I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor
Chapter 373 Table of contents

Overwhelmed (2)


Kang Woo-jin went abroad quite often. Not only did I go to Japan and LA, but I also went to France for the Cannes Film Festival. There are many times when it becomes a hot topic, but there is always some topic. Japan for ‘Unfamiliar Strangers’, filming ‘Our Table’, working on a new album with Miley Kara, Cannes Film Festival, etc.

Therefore, when Kang Woo-jin went abroad, the domestic media and public opinion made a fuss with clear keywords.

But this time was different.

『He left for LA without any mouse or bird knowing? ‘Kang Woo-jin’s much-rumored entry into Hollywood becomes a reality?』

There was no announcement from BW Entertainment and Kang Woo-jin did not share the news on social media. I literally boarded a plane to LA out of the blue and without a word. The reason this came to light was because of the people at the airport. This is because they shared Woojin’s sudden appearance at the airport on social media and communities, sparking an issue.

Is that why?

『Kang Woo-jin suddenly goes to LA! Is he in contact with a Hollywood film company?』

Woojin’s departure from LA, which was carried out in great secrecy, burned several times more in Korea. Since it was a top secret, it started suddenly without any warning or prior announcement, so it was perfect for a lot of gossip and speculation.

『Will ‘Man of Cannes’ Kang Woo-jin finally expand his presence in Hollywood? Why did you suddenly leave for LA?

The media as a whole was reasonably aware of Kang Woo-jin’s year-end ending. I would participate in film festivals and events that started while filming ‘Beneficial Evil’. Of course, that schedule wasn’t wrong either. Because these were the schedules that Kang Woo-jin would actually have to complete.

However, Woojin broke everyone’s expectations and moved to LA.

There is also an aspect of timing that contributed to the size of this case.

It was a time when ‘Kang Woo-jin’s entry into Hollywood’ was being treated as a snack among the entertainment industry and the public.

-Whahahaha Kang Woo-jin is going to LA in great secrecy, so it looks like he’s about to enter Hollywood???

-What Hollywood work did you get a love call for?

-No, I’m going to see Miley Kara.

-Ah…Kara? That could be possible haha. Are you going to attend a party hosted by Billboard for the new album release?

– It’s a love call from Hollywood film companies. They’re so scary.

-But the timing is a bit… Isn’t it too late in the year to go out haha?

-But right now, Kang Woo-jin is capable of playing the role of Jordan in a supporting role in Hollywood.

-↑The assistant salary is a bit lagging lol I have no experience.

-Anyway, you guys are excited haha. It could have been related to leeches haha.

-It was like this, but if Kang Woo-jin just came back from a rest, it would be fun.





No matter what, Kang Woo-jin’s top-secret trip to LA was covered by the domestic media and public opinion.

-ㅅㅂEven if you are at the level of Jordan Station, if you advance into Hollywood, it is a bitchㅇㅇㅇ

It was a hot rice cake.

This time.

Kang Woo-jin, of course, was on the plane.

A private plane, to be exact.

Woojin’s team was very excited because it was their first time landing in LA on this private plane.

“Daebak daebak!”

“It’s crazy, I definitely have to film this!”

“of course! “When have you ever experienced something like this in your life?”

I was busy taking pictures with my cell phone. From the inside of the private plane to the sights outside the window. On the other hand, Kang Woo-jin, who had a strong poker face, was calm. In that state, I am talking with the pigtail-haired Seong-geon Choi who is sitting on my right. No, Seong-gun Choi was briefing.

“I mean the movies, ‘Familiar’ and ‘Leech.’”

He was explaining the current situation, but in fact, Kang Woo-jin was also continuously monitoring without revealing it. December began and the power of the two movies had lost much of its power. However, it didn’t look strange at all. No matter how powerful a movie is, there are realistic limitations, and new movies are released every week.

Choi Seong-geon first showed the results of ‘Leech’ on his cell phone.

[Korea’s all-time box office]

[All-time movie rankings (combined)]

-One. Leech/ Cumulative audience: 22,311,417

22 million. It is difficult to see it as the final, but judging by Leech’s finishing performance, there was no problem with the timing. But it was 22 million. An unprecedented number of spectators in Korean history. Kang Woo-jin was quite amazed on the inside.

‘Whoa – 22 million. It’s new, but it’s gone.’

