I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor
Chapter 378 Table of contents

Overwhelmed (7)


The Asian actor who appeared in ‘Columbia Studios’ is Kang Woo-jin? Giant Joseph looked at the bald head Robert right in front of him and asked him if he was sure.

“Kang Woo-jin? Are you sure that the Asian actor is Kang Woo-jin?”

Robert shook his head.

“No, I’m not 100% sure. Because the incident itself was a rumor in the first place. But I think it’s true that Chris Hartnett and the Asian actor had a war of nerves. “The process and circumstances are rumors.”

“······Then that Asian actor.”

“I heard you are a Korean actor. “My facial expressions are similar.”

After hearing the explanation, Joseph slowly sat down on the chair. He then stroked his chin.

“It’s most likely Kang Woo-jin, no – he’s probably right. There aren’t many people who would have the courage to ask Chris for his name, especially in the front yard of Columbia Studios. But the Kang Woo-jin I’ve seen is quite possible.”

Robert, who was listening to the explanation, held out the tablet he had brought with him.

“So, I checked some Korean articles.”

On the tablet screen he was holding out, an article translated from Korean to English was being printed.

『[Exclusive] Kang Woo-jin, who boarded a private plane in great secrecy, suddenly heads to LA right before the end of the year! Perhaps a flight to enter Hollywood?』

Joseph, who was skimming through the article, sighed softly and wiped his face.

“Whew, that means Kang Woo-jin is in LA right now.”

Joseph Felton is convinced that the Asian actor who went to war with Chris Hartnett is Kang Woo-jin. But none of that mattered to Joseph right now. The key point is that Kang Woo-jin stopped by ‘Columbia Studio’. He was lost in thought for a moment.

“Columbia Studios, which has confirmed production of a new movie, is in the midst of a preliminary meeting with key actors. “Chris is one of those actors.”

He continued speaking with a serious face.

“Kang Woo-jin also had a preliminary meeting with ‘Columbia Studio.’”

Bald-headed Robert agreed.

“That may be why Kang Woo-jin and Chris’ movements overlapped.”

“I knew that Hollywood would be interested in Kang Woo-jin after Cannes, but it was ‘Columbia Studio.’”

“I think Columbia Studios wasn’t the only one who contacted him.”

“okay. At least two locations, including ‘Columbia Studios.’”

The film company for which Joseph lusted after Kang Woo-jin was ‘Universal Movies.’ In other words, two film companies known as Hollywood’s ‘Big Five’ have already joined Woojin, and looking at the current trend, it would not be surprising if there was at least one more. Three of the ‘Big Five’. It was an unprecedented situation even in Hollywood.

“Moreover, ‘Columbia Studios’ entrusted the direction of this work to director Ga-bok Ang. “If Kang Woo-jin is hired as the male lead, the story will be amazing.”

“It’s an interesting picture for the public to see because the two men from Cannes have reached Hollywood side by side.”

“So do i. I also saw the Cannes awards ceremony in person. But… it’s also difficult.”

As for Joseph, his feet were on fire. If the production schedules of film companies overlap, it becomes difficult to cast Kang Woo-jin. Then, naturally, Miley Cara and Hollywood director Danny Landis, who were mentioned in advance, will also cross the water. If those three slip, the taut balloon collapses in an instant.

“Check with ‘Columbia Studios’ as soon as possible, and check with the ‘Big Five’ film companies as well.”

Joseph then picked up his cell phone.

“I’m going to set up a meeting with Kang Woo-jin.”

At this time,

A medium-sized meeting room in ‘Columbia Studio’, which is as large as an amusement park. At least 20 foreigners are gathered here. Among them, director Ang Bok, with his wrinkled face, also stands out. It was natural. This meeting room was the meeting place for the movie ‘Clierot’.

Led by director Gabok Ang, who sat in front of the U-shaped desk, the main producer, caddy and his team members, and executives.

They were all having a heated conversation regarding the recent preliminary meeting with the main actor candidates for ‘Cierrot’.

“Even though I have some misgivings, I still think Chris should be called to the audition.”

“I think the same thing, because you showed quite a bit of enthusiasm at the meeting and you were very greedy.”

“What do you think, Director?”

Of course, the same was true for director Ang Bok.

“Chris is a great actor. His career and recognition in the market are proof of that. It would be a shame not to see his form due to a little anxiety. “I think auditions and screen tests are no problem.”

The stories of all the top Hollywood actors nominated by ‘Clierrot’ are mixed together, including Chris Hartnett, who had a war of nerves with Kang Woo-jin. Everything from their past to now. In addition to rumors, gossip, and the cast of films, there was even the atmosphere of a preliminary meeting with many people in person.

