I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor
Chapter 417 Table of contents

Damang (6)


‘Eh?? ‘I’m a candidate for Best Actor??’

There wasn’t much change in his dark poker face, but right now, Kang Woo-jin was feeling embarrassed. Perhaps, if he had thrown away the concept, he would have tilted his head while showing some obvious action.

‘Wow, I honestly didn’t expect this.’

Because I had no expectations or assumptions at all. Kang Woo-jin also knew about the ‘Primetime Emmy Awards’. Of course, I had never heard of it or paid attention to it until a few months ago, but since so many foreign and domestic media outlets mentioned ‘beneficial evil’ and ‘Emmy Awards’, Woojin had no choice but to be aware of it.

After searching and looking for information, I confirmed that it was an amazing awards ceremony.

Well, there were some complicated parts, but Kang Woo-jin simply concluded that it would have the same impact as the broadcast version of the ‘Academy Awards’. A candidate for the Emmy Award for Best Actor? Kang Woo-jin had slightly different emotions than when he was Khan. In fact, the Cannes Film Festival had some obvious aims, but this year’s ‘Emmy Awards’ had no intention at all.

‘I didn’t act sloppily-‘

However, Kang Woo-jin did not completely change the tension in ‘Beneficial Evil’. In fact, her level of acting was high considering she combined the acting skills she had accumulated so far with her first attempt at action. CQC is a bonus there. Still, she didn’t aim for the ‘Emmy Award’ from the beginning, so now Kang Woo-jin.

‘It’s good, but why do I feel like I’m being caught by something?’

The feeling was strange. Whatever it was, I was happy. Being nominated for Best Actor at the ‘Emmy Awards’ of the world’s broadcasting industry, including Hollywood.

‘I guess it means I’m sick of it.’

This is proof that the ‘Emmy Awards’ recognized Kang Woo-jin’s ‘Beneficial Evil’ acting and action scenes. Woojin is even the first Asian actor to win the Emmy Award for Best Actor. That’s probably why the people in front of you, including producer Song Man-woo, general director Kim So-hyang, writer Choi Nana, Choi Seong-geon, and many others, are having seizure-like excitement.

“Me, a candidate for Best Actor??!! this!! Woojin is nominated for Best Actor?!”

“It’s your first time!! A Korean actor is nominated for the ‘Emmy Award’ for Best Actor! No, it’s an Asian actor! oh my god!!”

“Mr. Woojin! congratulation!! This is really huge right now! Even if he didn’t win the award, Woojin changed the history of the ‘Emmy Awards’!”

“Khan- What is this, following Kahn?? No, of course Woojin came from ‘beneficial evil’! “I didn’t know they would be nominated for the Best Actor Award right away like this!!”

“Woojin!!! Good job! good job!!”

“ha ha ha! No, straight from Cannes to the ‘Emmy Awards’!! “Is this going to be a hit both domestically and internationally??!”

Everyone sincerely congratulated Kang Woo-jin on his nomination for the Emmy Award for Best Actor. Frenzy, emotion, and admiration become extremely intense. On the other hand, Kang Woo-jin.

“···Yes, thank you.”

It was calm. Well, it was a bit of a show of strength, but in reality, Kang Woo-jin was less excited than the people in front of her. Would you say the inspiration is weak? Although they are keenly aware of the great influence of the ‘Emmy Awards’, it was very unfamiliar to Kang Woo-jin, who was experiencing the ‘Emmy Awards’ for the first time this year. Well, let’s just say it’s a difference in experience.

Producer Song Man-woo, with his beard, laughed haha, as if he was now familiar with Kang Woo-jin.

“also! Did you expect the ‘Emmy Awards’ to a certain extent? Right? Woojin. “I must have been confident that I had such great tension throughout the filming.”

What do you expect? You didn’t think anything of it? Kang Woo-jin, who expressed his sincerity on the inside, responded roughly on the outside.

“I guess.”

General director Kim So-hyang was a little surprised. It seemed like Woojin’s boldness wasn’t getting used to it yet.

“But… still, Mr. Woojin? ‘Emmy Awards’?? It can be considered the same as the ‘Academy Award’, just with a different texture! But I think you’re too lukewarm??”

“No, I’m glad.”

“I’m not like that at all!”

At this point, pigtail-haired Choi Seong-gun looks at Kang Woo-jin with pride or love.

‘This bastard made Khan as small as a real scaffolding.’

I was getting goosebumps again. To be honest, Kang Woo-jin’s career deserved to be called ‘legend’ just at the Cannes Film Festival. Is that it? Afterwards, they swept the domestic Blue Dragon, Baeksang, and Grand Bell Awards. In addition, Hollywood’s ‘Big Five’ film company achieved three awards. It has already gone far beyond the level of a monster.

