Life is Easier If You’re Handsome
Chapter 13 Table of contents

The first thing that stood out was his tall and cool frame.
Fourteen years old and already 170 cm tall.

It was hard to believe, but seeing him in person made it undeniable.

“His shoulders are broad too… Does he work out regularly?”

His posture showed no signs of the modern-day issues like a forward neck or rounded shoulders.
Just from the way he stood, he looked like someone who practiced dance or martial arts.

His long, well-proportioned limbs stretched out smoothly, and his overall build was perfect.

And his face—

“Is this kid really fourteen? How does he… have such a slight foreign vibe?”
“Foreign vibe? He looks totally sweet and innocent to me.”
“What? How are you going to make it as a casting director with that eye? Look at him. He’s got that foreign charm for sure.”

Everyone had slightly different opinions on his looks.
But ultimately, it all boiled down to one thing—

He was handsome.
Regardless of the different opinions on what made him attractive, the fact that he was handsome was undeniable.

But his charm didn’t end there.

“I’m a loner, I’m a loner…”

Usually, you can tell how good someone is at singing just from the first line.
Casting team leader Shin Young-sook didn’t need to watch any more of the video and immediately sent the acceptance notice.

“We absolutely have to see him in person at the live audition.”

The live audition was scheduled for next month.
Honestly, Shin Young-sook wanted to show this kid to the High Dream writer right away.

“But that would go against the fairness of the process.”

The moment this kid showed up at the live audition, the competition would be over.

Shin Young-sook was certain of it.


-[Congratulations! You’ve passed. Details will follow...]

The morning after I submitted my audition application, I opened my phone to see a long acceptance text.

It explained where the audition would be held, what script to prepare, and everything else in such detail that nothing was unclear.

“So this really worked.”

I knew it would work, but the difference between imagining something and it happening in reality was worlds apart.


I got up lazily from bed and approached my dad, who was in the middle of his morning routine.

“Dad, I passed the audition, so I probably won’t be able to go to school next week.”
“It’s for this drama called High Dream. It’s airing next year… I applied because they were looking for new faces.”

My dad’s responses were as stoic as ever.
It felt awkward to end the conversation there, so I added a few more sentences.

“Mom’s almost fully recovered, right?”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“America really is the best for treatment.”

In 2010, the U.S. was at the forefront of cancer treatment, and after much discussion, we decided to admit my mom to a hospital there.

It cost an astronomical amount, but the building we owned in Bundang helped us bear the cost.
And the results were almost immediate.

Once it was confirmed that her cancer was treatable, we noticed how much her complexion improved every time we video-called her.

“It’s such a relief.”

There was a sigh of relief in my dad’s voice as he said this.

“But she’ll be back in Korea by the time your drama airs, right?”
“It’s just an audition for now, so I’m not sure if I’ll be in it.”

My dad chuckled softly at that.

“Who would reject you?”

There was no doubt in his eyes as he said that.


Time flew, and the day of the live audition arrived.

Despite the pre-screening process, the number of applicants remained high due to the scale of the drama.

“Three thousand applicants... isn’t that too many?”
“That’s why the live audition process takes at least two weeks. Even then, that’s the minimum estimate.”
“But still…”
“What difference does it make if we complain? Just shut up and get moving.”
“Yes, sir.”

The KBC audition site was bustling.
There wasn’t much to prepare for the audition itself, but with so many applicants and so much media attention, there were plenty of logistics to manage.

“It’s an open audition, but since KBC, ST Entertainment, and FullReady are co-hosting, the press is going wild.”
“I’m worried some shady rumors might start. People might say it’s rigged…”
“If we’re feeling this way, imagine how stressed the judges must be.”

The staff managing the audition were spot-on with their predictions.
The expressions on the judges’ faces weren’t exactly cheerful either.

However, the reasons for their grim expressions weren’t what the staff thought.
The truth was quite different.

“The writer looks really unwell today.”
“Director, can you say something to her?”
“Why don’t you do it? What power do I have?”
“How about Young-sook?”
“I got death stares earlier for only managing to cut down the applicants to three thousand. I eliminated 90%, and still!”

There were four judges tasked with screening the three thousand applicants: the High Dream PD, the director, casting team leader Shin Young-sook, and writer Lee Min-ha.
As it was a KBC open audition, representatives from ST Entertainment and FullReady were not participating as judges, but they did send applicants, which greatly annoyed writer Lee Min-ha.

“Asking me to rewrite the script to fit their idols’ image? Fine. Wanting to stick to their concept? Sure, I get it.”

“But if I do all that, shouldn’t they compromise a little? Why am I even here if they want to dictate everything? Why did they sign a contract with me in the first place?”

