I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor
Chapter 425 Table of contents

Joker (3)


‘JOKER’ made of flour and blood. The eyebrows, area around the eyes, tip of the nose, and thick smiling lips were dark red on the pale-white face. Plus it’s clunky. It’s clumsy. This is because the flour and blood were roughly drawn.

However, it actually increased the tension of this scene several times more.

Looking at Kang Woo-jin like that directly.

‘Damn it.’

A foreigner carrying a large camera on his shoulder. It was cinematographer Adam Dickens. His fairly wide face was covered in brown hair on his nose and chin, and he wore a hat with the brim pulled back. There was chicken skin on his forearms and the nape of his neck.

‘······What on earth is this?’

Because it was a scene that was far beyond expectations. In the original scenario, Kang Woo-jin, who was caught at an angle, had to pick up the ‘JOKER’ card and end. However, this Korean actor accidentally created a cut that did not exist.

‘Is there no pressure?’

Kang Woo-jin explodes a nuclear bomb as soon as he appears in Hollywood. Thanks to this, we are receiving a lot of attention and attention from the world. The same goes for this scene. Hundreds of foreigners stare at him. Those views are by no means pretty. However, this Korean actor, Kang Woo-jin, shows creative acting without the slightest burden, as if that kind of thing is a piece of cake.

‘Damn it, I never thought I’d complete the ‘JOKER’ face with blood…’

Cinematographer Adam Dickens felt that the ‘JOKER’ that Kang Woo-jin is currently embodying is like a child. A playful child just a few years old. He was oppressed all along and then liberated. So my curiosity exploded and I danced to the song. He also showed off his character to show off himself. This place was like his playground.

the problem is.

‘A playground where massacres took place.’

Contrary to the child running around with a sense of freedom, there is a corpse lying in the background of the playground he is enjoying. The combination of the two productions created an incredible and bizarre scene that cannot be expressed in words. The strangeness amplifies the presence of ‘JOKER’, who smiles in front of the camera.

Add to.

‘The tears flowing from that one eye were overwhelming.’

Eventually, an untimely and unfamiliar teardrop that flowed from the eyes of Woojin, who awakened as ‘JOKER’, seemed like a silent scream to cinematographer Adam. Although he became free as ‘JOKER’, this child had no choice but to change like this. Circumstances and society made ‘Henry Gordon’ like that.

Director Ahn Ga-bok also watches Kang Woo-jin as a monitor.

‘Those tears are the last scream of reason that ‘Henry Gordon’ has endured so far.’

Dozens of Hollywood actors, and Chris Hartnett laughing absurdly in the meantime.

‘The sadness mixed with the heterogeneity of the crazy ‘JOKER’. It’s a two-faced performance, with tears filled with emotion or despair. On the other hand, my expectations are growing, and I think that ‘JOKER’ will be in full swing from now on. ‘The acting is really crazy.’

It was both a shock and a surprise to hundreds of foreigners, including staff and officials at the site.

the problem is.

‘Is that kind of acting called ad-lib?’

Woojin’s acting, which caught everyone’s attention, was not in the script.

At this time.


Kang Woo-jin, who was staring at the camera for a moment, moved his feet without even wiping away the tears that had fallen as he said ‘JOKER’. One step, two steps. Step back slowly. Cinematographer Adam first shot him without moving, and that was when Woojin took his third step back.


His feet slipped and he lost his balance. It felt so natural and Adam quickly gave the camera a little shake. He then collected the flour and blood scattered on the floor and adjusted the angle again to Kang Woo-jin, who had lost his balance. Woojin struggled a bit and fell down. His wet hair was shiny. He put his face into the buttocks of the massive piece of meat.

Because it was full of classical music, the sound was muffled, but it was clear to Kang Woo-jin’s ears! I heard a noise.

Is it because it’s heavy? It was soft. The smell wasn’t that good.

Kang Woo-jin, whose face was stuck to the butt of a piece of meat, paused for a moment. Cinematographer Adam Dickens, who filmed it right behind him, was impressed.

‘There was more.’

Because the speed control was amazing.

‘For breathing ventilation, it reminded me of the absurdity of ‘Joker’. A series of tension, goosebumps, and lifelike acting.’

It was a misunderstanding.

Kang Woo-jin, who had his face buried in the butt of a piece of meat, was lamenting.

‘Ah, Shiba, this wasn’t in what I planned.’