But suddenly the ‘Emmy Award’ appeared.

In other words, the entire process so far, which would have been enough for an average actor to write an autobiography, was just a stepping stone for that alien Kang Woo-jin. Even if Woojin ends his career here, no actor will surpass this record for hundreds of years. However, seeing Woojin’s dull reaction at the moment made Choi Seong-geon laugh again.

‘Even the Emmy Awards are just seen as the next stepping stone, this guy.’

It wasn’t. It was an obvious mistake. Kang Woo-jin roughly recognized the misunderstanding while looking at Choi Seong-gun’s passionate gaze. But he didn’t make any corrections.

‘I don’t know – you can roll around or not.’

Because Kang Woo-jin was now well-versed in errors, illusions, and misunderstandings. For several dozen minutes afterwards, the conference room was filled with loud cries of Woojin’s good news. Then Kim So-hyang barely came to her senses.

“ah! Ahhh! Look at my mind! Sorry, I’ll focus on the category where ‘Beneficial Evil’ was nominated!”

I shot what I had organized separately using a beam projector through my laptop. Soon, the results of ‘Beneficial Evil’ began to be displayed on the screen in front of the slightly darkened conference room. A whopping 10 categories at the ‘Emmy Awards’.

-[(Drama category) Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Directing, Best Script, Best Music, Best Art, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Special Effects, Best Stunt Performance. A total of 10 categories.]

It was truly a terrifying list. Below the names of the awards, the names of the people nominated for each award were written. Not only Kang Woo-jin, but also producer Song Man-woo, writer Choi Na-na, who wrote the screenplay, and various key staff members. At this level, there would be no problem even if I wrote a legend.

“It’s like the first great achievement in history has already been accomplished! Because non-English dramas were invited to the ‘Emmy Awards’ in 10 categories!!”

“yes! If this is done, it is easy to promote national prestige! “It’s an issue worth calling out to the president!”

Kim So-hyang then looked at the silent Kang Woo-jin and spoke.

“If it wins even just one of these awards, ‘Beneficial Evil’ will be talked about for the rest of its life, including on Netflix.”


Around the time when Kang Woo-jin and the ‘Beneficial Evil’ team were having a crazy meeting at Netflix Korea. The seizure was also spreading throughout the domestic entertainment industry.

“Eh, Emmy!! Is this real?!! ‘Beneficial Evil’ doesn’t even get an official nomination! “It was in 10 categories??!”

“What?!! 10 categories?! “Didn’t I see it wrong?!”

“You idiot! “Come and see for yourself!”

Broadcasting stations, film companies, production companies, media companies, and other related industries.

“crazy!! Even one category marks a milestone, but 10??!!”

This is because the ‘Emmy Awards’ has confirmed this year’s official nominated work candidates announced on its official website and online live broadcast. The repercussions of this globally open announcement immediately shook the entire country.

“Wow, what are these results! Since the foreign press was doing Emmy Awards and Emmy Awards, I thought I would get at least one directing award… but 10 categories??!”

“Not just 10! “If you think about it, these are the main Emmy awards in the drama category!”

“···Has there ever been a case like this?”

“No matter how many times I’ve been in Hollywood, it’s Korea. No, this is the first time in all of Asia! “This is the first time that an Asian drama has overturned the ‘Emmy Awards’ like this!”


“Shoot the knight! First of all, shoot as quickly as possible! The title must be ‘Beneficial Evil’, ‘Emmy’ and Kang Woo-jin!”


“no! “First of all, Kang Woo-jin is nominated for the Emmy Award for Best Actor!”

“Starting with Kang Woo-jin?!”

“okay!! All you have to do is sell Kang Woo-jin first and then throw in a series of ‘beneficial evils’! hurry!”

Kang Woo-jin’s name is filled with explosive power that goes beyond glory. It was definitely worth it. ‘Beneficial Evil’ has already shown great box office success around the world, and most recently, it has shown a move to shatter common sense by taking over ‘Universal Movies’.


“Wow- Kang Woo-jin was nominated for the ‘Emmy Award’ for Best Actor in a Drama?!”

“uh?? really?”

“···Yes, look at this.”

“It turned. Look at the ranks of Hollywood actors who rose up together? “I’m proud that there’s a Korean actor here, but I’m so jealous.”

“Honestly, as an actor, he’s amazing. Feeling a bit like a pioneer?”

“That’s right, he’s going out to Hollywood alone and paving the way. In the past, I thought his explosive behavior was a bit odd, but now I even respect him a lot. “Hubandedoe.”

