Life is Easier If You’re Handsome
Chapter 2 Table of contents

Child actor Kim Su-jin.  


She was my seatmate when we met in kindergarten at the age of five.  


Before my life reset, she absolutely hated being near me.  


‘Back then, it was shocking. However, looking back, I can understand.’


Children don’t judge based on familiarity; they judge based on appearances.  


They instinctively know what looks good from birth.  


In that sense, I must have been truly dreadful before my reset.  


‘But now, it’s different.’


I couldn’t help but smile when I looked in the mirror.  


If you’re good-looking, there’s no need to develop a sense of humor.  


Your face is a joke.  


Kim Su-jin, who stood right in front of me, was proof of that.  


She was giggling.  


Kim Su-jin was looking at my face and laughing without saying a word. 


Maybe it was because she had been in the entertainment industry since she was five.  


“Dong-hoo, you’re really handsome.”  


She knew exactly how to judge a face.  


“I know.”  


The reason I could be this confident about my looks was thanks to the perks.  


Normally, I would have struggled to talk to people, let alone girls.  


But various perks turned me into a master of words.  


“What about me?”  


“You? What about you?”  


“… Am I pretty too?”  


“Not really.”  


“What? How can you say that… Waaah!”  


“Dong-hoo… Again, again… Again…! Please just stop making the girls cry.”  


As soon as Su-jin started crying, the teacher quickly came over and scolded me.  


But there was nothing I could do about it.  


‘It’s true she’s not pretty.’


Right now, Su-jin was more cute than pretty.  


As she grew older, she would develop a mature beauty and establish herself as the next top actress.  


One of my life’s achievements would be having been a kindergarten classmate with Kim Su-jin at age five.  


“But did you think about what I mentioned before?”  


“About trying out for the audition?”


“Yeah! I think you’d be absolutely amazing!”  


“I’ll think about it.”  


This was a turn of events that would have never happened before my reset.  


Just because I was exceptionally good-looking, Kim Su-jin eagerly recommended me to the producer of a children’s show.  


And now, I was able to formally apply for an upcoming audition.  


‘It might be worth a shot to become a child actor.’


But I wondered if my family could handle it.  


In a dual-income household, having a child actor meant one parent would have to stop working.  


A child actor without parental care didn’t really exist.  


Even if such a thing existed, a manager would need to be assigned quickly—  


“And since I’m a complete newbie, there’s no way that would happen.”  


So, this was something that required some consideration.  


“Why don’t we meet after school today? He said he’d pick me up today.”  


“The producer you’re talking about?”  




Did she start standing out this early?  


To be honest, I didn’t know much about Kim Su-jin’s life story.  


We were in the same kindergarten at age five, and I later found out she became a top star.  


But to think the signs of her success were already there at five years old.  


She was truly different from the beginning.  


“Then I’ll call my parents first.”  




Maybe she took ‘I’ll call them’ as a positive answer.  


Su-jin kept nodding and smiled brightly.  


To think that this was the same girl who used to scream at me to stay away. However, she was smiling like that now.


Being good-looking really does make a difference.  




{Third POV}


The children’s program ‘Doctor Joy!’ was a long-standing show produced by the children’s channel ‘Toon Train.’


It was like a seasoned warrior that had survived among countless animations.  


The main MC, Dr. Joy, and various child actors appeared on the show to enjoy different games.  


The reason for the show’s popularity was that all the child actors were exceptionally good-looking.  


It appeared like a gathering of future stars at a glance.


It was naturally hard for them not to be popular among children.  


And the one showcasing the most brilliant talent among them was.


“Su-jin, are you here?”  




It was Kim Su-jin.  


Even though she was only about to graduate kindergarten, her acting skills were no joke.  


Crying on cue was just the basics.  


She was a genius among geniuses, skilled at both expressing and concealing emotions.  


She just hadn’t found the right project to showcase her full potential, but when the wind finally blew in her direction, she’d be a storm that devoured everything in its path.  


And to prove it, she was earning the highest appearance fee on ‘Doctor Joy!’


However, recently, Su-jin had been persistently asking for one favor—  


“You’re really going to see him today, right?”  


“Yes, yes. I’ll definitely check him out.”  


She kept asking him to see a certain child’s audition.  


‘There is one open spot though.’


‘Doctor Joy!’ producer Kim Young-mo fiddled with his bucket hat.  


It was a habit that surfaced when he was deep in thought.  


Because of the show’s popularity, ‘Doctor Joy!’ faced countless lobbying attempts.  


From ‘Can you put my kid on the show?’ to ‘Do you know who I am and my connections? You should take a look at my child.’


There were even times when significant powerhouses tried to exert their influence.  


But each time, Kim Young-mo rejected them all.  


What mattered in ‘Doctor Joy!’ was not just popularity or looks.  


He carefully curated the cast according to his philosophy.  


That’s why he usually didn’t even give them the chance to audition.  


‘But this is the first time Su-jin has ever asked for such a favor.’


