Childhood Friend of the Zenith
Chapter 327 Table of contents

Right after starting practical training.

Cheol Ji-seon walked along with Jang Seon-yeon, but his steps were filled with hesitation.
It had been like this for the past few days.


'Should I stop even now...?'

As he followed the slow, dragging footsteps, his mind was a mess.

Though the holy figure in front of him remained silent,
Cheol Ji-seon kept sweating from the faint aura he could sense from Jang's back.

Even without words, he could tell.
He could feel how dark and sunken Jang Seon-yeon’s emotions were.

It was so palpable that Cheol Ji-seon had to silently stifle his fear.

'Is this really the holy one?'

His first impression of Jang had already been shattered during their first meeting.

But no matter how it looked...
As the only son of the sect leader, someone known for having such a kind heart, Jang Seon-yeon was nothing like what he appeared to be.

'If it's going to be like this, I might as well...'

An image of a certain person flashed through Cheol Ji-seon’s mind.

A fierce-looking person with a personality more akin to a rogue from the demonic sect than a righteous one.
At least that person wasn’t two-faced.

'...I’d rather...'

Cheol Ji-seon stopped walking.

Although Jang Seon-yeon had told him to follow his orders,
it wasn’t something Cheol Ji-seon could do without a care in the world.

'Opening the gate right beneath someone standing there...?'

A fragment of memory, long buried, resurfaced in his mind.

The burning ground.
His house being swallowed whole.

And his father, who had been above it.
His desperate screams, and his sister holding him tightly, stifling her sobs.

Then came his mother, who could no longer look him in the eyes.
That memory was like hell to Cheol Ji-seon.

'And now I’m supposed to do that again with my own hands...?'

His fists clenched.
His trembling body was soaked in sweat, dripping down the tip of his nose.

Just as Cheol Ji-seon was being consumed by his past, his mind faltering...

"Young Master Cheol."

The voice of the holy one reached him.


Perhaps noticing that Cheol Ji-seon had stopped,
Jang Seon-yeon called out to him.

Startled, Cheol Ji-seon looked at Jang Seon-yeon and immediately covered his mouth with his hand.

The eyes that stared back at him were terrifyingly dark.

"It seems you're hesitating."

That was what Jang Seon-yeon said as their gazes met.

"N-no, I’m not."

Hearing Cheol Ji-seon’s trembling voice,
Jang Seon-yeon gave a slight smile.

That smile sent chills down Cheol Ji-seon’s spine.

"Right. There’s no room for hesitation now, is there?"
"We both have something we want from this."

With those words, Jang Seon-yeon turned away again.
Something they both wanted...

Cheol Ji-seon’s mind immediately recalled what it was that he desired.

'The revival of my family.'

For the Jeongga family to clear their name and reclaim their rightful place as a central pillar of the righteous sects.

'...And my sister’s happiness.'

He wanted nothing more than for his sister to live a happy life.

That had been his sole wish.
To achieve the dream their father couldn’t, while also...

'To heal my sister's body.'

That was the reason he had ventured into the central plains.

Jang Seon-yeon had promised to help revive the Jeongga family.
Though he hadn’t mentioned his sister,

if that was also included in the deal, Cheol Ji-seon might not have hesitated as much.

'...If I hadn't met Jinryong.'

Yes, if he had never met him.

Despite being a terrifying being who had once planned to kill him,
the sheer presence Jinryong carried was overwhelming.

Just looking at Sinryong Hall proved that.

At first, Cheol Ji-seon had been astonished to learn that all the descendants of the Four Great Families had entered the hall,
with this intake being the most skilled in Sinryong Hall’s history.

More than half of the Six Dragons and Three Peaks had joined,
and each of them radiated a presence beyond belief.

Not to mention...
the infamous Sword Dancer, renowned for both her beauty and her skills with the sword.
The sect leader’s child, who had been making waves with his remarkable achievements recently.
Even the rumored disciple of the Sword Master, who had disappeared after his retirement, was there.

Among such monsters, two months had passed.

Yet, the one who stood out the most was none other than Jinryong.

From taking the top spot in the entrance exam,
to clashing with an instructor on his first day—and winning.

Jinryong had been at the center of countless incidents, stirring up storms wherever he went.

'...And because of that, I ended up being labeled a mad dog or whatever.'

Thinking about it made Cheol Ji-seon grit his teeth in frustration, but that wasn’t important right now.

Jinryong was unapproachable in his loftiness.

Rumors about him spread everywhere.
Most of them were filled with malice.

Yet Jinryong didn’t seem to care.
He listened once, then paid no attention.

However, he never let any gossip about the people close to him slide.

Once, someone spread a bad rumor about Dokbong.
Jinryong personally found the source and shattered it.

At the time, he said something like, "If it happens again, I’ll make sure you won’t be able to speak ever again—I’ll close your mouth for good."

Those who witnessed the scene knew instantly that he wasn’t bluffing.
The murderous intent he exuded had dominated the entire room.

