I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor
Chapter 399 Table of contents

Full Bloom (5)


[‘Clierot’ is scheduled to be the film that marks the beginning of that huge project. We reviewed many stories and characters over the years, and as a result, we at Columbia Studio decided to take on the challenge. It’s definitely not going to be an easy road, but I’m going to do my best. ‘Clierot’ is the starting point of the ‘Cinematic Universe’ we have prepared.]

‘Columbia Studios’ announces the ‘Cinematic Universe’ to the world.

[This is not a ‘cinematic universe’ to be conducted with a light heart. It will be a hero series in which several movies are organically connected, and we have high expectations for this large-scale project, including a vast world view, a wide range of characters, and numerous stories. We promise to show you interesting movies in the future.]

In addition, the title that will be changed was also mentioned.

[And the title of ‘Clierrot’ is changed to ‘Clierot: Birth of a Villain.’ That’s because ‘Henry Gordon’, the main character of ‘Cierrot’, is scheduled to become the first villain of our ‘Cinematic Universe’. For more details, I will sit down and brief you as soon as possible, thank you.]

This is the end of the explanation of the ‘Cinematic Universe’ project, which ‘Columbia Studios’ is a life-or-death issue. Although it is not a very long article, all the key information is included. Since ‘Columbia Studio’ is one of the ‘Big Five’ in Hollywood, this article, which was just uploaded to the official SNS, quickly received a ton of comments. There was a lot of English, but there were also a lot of languages ​​other than English.

-oh! Cinematic universe? Really?

-I don’t know how extensive the world view has been built, but I’m quite excited. Hero series!

-I know what you’re aiming for… So who was chosen to play the main character of Clown?

-When will the male lead actor for Clown, who is the prelude to that huge project, be announced? It would have been Chris Hartnett anyway.

-Okay, I’m starting to feel a little excited. Of course, I’m also worried, right? Several film companies attempted to create a cinematic universe but failed.

-Henry Gordon is the main character’s name? I saw a beneficial evil and I think it would be okay to become Kang Woo-jin.

-The actors who were also nominated are of very high caliber, and it will be difficult for Kang Woo-jin to take on the character that is the starting point of the cinematic universe project.

-Cinematic Universe! Columbia made a huge decision!




The response from the overseas public grew increasingly explosive. Of course, the comments clearly showed who the main character of ‘Cierrot: Birth of a Villain’ was and Kang Woo-jin’s name.

In general, it feels like curiosity and anticipation are building up.

At this time, in the medium-sized meeting room of ‘Columbia Studio’, the entire production team of ‘Cierrot: Birth of a Villain’, including director Ga-bok Ang, were looking at Kang Woo-jin.

“I don’t mind doing it right now.”

It was because ‘Nopaku’ Kang Woo-jin was new to me. Despite the current situation where global interest is soaring, there was no hesitation at all. The general producer said, although he was a little surprised by this.

“All right. “I will finalize the announcement in three days and organize the schedule and deliver it to you.”


In fact, the reason ‘Columbia Studios’ took such a long time to announce the confirmation of the actor for the role of ‘Henry Gordon’ was, of course, because of the issue of ‘beneficial evil’, which caused an unusual sensation. Kang Woo-jin had already attracted the world’s attention for several reasons, and thanks to ‘Beneficial Evil’, which was revealed at a time when many people overseas were eagerly waiting, that interest was amplified dozens of times.

There was no way ‘Columbia Studio’ could have missed out on such powerful promotional and marketing efforts.

In other words, he receives help from Kang Woo-jin.

Even in Hollywood, ‘Columbia Studios’ is a dinosaur film company. maybe. No, if it were announced 100% in the current situation, Kang Woo-jin and ‘Clierot’ would also enjoy a tremendous publicity effect.

The executive producer then had a small talk with director Gabok Ang and then changed the subject.

“And the second. The title of ‘Clierrot’ will be changed to ‘Clierrot: Birth of a Villain.’”


There was no significant change in Kang Woo-jin’s deep, conceptual face as he silently listened. This was the same on the inside as well.

”Clero: Birth of a Villain’? ‘Doesn’t that sound bad?’

Kang Woo-jin liked the title that would be changed. But the producer’s explanation did not end there.

“And ‘Clinger: Birth of a Villain’ is scheduled to be the prelude to a vast ‘cinematic universe.’”

‘Cinematic Universe’? A question mark appeared in Kang Woo-jin’s mind. He didn’t show it, but I wondered what he was talking about. On the other hand, Choi Seong-gun’s eyes, who were sitting next to Woo-jin, suddenly dilated.

‘This is crazy! ‘Cinematic Universe’?? Is it real??!’