“But is it okay to leave the rumors about Chris and Kang Woo-jin alone?”

“At that level, it’s just a light affair, and you can get away with it by discouraging him from joining in.”

“Well, if you make it an issue for no reason, there may be unnecessary talk going around.”

Meanwhile, one person was eliminated from the preliminary meeting.

“Then Bruce promises to come later.”

“Well, there was no problem in the preliminary meeting, but his private life is too promiscuous.”

“If an incident occurs while filming, it can be a pain in the ass.”

In this way, the total number of candidate actors for ‘Clierot’ was reduced from 6 to 5. Now it’s time to decide on the final actor. Soon, director Ang Bok and female producers were looking at the tablet screen. Kang Woo-jin’s photo began to appear on the screen.

“Kang Woo-jin – hmm.”

One of the ‘Columbia Studios’ executives rubbed his chin.

“I’m still confused about him. Are you confident or arrogant? “There is a difference between bold and bold.”

“Even to my eyes, Kang Woo-jin didn’t seem to be very interested in ‘Cierrot.’ In fact, he even said that he had no regrets even if he didn’t join ‘Cierrot’.”

“On the contrary, we also said that we would regret it. “There’s also a slight look of disregard.”

About two executives were slightly negative toward Kang Woo-jin. Of course, there was also opposition.

“well. Clearly, he seemed greedy. Otherwise, there is no way he would have come straight from Korea for a preliminary meeting. “You had an accurate understanding of the work during the meeting.”

“I agree too. Although there was something that seemed bold at first glance, the burden and tension that we were worried about for Kang Woo-jin was not there at all. “She’s an unpredictable character, but isn’t she just as charming?”

There were sharp opinions exchanged among executives. Director Ga-bok Ang, who had been quietly listening, joined in with a wrinkled face.

“His personality may seem a little unusual, but he has acting skills that far surpass such personal things. So, just two years after his debut, he won the Best Actor award at Cannes. I am the one who knows him best here, I completely understand what Kang Woo-jin said. “If I lose him, I will at least regret it.”

The conference room was a little noisy. At this time, the female producer in charge of overall handling of ‘Clierrot’ intervened.

“Aren’t you curious at this point? “What is it about Kang Woo-jin that makes her so eccentric?”

Everyone, including the executives, nodded slowly. I was definitely filled with curiosity. How amazing was it that he spat in my face the words, ‘You’ll regret it if you let go of me’? Then the female producer spoke again.

“I think that alone is worth calling him for an audition.”

A few days later, Korea.

From the morning, the domestic media and public opinion were abuzz with only one actor. It has reached a point where gossip, abuse, and rumors are rampant.

『[Star Talk] Miley Kara’s two-shot with Kang Woo-jin uploaded on SNS… ‘Kang Woo-jin’ may not have gone to LA because of Hollywood love calls』

『There are rumors that ‘Kang Woo-jin’ will appear on an American talk show. It seems that this trip to LA is not for a ‘Hollywood production meeting’ but to appear on an overseas talk show』

It was Kang Woo-jin.

『‘Cannes Best Actor Award’, ‘Miley Cara’-related interview schedule, etc. When will Kang Woo-jin return from LA?』

The timing was perfect, and since he left for LA without anyone noticing, rumors of Woojin entering Hollywood were rampant in the beginning. But now, about a week later, it was showing a completely different picture. The rumors about Kang Woo-jin entering Hollywood are all just rumors.

Of course, there was a good reason for that.

With the addition of facts such as Kang Woo-jin’s silence, his meeting Miley Cara in LA, and his interviews with foreign media outlets, the ‘Hollywood entry rumor’ naturally lost its strength. Woojin’s trip to LA this time is just to fulfill a pre-determined schedule, nothing more or less.

Well, if advancement into Hollywood was confirmed, there was no way Kang Woo-jin’s agency would sit still.

But bw enter was also very quiet.

But as always, issues without clear facts sell better. Domestic public.

“Ah, I guess Kang Woo-jin was filming a Hollywood movie.”

“What? “Didn’t an article come out a few days ago about a meeting with someone from Hollywood?”

“Ugh, but now I just finished my overseas schedule and an article appeared.”

“It’s crazy again. See, didn’t I tell you that? Kang Woo-jin’s entry into Hollywood is so fast. “It might be possible next year or the year after.”

In other words, public opinion was busy biting and chewing on the topic of Kang Woo-jin.

-I knew it would be like this, but I was so excited, right? Hahaha.

-Director Ahn’s career is coming, but Kang Woo-jin has been there for 2 years now, so he can’t get into Hollywood.