This is what people meant when they said Jinryong wasn’t two-faced.
He didn’t care about others’ opinions.

He acted on his own whims.
If he didn’t like something, he destroyed it.
If he liked something, he kept it close.

It was such a simple and straightforward way of living, yet...

Not caring about others' opinions while acting was a completely different matter.

Sure, Jinryong probably had a lot on his mind, hiding many thoughts within,
but the feeling wasn’t as off-putting as the holy one's.

'...In that sense, Jinryong is better than the holy one.'

No matter how much people said Jinryong was jealous or insecure,
Cheol Ji-seon didn’t believe it.


'It’s the man standing right in front of me who seems more insecure.'

It would be more accurate to say that the holy one, Jang Seon-yeon, harbored jealousy toward Jinryong.
Even now, his aura was visible, radiating from him.

In this situation...

Even if Jinryong had told him to do it,
was it really right to point a blade at him?

Cheol Ji-seon’s doubts deepened.

Jinryong didn’t fully understand the extent of his power.
It wasn’t just the ability to release monsters through the Magyeong Gate.

It was the ability to open dimensions, swallowing everything above into some unknown place.

Even a master beyond the peak couldn’t move once a rift opened beneath them.
And those swallowed by it had never returned.

His father had been one such person.

Cheol Ji-seon, filled with hesitation, continued walking.
Before long, they reached the highest point of the mountain.

As they walked in silence,
Cheol Ji-seon spotted Gu Yangcheon in the distance. The holy one had really come to find him.

Just as Gu Yangcheon had predicted, everything was unfolding.

At that moment...

"Stay here."

The holy one’s words were directed at Cheol Ji-seon.

Following Jang Seon-yeon’s instructions, Cheol Ji-seon hid himself in the bushes.


As soon as he sat down, an invisible barrier formed around him.

He felt a faint aura emanating from it, accompanied by a barely perceptible hum.

It was likely a Qi Block.

Despite being momentarily surprised by the precision of the Qi Block’s formation,
the surprise didn’t last long.

Cheol Ji-seon clearly saw it.

Gu Yangcheon, who had been facing off with the holy one,
glanced briefly in his direction.

'Did he sense it...?'

Even with the distance between them and the Qi Block in place, Gu Yangcheon had noticed immediately.

After briefly locking eyes with Cheol Ji-seon,
Gu Yangcheon smirked and turned back to face Jang Seon-yeon.

Seeing this, Cheol Ji-seon swallowed nervously.

Jang Seon-yeon had made many preparations, but...

In the end, to Cheol Ji-seon, it was as if Gu Yangcheon had set the stage for everything from the beginning.

As if he had known everything all along, without the slightest hesitation.

'Just what is he?'

He was still a mystery.

Though he was younger than Cheol Ji-seon, his actions and gaze were anything but.

Despite his rogue-like behavior,
he always acted with precision, leaving no loose ends.

And when he crushed someone, he made sure they could never rise again.
It was twisted, for someone who claimed to be from the righteous sects.

Just like when he had planned to kill him before.

If Cheol Ji-seon found the holy one unsettling,
Gu Yangcheon was truly a terrifying presence.

He was frightening.

The more he tried to understand him, the more he realized that Gu Yangcheon wasn’t an easy person.

Even if he seemed transparent on the surface,
there was no telling how many stories were buried inside him.

In such a situation...

Cheol Ji-seon had to continue doubting whether he could really do this to Gu Yangcheon.

With anxious eyes, he watched the holy one and Gu Yangcheon.

The two continued conversing in a manner Cheol Ji-seon couldn’t understand.

The reason was simple.

He couldn’t hear them.

The Qi Block set up by the holy one not only obscured Cheol Ji-seon’s presence,
but also blocked any outside sound.

Still, Cheol Ji-seon could tell that things weren’t going well between the two.

Gu Yangcheon was smirking, but the holy one’s face was terrifyingly grim.

Watching them, Cheol Ji-seon wondered to himself,
'Is this really the right thing to do?'

Cheol Ji-seon still had doubts.

More than how the holy one had learned his secret,
he was unsure if it was right to use such power here.

In this situation, with instructors swarming the area,
what could Jang Seon-yeon be thinking?

Though he had told Cheol Ji-seon not to worry and to just follow his orders...

How could he not worry?

As Cheol Ji-seon swam in a sea of hesitation and doubt...



The holy one’s voice came through in a whisper.
He was signaling for him to open the Magyeong Gate now.

Hearing the command, Cheol Ji-seon raised his hand in Gu Yangcheon’s direction.

With a slight flick of his fingers,
he felt something catch at the tips.

This was the spot.
If he tugged on this sensation,

a disaster would unfold.

Gu Yangcheon, seemingly bound, would be swallowed by the rift of the Magyeong Gate,
perhaps never to return.

Just like his father had been.


Enduring the pain of not opening the rift he had grasped,
Cheol Ji-seon hesitated to the very end.