Sensing that her ranting was about to spiral out of control, High Dream PD Kim Young-mo, who had also directed Dr. Giggles!, quickly interrupted her flow.

“Exactly! For this open audition, we want to cast fresh new faces who have little to no experience on screen.”
“That’s what I’m saying! Even if they can’t act perfectly, they should at least have a fresh appeal!”

Shin Young-sook skillfully chimed in, making Lee Min-ha’s mood improve as she smirked slightly.


She was the type who’d throw a fit one minute but cool down quickly when someone took her side. A textbook example of someone whose mood swung easily.

“People who’ve trained professionally don’t have that raw, vibrant energy I’m looking for.”

Unlike most dramas, High Dream was set in an arts high school.
The cast didn’t have to be professional actors, but if they showed too much polish, it wouldn’t work either.

Everyone starts as an amateur at some point.
However, those who trained in agencies exuded a professional air, which was exactly what Lee Min-ha didn’t want.
She wanted someone who looked completely fresh.

Of course, she knew this was a ridiculous request.
It was like hoping for Fedor Emelianenko to pop up in a street fight.


“Still, who’s to say it won’t happen?”

As the audition went on, Lee Min-ha’s expectations were thoroughly crushed.

“Thank you, we’ll be in touch.”
“Just one more time…”
“I’m really sorry, but there are two hundred more people waiting behind you.”

It felt like working in a factory.
Each applicant gave the same performance, received the same feedback, and the next person was called in.

This process repeated for four days straight.
Many applicants left disappointed.
It wasn’t hard to understand why.

How could anyone show their full potential in just two or three minutes?
Among the rejected applicants, there were probably future stars who would make it big someday.


“We just don’t have time to consider all that.”

If they nitpicked every little detail, nothing would ever get done.

“It’s hard to believe there’s not a single standout yet.”

Lee Min-ha’s lament was echoed by the other judges, who nodded in agreement.
There were some who barely made the cut, but even they were borderline.

What Lee Min-ha wanted was someone who would immediately bring a role to life.
Although an audition script was given, it was for a minor character at best.

“I need someone who can take that script and make it their own.”

She needed someone who embodied the role the moment they stepped into the room.
Not someone who was cast for a part, but someone who was the part.
A complete character who carried their own setting and details with them.

But where would she find such a person?


Lee Min-ha irritably put a cigarette to her lips.
The judges’ table had turned into a forest of cigarette butts.

“All the talented ones must be in the later groups.”
“I’m sure of it.”

Kim Young-mo fiddled with his hat, trying to hide his frustration.
How many more rejections would he have to hand out today?

“It’s exhausting.”

After the collapse of Toon Train, Kim Young-mo had shifted his focus.
With content for younger audiences no longer viable, he aimed at slightly older viewers, with High Dream as his new project.

At first, things had gone smoothly.
The idol and actor agencies had cooperated well.

But as the project grew, so did their ambitions, and eventually, they began to clash, leaving Kim caught in the middle.

“I thought this open audition would bring in some fresh talent, but it’s not looking good.”

Just as he was losing hope, Kim Young-mo checked the next applicant’s profile.

“Kim, Kim Dong-hoo?!”

He shouted, jumping up from his seat.

“Young-sook! Is there a Kim Dong-hoo on the audition list?”
“Huh? Yes, yes. You know him?”
“Oh, uh, no? I just, uh, thought his profile looked interesting.”

Kim Young-mo tried to calm his pounding heart.

“Kim Dong-hoo!”

How could he ever forget Kim Dong-hoo?
The boy who had helped Toon Train hit a record 12% viewership, appearing only once, and then disappearing from the screen entirely.

Kim Young-mo’s number one regret was losing track of Kim Dong-hoo, the boy he considered his top talent.
He hadn’t heard anything about him for years, so he assumed he had given up on acting.

“And now I find him here.”

His heart raced.

“Quick, bring in the next applicant!”

Finally, he would see Dong-hoo again!

Kim Young-mo was giddy with excitement, and seeing this, Lee Min-ha hastily stubbed out her cigarette.
Kim Young-mo, usually so composed and serious, was acting completely out of character.
Just how amazing was this kid?

“He’s handsome, but isn’t he too young?”

He was only fourteen.
Playing a high school student in the drama would be a stretch.

Of course, his height and looks were impressive.
But those were just numbers on a page.

“Kids like this always exaggerate on their applications.”

Had Kim Young-mo fallen for a scam?
She kept her eyes on the door, curious to see who this kid was.


The door opened.


In an instant, the audition room transformed into a high school classroom.



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