I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor
Chapter 395 Table of contents

Full Bloom (1)


Chris Hartnett was a Hollywood superstar similar to Miley Cara. Awareness, influence, influence, etc. Chris humbled himself infinitely, recalling the Korean actor Kang Woo-jin.

“It’s a shame I didn’t prepare, but – well, my mind went blank thinking about making a joke in front of the ‘real’ person.”

He treats his acting as ‘a joke’. No, in fact, the current Chris, who came to that audition, thought of all the Hollywood actors of a similar level to her as herself.

‘Whether you do it before or after Kang Woo-jin, the results are not different. To that man, it just seemed like children playing in the dirt.’

If that arrogant monster saw it, he would just snort. Since it was a position for which he had prepared quite a bit, Chris was willing to show his acting even if it was a waste, but after watching Kang Woo-jin’s ‘Joker’, his body stopped moving.

Is this the last bit of pride?

He always had great self-esteem and pride. When I get jealous, I have a personality that turns into venom and attacks me. That’s why he was looking forward to the small trouble with Woojin. What kind of fight can he put up with him? However, no matter what, competition with the ‘real thing’ was not established.

‘I couldn’t bear to make jokes.’

Did you say that giving up is also courage? Chris witnessed Kang Woo-jin’s gigantic performance and eliminated the possibility. Because hope like ‘just a little more, just a little more effort will do’ can sometimes make people bleed. Anyway, Chris looked out his window and let out a long sigh.

“It doesn’t feel bad to give up.”

He smiled slightly bitterly. Then, the surrounding team members noticed, and Chris, who noticed this, shrugged his shoulders and gestured that it was okay.

“I’m fine, I’m sincere when I say I don’t feel bad. “What happens today will be beneficial to me someday in the future.”

The fat manager said to Chris, who had a positive mindset.

“If you are- I understand. You had a hard time. Let’s forget about it quickly and find another work.”

Chris looked out the window again.

“From what I can see, Kang Woo-jin’s acting. No, how was his performance?”

“······Honestly, I still can’t believe it. “I won the Best Actor award at Cannes, but I never thought it would be like that. When I had trouble with you in the past, the way I ignored him made me feel embarrassed.”

“Haha, next time you see Kang Woo-jin, apologize.”

“Because I didn’t say it directly! Okay, now we have to think about the next thing. “Go through the other scenarios again, and I’ll prepare for the meeting for the works I’ve held on to.”

Chris turned his head to the manager who took out his cell phone.

“I gave up ‘Henry Gordon,’ but I didn’t give up ‘Cierrot.’”


“Don’t you want to see it? ‘Joker’ is fully equipped with everything. “I’m crazy curious.”

“You… no way.”

Chris’s smile deepened and he crossed his legs.

“Please contact ‘Columbia Studios’ again. “I hope to play a role other than ‘Henry Gordon.’”

“Another station? Excluding ‘Henry Gordon’, ‘Clierot’ is at best a main and supporting actor?”

“doesn’t care.”

For your information, Chris has never stepped down from a leading role after rising to the top in Hollywood. So, it was a jaw-dropping decision for her as a manager. But Chris Hartnett’s expression now is quite refreshing. Of course, he was thinking of Kang Woo-jin.

“I wanted to join ‘Cierrot’ no matter what role it was. “At least a minor role.”

Meanwhile, towards the audition room for ‘Cierrot’.

Among the vans leaving the huge ‘Columbia Studios’ one after another, Kang Woo-jin was found in the moving van near the end. After the audition and screen test for ‘Cierrot’ were over, I greeted the relevant people appropriately and had a short conversation with director Ga-bok Ang, so I was the last one to do so.


Woojin, with deep indifference, was checking his cell phone. Because there were a lot of accumulated contacts. Meanwhile, in her mind, she was repeating the audition from earlier. She had done some pretty crazy things and the excitement couldn’t go away.

‘It was kind of fun, wasn’t it?’

There were no regrets. I did everything I could.

‘I probably had the most noticeable presence, the CEO and Director Ahn said that too. I think I may have been a bit over-the-top, but what do you think?’

Although Woojin aced the audition, he was not 100% sure of passing. This is Hollywood, where there are always twists and turns. In addition, Kang Woo-jin heard things here and there. Hollywood doesn’t select actors solely based on acting, the actor’s popularity, rumors around him, etc. It simply means understanding everything thoroughly from head to toe and producing results.

