I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor
Chapter 433 Table of contents

Beast (2)


A mountain is a mountain and water is water. Kang Woo-jin, when was the last time you received a confession from a woman? I don’t remember much. It was just an ordinary life in its own way. That’s why the current world with ‘subspace’ is so absurdly shocking.

But wait a minute, why am I thinking this?

Kang Woo-jin’s blurred vision, where his brain’s calculations were all tangled up, gradually cleared up. No, in fact, although his vision was still clear, his mind was not clear.


Woojin barely managed to keep his fluttering mind in check. Thanks to this, I remembered the idiotic answer I had just given.

‘···yes? Was it? No, I said yep.’

why? because? Why did you give such a ridiculous answer? Soon, Kang Woo-jin realized again that Miley Kara, who was standing right in front of him and had attractive blonde hair and blue eyes, was staring at him. In addition, she also remembered her little recitation.

‘I think I like you.’

So, did you just say that this international superstar, Miley Cara, likes me? Ahaha, that’s right. Thanks to you, my mind was blown. Now I remember everything. Woojin’s brain was processing calculations as if over an hour had passed, even though only a few seconds had passed.



There were a million exclamation marks in his eyes. As if my brain was rebooting in an instant, my emotions exploded.

‘Wow – Shiva, wait a minute. ‘Wait a minute!’

But his broken mind did not easily return to normal. At this point, Kang Woo-jin had no time to maintain such conceptual and naivety. It just rebooted continuously. It’s like a computer with a broken part going crazy and rebooting.

It’s literally a blank sheet of paper. What Kang Woo-jin can do now.


All I could do was look at the international superstar Kara right in front of me with a frozen face. Even at this moment, the reboot continued without stopping. She went out of her mind and came back again and again.

Feeling like this.


Miley Kara, with her striking blue eyes, was similar. She too, at what she just said. No, his expression didn’t change much at the confession, but on the inside, he was devastated.

‘crazy!! crazy!!! What should I say now!!’

Because it was a confession I made as if I was possessed without realizing it. There is a saying that one is intoxicated by the atmosphere. Humans sometimes give in to the mood they are in and rely on their instinct rather than reason. That’s exactly what Kara is like now.

‘ah!! ah!!!’

I instinctively said that I liked him because my heart felt like it was going to explode when I briefly brushed against Kang Woo-jin’s hand. Of course she was more sincere than lying. She was sincere, but it wasn’t something she would confess so recklessly. She shouldn’t have been. She just knew what she was thinking and then confessed and attacked right away without any build-up.

‘no! no!!! Take it back! Turn back time!!

This was also the first and never-to-be-repeated confession of Miley Kara’s life. In her heart, Kara wanted to hit the ground a hundred times and regret it, but she somehow managed to stand on her own two feet.


His quietly shaking eyes focused on Kang Woo-jin in front. His expression didn’t change. He was still indifferent and even cold. Kara’s regret soared several times more, and Woojin even scolded her a little.

‘But still! Even though it was a mistake, I confessed, but wasn’t that too bold?’

Wrong. Kang Woo-jin is not calm right now; he is just broken. The concept has been completely stripped away. Maybe if Kara poked him even slightly right now, he might collapse in anger. Kara had no way of knowing this.

‘Well, I think he just gave a strange answer – or did I mishear?’

I felt threatened by Kang Woo-jin’s deep expressionless expression.

‘That face hasn’t changed at all. It’ll be a car. I’m sure I’ll get dumped.’

Then, Kara felt a little more at ease. ‘I don’t know, the water spilled anyway and I’m Miley Cara. It’s not like me to back down.’ Just this level of mindset.

It was at this time.


Kang Woo-jin, who had been silent the whole time, moved first. He asked a question back in a low tone.

“Did you just say you like me?”


Kara, who was looking at Woojin with an expression that told her something was coming, brushed her blonde hair behind her ear and let out a small breath. Then she nodded with an awkward smile. I was half desperate.

“I guess that’s what you said.”

“Is this a joke?”

“I may be selfish, but I am not a crazy woman who plays with my heart.”

Soon, she slightly raises the hand that passed by Kang Woo-jin.

“We just brushed hands and my heart is still pounding. This is definitely not a joke.”


