon had said it.

“You want to kill me.”

He had spoken this during a conversation with Gu Yangcheon, trying to turn his suspicion into certainty.

It had been a remark tossed out as a test.


When he saw the look in Gu Yangcheon’s eyes at that moment…

Jegal Jin-seon knew.


That was the emotion Gu Yangcheon had briefly revealed in his eyes.

‘…It’s certain.’

At that moment, Jegal Jin-seon realized that Gu Yangcheon indeed intended to kill him.

But why?

If Gu Yangcheon wanted to kill him, why hadn’t he done so yet?

What had he done to deserve it?

Did Gu Yangcheon know that he was a Jegal?

If Gu Yangcheon really planned to kill him, how would he do it?

There was no way he could do it inside Sinryong Hall, was there?

Would he really kill him?

Was it all just Jegal Jin-seon’s imagination?

Perhaps he should have gone with the Holy Star after all?

Amid all these swirling thoughts, Jegal Jin-seon responded to Gu Yangcheon’s question.

“I… can open the Magyeong Gate.”

It was practically a confession.

Jegal Jin-seon couldn’t follow the flow of the conversation.

Feeling the ominous aura from Gu Yangcheon, he blurted out the words in a desperate bid to save his life.

Looking back, even though Jegal Jin-seon now knew that killing him wouldn’t be an easy task for Gu Yangcheon…

If he found himself in that situation again, Jegal Jin-seon felt he would still make the same choice.

Gu Yangcheon was different.

There was something about him that set him apart from the other post-qi experts.

Perhaps that’s why figures like Hidden Dragon, Sword Dragon, Snow Peak, and Poison Peak were always by Gu Yangcheon’s side.

“It’s difficult…”

Jegal Jin-seon’s head throbbed.

Was he doing the right thing?

Though he had already committed to it, he was filled with uncertainty.

The reason Jegal Jin-seon felt so confused…

Was not only because he couldn’t grasp Gu Yangcheon’s reaction.

It was also because of something Gu Yangcheon had said with a smile after hearing about his power.

“So… moving forward, you should…”

“No, that’s not necessary.”

Jegal Jin-seon had been willing to reject the offer from the Holy Star to follow Gu Yangcheon, but Gu Yangcheon smiled brightly and waved his hand dismissively.


After hearing about Jegal Jin-seon’s ability to open the Magyeong Gate…

Gu Yangcheon didn’t ask how such a thing was possible.

Nor did he question whether Jegal Jin-seon really had such power.

In fact, it seemed as though he already knew.

Gu Yangcheon simply told Jegal Jin-seon, or rather, Cheol Ji-seon:

“Just keep doing what you were doing.”


“Stick close to that bastard from the Jang family and do everything he tells you.”

“What does that…? I…”

“Yeah, I know you want to come over to my side. I’ll… no, I’ll listen to you. I’ll let you live.”

The smile on Gu Yangcheon’s face terrified him.

Jegal Jin-seon had a vague sense of what that smile meant.

“Stay next to that bastard and do whatever he tells you. That’s your job.”

Jegal Jin-seon couldn’t understand.

Gu Yangcheon had said this clearly.


Jegal Jin-seon still didn’t understand.

Do as he was told?

He should cooperate with the Holy Star’s plan to eliminate Gu Yangcheon?

That was his job?

“What are you talking about?”

Shaking with an unknown fear…

Jegal Jin-seon clenched his fists.

Had he made the right decision by confessing to Gu Yangcheon?

The doubt gnawed at him.

But there was no turning back now that he had spoken.

Just then.


Jegal Jin-seon sensed movement from beyond the grass.



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