Dark Fantasy: Super Coward Mode
Chapter 80 Table of contents

One of the elements that entice gamers is finding hidden content, or 'Easter eggs.'

And when you hide these Easter eggs in places frequently used by gamers, like common pathways, the catharsis of discovering them becomes even more intense.

The Gardener's Garden was located not far from the entrance of Rondan, making it a place people often passed by.

As soon as we entered the Gardener’s Garden, my heart was racing at the thought of finding that Easter egg.

"Wow, there are a lot of corpses piled up here."

"Only idiots think there won’t be any foreign entities in a place like this. These corpses are probably the outcome of those fools."

"...No matter how you look at it, isn't that disrespectful to the dead, Hunter?"

"In this world, being stupid is a crime."

Listening to the banter between the Hunter and Agartha made me feel like I was on some kind of trip.

Indeed, there's nothing more enjoyable than hunting for Easter eggs with friends. The thrill of finally finding it...

"Sir Tanton, you seem strangely happy," the Saint said with a smile, noticing the expression on my face.

Of course, I was happy.

It was like finally getting to fully experience a game I hadn't been able to finish—like Snow Castle—and now being able to see the Easter egg 'in real life' was a feeling beyond words.

In a way, I might be like a 'super lucky fan' in the eyes of gamers everywhere.

"It’s just that I’m with old friends again," I replied, gesturing toward Agartha and the Hunter. I couldn't exactly tell the Saint what I was really thinking, so I made up an excuse.

It sounded plausible, didn’t it?

No one could argue with me, saying, "No, you didn’t feel that way."

As expected, the Saint nodded with a pleased expression.

"...Oh my!" a voice called out dramatically, breaking the mood. Of course, the culprit was none other than Agartha, her face brimming with mischief.

"Sir Tanton, so that's what you were thinking? You were happy to be able to do something with me?" she teased.

"That’s not what I meant, and you know it."

"No need to deny it. You can always join me, you know? I could even grant you the same authority to work alongside me."

She wiggled her prosthetic arm playfully. How had this gone from 'I’m so glad to be with the original members!' to 'Hey, make me a rogue too'?

And why has she been so eager to recruit me lately?

Weren’t we supposed to go our separate ways and meet again after succeeding in our own paths?

Even the Hunter sighed in exasperation and finally spoke up.

"As if someone calling themselves a knight would even consider it."

"Hunter, you’re welcome to join anytime too! We’d love to have you."

"I’d rather hunt down and exterminate foreign entities than follow them around."

"Following them around is the scholars' job! I just happen to 'take care of that part' too, okay?"

"Oh dear, Lady Agartha, yet again you draw on our knowledge and swiftly cut ties with us. Please, have mercy."

"Gah! Shut up, Saint!" she barked back at him.

Despite their chaotic bickering, I found myself thinking differently about the Saint. He had always seemed serious, but here he was, jumping into this frenzied banter.

Maybe he wasn’t as ordinary as I thought.

As we kept walking, chatting away, Agartha suddenly pointed ahead with excitement.

"Look over there!"

Turning my head in the direction she was pointing, I could just barely see a space I had never noticed before.

The area was partially hidden by thick tree trunks and parasitic plants growing up the bark, making it hard to spot even if you were actively searching for it.

Beyond that, everything was pitch black. I couldn’t help but wonder if the knight who found this place had some sort of superhuman ability.

Once we spotted our destination, everyone who had been chatting fell silent, their faces turning serious as we made our way toward it.

When we arrived, both the Hunter and Agartha pulled out daggers and began cutting away the foliage, revealing what had been hidden.

Inside was a cave.

But it didn’t look like any normal cave. It wasn’t damp at all, and tiny, mysterious particles of light floated in the air, giving the cave a faint outline. The whole place radiated an air of mystery.

Usually, Easter eggs are just placed randomly along paths.

Who would’ve thought they would go to such lengths to design a hidden space like this?

Now I understood why Snow Castle was hailed as a masterpiece.

These small details are what make a game truly stand out.


The Hunter reached out toward the cave.