The show’s treasure, Kim Su-jin, who guaranteed a minimum of a 6% viewer rating, was asking for this.  


He couldn’t turn her down completely.  


‘Well, I guess I can just give him a look and move on.’


Isn’t this the age where kids play house, talk about getting married, and experience love?  


Whatever feelings she had now were probably just a childish crush.  


“He’s really, really, super handsome!”  


“Oh. I’ve heard that a thousand times now.”  


Wasn’t she at the age where she would say, ‘I want to marry Daddy!’?


“But when is that friend coming? Should I wait here for him?”  


“Ah… I think he’s still on the phone with his parents.”  


What if he doesn’t come?  


That’s what was written all over Kim Su-jin’s forehead.


‘Why is she so restless over this kid?’  


Even on ‘Doctor Joy!’, Su-jin, the princess who never budged no matter what the boy actors suggested, was now getting anxious because someone was running a little late.  


‘Kids these days fall in love so quickly.’  


Kim Young-mo gave Su-jin a warm smile to ease her worries.  


A smile that said, ‘We can wait a little longer.’


‘It’s kind of funny to park the van right in front of the kindergarten entrance—’  




Kim Young-mo’s thoughts came to a halt as he sprang up from his seat in the van.  


Click. Click.


He hastily unlocked the door and jumped out of his seat.  


“You, you! What’s your name?”  


He had never seen anyone like that.  


This level of handsomeness couldn’t be described by just calling someone good-looking.  


A child whose face appeared to glow on its own truly existed.  


Kim Young-mo wanted to believe that this moment was fate.  


Meeting such an unbelievably handsome child could only be considered miracle—  


“Oh, Dong-hoo!”  


Then, Su-jin’s voice came from behind him.  


Kim Young-mo was quick on the uptake. He instantly grasped the situation and came to a conclusion.  


“You’re hired.”  




“Could I also speak with your parents?”  




Kim Dong-hoo’s parents were ordinary citizens to the bone.  


They prioritized a stable life without big ambitions and assessed situations realistically rather than ideally.  


To such parents, the word ‘audition’ was like a bolt out of the blue.  


“What? Our child?”  


-Yes, yes. Dong-hoo said he already got permission, but I thought it would be best to speak with you directly.  


“Oh. Um. J-Just a moment, please.”  


“Yes, yes, ma’am. There’s no rush at all, so please take your time.”  


Kim Dong-hoo’s mother, Lee Yoo-hyun.  


She had lived her entire life without desiring the spotlight.  


However, there was one thing even she could recognize.


‘My child is different.’  


Every parent thinks their child is beautiful; it’s a universal truth.  


But even taking that into account, her son was exceptionally handsome.  


Because of this, she had anticipated that such a moment might come one day.  


‘But I didn’t expect it to happen at the age of five.’  


What should she do? Should she discuss it with her husband?  


Then, suddenly, Lee Yoo-hyun’s eyes sparkled.  


‘No. This is all part of the experience.’  


Given that they couldn’t provide much due to their financial situation,  

she couldn’t afford to miss out on this kind of opportunity.  


“In that case, would it be possible for me to visit the site in person?”  


The issue was that it could be a scam.  


So it was only right to accompany them.  


‘When Dong-hoo first mentioned it, I thought he was just talking nonsense.’  


The scale had grown, but that didn’t matter.  


Thanks to her long-term employment, Lee Yoo-hyun had the ability to take a day off suddenly.  


“Of course, ma’am. Could you let us know where you are? We can pick you up.”  


“Oh well. It’s here…”  


To help her son find his light.


Lee Yoo-hyun was on her way.  




{Dong-hoo’s POV}


‘Why is everything moving so fast?’  


Even if you know little about the entertainment industry, you can tell this situation is unusual.  


Two phone calls later, my mom took a day off work, and now the PD she just met was taking her to the broadcasting station.  


‘Am I really just going to appear on the show like this?’


I was being assigned into a famous program like ‘Doctor Joy!’ as if I were a parachute recruit.  


What on earth was the PD thinking by pushing forward so quickly?  


‘Am I really that handsome?’


Well, I had spent an entire day and a half on customization.  


Even I had to admit, it was the best I could do.


But I never really considered how it might appear to others.  


Since I was so ugly before, I was honestly a bit shocked by it all.  


Making a five-year-old girl cry and the current situation were on entirely different levels.  




As the van went over a speed bump and hovered slightly into the air,  

I felt my mom tightly holding my hand beside me.  


It appeared like she was trembling a little.  


‘My mom was so young back then.’  


I got caught up in this strange sentimentality, and feeling a lump in my throat, I looked out the window.  


To think that my plan to build a strong connection with Kim Su-jin had already brought me to the entrance of a broadcasting station.  


‘Things are going way too smoothly.’  


‘Am I about to become a star at this rate?’


Translator’s note: If you like the novel, please don’t forget to leave a review on NovelUpdates or a comment here.

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