Woojin, who somehow maintained his indifference, lowered his eyes and looked at Kara’s hands. She is trembling slightly. At this moment, Kang Woo-jin slaps his forehead hard, as long as it’s not a concept! I almost hit it.

‘It turned, is it true? This nuclear bomb-level global superstar confessed to me??!’

Kang Woo-jin, whose past briefly passes by like a panorama. Confession, yes, I think it did exist. Was it during middle school? But since then he has not been out of the military until now. So all feelings about confession disappeared. But here in Hollywood, a top global actor and pop star likes it.

Kang Woo-jin, who was so shocked that he vomited, gave up trying to recover his damaged brain function.


I wasted time with unnecessary silence. Because I have no idea what to say here. On the other hand, Kara seemed to have achieved victory and wore her blonde hair again.

“You are calm. “What do you need to know?”

I thought of Maria Armas. To be precise, I was reminded of her line about her seducing Kang Woo-jin.

“You’ve probably experienced situations like this many times, so Woojin is actually very popular among my colleagues.”


What kind of novel illusion is this?

‘Are you serious when I say that I am popular even though I am not a eunuch?’

Although it was the first time, Kang Woo-jin kept his mouth shut, and Miley Kara lowered her raised hand and came a little closer to Woo-jin.

“Still, there’s no response, so please say something. “It doesn’t matter if I get rejected.”

Woojin’s brain, which had calmed down a little due to the scent wafting, became tangled again. Oh, I don’t know. Kang Woo-jin realized that there was no point in struggling.

“···thank you.”

So I decided to be honest.

‘What’s the use now of being strong and being conceptual? If a woman steps forward so confidently and I am indecisive, I feel like an idiot. Don’t panic and just go your own way.’

I just blurted out what was in my head right now.

“I was truly surprised.”

“Did you?”

“yes. Miley, for your courage and for the way you go straight ahead.”

“Honestly, the words came out without me knowing. No one can stop something like this. But it is true that I am sincere.”


“I’m a little afraid to hear the answer, but – how do you feel, Woojin?”

How do you feel? Of course, Kang Woo-jin also had feelings for Kara. After all, it’s Miley Kara, right? If you ask not only Woojin, but anyone around the world, they will have feelings. There was no possibility at all, so I just didn’t think much of it. It’s not that she likes him crazy, but Kang Woo-jin also had feelings.

However, there was something that bothered me.

‘Would dating be a problem?’

Now Kara doesn’t know the real Kang Woo-jin, a small-minded citizen. Woojin then let out a small sigh.

“Whoo- Miley.”

I took off the concept without any hesitation. He presented his true self in front of Kara without being solemn. No, right? When a woman comes out so sincerely, should I say that it’s a bit annoying to talk about her feelings and talk about concepts? Therefore, Kang Woo-jin spoke as if responding to her confession. The atmosphere was different from usual.

“What should I say about this? Because you confessed and I was a bit lame in answering? ‘yeap?’ While doing it. “That’s really me.”


“So, I have a separate point. You know the concept, right? concept? In Korea, they call it conceptjil. Anyway, the real me is different. Since my debut as an actor, I somehow ended up here.”

Miley Kara narrows her eyebrows. However, Kang Woo-jin scratched his black hair and continued to be honest.

“To the public, I have the image of being cool, cynical, and crazy, but my real personality is not like that. But it’s not like he has a double personality, it’s literally a concept – Miley, you probably like that concept, Kang Woo-jin.”

I screamed. Perhaps the first confession was Choi Seong-geon? Next was the audition for ‘Cierrot: Birth of a Villain’. At that time, I did it on purpose. And this is the third time. Kang Woo-jin added an explanation just in case.

“I confessed this a few times, but it got to the point where people didn’t believe me, but is it true? Anyway, it’s hard to explain everything.”

“Mr. Kang Woo-jin.”

The blonde Kara interrupted Woojin’s explanation midway. She had a slightly bitter smile on her face.

“If you don’t like it, say no, like you normally do. “Why are you saying such strange and long-winded things?”

No, no no no. Please don’t get me wrong. Kang Woo-jin answered urgently.

“No, it’s because it’s real. “It’s not that I don’t like you.”

For a moment, Miley Cara’s blue eyes shined.