-How do you explain that Kang Woo-jin won the Best Actor Award at Cannes within those two years?

-↑That’s why hahaha. It’s pitiful to see these idiots trying to curse in any way they can.

-Seriously, if Kang Woo-jin appears and the tension he has shown so far is a good chance for him to enter Hollywood. What can’t he do?

-It is a rare phenomenon where the media, public opinion, and idiots make more fuss while Kang Woo-jin stays still.

-Oh no, you won the Best Actor Award at Cannes, but it’s hard to even play Jordan in Hollywood? This is a fart lol

-Do you think Hollywood is some kind of dog-dog? LOL

And around this time, hundreds of reporters gathered at the arrival hall of Incheon Airport. Naturally, there were more onlookers than reporters. It was thanks to the information I received in advance.

“It’s time, but when will it come out??”

“Was there anything about a delay? “Isn’t it true that there is no flight from LA?”

“No, I received news that it had departed.”

The person responsible for that information quickly revealed himself.

“ah!! excuse me! “It came out!!”

A man wearing a hat tightly visible among dozens of team members and guards. Kang Woo-jin had a strong poker face.

In no time, hundreds of reporters were flocking around like dogs.

“Woojin!! Mr. Kang Woo-jin!!”

“this way! Please look here!! greeting! greeting!!”

“Mr. Kang Woojin!! “What kind of schedule did you spend in LA!!”

“Have you really never had any contact with a Hollywood film company??!!”

Kang Woo-jin, who left LA in great secrecy, returned to Korea.

Two mornings later.

The largest theater inside a large movie theater in Gangnam was filled with audience seats. More than 300 seats are full. The people who occupied the seats were different. Reporters, film critics, film officials, etc.

And on the large screen in front, familiar posters and text were being displayed.

-Premiere of ‘The Strange Sacrifice’.

It was the preview of Japan’s ‘Familiar Gisaeng’, which will be officially released next week. With the number of viewers already exceeding 23 million, it was natural that the movie theater was full, not only in Japan but also in Korea as it was a popular movie with Kang Woo-jin and others. What’s unusual is that the entire audience is looking at the screen in front, waiting for someone to come.

Who could it be?

Before watching the movie, there was a stage greeting by ‘The Unfamiliar Gisaeng’, so the main characters seemed to be eagerly waiting.

Right then.


The main characters of ‘Unfamiliar Parasite’ entered the front of the theater filled with over 300 audiences. The first thing I saw was a familiar man with short gray hair. Directed by Japanese master Kyotaro Tanoguchi. The director of ‘Familiar Gisaeng’ appeared at a Korean movie theater.




Reporters frantically fired flash shots. Director Kyotaro’s visit to Korea doesn’t happen often. However, the reporters’ camera angles quickly moved. Behind Director Kyotaro, a man wearing a black double coat with an indifferent face.

It was Kang Woo-jin who came as ‘Kiyoshi Iyota’.

As soon as they saw Kang Woo-jin, who appeared after director Kyotaro, the reporters’ shutter speed doubled. It’s a sight we see quite often, but Woojin narrowed his eyebrows for a moment.

‘Wow, it’s dazzling. ‘I really can’t get used to this?’

But his expression was more solemn than ever. Behind Woojin, a familiar top Japanese actor appeared. It was Mana Kosaku. In other words, it could be assumed that all of the Japanese actors from ‘The Stranger’ came to this Gangnam screening.


The flash explodes more and more brightly. It was this moment.


The cellphones of reporters who were busy filming Kang Woo-jin or the main characters of ‘Unfamiliar Parasite’ began to vibrate as if they had been hit.




However, most reporters focused on taking pictures for now. However, the female reporter sitting in the first row in front of Kang Woo-jin, who was wearing a coat, checked her cell phone.


She was a little surprised. She deserved it. Because she had sent more than 5 messages to the editor. Is it urgent? The female reporter quickly checked the chat room and opened her mouth. She then quickly focused her gaze on Kang Woo-jin in front.

The female reporter suddenly shouted while looking at Woojin.

“Mr. Kang Woo-jin! Is it true that you were nominated for a role in a ‘Columbia Studios’ production??!! Also in the lead role??!”

These words were being printed on her cell phone screen.

-‘Columbia Studios’ new film lead candidates announced, a total of 5 people, including 4 top Hollywood actors, including Kang Woo-jin, official!

At that moment, the eyes of everyone gathered in the theater, including director Kyotaro, turned to the reporter and then moved to Kang Woo-jin. On the other hand, Woojin’s answer was extremely calm.

“That’s true, but that’s not what I’m talking about here.”

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