Because he had an idea of ​​what the female producer across from him was going to say. As if to prove that the prediction was correct, the producer continued the briefing.

“The ‘Cinematic Universe’ I just mentioned is a huge project that ‘Columbia Studios’ has been preparing for several years…”

The explanations that executives had given to Director Anga Bok in the past, and the content uploaded to the official SNS at the same time, were coherently spit out from her mouth. The more he listened, the bigger Choi Seong-gun’s eyes got.

‘······Ji, really?? Is our Woojin the first villain of the project that ‘Columbia Studios’ is risking his life on?? ‘This is more than a scoop, right?!!’

Surely, Choi Seong-geon guessed that when all of this is announced to the world, everyone will have the same expression as him. The director of this movie, which is the prelude to such a large scale, is Ahn Ga-bok and the male lead is Kang Woo-jin? Additionally, the fact that he is the first villain in the ‘Cinematic Universe’ implies that Kang Woo-jin will continue to appear in other series in the future.

I don’t know what the worldview will be like or what kind of movies and characters will come out in the future, but Kang Woo-jin is included in that division.

It wasn’t strange at all that Choi Seong-geon’s heart was beating like crazy.

‘I’ve come this far after three years – it’s ridiculous once again.’

When he glanced at Kang Woo-jin, who was sitting next to him, with an indifferent expression on his face.

“You will participate in not only this ‘Clierrot,’ but also several series of films belonging to the ‘Cinematic Universe’ in the future. Woojin, are you okay?”

It was asking for a doctor. As she said at the beginning, Kang Woo-jin has the right to refuse this situation. But Woojin’s answer came quickly.

“No problem.”

I understand that the game is big and that a lot is going on. Well, those things aren’t that scary. Above all, ‘Cliero’ is EX+ level. I’m not an idiot who would miss EX+ level because I’m scared. It was just this kind of mindset.

‘Anyway, it’ll be fun.’

Once Kang Woo-jin’s decision was made.


The expressions of the executive producer, director Gabok Ang, and executives at Columbia Studios brightened. It seems like he was worried.


“Then shall we proceed with the contract?”

The time has arrived for full-scale consultation, agreement, and discussion. The contract, expected schedule, and various other materials prepared by ‘Columbia Studios’ appeared.

Then about an hour later.

‘Wow- Mr.!!! J, really??!!’

Kang Woo-jin’s eyes widened as if they were about to explode. Of course, only on the inside. The reason was simple.

‘How much is this!!!“

Because the ransom was being exchanged for a price that easily exceeded my standards and imagination.


At the time when Kang Woo-jin was negotiating with ‘Columbia Studios’, the foreign press was very excited about ‘Cierrot: Birth of a Villain’ and ‘Cinematic Universe’.

『CNM/’Columbia Studio’ suddenly announces large-scale project: “Cinematic Universe has been in preparation for several years”』

『The title of ‘Clierrot’, which will be the starting point of BBX/’Cinematic Universe’, is changed to ‘Clierrot: Birth of a Villain’』

『’Columbia Studio’ to present LA TIME/Hero series cinematic universe, ‘Clierrot: Birth of a Villain’ is the beginning of it!』

Not only did ‘Columbia Studios’ throw a huge bombshell without any warning, but there was also a reason why the content contained in the bombshell was quite provocative.

『ABY/Cinematic Universe has often failed even in Hollywood. Can ‘Columbia Studios’ succeed?』

『Pay attention to who will be the first villain in ‘Cierrot: Birth of a Villain’, the prelude to NT/large project』

This caused a stir in Hollywood. The interest of foreign media and the overseas public has increased, and furthermore, curiosity has also grown about which actor was confirmed to be the male lead in ‘Cierrot: Birth of a Villain’.

Therefore, the names of nominated actors, including Kang Woo-jin and Chris Hartnett, were frequently mentioned.

This news quickly spread to Korea as well.

『[Overseas Topic] The ‘Clierot’ that ‘Kang Woo-jin’ auditioned for was the prelude to a large-scale project called Cinematic Universe』

『Could Woojin Kang become the first villain in Columbia Studios’ cinematic universe?』

『Hero series? What does the ‘Cinematic Universe’ of the vast worldview announced by ‘Columbia Studios’ mean?

The movie that Kang Woo-jin participated in through an audition and screen test is the start of an incredible project? There was no way the domestic media could remain silent.

Public opinion was the same.

The movie ‘Cierrot: Birth of a Villain’ went beyond Hollywood to the world, including Korea and Japan, and the overseas public expressed numerous opinions in addition to their expectations and concerns.

Just like that, night came to Korea.


-Whahahahaha crazy hahahaha If Kang Woo-jin passes the clown job, he will become the first villain in the cinematic universe, including entering Hollywood???