I had squeezed it until just before, but I didn’t expect it to slip and land on the butt of this massive actor. But what is this smell? Crazy, did you fart just now? Woojin didn’t even know for a moment.


I was nauseated. At the same time, I had a hunch. Ah, this is NG. And I also felt a little sorry for the massive actor. It wasn’t intentional, but it was the first scent I’ve ever smelled in my life.

But for some reason.


Cinematographer Adam took a close-up of Kang Woo-jin slowly removing his face from his buttocks with a serious look on his face.


Because there was no way the resulting error could return to normal.

‘I secured character by relieving tension with wit.’

Kang Woo-jin, the face of ‘Joker’, kept his composure as the camera next to him moved. In times like this, the calm one wins. In addition, he has gained some experience while acting.

‘How does this atmosphere seem familiar?’

Filming does not stop unless NG comes out of the director’s mouth. Kang Woo-jin then slowly stood up, brushing her wet hair with both hands. Although his expression was unremarkable, there were many worries swirling inside him. What should I do? I could end it like this, but it’s a bit boring.

In the end, he raised the level of ‘Joker’ again.

“You damn lump. “The smell of your butt is so disgusting.”

I decided to be honest.

“Did you poop before you turned around?”

And he internally apologized to the heavy actor lying on the floor. Soon, he turned his head and looked at the camera attached to his side. This time, they gave us some extra cuts. Director Anga Bok would not have known this.

“··················································· Cut.

His autograph was dropped all over the field.


At this point, the camera moved a little further away. A word from cinematographer Adam.

“It was amazing.”

Kang Woo-jin has suddenly returned with a more conceptual look.

‘what? ‘Does it smell like poop?’

I answered simply with a solemn face.

“thank you.”

The heavy actor slowly gets up and looks at Woojin’s face. He looked like he had no idea why he put a cotton ball in his ass. Does it even smell like poop? Woojin really wanted to ask him. Did you cum? Called.

But instead of asking questions, he maintains a poker face.

“Are you surprised? sorry.”

“···No, no. “Anything if it improves the scene.”

Director Anga Bok and foreign staff then entered the pizza restaurant set, and Director Gabok Ang approached Woojin and showed his thumb with a wrinkled smile.

“It was the best, even the last line.”

After a while.

Kang Woo-jin was watching the monitor installed around the director’s seat. For reference, the face of ‘JOKER’, covered in flour and drawn with blood, was the same. Because there were instructions from director Gabok Ang. The makeup team had already taken pictures of Woojin’s face. Anyway, Woojin was monitoring the scene just now with a heavy foreign actor.

Of course, there is also director Ang Bok. Around him were dozens of actors, including Chris, and many foreigners.

Everyone ponders Kang Woo-jin’s acting.


-[“Did you at least poop before turning around?”]

Kang Woo-jin’s performance ended with the line about the smell of poop, and the heavy actor, who was watching very seriously, slowly nodded. Because I thought that was why he fucked the face of my ass. He then focused his gaze on Woojin standing next to him.

“It’s amazing.”

Yes, your poop smells amazing. Woojin wanted to say, but his voice was low and calm due to the concept expressed.

“Are you not upset?”

“Not at all. As I said before, anything that increases the volume of the scene is fine.”

Director Anga Bok joined in on the brilliant English conversation.

“As Roger said, the scene picture looks several times richer. “I want to go with this, what do you think?”

Kang Woo-jin nodded.

“No problem.”

“Okay, then let’s get together as a team and have a brief meeting. Change the storyboard on the fly, including camera movements and composition. “You should get some rest.”

After finishing speaking, Director Gabok Ang called together the entire team, starting with the cinematographer.

Although there are differences depending on the director’s style and situation, it is very common in Hollywood for the storyboard to be modified on the spot. It’s not like Korea doesn’t exist, but it’s more free than that. There is even a Hollywood director who instructs actors to do whatever they want, and then, if they like the scene, cuts out the original script and borrows pictures taken on location.

Of course, there were directors and producers who emphasized the basics, but Hollywood generally has a high degree of freedom. Therefore, the key staff all followed Director Anga Bok’s instructions without making any noise.

Just one person.


The expression on the face of Nora Foster, the most powerful executive producer on set and an imposing woman with slightly longer hair than short hair, was not very good. I look at the key staff crowding around Director Angabok with my arms crossed. After a few seconds, Nora’s eyes turned to the back of Kang Woo-jin, who was walking.