“What are you talking about? If you are promoted to Kangwoo, you are now an experienced person, and you are a senior for sure.”

The main character of ‘Beneficial Evil’, which was nominated for 10 Emmy Awards, was, of course, Kang Woo-jin. After seeing this devastating news, reporters started reporting like crazy.

『[Breaking News] ‘Beneficial Evil’ receives 10 Emmy nominations in the Drama category and Kang Woo-jin is nominated for Best Actor!』

『Netflix’s ‘Beneficial Evil’… ‘A large number of U.S. Emmy nominations have been received’

『Kang Woo-jin, the first Asian actor to be nominated for the Emmy Award for Best Actor! ‘Beneficial Evil’ achieved nominations in 10 categories』

Several news stations quickly prepared reports. Additionally, influencers, YouTubers, bloggers, etc. People who are sensitive to the issue also moved quickly. It was exactly 30 minutes after the ‘Emmy Awards’ made the official announcement. Even before Netflix Koreana Kang Woo-jin and BW Entertainment made an official statement.

『[Official]’Beneficial Evil’ Kang Woo-jin has done it again… Nominated for Best Actor at the U.S. Emmy Awards! The Cannes Film Festival was a mouth-watering experience.

It took no time for this huge issue to spread throughout Korea. Of course, this is just the beginning. After occupying Korea, it was obvious that this news would spread beyond Japan, to Hollywood, and even to the world.

Because of this, Kang Woo-jin will be treated as an alien even more by the world.

In the past, the image of Kang Woo-jin in Hollywood and abroad was that of a ridiculous eccentric. If this ‘Emmy Award’ is added to it, his size will increase several times. Of course, if Kang Woo-jin really wins the Emmy Award for Best Actor, he will not be limited to Korea.

『Foreign media sees Kang Woo-jin as a “leading candidate” for the Emmy Award, “Predicted to win Asia’s first Best Actor Award”』

It wasn’t strange to see him as a ‘hero’ of all of Asia.

The afternoon of the same day.

Kang Woo-jin, who was at Netflix Korea in the morning, had already moved to Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi-do. The filming set complex for ‘Beneficial Evil’. It’s a day that surprised the world, but we can’t skip the scheduled filming. Woojin, who has already passed noon, has been filming for several hours. Now is the time to take a short break.

Today’s filming atmosphere for ‘Beneficial Evil’ was more dynamic than ever.

Isn’t it obvious?

Starting with producer Song Man-woo, over 100 staff, actors, and actors’ staff. At least 200 people had their hearts full of ‘Emmy Awards’. So the energy was several times higher than usual and the tension was exploding. Choi Seong-geon and his teammates around Kang Woo-jin were no different.

“Oooh! Serious articles pop up every second!!”

“wow! brother! “Isn’t it crazy how many Instagram followers you have?!”

“The community side is also in chaos! Absolutely nothing – it’s all about ‘Beneficial Evil’, ‘Emmy Awards’, and Woojin Oppa!!”

Pigtail-haired Choi Seong-geon has never taken down his cell phone from his ear from morning until now. That means the phone explodes. The same goes for Woojin’s cell phone. However, there were more messages than calls. The usual celebrations. Still, compared to the past, the number of people contacting me has increased significantly. Nationalities are also diverse.


‘Whoa, let’s say Miley Cara and Chris Hartnett, but are these Hollywood actors I’ve never seen before?? What?’

Hollywood actors whom Kang Woo-jin had never met even posted congratulatory messages on social media. What they have in common is that they clearly stated in the content that they are fans of Kang Woo-jin. There was something strange about Woojin.

‘I’m a little excited, Shiba’

It wasn’t strange.

Because it is the form that Hollywood stars have become.

This moment.


His cell phone let out a long vibration. It was a phone call, and the person on the other end was director Gabok Ang, who would be in LA. Because of the bustle around him, Kang Woo-jin got up and moved around a bit to answer the phone.

“Yes, director.”

An old voice was heard through the cell phone.

“Woojin, I guess I should congratulate you first. A candidate for the ‘Emmy Award’ for Best Actor. “You have accomplished in just three years what all of Asia has been unable to do for decades.”

“You can say you did it only when you win the award.”

“Hehe, yeah. “Did I make too much of a fuss?”

“No, thank you.”

Then, Director Ang Bok’s tone of voice changed slightly.

“Actually, congratulations are an understatement. The script reading date has been decided.”

It was the atmosphere of the general director of ‘Cierrot: Birth of a Villain’.

“It’s May 17th.”

The script reading was next week.

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