-↑ ​​I guess it would work hahahahaha I think the Hollywood actors who auditioned together must have gone crazy because they were so fed up hahaha

-But it’s great that a Korean actor participated in the audition for a project of that size.

-That’s right, I auditioned with ultra-class Hollywood actors hahaha But director Ga-bok Ahn is truly a legend.

-The director of such a crazy-sized project is a Korean director… I’m getting excited…

The ‘Cierrot: Birth of a Villain’ case showed no signs of cooling down.

3 days later, LA.

It was late morning. Among the many five-star hotels in LA, for some reason, many foreign reporters were gathered in the large hall of the hotel closest to the city center.

A rough estimate of the number of people was over 100.

Foreign reporters sat at long desks lined up in rows. They all had cannon-like cameras or laptops placed in front of them. A table was also placed on a podium in front of the hall where about 100 reporters could see. It was roughly long enough for 10 people to sit down.

Meanwhile, I could hear foreign reporters talking loudly.

“I’ve never even heard of a ‘cinematic universe.’”

“I guess that’s why ‘Columbia Studios’ conducted it in complete secrecy.”

“If you listen to what the people involved say, ‘Columbia Studios’ put their life on the line for this project.”

“Of course it will, because the ‘cinematic universe’ already costs a lot of money. That’s how much I will bet my life on this ‘Cierrot: Birth of a Villain.’”

“Because getting started is half the battle, I will focus more than ever. But the director of that work is a Korean director – there is already a whiff of challenge in the air.”

Familiar words were heard often. The reason was simple. This was a press conference prepared by ‘Columbia Studio’. It was a press conference, but in reality it was no different from the briefing session for the recently released ‘Cinematic Universe’ project. The intention is to gather about 100 reporters and continue the hot topic.

“But did the male lead say ‘Henry Gordon’? The main character of ‘Cierrot: Birth of a Villain’. Already auditioned – has the actor been confirmed yet? “I wish you would tell me today.”

“‘Columbia Studios’ called him the first villain to announce the beginning of a huge project. With a project of this size, how difficult would it be to choose the first actor?”

Soon, the names of Hollywood actors spread among the hundred or so foreign reporters.

“Who will it be? Tom Brando? Jack Gable?”

“They are both good actors, but Chris Hartnett is the highest level. I think it would have been him?”

“What about Kang Woo-jin?”

“······Well, wouldn’t that be the least likely?”

Of course, Kang Woo-jin can also be heard.

“No matter how Kang Woo-jin became an international issue this time with ‘Beneficial Evil,’ would ‘Columbia Studios’ have entrusted him with a life-or-death project? “He has the shortest career among actors.”

“Kang Woo-jin is amazing just for being in this game.”

“Hmm, well. I guess I’d be Chris Hartnett anyway. “He is outstanding in all aspects, including acting, popularity, and personal life.”

This moment.


Additional foreigners entered the podium at the front of the hall where only reporters were present. The executive producer and several key staff members of ‘Clierot: Birth of a Villain’, three executives from ‘Columbia Studios’, and.


It was director Ang Bok with a serious face. About 100 foreign reporters attended the appearance of the main production team of ‘Cierrot: Birth of a Villain’.


I pressed the shutter of the cannon-like camera. Soon, flashes of light poured into the hall like crazy. Following.


The executive producer sitting on the podium said hello to the gathered reporters.

“Before we get started, I have something to announce.”

Murmur. The eyes of the reporters pressing the shutter widened slightly. Either way, the general producer continued.

“Recently, the actor for the role of ‘Henry Gordon,’ the male lead in ‘Clierrot: Birth of a Villain,’ was confirmed. “Let me start by introducing the actor.”

The wide eyes of over a hundred foreign reporters said, ‘It was a windfall!’ That kind of meaning was clear. Because it was something I never thought of.

‘Who are you? Chris Hartnett?’

‘Chris Hartnett is the most likely, but it could also be Tom Brando or Jack Gable. Anyway, it’s a good thing you came.’

‘Come out now!’

‘who?? Who will be the first villain of the ‘Cinematic Universe’ project?’

Soon, the producer turned his head to the right.

“Come up.”

They called the actor everyone was waiting for.



A man with an indifferent face appeared on the podium. He has black hair and a brown blazer.


As soon as a deeply cynical man steps onto the podium, he catches the eye of over 100 reporters.




It was full of question marks. A dazed face. Anyway, the black-haired man.

No, Kang Woo-jin.

“nice to see you.”

He sat next to director Ang Bok and introduced himself in a low tone and fluent English.

“This is actor Kang Woo-jin, who played the role of ‘Henry Gordon’ in ‘Cierrot: Birth of a Villain.’”

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