Memories of that day flickered in his mind.
Hurting someone like this,

even if it meant saving his family or his sister,

doing it this way...

he knew his sister wouldn’t approve.

-Young Master Cheol.

The holy one called to him again, urging him on.
When Cheol Ji-seon glanced over,

he saw that the holy one had lowered his head, as if stalling for time while keeping Gu Yangcheon’s attention.

If he wanted to fulfill his promise, he couldn’t hesitate any longer.


'I still...I still can’t do it.'

Cheol Ji-seon just couldn’t summon the strength.
No matter what, he couldn’t bring himself to commit such an act.




Just as Cheol Ji-seon was about to release the grip he had on the rift,
a sharp voice pierced his ears.

It wasn’t the holy one’s voice.

-Stop standing there like a coward and open it. Or do you want to die?

The voice clearly belonged to Gu Yangcheon.

It cut through the Qi Block, sounding as if Gu Yangcheon were standing right next to him.

Cheol Ji-seon didn’t even have time to wonder how that was possible.


-Are you going to open it or not? If you won’t, why do you even have arms? Should I rip them off for you?

Gu Yangcheon’s voice, laced with irritation,
pushed Cheol Ji-seon to move his trembling fingers.

All the hesitation he had felt up until now
was swept away by a single moment of Gu Yangcheon’s annoyance.


The sensation was like tearing through paper.
Cheol Ji-seon hated this feeling with a passion.

And then, right on cue,


As expected, a distortion in space formed beneath Gu Yangcheon’s feet, opening the Magyeong Gate.

Seeing this, the holy one smiled,
while Gu Yangcheon’s eyes widened in surprise.

As expected, even Gu Yangcheon seemed to be frozen in place,
his body seemingly bound...

-It won’t take long. Just stay still.


Contrary to the startled expression on Gu Yangcheon’s face as he looked at the holy one,
the telepathic message he sent to Cheol Ji-seon was calm and collected.

Before Cheol Ji-seon could comprehend what was happening,

"Hey, you can close it now."

This time, Gu Yangcheon’s voice wasn’t telepathic.
It pierced through the Qi Block, loud and clear.


Gu Yangcheon, who should have been immobilized above the Magyeong Gate,
was now moving freely.

Not only that, but he moved so swiftly that...

He grabbed the holy one by the throat and dragged him into the rift.


Cheol Ji-seon unintentionally muttered to himself.

Even his father, who had surpassed the peak level, hadn’t been able to move an inch.

How could Gu Yangcheon move so freely?
He was even faster than the holy one’s reaction time.


At that moment,
the Magyeong Gate began to close in on both of them.

Cheol Ji-seon hadn’t intentionally tried to close it.
In fact, he would have preferred to keep it open.

The holy one struggled in vain,
but his body, bound by the Magyeong Gate’s power, stiffened as he lay on it.

This meant one thing:

Only Gu Yangcheon could move freely.

Before Cheol Ji-seon could question how this was possible...


The rift in the ground that had swallowed the two of them closed,
disappearing without a trace.


Cheol Ji-seon sat there in a daze, unable to comprehend the situation.

He stared blankly at the ground where the two had vanished.

After a few seconds, he came to his senses and thought,


'Now...what do I do?'

Though he had opened the Magyeong Gate as the holy one had commanded,
Gu Yangcheon had simply dragged Jang Seon-yeon through it.

His thoughts weren’t working properly.
He had no idea what to do now.

Could it be that Gu Yangcheon had a death wish?

He didn’t seem like that kind of person, but...
in this bizarre situation, even that crossed Cheol Ji-seon’s mind.

"Wh-what do I do now...?"

As for Gu Yangcheon, it was one thing.
But now that even the holy one, who had promised to look after him, was gone...

What was he supposed to do?

As Cheol Ji-seon sat there, his thoughts racing as he envisioned a bleak future,
he was about to clutch his head in frustration when...



Above Cheol Ji-seon’s head,
the clear blue sky suddenly changed.

Feeling uneasy, Cheol Ji-seon looked up.


His eyes widened in shock.

The sky, which had seemed so beautiful today,
was gradually darkening.

"What is that...?"

This strange phenomenon...

It wasn’t his doing.

At the very least, he didn’t have the power to turn a bright day into night.

As cold sweat dripped down his face,
Cheol Ji-seon recalled something the holy one had said.

It was what Jang Seon-yeon had told him when Cheol Ji-seon had been worried.

-Don’t worry. I have a plan.

Remembering those words, Cheol Ji-seon let a bead of sweat fall from his brow.

"...Could it be?"

Was this the plan Jang Seon-yeon had been referring to?

Forcing his trembling body to rise,
Cheol Ji-seon bolted down the mountain.

He was running to find people.

Though he was worried about Gu Yangcheon and the holy one,

Cheol Ji-seon’s instincts were telling him something.

Whether or not the recent events were the trigger,
something strange was happening.



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