She had expected long ago that the two characters would stand out on the scene.

‘Kang Woo-jin’s acting was outrageous, but I don’t particularly like this flow.’

However, what she maintained as a famous Hollywood producer was the ‘principle’. A small discrepancy can cause great anger later on. In addition, if what has been decided is changed quickly, dissatisfaction may arise among key staff members in the field.

As a producer who oils the entire scene, it was a situation where I became sensitive.

Still, Nora Foster for now.

‘I’ll have to wait a little longer.’

It didn’t move.

Kang Woo-jin, who did not notice Nora’s gaze, talked with the makeup team for a while and then moved toward a simple chair inside the tent set up on one side of the filming site instead of the trailer. It was a space that everyone could use for a short break. The team members, including Choi Seong-gun, were waiting for Woojin. Seong-geon Choi, with a deep smile, handed a bucket of water to Woo-jin Kang.

“The acting was terrible, you should have seen the expressions on the kids’ faces outside.”

The team members, including the stylist, were in an uproar. Next, Choi Seong-gun sat next to Kang Woo-jin and admired his ‘Joker’ face.

“It’s creepy, drawing the ‘Joker’ face with the blood of the first person you kill – how did you come up with this idea? “I was monitoring it earlier, and the chicken skin kept growing.”

Admittedly, I thought it was cool myself. Woojin, who praised himself on the inside, showed bravado on the outside.

“It’s no big deal.”

“No! Look at Director Ahn over there and the kids at Key Staff! “It’s all upside down and there’s chaos.”

“I guess so.”

“I liked falling and getting my face stuck in the ass, as did the poop-smelling line.”

Han Ye-jeong, with her unique blunt tone and short blue hair, joined in.

“But after the ‘Joker’ character’s anger exploded, I couldn’t laugh. “I was actually scared of that line.”


Kang Woo-jin, who was looking at her gravely, shouted. Inside.

‘The smell of poop was scary enough.’

This illusion is so scary. However, Choi Seong-geon simply agreed with Han Ye-jeong indefinitely.

“yes. Seeing a corpse and smelling shit. “I’m tired, Woojin.”

Something else is running on its own. Kang Woo-jin, who was already familiar with this kind of situation, immediately thought of a dangerous prank.

“No, it was a real fall. “The lines were also roughly changed.”

Niche confession.

Soon, Choi Seong-gun and Han Ye-jeong are staring at Woo-jin’s hard face. And the entire team. Among them, Choi Seong-geon laughed and shook his head.

“That kind of humility doesn’t suit you, dude.”

Late morning the next day, the 12th, New York.

A large number of foreign reporters gathered in front of a large hotel in downtown New York. They are all frantically pressing the shutter button at the photo zone set up near the hotel entrance. Standing in such a photo zone.

“Miley!! Miley Kara!!”

It was Miley Kara, a first-tier Hollywood actress who was recently confirmed to play the role of ‘Beauty Bella’ in ‘Beast and Beauty’. She said the reason she came to this hotel was simple. To attend a very large charity event. Although it was for image management, she also attended charity events a few times a year.


As she was being photographed, she was wearing wide jeans and short sleeves that showed her navel. Kara, who waved at the cameras for a moment, took a step back at the managers’ gesture.

The inside of the hotel was even more crowded.

There are many celebrities, including Kara’s fellow actors. Behind Kara, who was briefly greeting friends.


A woman’s voice penetrated. Kara turned her head and frowned.


narrowed slightly. Because a woman I didn’t like appeared. In contrast to Kara, the woman wearing high heels had impressive maroon eyes and a significant amount of eye area on her face. Maria Armas, a Hollywood actress who was the first to audition for the role of ‘Beautiful Bella’ in ‘Beast and Beauty’.

There was also a war of words with Kang Woo-jin in Spanish.

She then approached Kara and said hello.

“Hi, I thought you’d come too.”

The blonde Kara also responded coldly to the emotionless voice.

“Is it okay to ignore it?”

“Ah, we’ll be meeting in the same project soon, so that’s a bit much, right?”

“what? What are you talking about.”

Maria shrugged her shoulders.

“It’s not yet officially announced.

I whispered to Kara.

“I decided to join ‘Beast and Beauty.’”

Kara, who was a little surprised, soon put on a relaxed smile.

“really? Even though you lost to me?”

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