‘It may be that Korean actors have no standing in Hollywood. I don’t know, Mr. If you fail, you can do something else.’

Although the EX+ level for ‘Cierrot’ was a waste, Kang Woo-jin wouldn’t mind too much if he didn’t pass. There is also ‘The Beast and Beauty’, and since Hollywood is so vast, there will be a lot of works. Kang Woo-jin easily overcomes the slight anxiety that was rising. Meanwhile, team members other than the stylist team around him were making a fuss.

“brother? What happened??!”

“Yep! that’s right! Since you haven’t said anything, I’m really dying of curiosity! “Did you enjoy the audition?”

“of course! brother! “You completely crushed those Hollywood actors, right?”

“Wow, but what about Chris Hartnett in person?”

“I saw Tom Brando earlier, right? “It was really crazy.”

It was natural because, except for Choi Seong-gun, no one had seen Woojin’s audition. Soon, Choi Seong-gun, who was sitting in the passenger seat and looking at Kang Woo-jin’s expression in the rear-view mirror, turned his body back.


The power of Kang Woo-jin that he witnessed was enormous. It was Choi Seong-gun’s idea. I chewed up all those Hollywood actors who were so bad. Chris Hartnett even declared giving up. So there is a high possibility that he will become Woojin. A pounding heart. After three years, Woojin’s advancement to Hollywood as a leading role is starting to look looming.

Next, Choi Seong-gun asked Kang Woo-jin.

“What do you think?”

What? What would you know about me? Woojin doesn’t know anything either. I thought about falling. But first, I cast it with strength.

“You’d better consider my ransom.”

Choi Seong-geon smiles sarcastically.

“Kkkkk, yeah. “I knew you would say that.”

The ransom price he set for Kang Woo-jin was

“Don’t worry, that part has already been sorted out.”

It would be on a different level than before.


When it was around noon in LA, it was early morning in Korea. In Korea, which is full of ‘beneficial evil’ issues, the launch date has recently been confirmed.

『’Beneficial Evil’, which is about to be launched, the teaser and trailer released are ridiculous with millions of views… Overseas public interest explodes』

Slowly, news about Kang Woo-jin began to spread.

『[Star Talk] Kang Woo-jin, who left LA, seems to have completed the audition and screen test for ‘Cierrot’. What are the results?』

『End of ‘Clierot’ audition… What kind of fights did Woojin Kang have with Hollywood superstars other than Chris Hartnett?』

Because the domestic media received information that the audition for ‘Cierrot’ was over.

Therefore, not only the media but also public opinion gradually became excited. What the audition was like, what kind of competition Kang Woo-jin had with the famous Hollywood actor, when the results will come out, etc. Numerous question marks spread rapidly from social media to the community.

Of course, rumors and gossip also crept in.

-I heard from someone in charge of the audition that Kang Woo-jin’s audition was a complete mess haha. For your information, I work at a production company in New York.

As it was a provocative topic, the rumors grew like crazy. What’s funny is that this rumor is prevalent even in Hollywood. Clearly, the rumors spreading in Hollywood were quite credible.

“I heard there was an actor who could overwhelm the judges at this ‘Cierrot’ audition?”

“Oh really? Well, the lineup of actor candidates was great. But what happened to Kang Woo-jin?”

“well. I didn’t hear about that. But if you look at how quiet he is, he probably didn’t stand out that much.”

The reason was simple.

People such as KISSAP who attended the audition and screen test for ‘Cierrot’ are the starting point of the rumor. Since the contents are top secret, there are no facts, but rumors about the audition have spread throughout LA.

“I heard there are actors who gave up on auditions.”

“give up? Audition? Were you in bad shape? But who gave up?”

“I don’t know the name, but my guess is Kang Woo-jin.”

“hmm. “The possibility is high, because it’s a film of a scale that will be a burden to him, and he said it’s his first time in Hollywood.”

About two days passed like that.

Friday the 28th.

As soon as morning dawned, the large conference room at ‘Columbia Studios’, one of Hollywood’s ‘Big Five’, was crowded. The U-shaped desk can easily accommodate up to 50 people. The faces of the foreigners seated were quite familiar.

It was worth it.