Just as the Saint had described earlier, it seemed like there was something there—his fingers stopped, as if hitting an invisible barrier.

After pressing his palm against it, the Hunter nodded and turned back to us.

"There’s definitely something here."

"Exactly," Agartha said, attempting to use some technique to bypass the barrier, perhaps something from the 'imperial magic-breaking' skills she had mentioned before.

But Easter eggs don’t follow the usual rules.

If you don’t unlock them the way the developers intended, you won’t get through.

Agartha soon sighed and smacked her forehead with her palm.

"It’s no use! We can’t do anything here! I can’t believe even my top-level techniques aren’t working!"

"Isn’t it a bit early to give up just because one thing didn’t work?"

At my words, Agartha grabbed my shoulders and shook me aggressively.

"Do you even know what you’re talking about? The technique I used is one of the best around! The sooner you give up, the wiser you are. This is why musclehead knights never get it!"

"Calling me a brute is a bit much! Do I need to show you what the White Mask Knight taught me again?"

"Eek! Don’t go throwing around scary threats like that, you cold-hearted brute!"

Watching her pale as I shook off her ridiculous accusations made me laugh.

She just wanted to finish up quickly and go home.

The Saint, meanwhile, stroked his chin thoughtfully before nodding as if he had reached a conclusion.

"I’ll analyze this barrier. In the meantime, Hunter, you and Sir Tanton should search the area for any clues."

"...Tch, always something to make things harder."

Despite his complaints, the Hunter turned and began searching the surrounding area.

"Alright. I’ll take a look around too."

"Much appreciated."

Unlike the Hunter, I was feeling rather cheerful.

Finally, I had an opportunity to act.

Checking to make sure no one was following me, I moved into a more secluded area.


I worried that the Hunter might come to this side, but it would be nearly impossible for him to do so without following me from the start.

No, he wouldn’t run into me here.

I arrived at the patch of red flowers that marked the spot where Ria had once guided me to the Gardener’s domain on the day we faced both the Gardener and Muyeon.

Seeing this familiar scene again filled me with a sense of nostalgia.

But that was enough reminiscing.

Carefully, I pulled the party whistle out of my pocket.

I was starting to feel the absence of those voices that once chattered constantly in my head.

Especially the Gardener—who had often given me invaluable advice—it felt like something important was missing.


I wondered what they would say when they appeared. Would they scold me for calling them so late?

Maybe they’d let it slide if I explained that I was caught up with a bunch of things.

They were kind foreign entities, after all.

If it came down to it, I could always blame everything on Neutrice.

With that thought in mind, I blew the party whistle.


A childish sound echoed out, and sure enough, four figures began to take shape around me.

But one of them was forming much faster than the others.

Sensing something off, I stared at the rapidly materializing figure.

Before it had fully formed, it suddenly lunged at me.


I hadn’t even had a chance to dodge before the figure pinned me to the ground, grabbing my wrists so I couldn’t move.

Startled, I looked up to see that it was the Dragonslayer.

But her eyes were vacant.

W-what’s with that expression?

I tried to break free, but how could a mere human hope to overpower a foreign entity?


A chill ran down my spine as I realized there was something even more terrifying than her strength—her soft smile and the sweet tone in her voice, so unlike her usual self.

And more than anything, the cringe-worthy way she was talking, like we were married.

"I’d like you to answer my question."


"Do you enjoy spending time with many women?"

Sensing that I was in danger, I quickly shook my head back and forth.

But maybe that was the wrong answer.

The Dragonslayer’s expression grew even more hollow.

"Then why do you keep flirting with other women, leaving me behind?"

"W-what other women?"

My voice stammered out, filled with panic.

"Liar! This human is pretending to be innocent!"

Just then, the other foreign entities finished materializing and approached us.

But their expressions weren’t much different from the Dragonslayer’s.


Why was Bell making that face?

"You still don’t get it, do you?"


It was clear in their faces and voices, especially the Gardener, who was frowning intensely.

"Did you really think we wouldn’t know what you’ve been doing in your dreams?"




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