Choi Seong-gun, who had no idea about this, pulled the cell phone that was in sight. This time, the situation was shown on the ‘unfamiliar parasite’ side. The final results of ‘Unfamiliar Gisaeng’ have already been widely covered in articles in Japan.

『「Unfamiliar Parasite」, eventually exceeds 23 million! He easily overcame numerous controversies and left a legend』

‘Unfamiliar Parasite’ had 23 million viewers. If Woojin, who has an indifferent face, had no concept quality, it wouldn’t be strange if she started dancing right away. Because Kang Woo-jin left a monstrous mark on the Korean and Japanese film industries at the same time. This is Woojin, who is only two years old and doesn’t know anything about actual acting. With this, Woojin rose to the top of the towers in Korea and Japan.

But pony-haired Choi Seong-geon seems to be already thinking about what comes next.

“And it’s about Hollywood.”

The subject quickly changed. It was a story that Kang Woo-jin had been waiting for as well.

“You know the ‘Columbia Studios’ side, right? Coach Ahn has already joined that team? Anyway, I decided to go to LA and have a preliminary meeting within two days. The exact time is being coordinated. They say they want to do an audition or something like a screen test within January. It seems a bit fast. What do you think?”

For Kang Woo-jin, there was no problem at all right now.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Yes, that is Kang Woo-jin. I will hear more details when I go to ‘Columbia Studio’, and since you already have experience with ‘Last Kill 3’, I understand, but their audition is a bit different from Korea’s, so it is a bit difficult to predict. “First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the scenario… well, it’s about the audition, let’s go to the preliminary meeting with a light heart.”

Hollywood auditions or screen tests are conducted after preliminary verification is completed. In fact, it often happened in Hollywood that someone was cast after showing just one line of dialogue. On the other hand, even if you give everything, you can easily slip.

It was truly an unknown.

“And feedback came immediately from ‘World Disney Pictures’. There’s no word yet on auditions or screen tests. Unlike ‘Columbia Studios’, Disney did not even announce the confirmation of production of a live-action version of ‘Beast and Beauty’. But you wanted the preliminary meeting to be as early as possible?”

Kang Woo-jin answered indifferently.

“So, after meeting with ‘Columbia Studios’ this time, are you also going to see ‘World Disney Pictures’?”

“You have to hold it like that, even if it’s by force. “It’s not that close, so let’s organize as much as we can when we go to LA.”

“That’s better.”

“Well, it’s a preliminary meeting for both of you, so it won’t take up too much time.”

Soon, Choi Seong-gun was writing something in his diary. It was related to Kang Woo-jin’s December schedule, and soon he laughed but shook his head as if he was tired of it.

“Ugh- what about December… there’s no room to breathe. “I went over to LA and met with film companies, and then immediately went to Korea and attended various film festivals and events. You’ll be cool, but I need to be prepared.”

A schedule beyond hell. It wouldn’t be easy to use subspace, but Kang Woo-jin decided to just think he was dead. Still, Woojin was not uncomfortable.

‘If you hit it quickly, the results will come out quickly, kekeuk.’

On the contrary, its combat power was high. Soon, Woojin remembered something he had forgotten for a while.

‘Oh, by the way, this is my first time going to a house in LA.’


Although Kang Woo-jin was missing, the ‘Beneficial Evil’ team started filming without any problems. Lately, ‘beneficial evil’ has been accelerating like crazy. The reason was simple.

“now! Standby!!”

『[Issue Talk] ‘Kang Woo-jin’, ‘Beneficial Evil’, which has increased awareness overseas with ‘Miley Kara’…is about to crank up!』

Because filming for Part 1 has reached its end. There were already rumors circulating among the production crew and actors, so it was natural for the media to smell it. Thanks to this, producer Song Man-woo’s dark circles got worse as he scanned the script in front of the monitor.

I can’t even remember if I slept properly.

Producer Song Man-woo was busy with the filming schedule for ‘Beneficial Evil’, which is about 6 episodes long, and was also working on post-production editing while staying up late and all night. Naturally, the staff and actors were also devoting a lot of time to filming.

The reason Kang Woo-jin left at this point was simple.

Because we only focused on his scenes in advance.

If you think about it, it’s safe to say that Woojin’s filming in Part 1 of ‘Beneficial Evil’ is now over, except for minor details and post-production recordings. Meanwhile, an issue party was held in the domestic media.