All of the foreigners gathered here are the production crew of ‘Cierrot’ and executives of ‘Columbia Studios.’ People who attended the audition were also mixed in. Of course, director Gabok Ang and executive producer.

The atmosphere is a bit heavy.

Because over 50 people were all watching the video displayed on the screen in front. On the screen, a filmed copy of the audition and screen test for ‘Cierrot’ was playing. In other words, they were convened after the audition was over to gauge the results.

Several Hollywood actors appeared on the screen.

Clearly, he is showing high-quality acting. I saw it at the audition, but it’s still a good performance to watch again. At least those who attended the audition thought so. Normally, it would be a time to make a fuss while watching their good acting. Because we have to hold discussions to confirm the actors.

However, everyone had an unimpressed expression and did not open their mouths.




I was just staring at the audition video on the screen.

About this way.

-[“Next – Kang Woo-jin.”]

After the female producer’s voice rang out, Kang Woo-jin wearing a red jacket appeared on the screen.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly changed.

In addition to faint exclamations and exclamations here and there, various noises are mixed together. Some people covered their mouths in surprise or laughed absurdly. Soon, Kang Woo-jin grabbing the head of a bald executive was displayed on the screen. In response, a bald-headed executive among the 50 people shaved his head. It was because I remembered the shocking feelings I had during the audition a few days ago.

‘He still has good eyes, his eyes are a mixture of madness and violence.’

This dull atmosphere worsened as time went by, and it suddenly cooled down as soon as Kang Woo-jin’s turn on screen ended. Well, there was a bit of a buzz when I heard Chris Hartnett’s resignation speech.

Did about 5 minutes pass like that?

The conference room where many of Hollywood’s biggest names gathered was still quiet. It was a first-of-its-kind experience for Columbia Studio, which has produced numerous works and has hit works that cannot be fully recorded. Not a single person expressed an opinion while watching the audition video.

What can I say, everyone asks, ‘Is there a meaning?’ Faces I want to see.

In fact, everyone in this conference room was thinking the same thing.

‘There can be no difference of opinion.’

‘Probably everyone is thinking the same conclusion.’

‘Have you ever been in a situation like this two days after an audition?’

‘I was there at the scene, but watching the video again gave me goosebumps, so there’s no point in discussing this.’

‘Honestly… I can’t think of any other actors other than him.’

Director Gabok Ang, with a wrinkled face, looked at the expressions of the foreigners gathered in the conference room.

‘I was taken aback by the sight of such an absurd monster that I had never seen before. I understand, I did the same.’

It would be natural since there has never been a decision on an actor so quickly without any discussion or confrontation. Usually, deciding on an actor in Hollywood takes quite a long time. Pre-qualification, several meetings, auditions and screen tests, another meeting, and even a contract. A task that can take anywhere from a few weeks to a month.

If the actor was decided in this state, this could also be considered a record-breaker.

At this time.


The female producer, who was looking at the frozen video with her arms crossed on the screen, spoke for the first time.

“It was an audition video, but it turned into a one-person talk show, with ‘Joker’ in full swing.”

A few days later, on January 30th, Kang Woo-jin’s house in LA.

Kang Woo-jin, who was staying in LA for this schedule, woke up in a bed in a room on the second floor.


He starts stretching right away. Although he hasn’t gotten used to the big house in LA yet, he seems to have had a good night’s sleep. Woojin, whose hair had become scattered, yawned and swept the bed with both arms. It’s like flapping wings.


Something caught in my left hand. cell phone. Kang Woo-jin yawns again and turns on his cell phone. I looked at the time and it was past 9 am. If there’s one good thing about coming to LA, it’s that I never wake up at dawn.

At this time.


Suddenly the phone screen changed. A phone call came. When I looked at the caller, it was Director Ang Bok. what? This was after auditioning for ‘Cierrot’. It was obvious that this phone call had something to do with it. Soon, Woojin cleared his voice and put the cell phone to his ear and lowered his tone.

“Yes, director. hello.”

Director Angabok’s old voice was heard over the cell phone. For some reason, I was a little reminded.

“Well, I’m sorry about this morning. But I feel like I need to tell you right away.”

“It’s okay, just tell me.”

Director Anga Bok then declared via cell phone.

“The ‘Joker’ from ‘Clierrot’ is yours.”

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