“Don’t you hate it?”

Woojin, who sensed that there was a strange discrepancy, answered.


“Then it means you are interested in me.”

“Sure. But, as I just said, what you like is.”

“Okay, it’s a concept or something. “I will trust you.”

You don’t believe it! Kang Woo-jin wanted to grab Kara’s shoulders and shake her. Take my word for it! Believe it!

“Miley, if you look at me now, don’t you look noticeably different from usual?”

“different. But it doesn’t matter. Whether your words are sincere or just an excuse. “We do it like this.”

Kara, who was looking at Kang Woo-jin, glanced towards the hallway and said.

“We have to film ‘Beast and Beauty’ soon, and although I may have said what I was thinking, we are professionals and I don’t want to create a situation where the project is harmed. “You too, right?”

“of course.”

“We’ll talk again after filming ‘Beast and Beauty’ is over.”

Miley Cara lowered her voice even further.

“I’m sure I’ll be more concerned.”


After finishing speaking, Miley Kara suddenly moved. Kang Woo-jin tried to catch her. But she couldn’t.

“Miley, are you done talking yet?”

Kara’s teammates were approaching from a few steps away.

Woojin Kang.


I judged that rushing any further than this was an invading aircraft. So greeted Kara as she mingled with her teammates. Before she knew it, she had her concept vagina installed.

“···Miley, see you at the script reading.”

Kara nodded, brushing her blonde hair.

“huh. See you then, I’ll contact you.”

Woojin reacted slightly to Miley Kara’s simple greeting, ‘I’ll be in touch’. No, I was extremely emotional. If no one had been there, the corners of her mouth would have gone up long ago. But she had to keep a stern expression.


Following Kara’s teammates, Choi Sung-gun and Kang Woo-jin’s teams also approached. Kara, who glanced at Woojin among them, walked down the hallway with her team members. Then her big, half-shaved manager, Jonathan, asked her.

“Miley, what did you talk about for so long with Kang Woo-jin?”

Kara shrugged and looked around casually.

“Just talking about the work.”


“huh. “What else can we say?”

Jonathan looks at Kara with some suspicion. On the other hand, Miley Cara smiled leisurely. But her heart was still pounding violently. It was natural. She had been trying desperately to act resolute from a while ago until now. Soon, she remembered Kang Woo-jin behind her.

‘It’s okay, I bought time somehow.’

Kara and her team soon entered the elevator. It was Miley Kara who broke the momentary silence.

“Jonathan, isn’t Kang Woo-jin’s image getting worse right now?”

“that’s right. “It’s a lot noisier than I thought.”

I’m talking about ‘The Tonight Show’. An issue related to the ‘Emmy Awards’ that other Best Actor nominees are not even considered. Even though it had already been more than a week, Woojin’s image was being tarnished by global media and public opinion, including Hollywood. However, for some reason, this case was more difficult than usual.

It was worth it.

It was the result of a combination of numerous rumors and gossip, Woojin’s Cannes acceptance speech mentioning the ‘Academy Award’, the press conference for ‘Clierrot’, and the malicious comments that gained momentum from the moment his casting in ‘Beast’ was confirmed. Kara didn’t like this.

“If I leave it as is, I think it will cause damage to my album, ‘Beneficial Evil’, and even ‘Beast and Beauty’. “It’s all about me, right?”


“We need to neutralize it a little, how about this?”

Kara whispered something to the manager.

Meanwhile, Choi Seong-gun asked Kang Woo-jin, who moved later than Miley Kara.

“What kind of secret are you two whispering about?”

Kang Woo-jin, who had an indifferent face, remained quiet for a moment and then answered.

“I don’t remember much.”

I meant it.

The next morning.

Although something unexpected happened the day before, there was no significant change in Kang Woo-jin’s schedule. Woojin woke up early in the morning and hurried to get ready for work and go to the filming set of ‘Cierrot: Birth of a Villain’. However, as he washed his hair in the bathroom, his brain was full of Kara.

“······I still can’t believe it.”

Around the time Kang Woo-jin was washing up, one of the major Hollywood media outlets had just published an exclusive scoop article.

『LA TIME/Last year, Miley Kara almost died on the set of a music video. It was Kang Woo-jin, the center of attention, who saved her life』

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