『Director Ahn Ga-bok, who has entered Hollywood, arrives in LA and joins ‘Columbia Studios’… What kind of work should he show?』

The firepower of director Ahn Ga-bok’s issue, which settled in Hollywood after the ‘Busan International Film Festival’, was still strong, and the public’s excitement increased day by day. There was an uproar when director Gabok Ang made the bombshell announcement, but it got even crazier when he actually left for Hollywood.

-Although he is an old man, Director Ahn is stylish and seems like he will hit the mark even in Hollywood.

-It becomes grand…Korean director’s first foray into Hollywood…

-Crazy lol film company Columbia??!! A Korean director makes a Hollywood masterpiece!! My heart is full!!

-Director Ahn is making a Hollywood film, so he can bring in Korean actors as well. Haha. I think he will bring Kang Woo-jin in. Haha.

-I’m seriously filled with soupㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠDirector Ahn!! Fuck Hollywood!!-Hollywood’s biggest stars receive direction from director Gabok Ang??! I’m already tired haha. Of course, it would be nice if there was a Korean actor as well… It would be a dream…

In addition, the ‘Beneficial Evil’ side also continued to promote and market with the Miley Kara issue.

『Netflix released 3 cuts from Bangkok filming with ‘Miley Kara’/Photos』

However, this issue was not limited to Korea. Miley Kara, who is nearing the end of her new album promotions, mentioned ‘Beneficial Evil’ on social media when the time came, and Kang Woo-jin also added strength by frequently uploading the ‘Beneficial Evil’ filming set to SNS.

The more this happened, the more overseas fans shouted at the top of their lungs asking when ‘Beneficial Evil’ would be launched.

『The ‘beneficial evil’ spreading across the world’s SNS even before launch, isn’t this really a bad idea?』

As the end of the year is just around the corner, the excitement of the Korean and Japanese public is intensifying, and so many issues are flooding in that it feels as if large-scale fireworks of issues are exploding right before our eyes.

December is going to be a most spectacular month.

For Kang Woo-jin, who is currently on a plane, it was his second year-end in this jungle-like entertainment industry. When December ends, it will already be 3 years.

『[Planning] ‘Now in its third year’, what will Woojin Kang, who has entered the world in his second year, do next year?』

In any case, the year-end entertainment industry in Korea or Japan is no different from a train to hell.

No, it’s the same in any industry.

Dozens of hours passed like that.

Woojin arrived at LA International Airport early in the morning. It was just past 7 o’clock when Kang Woo-jin appeared at the arrival hall of LA Airport, where a large number of people of various races were visible. Even though it was early in the morning, a large crowd was seen. However, like in Korea or Japan, Woojin’s appearance did not create an uproar.

Of course, there were foreigners glancing at Kang Woo-jin and his team as they entered the arrival hall.

Anyone could see that Woojin’s team atmosphere was different.

However, there were no foreigners who showed any more behavior than that, and Kang Woo-jin also did not feel very disappointed.

‘It’s still the same here.’

Because I’ve already gotten used to it after a few experiences. America and Hollywood are very large. Here, Kang Woo-jin is no different from an unknown rookie. At this time, Choi Seong-geon came next to Woo-jin and tapped him on the shoulder a couple of times.

“It’s a little disappointing. I had some expectations, though. Well, it’s still quiet, but starting next year, let’s explode and have people flock to you.”

Woojin, equipped with a concept quality, answered lowly.

“I am comfortable now.”

“Haha, is that so?”

Just a few minutes after Kang Woo-jin arrived at the arrival hall, about 10 more people joined him. They were employees of BW Entertainment’s overseas branch who were waiting in LA. Added some big guards. It was time for Woojin to make his move with a considerable number of people gathered together.

“uh? That man-”

I mumble a little bit.

“Isn’t that the actor? From Kara’s music video.”

“Am I right? “I think that’s right!”

Among the crowds gathered at the arrival hall, foreigners began pointing to Kang Woo-jin.

“I saw that guy in the article!”

“From the article? “Is he famous?”

The flow gradually spreads.

“Oh, you’re the actor from Kara’s music video, right?”

“hmm? really? where??”

“There’s a guy in that group over there with a hat on!”

Dozens of foreigners, including everyone, took out their cell phones and started taking pictures of Kang Woo-jin.

“what?? “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know, everyone is filming that guy?”

“He must be famous!”

This was my first time in LA.

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